Lou’s Comment

While I’m working on Part Two of ‘Yesterday’s Troubles’ I would ask that those interested in the subject of ‘cognitive dissonance’ (Orwell’s ‘doublethink’ is this on steroids) go back to the post and scroll down to ‘Lou’s comment, which is of interest for several reasons. Although I’d like you to see it along with my Reply, I’ll paste it in here also:

‘You might view my comment here more frustrating than complimentary and it may provoke your ire but it’s just my honest opinion. I enjoy your writing for its style (casual but understatedly captivating) and its uncommon perspective with the exception of what I deem to be phantasma.’

My best lighthouse shot.

My best lighthouse shot.

Lou is a friend from Montauk, as is his wife, Connie. The two are… good friends, even. Yet. Yet I can safely say that Lou – or rather what is reflected in his comment – is a big part of the reason I left the town, and doubt that I will ever return. (Joe’s behavior is much, much higher on my list, but in any event no ‘one thing’ precipitated my final departure.)

Lou apparently likes my writing and, I’m pretty sure, likes me as a person. But notice the last word in his comment, ‘phantasmas.’ Based on what he wrote, the ‘kindest’ interpretation I can come up with is that Lou considers my view of the world (HTWRW) to be… I’ll quote from the online dictionary, for ‘Phantasm’: ‘a creation of the imagination or fancy; fantasy.’

In other words, Lou believes I’m living in a fantasy world. I’m, yes… nuts. Insane. I mean isn’t that what it means to walk around in a world of fantasy? (Trust me, this is what he meant.)

Inspired by Lou’s comment, I did a search and found a film that comes to mind in this context and that is well worth your time. I’ve seen it before and just viewed it again. The title is, simply, ‘Montauk.’ You can view it on Vimeo. Please do so now. It’s less than 15 minutes. I have to tell you, it brought tears to my eyes.

Back in the 90s... These kids are 'all growed up' now.

Back in the 90s… These kids are ‘all growed up’ now.

Up front in the film, the people who are interviewed briefly introduce themselves. I’m there, Lou’s wife, Connie, is there, and in fact everyone you see is someone I know, with a couple or so exceptions, very well.

If you look at the end of my Walter video you’ll hear Walter voicing a view of me that many if not most of these folks hold, i.e., I’m a ‘kook’ and ‘insane.’ (I did goad Walter into some of his outpouring of insults, but it didn’t take much. He needed to say these things to ‘justify’ his 180 turnabout re the 9/11 footage we analyzed.)

I fear that my ‘problem’ is not that I am insane, but that I simply look too closely at those around me, and care too much about what they do. Maybe this is a version of insanity.

Loved the place in winter.

Loved the place in winter.

Interestingly, in the film, when Connie is asked for her ‘most unforgettable character’ (from Montauk) she names me, which, on my first viewing, came as a shock. Connie is a ‘real’ Montauker, not an UpIsland transplant like pretty much everyone else in the film, including me, and hence really knows the place and the people. Even I was thinking, ‘Couldn’t Connie come up with someone more… colorful?’ Perhaps what makes me so unforgettable is how I seem to be able to function in society in spite of being insane. But I speculate.

Me now. Last night.

Me now. Last night.

My request that Lou respond to my response to his comment has been up there for many hours and Lou has remained silent. (I asked for his view on my Walter video, which is very much germane to the issue of my sanity.) Hopefully, he simply hasn’t noticed that I’m suggesting he participate in a back-and-forth with you all. (I intend to merely watch how it goes). If any of you are so moved, I’d suggest you ‘Reply’ to Lou’s comment also. After all, he did brand me insane. Some of you must have an opinion on that…

Meanwhile, I’ll continue struggling with Part Two of yesterday’s post.


My fear is that Lou will be as silent as Joe has been, and for the same basic reason. See, I can just about guarantee — no, I do guarantee – that Lou sees Walter’s flip-flop as simply a matter of his ‘seeing the light’ of clear thinking. Yet I doubt he wants to voice this view. I could be wrong. I hope I am, for his silence would be still another example of the ‘grim shadow’ I spoke about yesterday.

  51 comments for “Lou’s Comment

  1. Peter
    August 31, 2018 at 10:45 am

    Sir: when I read something like this- “I fear that my ‘problem’ is not that I am insane, but that I simply look too closely at those around me, and care too much about what they do. Maybe this is a version of insanity.” I feel compelled to speak out. Cosmic Banditos informed my early life, and tour later writings have come to influence me as an adult.

    Here’s the thing: I actually think you you’re often wrong. I’ve actually managed to see the ISS with a lens where the math worked out to suggest it is where it should be) That being said? It’s the people willing to be wrong often who often find the keys to truth.

    I won’t ever condemn you for being wrong: it’s better to be wrong for the right reasons that right for the wrong reasons.

    I admire you deeply and you are still fighting a monster that neither of us actually grasp the nature of.

    • August 31, 2018 at 6:38 pm

      I’m glad you added a specific instance after saying I am ‘often’ wrong. Re the ISS, I have not said nothing is up there; I have said that if there is something up there (which may or may not be ‘in orbit’), no one is inside, living and working for going on two decades. So your ‘observation’ is irrelevant to my claim. As for the evidence of fraud, the observations by others is extensive, showing the use of green screens, wire harnesses, etc., i.e., indirect but compelling evidence of over all fakery. My sentimental favorite is this one:
      My own video – on the wigs the women wear – should be explained as well, if you’re to stick to your position:

      Although I don’t doubt that I am wrong at times, I try to avoid being ‘often’ wrong, via certain rules of critical thinking.I look forward to other examples. You might scan My List So Far , here:

      I’m glad to hear from you and hope you make further use of the comments. I’t’s good to have a new person chime in.

      An after-thought: When you see an illusion by, say, David Copperfield, do you accept it at face value? If not, why not put NASA/PTB in the same category?

  2. August 29, 2018 at 7:17 pm

    I feel a bit honored that so many smart people have given of their time and attention on this ‘personal’ little blog of mine. I thank you all!

  3. Lou
    August 29, 2018 at 12:53 am

    Allan, I am reluctantly engaging you in a discussion relating to your writings, which you present, ironically to me, as critical thinking and as expositions of conspiratorial forces intent on keeping the general public blinded to the truth. I don’t have any aspiration to dislodge even a tiny bit of your entrenched positions, as I similarly wouldn’t be able to disabuse any of the ingrained beliefs of the most fundamental followers of any of the revealed religions. I do, however, find it extremely necessary for us rational beings to engage in discourse and the exchange of ideas no matter how foreign and seemingly questionable they may appear at the outset.

    Moreover, I heard your request to want to know my rationale and find it to be a sincere entreaty, which I cannot refuse. The problem is that you have written about a wide constellation of concerns. It is impossible for me to respond to each one. Firstly, because I don’t posses the in depth knowledge to do so, nor the energy and it would require an encyclopedic amount of writings to do so. So, excuse me for doing so but in the interest of brevity and for the sake of kicking off our discussion in some kind of direction, I will address your point of view, assigning to it the label of a conspiracy theorist. I know that the term carries a derogatory connotation but I am not using it as such. So here goes.

    The main obstacle that stops me at the gate of your conspiracy theories or your alternative narratives, from conventionally acceptable views, of incidents such as the 9/11 attack is plausibility of your accounts. In order for your version to be true it would have required so much perfect collaboration by the conspirators to pull it off. Then for almost two decades now, to have none of the many people who had to have been involved leak the scheme, through regret or moral repentance. For a plot of that magnitude to have been executed perfectly and then covered up is just too incredible for me to accept. Bill Clinton couldn’t keep a semen stained dress secret for very long. Nixon couldn’t keep his recording system secret. Someone on the inside almost always leaks.

    The other obstacle with 9/11 for me that I can’t overcome is the motivation of the conspirators. If the reason behind the scheme was to invade Iraq, there would have been a dozen easier ways to do it rather than the engineering of such a complex scheme. A US plane could have been shot down over Iraq and blamed on Sadham Hussein for example. To have instead thousands of people within the FAA, other departments of the government to be in on a plan to fantastically kill three thousand people doesn’t make sense. An old adage applies here: never ascribe to conspiracy what can be explained by incompetence.

    An additional obstacle that precludes my getting on board is the evidence that is presented as proof of the conspiracy is always made up of partial truths weaved in with illusion. It is very easy for the conspiracy theorists to start a fire with half-truths and it becomes impossible to put out that fire because every piece of so called evidence must be rebuffed by going down a deep, never ending rabbit hole, which takes so much energy that no one wants to do it. This is not because we are conditioned by the conspirators to believe the lies but because these types of arguments rely on kernels of truths that are conflated with illusory sophistical arguments. The evidence is post hoc, pieced together after the fact to construct a case.

    The irony is rife here in my opinion. You always talk of critical thinking as though anyone who doesn’t buy into your view is guilty of not applying it. But the one principal spark that motivates all of your conspiratorial perspective is embedded belief. It is the furthest thing from open minded critical thinking. I could never dissuade my devout Catholic brother from his belief that Jesus is the divine lord and savior. Using critical thinking to attempt to do so is pointless. It is even harder with you because some of what you say is true. There have been conspiracies enacted by government and kept secret for many decades or never discovered. Would I be surprised to learn that the CIA or the FBI conspired to assassinate JFK? No, I wouldn’t. But there is no way that I believe that the kids killed at Sandy Hook was faked or that the Apollo moon landing was filmed in a movie studio. It’s just too implausible for a critical thinker to accept for all the reasons I listed above.

    There you have it, my rationale. I don’t think you are insane Allan. I enjoy your writing. Some of it that gets too dense and enters into the area of implausibility is too difficult to read but I do read it every now and then and I hope to continue to receive your missives. They add zest to life and although I don’t see me going through those doors, I like being able to walk up their threshold and look in. So keep them open and the invitation to come in as well.

    • mellyrn
      August 29, 2018 at 1:36 am

      Manhattan Project — a “conspiracy” successfully kept quiet by 100,000 people.

      I am old enough (you and Allan are, too) to remember when anyone who believed there was organized crime in the US was considered a nutcase; I don’t know when that coverup started but it ran into the ’70s.

      You must know that conspiracies, quite large ones sometimes, existed in the past. Maybe you are wanting to think, “That can’t happen *any more*” sort of the way Americans wanted to think about the Mafia, “That can’t happen *here*”?

      “Implausible” seems to mean, “I myself can’t think of how, or why, so that rules it out.”

      I wrote a reply to you on the previous page, about my self-challenge. Allow me to say that of the 24+ things I looked into, some I didn’t care about one way or the other — but Apollo *broke. my. heart.* I would *love* to believe it was real; you can’t know the fascination space and space travel had for me; I have only these paltry words to lay before you.

      Bear in mind that it’s hardest to change our minds about things of powerful emotional significance — like Jesus the Savior, or other religious *belief*, or for me, Apollo; the idea that our own government could do something like 9/11 to us is, for a lot of people, too frightening to entertain. But there are 2400 dead at Pearl Harbor who know it certainly could *allow* something like that.

      It’s one thing when someone has *always* thought that, say, Apollo was a hoax. That might be just a belief. It’s a whole other kettle of fish when a believer *changes* his mind. We humans don’t do that readily.

      We don’t change our minds readily, and when we do, there is no going back: all the reasons we shifted from A to B are still there. It doesn’t mean B is right, but it does mean that the only way out is forward — onward to C, D, . . . It’s how we’ve gone from Earth at the center of the cosmos, to the Sun at the center, to just another dust speck in one of a gazillion galaxies.

      So I find it useful to look at trends. How many people can you find who used to believe the fires brought down the towers in their own footprint, but now think it had to be a controlled demolition? OK, now how many can you find who *used* to believe it had to be a controlled demolition but now think the official story must be true? This is not a hard test for truth, any more than your “it’s too implausible” argument. But it is suggestive of how other human minds are processing the data.

      And I can never have Apollo again.

      • August 29, 2018 at 2:39 am

        I appreciate your sentiments, Mellryn, but, having read Lou’s new comment, I assume you do realize that Lou’s actual critical thinking abilities… are utterly absent, and that your words cannot have an effect. In fact, if I were nearby his house, I’d be tempted to sneak in for a peak under his bed, so see if there was a pod…

    • August 29, 2018 at 1:48 am

      Thank you, Lou! You’ve managed to transform my view of this matter from disgust to hilarity. And at the same time I feel totally vindicated! I mean I no longer have to claim I know what’s going on in your mind (which someone accused me of, saying we can never know…blah blah.)

      There is nothing whatsoever going on in your mind!

      What i didn’t know for sure but do now is that you have done NO RESEARCH whatsoever, beyond staring mindlessly at CNN and the front page of the NY Times. Yet you pontificate as if you have, with the tiredest of dipshit cliches. I asked you three times to merely give your view on my video interview with Walter. Look at your reply! Even Orwell would be shaking his head at your state of denial.

      I’ll have more to say tomorrow, but for now: Thank you for clearing up the matter of my sanity!

      • Bluedog
        August 29, 2018 at 2:47 am

        How many times per month do you endeavor to “clear up the matter of my sanity”?

        A. This is my first time

        B. 2

        D. Banana

      • Kimberlie
        August 29, 2018 at 4:02 am

        Allan, Lou’s long-winded attempt to make a non-point made it obvious he is MINDLESS concerning the Truth …. about anything. You’re right, his programming comes straight from CNN and the NY Times. Whaddaya wanna bet he’s hooked to a 24 hour I.V. of Mainstream newzzzzz? He’s a counterfeit, a phoney. Nothing real about him except what he inherited when he hooked up with Connie. Sadly, there’s no hope for people like him.
        Lou was simply something for you that needed to come to the surface. Good, now you can turn back and walk away whilst shaking the dust off your shoes…. This is a closure for you. Now you can go on to more important things.

      • Hartmut Stein
        August 29, 2018 at 9:28 am

        This is what I meant by ‘don’t care about zombified and cognitive dissonant contemporaries’
        It’s a dead end.
        The proof is given by themselves!

    • Todd
      August 29, 2018 at 2:11 am

      I know you won’t listen to anyone hear but Allan (and hardly even that too), but I’ll give it a shot…

      Soooooooooo, you never did any research of your own? Because of the following reasons which you use to justify your position to not look into the matter as you don’t have any reason to look into it or any time to do so (it would be self-evident if it were true):

      You believe all men are good therefore there is no conspiracy.
      You believe someone would spill the beans, therefore there is no conspiracy.
      You believe to trust those in authority therefore there is no conspiracy.
      You believe because you saw it on TV therefore there is no conspiracy.
      You believe what our politicians are saying, therefore there is no conspiracy.
      You believe the NEWS on TV therefore there is no conspiracy.
      I could go on, but you get my point.

      You believe… You believe… You believe. Get my drift?

      These all sound religious!

      Using your own grey matter, tell me how Building 7 on 911 fell at free fall speed? You do you that right? That it fell at free fall speed? Right, you looked into that right? I’m sure you’ve watched DISCOVER channel seeing many controlled demolitions. Building 7 is and was a controlled demolition. Explain to us how building 7 feel at free-fall speed Lou? You don’t need a science major to figure that out.

    • Miles MacQueen
      August 29, 2018 at 2:19 am

      I agree with you Lou, the plausibility of these accounts…

      But, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

      I would implore you to start your research here.


      Forget about the logistics for a moment and remember that 47 story buildings don’t generally drop from the sky at the same rate as a brick falling through thin air. On this fact, I hope we can agree.

    • Bluedog
      August 29, 2018 at 2:36 am

      Nicely stated, Lou. Your humility in admitting you haven’t spent as much time data-mining as others is admirable. And it seems you are striving to understand conspiratorial events from social first principles, such as motive and honor among thieves. It also appears you are open to empirical evidence…but you prefer it in small bites. Cognitive dissonance is nothing to be ashamed of, I think it may be a firewall against despair.

      Allan hasn’t adequately answered the bell on those two, first-principle hurdles. Gotta respect your stance on this one.

      • Todd
        August 29, 2018 at 3:01 am


        Lou admitted to not spending ANY time researching – lets make that clear. I do think, however, that does take some balls to admit – Thank you Lou for helping us understand your position of you labeling folks such as us “fringe theorists” (might as well say conspiracy nuts) because you did ZERO research on your part.

        This is indeed hilarious. Cognitive dissonance squared….

    • Michael Kenney
      August 29, 2018 at 3:12 am

      Could it be that your insight is blinded or disabled by lack of support from pertinent people? Consider this “ the majority of the population are not sane” . What is sanity? A human being will naturally react or feel dissonance when faced with contradictions. This is normal. To bury or ignore…..ignore contradictions and go on believing that nothing has happened, that is insanity. Especially when the same corruption repeats generation after generation. Yah it’s hard to keep sarcasm at bay with your analysis. We are experiencing the destruction of reason by Technocrats.

    • M
      August 30, 2018 at 12:35 am

      just a quick note, on the notion that a conspiracy would require people to ” keep it quiet”. If you think about it, ain’t no one keeping anything quiet about anything! In fact too many people open their mouths, there is too much to keep straight! PLUS, all anyone has to do is say ” CONSPIRACY THEORIST” and you know, they won’t be taken seriously. So basically the whole secret keeping argument holds no water in my view, carry on.

    • Alan Paul
      August 31, 2018 at 6:33 pm

      The nobody can keep a secret meme. Somebody would have told? If wishes were horses…. The mind is like a parachute; it works best when open (Eric Burden, the Animals). The “globalists” are more diabolical than most of us can fathom. They serve their dark overlords. 911 was first and foremost and occult ritual. Read Revelation 9:11. . Yes, is tough to wrap one’s mind around the supernatural. Your response is thoughtful and it fits neatly into what is called the normalcy bias. Reality is far more somber, staggering. For many of us the cognitive dissonance is too much. For others, however, the spiritual dark side is very, very real. “They” have told us who they are and they’ve “hidden” their plan in plain sight. Remember its not the rules and laws that define a society/culture; instead it’s its signs and symbols. Look at the back of a dollar bill. What do you see? Fast forward. What are the telling you/us?? The end goal for them: immortality via Trans-humanism (H+) . “Ye too shall be as God’s.” Yes, it all goes back thousands of years. The playbook has not changed. Order out of chaos. Divide and conquer. A New World Order. A scientific technocracy; a global dictatorship. Depopulation. Eliminate the human race. Why? Why would they do it? Because they have lost their humanity. They serve Lucifer (or Mollach or Marduck or Zeus or Baal …..). Don’t believe me. Start with the Club of Rome. Check out Bohemian Grove. Check out Agendas 21/2030. Read up on any of the so-called civilizations throughout history and the common thread is “human sacrifice.” Find me/us one culture where it wasn’t or isn’t practiced. Get outside of your comfort zone and consider: 1( Fluoride in the water: 2) geo-engineering the skies (chemical trails, solar radiation management, HARRP); 3) Vaccines; 4) GMO’s; 5) nuclear power plants/nuclear bombs ; the military industrial complex (endless wars)…..and tell the readers on this thread that all of these initiatives are not conspiracies. Everything I write about is open source information. Readily available to those who seek to know reality. Understanding it is different. There are three phases to the truth: “denial, ridicule and marginalize, and, finally, acceptance.” The one thing you can’t say is “no one told me.”

      • August 31, 2018 at 7:09 pm

        Hey, Alan! Glad to have you aboard! Good comment: bold-ass, to the point, with verifiable observations. (Wasted on Lou, of course, and there is always the possibility of ‘revelation of the method’ at work here: The truth is in fact so staggering, so… unacceptable, that blurting it may actually be used as a way to discredit it!)

      • Kimberlie
        September 3, 2018 at 6:53 pm

        Thank you so much Alan Paul for your comment. I so agree!
        In summary: This a war for our souls. Satan will not win ALL souls, however, he will win some souls and will take them with him to spend Eternity in Hell. We have a choice: do we want to spend Eternity with God or spend it in Hell. If Hell, we will be Eternally separated from God. Those who say there is no Heaven or Hell have a choice. Should or could they wait until the very last moment to decide? How do they know when that very last moment arrives?
        I Corinthians 1:18 and 2:5

        I will definitely copy what you have so eloquently shared here and share with others who are ‘outside’. Whoa!, I’m reading and hearing what you have to say. Thank you!

        And, Allan, if you’re reading this, thank YOU for your unselfishness, your generosity by opening up this Comments section for your readers/followers.

    • September 1, 2018 at 7:36 am

      First of all Lou. I never believed the official narrative since it is physically impossible for two aluminum planes to penetrate the World Trade Center Towers made of tempered steel.

      I’d be happy if you or NIST could prove otherwise by setting up a crash test using replicas of the components involved i.e. a fuel laden plane rammed against an network of I-beams made of two inch tempered steel.

      Next find a precedence of a steel sky scrapper collapsing due to fires prior to 9/11 or afterward for that matter.

      Also the reason for 9/11 a more complicated then merely finding a casus belli. There were also financial interests involved. See the following:



      By the way the legal definition of a conspiracy is:
      An agreement between two or more persons to engage jointly in an unlawful or criminal act, or an act that is innocent in itself but becomes unlawful when done by the combination of actors.

      Conspiracies abound during 9/11. First there was the act itself, the destruction of evidence and the following coverup. Not including the war crime of killing innocent civilians here and in other countries under the shibboleth of “fighting terrorism”.

  4. Duncan
    August 28, 2018 at 9:48 pm

    This is why I left North America and let wither almost all relations with ‘regular’ folks
    that I used to know.

    Funny thing, chatting up total strangers on trains in any part of the world for a couple of minutes – son of a gun, discover a thinking, perceptive person very aware of stuff that’s really going on. But 4-5 minutes later, doors open, a wink/wave goodbye, that stranger disappears.

    • Guy
      August 29, 2018 at 12:21 am

      Yes my experience as well. I have theorized it has something to do with synchronicity and often the way the universe gets ones attention is in the gaps and spaces and odd places that are not so dominated by the fear based consensus reality.

  5. jay
    August 28, 2018 at 7:51 pm

    all this, like most other things, makes me think of 911. You’ve called it the litmus test to see if people have their minds in gear. I agree.

    I’m thinking of simulations/experiments. I see that one can get 40 gauge steel. it’s 50 times thinner than the steel of the 43 box beams of one side of a wtc tower.

    now the alumin(i)um of the fuselage was 2 mm, 3 times thinner. Reynold’s wrap is between 5 and 8 times thinner. I guess we could find 3 times thinner.

    It’d be good to ask some “scientists” how to scale the experiments in ways that don’t distort the results.

    Then do some experiments based on the advice of these scientists regarding thicknesses and speeds.

    The only thing the deniers could say is that it doesn’t scale.

    But since we have scientists, they’d need to find scientists to say why an experiment can’t be designed other than rebuilding the towers and flying planes into it (a bit expensive).

    The only simulations I saw were in hot chambers which were much hotter for much longer and still tended to show that 911 as described by the PTB was impossible.

    ok, done rambling.

    • September 6, 2018 at 12:08 am

      Actually all one would need is a replica of that section of the WTC they claim was penetrated by the plane and a scrap or salvaged 767 placed on a track in front of it as the following:


      This would prove conclusively that the official narrative is a load of bovine excrement which is probably why they are happy with their little computer simulation which defies the laws of physics.

  6. Bluedog
    August 28, 2018 at 4:36 pm

    So, I guess how Lou and Connie feel about ACW and his ‘crazy’ ideas is going to be public domain. Very well, we can work with this. In the 30 minutes it took an interloper like me to view all available evidence, it seems as if Lou is being honest…as one would expect a friend to be. But he’s also being charitable and polite given the public arena.

    I understand this blogspot is your own private Idaho, Allan, and if anybody’s going to be allowed to pick a fight in here, it should be you. And that’s clearly what you’re doing, sir. It’s not a relationship-ending bout you’re looking for, but more of a “let’s call a ‘thing’ a thing” kinda dialectic. You just want the truth, don’t you? You deserve the truth, LT Kaffey! Let’s just put it all out on the table so that our circle of friends can move on to the next traditional stage of confrontation…resentment. I could be wrong, I dunno.

    Funny thing how we’re so cocksure we can see into another’s heart…convinced we know their temper and intent. This is a fundamental fallacy and may be the human monkey’s biggest tell. The thing we conveniently forget is one can only map onto others those character traits, negative or positive, one understands.

    Still waiting for Joe to pipe in…but being an attorney he most likely understands the pitfalls of taking the witness stand in one’s own defense….especially when one sees they’ve already lost the public trial. It’s tough to get the fish you wanna shoot to just jump in the barrel, aint it Allan?

    • Todd
      August 28, 2018 at 4:51 pm

      Good insight Bluedog…

      But, didn’t Joe initiate the email exchange? Maybe karma influenced him will to send the first email (aka jumping into the barrel)?

      • Bluedog
        August 28, 2018 at 8:17 pm

        Yes, according to this account he contacted ACW to get advice on, or a connection to, telling/selling his Trump story. I’m sure there are currently thousands looking to do something similar (different topic). Without Joe’s rebuttal, the current evidence shows Joe to be either mildly mentally deficient or simply a shylock. I’m betting on the latter.

  7. August 28, 2018 at 3:37 pm

    “my disdain of those who are entrenched fringe theorists, also such as yourself” So if one is not a part of an approved group think, then Allan is deserving of your contempt? Wow. Lou, you are not a very generous soul. Nor are you awake to HTWRW. Just sayin’.

  8. jw
    August 28, 2018 at 2:06 pm

    really enjoyed the film. Your comment about Montauk waves was hilarious.
    Sorry you were not happy there and had to leave. I hope you can go back home some day soon.

  9. Hartmut Stein
    August 28, 2018 at 1:47 pm


    as I have said frequently, I enjoy your work on debunking LH’s
    and it is a great help for me in order to sort the wheat from the chaff.
    Keep up acting in this way for the sake of truth and don’t care about
    zombiefied or cognitive dissonant contemporaries.

  10. Gregory Oberman
    August 28, 2018 at 1:35 pm

    “…and there use to be nobody here.”

    That you actively question yourself and your own sanity is a sign of sanity. Wasn’t it a Jimmy Buffet tune, “If we weren’t crazy we would all go insane..” Besides being crazy is generally better than the road to insanity. Montauk in winter must be paradise. Don’t let people pollution ruin this magical spot for you. I love your take on the waves there. Perspective …everything depends on your point of view.

  11. Lou
    August 28, 2018 at 1:26 pm

    Allan, I just became aware of your post, so your speculation that I will act in similar fashion to Joe and not respond is unfounded. I will respond but hope to do so in a measured and thoughtful manner rather than give my knee jerk reaction. My fear is that any debate between us will veer off in a futile exercise in which the only outcome will be loud and extended echoes confined within our individual hermetically sealed silos. BTW, neither Connie nor I view you as insane, although I do agree that there are people who may lazily default to that opinion of your views. I am torn however, between my usual affinity towards people who dare to test the boundaries of conventional views, such as yourself and my disdain of those who are entrenched fringe theorists, also such as yourself.

    • Gregory Oberman
      August 28, 2018 at 1:43 pm

      I appreciate you continuing the conversation. I think you will find all of us including Allan prefer to not ‘veer off in a futile exercise…” “Entrenched fringe theorists…” feels like an attack. It seems to me Allan has discovered a way to find his daily peace in amazing settings while persuing a passion and thirst for knowledge. He tries to move theories to fact or show the pro’s and con’s of the theory. As we only get to read a blurb of his thoughts…we can’t know what goes on 24 hours of his day…to me it seems pretty satiating.

      • Todd
        August 28, 2018 at 3:42 pm

        I completely agree Gregory. What also feels like an attack is “BTW, neither Connie nor I view you as insane, although I do agree that there are people who may lazily default to that opinion of your views.”

        In the same sentence you tell Allan he’s not insane, but then you lump him with a lazy person (not doing due diligence) defaulting to his views as being insane – how can this be? So where does that leave everyone else who’s actually investigated his findings and found them to be TRUE! You can’t have it both ways Lou.

        • Todd
          August 28, 2018 at 4:05 pm

          My “feels like an attack” was not the correct verbiage I meant.. After thinking this over, I should have used double-think. It’s an example of double-think in action. Unfortunately, WordPress doesn’t allow edits of published comments.

          Since I’m here posting an addendum to my comment, I also wanted to emphasis the importance of Lou’s continued efforts in this dialog. Thank you Lou.

    • August 28, 2018 at 6:09 pm

      I was going to keep out of this but will chime in only for an observation: As usual for someone whose intellectual (and factual) positions are in fact untenable, all that is needed to keep some sort of high ground is to avoid specifics, and to use buzz words like ‘fringe theorists’ (why not ‘conspiracy theorists’, btw?), without actually naming the theories.

      I merely asked the simple question of Lou’s view on my video interview with Walter. I still ask that, so we have ‘substance’ here rather than… as Orwell put it, ‘Pure wind.’

      Btw, folks, you might go back to my last post: You’ll find that Joe responded. I’ll likewise keep out of that. I leave it to you guys to answer him, if you’re so moved.

      • Kimberlie
        August 28, 2018 at 6:46 pm

        Allan~ In reply to your non-rhetorical question concerning True Free Will……

        The PTB are successfully using cognitive dissonance for a major paradigm shift in the social construct using Those Who Are Attached to Group Think vs Those Who Think Independently For Themselves Outside of the Group. All Main Media is bullying Society into submission by using the “no bullying allowed” as the direct means to bully. Those in the Group don’t see it though because this new Social Construct has created neural pathways that automatically differ from anyone who Thinks Independently.

        In essence, those who are of the Group-Think do NOT have Free Will (they are in bondage to the Group). ONLY those who are IN Independent Think have Free Will.

        • Todd
          August 28, 2018 at 6:51 pm

          Well said!

        • Fast Freddy
          August 29, 2018 at 3:37 pm

          Excellent observation. A great truth revealed.

    • Eric
      August 28, 2018 at 9:22 pm

      “Test the boundaries of traditional views” is a cop out. You have to realize that if even ONE of Allan’s claims are accurate, it would completely shatter the entire paradigm of “traditional views”. You can’t just dip your toes in the water for fun and claim a disdain for those who are not afraid to jump in. Yours is the cowardly position. You would be better off just clinging fully to the beliefs of the masses than some half-assed “test the boundaries” crap.

    • Tim Rusling
      August 28, 2018 at 10:27 pm

      Lou, your final few words calling Allan an entrenched fringe theorist are not the mark of a studied intellect. Take your insulting demeanor somewhere it’ll be more appreciated.

      • Duncan
        August 28, 2018 at 11:32 pm

        Ditto, Tim. Had the same thought. Government employees on fat guaranteed salaries, tenured ‘university’ professors, and such people who don’t really have to struggle for a living – these people commonly speak/write while refusing to check, doubt, ponder, muse, link facts wherever to they may lead, most of all to decline to listen to or even pay deeper attention to the information coming from another person. I sense fear in these people, fear that they don’t know, and have never known aught but what they have memorized, been programmed with, or seen, read in mass media.

        A suggestion: to separate the ego/identity of the messenger relaying any information from the bare information itself. Not always a perfect solution, but one tool.

  12. Fast freddy
    August 28, 2018 at 12:56 pm

    That was a nice little film. The us is currently working to “destabilize” through violence the country of Myanmar b.c of oil pipelines to China. Using the classic “humanitarian intervention”.

  13. Fast freddy
    August 28, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    That was a nice little film. As a sidebar, I recommend “A Snipers Tale” for a different perspective on empire. Sidebar only. Don’t wish to upset the topic at hand.

  14. Potter
    August 28, 2018 at 12:43 pm

    Thank you for sharing the Montauk film. I’ve never been there but a trip in October/November seems like an excellent idea. I’m curious to know what Montauk is like today more than six years after this film was made.

  15. Phil
    August 28, 2018 at 12:28 pm

    I can say I can relate to what your describing. Actually these and simalar stuff I follow does help reground my self when I begin to really question my own sanity. How could I be the only one swimming upstream and banging on to rocks In the serging water flow. My family and friends exept 3 or 4 are all bought In to all of the deceptions our world has to offer. It gets lonely being the odd mad man all the time. So places like this format give a little conformation for some of my lonely thoughts. How could I be so wrong on so many topics?

  16. X
    August 28, 2018 at 9:15 am

    Eventually you discover that, whether relation, spouse, friend, acquaintance or stranger, those who cannot or won’t countenance a paradigm shift, cannot be made to do so. Even for those apparently disposed to, as if wanting to understand ‘colour’ (being colourblind), it can take a year or two of regular conversation/deprogramming before there’s any chance of the shift occurring (or a glimpse and flight away).

    HG Wells wrote a short story that elucidates this: ht#tp://www.thatmarcusfamily.org/philosophy/Amusements/Wells.pdf

    And if anyone knows HTWRW, he was an expert – see: ht#tps://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_nwo121.htm

    It’s a lonely road, but you’re going to have to have a foot in both worlds, with some friends in one, and some friends in the other. Making the former ‘see’ does not really help them – and perhaps, subconsciously, they know this.

    Think of it like ‘Body Snatchers’, but in reverse. Those who awaken, will do so by themselves. NB There is no prospect of revolution, so don’t be tempted into thinking your mission is to rouse the masses – your mission remains the one given to you by your DNA. But, of course, if you encounter a recently awoken neophyte, by all means help them along their way.

    • Judy
      August 28, 2018 at 12:49 pm

      X , Thank you so much for this comment.
      Unfortunately not many I know are awake or even the least bit interested in HTWRW.
      It’s a lonely place but short of a lobotomy no unringing the bell..even if I wanted to, in fact I keep moving along uncovering more historical lies and devious actors. Not a pleasant pursuit.

      • jay
        August 28, 2018 at 8:13 pm

        forget the lobotomy, dose these doofuses with mushrooms.

        Ain’t nobody alive today can prove that we are not the fruit of mycelia.

        Be suspicious of anybody who won’t swallow a gram of mushrooms. That little can’t hurt.

        It could only help.

        But those people are so attached to what they believe is reality.

        You’re right. they’re hopeless.

    • Todd
      August 28, 2018 at 3:56 pm

      Insightful X, thank you.

  17. Todd
    August 28, 2018 at 4:46 am

    Fantastic pics and the video makes we want to go to Montauk, Allan.

    I’m here with you brother, following the evidence as best I can and want you to know you are not alone in this fucked up place.

    Keep up the great work my friend.

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