More Misdirection? Maaaybe

I’m running on barely one bar up here at 8,400 feet so I’ll not be able to upload any imagery. I’ll have to make this as short as possible, get it out while I can.

‘Mol’ forwarded me an interesting article from Quanta magazine, a tech-oriented mainstream science online rag. The title of the piece is ‘Fossil DNA Reveals New Twists in Modern Human Origins’, dated August 29th of this year, just a few days ago. A notice at the bottom tells us that the essay was reprinted in Wired magazine (on September 1st). That Wired picked it up so quickly is a suble ‘tell,’ and if you hang in you may see what I mean. Here’s the first paragraph:

Humans today are mosaics, our genomes rich tapestries of interwoven ancestries. With every fossil discovered, with every DNA analysis performed, the story gets more complex: We, the sole survivors of the genus Homo, harbor genetic fragments from other closely related but long-extinct lineages. Modern humans are the products of a sprawling history of shifts and dispersals, separations and reunions — a history characterized by far more diversity, movement and mixture than seemed imaginable a mere decade ago.

It’s another Neanderthal/human who-had-sex-with-who way back when, and at first read one might think that it’s telling us not to think about the mitochondrial DNA issue I’ve been writing about lately, with the above intro hinting that it’s all so complex, we’re lucky we know anything. (Point being: no mention of Mt DNA.)

But wait. A careful read of the piece reveals that Mt. DNA issue isn’t mentioned anywhere. This is very odd, given that no matter how complex the interbreeding issue may (or may not) be, one thing we know without doubt (based on hundreds of thousands of modern human sequenced DNA), is that sex between Neanderthals and our ancestors was one-way only: Between Neanderthal males and human females.

Addendum: If you doubt that this is the case, please see Bryan Sykes’s reply to my post titled ‘Human Origins, More Lies, wherein he admits he’s ‘puzzled’ that no Neanderthal DNA has showed up in human Mt DNA.

Maybe someday we’ll find evidence that once or twice the sex went the other way, but until then, we’ll have to accept the one-way sex as factual data.

And yet… and yet… the only place you’ll find this astounding information (astounding for its implications of inter-species rape and war) is right here on my little blog. How could that be?

See, I repeat this because in the Quanta article of a few days ago and in the even more recent reprint in Wired, the author likewise keeps his trap shut about the one-way sex issue. A few paragraphs down we find this:

But it’s one thing to say that Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of modern Europeans, or that the recently discovered Denisovans interbred with some older mystery group, or that they all interbred with each other. It’s another to provide concrete details about when and where those couplings occurred. “We’ve got this picture where these events are happening all over the place,” said Aylwyn Scally, an evolutionary geneticist at the University of Cambridge. “But it’s very hard for us to pin down any particular single event and say, yeah, we’re really confident that that one happened — unless we have ancient DNA.”

What’s this paragraph really saying? I mean without saying it? This: ‘Again, everything is so complicated we might as well give up (on the interbreeding issue).’

On a second reading of the oh-so-recent article that forgets to mention the Mt DNA issue and its implications, I found myself saying this: ‘But holy shit do they want to keep this quiet or what?!’

I say this because the take-away from this tech-savvy piece is that due to interbreeding, human DNA might have made its way into the Neanderthal genome!

No shit, Sherlock! Depending on the genetic history of the Neanderthal specimen you are sequencing – if he/she has a ‘human in the woodpile,’ then of course you might find human DNA in the test tube! Whaddothey think, we’re fucking stupid?

But here’s how they avoid insulting our intelligences: The article then goes off on the subject of multi out of Africa diasporas, i.e., when our ancestors left and how many times they did so.

Let’s see now. They start with the subject of interbreeding, claiming it’s too complicated to worry about, meanwhile leaving out the one piece of inarguable evidence that tells us about the relationship between the two species, then they… change the subject.

Misdirection anyone?

I have to fess up that I don’t know if any of the rest of the article makes sense or not, but I do find it suspicious that my ‘Human Origins, More Lies’ post comes out on August 13 and two weeks later we get the above misdirection from the tech-mainstream, immediately reprinted in Wired. (Recall that the Mt DNA surprise came in 2010, almost a decade ago. Why are they worrying about it now?)

As I’ve said, I believe the PTB keep a pretty close eye on me, notwithstanding my meager subscribership. I say this because of my list of exposés, the latest being the issue we’re still discussing. Before that… shit… you want to hear the list? Who else of the alt media – name one – has said word one about the Spacex fraud? Go back over my posts and find one essay the subject of which you have heard elsewhere. And this doesn’t even count my ‘outings’ of limited hangouts and full-blown moles. (Recall ‘Miles Mathis’s many accusations that I’m a state mole. Why bother?)

Remember the Sikh temple bombing?  Anyone else point out that the ‘lone nut’ had to have been driven there by a cohort? I point it out then three days later NBC does a hurry-up piece saying ‘there were rumors he took a cab.’ Well, then why didn’t they find the cabbie? Why did that story die? And so forth. (I just realized that my video had been taken down, without notification. Last time I looked it had like 10,000 views…. Later… one of you found the video.)

Those of you who have ‘problems’ with me will say ‘There goes Weisbecker’s ego again!’

Yeah, well, I really should do a list, the point of which would not be how smart I am, but rather how fucking dirty the alt media is. (The real point here is that we have still another mainstream piece of deceit/misdirection, whether inspired by me or not. What I’d really like to know is whether the people involved — and there are many, including those at Wired Magazine — know what they’re doing, or are they just living in astounding denial.)

Enough. Thanks to Mol for the link. (Mol, did you notice what I’ve pointed out here, or were you thinking the piece somehow debunked me?)


  47 comments for “More Misdirection? Maaaybe

  1. September 9, 2019 at 4:54 pm

    i had to hike a mile to get online. haven’t read any new comments but can imagine the bullshit from certain ‘people’ (who knows if they are meat or software). It’s going to be nice, actually, to not be able to deal with the crapola. It’s beautiful here.

    I’ll write a post. While I’m offline i’d appreciate it if some real people would do some work for me: Out the bastids who quote their ‘photographer brothers’ and so forth. It’s not that difficult to ‘suss the dirties.’

    • September 9, 2019 at 8:07 pm

      “Meat or software” LOL!… made me laugh out loud AGAIN! 😀

      That guy and his brother, are most probably BLIND old guys using walking sticks, because they can’t see the obvious fact , that they are 2 totally different paintings!.
      I spotted the obvious difference in seconds, I think I counted at least 10 concrete details (shape of body parts – EYES, hair etc etc).
      And if he was my photographer, he would be fired!.
      Enjoy the beautiful scenery up there Allan! 🙂

      • le berger des photons
        September 9, 2019 at 9:06 pm

        why don’t you blow up these aspects of the photos of the paintings and point this out specifically? You’re waving your hands. I can still see pretty well, I need glasses, but they work quite well. Pretty sure my brother sees quite well too. Maybe we’re old guys, that’s a relative term, would depend on your point of view. I don’t need a walking stick, I’m in pretty good shape for an “old” guy.

        Well please be specific in your response, paste in images of the blown up areas which made this so clear to you. Otherwise, you will only appear to me to be sucking up to Allan for whatever reason you do that.

        • September 9, 2019 at 10:33 pm

          Fuck off, I am not “sucking up to Allan” , just a fan who really enjoys his writings, while he uncovers all the lies and more. WHY should I have to say nothing here??….Allan is RIGHT , and you and your brother are blind and wrong…
          Christ, no wonder Allan gets bloody annoyed at times.
          And no way!, am I wasting time and electrons on ALLANs blog, searching and trying to paste the proof in pictures.

          • le berger des photons
            September 9, 2019 at 10:54 pm

            you’re still only attacking personally. You aren’t responding to the post. That says it all.

    • le berger des photons
      September 9, 2019 at 9:01 pm

      How are they going to out me allan? I’m noticing that you have no rebuttal or even a comment for my brother’s remarks about what he perceives as your inability to analyze the photographs that you’re trying to “out”.

      I am a real person. You could talk to me on the phone if you want to. You’d see that I’m not that different from you other than the obvious fact that I don’t have an ego problem preventing me from conversing with people who disagree with me. I’m not even sure if I disagree. I’m not an expert in photography, my brother is. You claim to be an expert in bullshit, but I see here that you’ve made a mistake, since you think that my brother and I are shills or subroutines. You want your “public” to out me? As what? a truth seeker? None of them are willing to respond to my brother’s comments just as you aren’t. Either they agree and are starting to feel badly for you or they don’t know enough to respond either way. You’re turning out to be a disappointment.

      It seems that you’re as bad as Max Igan. Really I think you’re both probably all right, as in sincere and generally trying to propagate good information, but I think you both are probably more vulnerable to the stresses you seek out than either of you are willing to admit.

      You’re breaking all of the rules of truth seeking here. You don’t respond directly, you are attacking the person instead of the argument. Why not just explain to us (myself and my brother) how what he has written is wrong? Are his points invalid? Why are they invalid? There’s no hurry, we can wait until you have a good connection again. You’ve already had 10 days since I wrote privately to you about this. It was only 5 days ago that you went up high where internet connections are hard to find.

      Please try to do better than this.

  2. September 8, 2019 at 3:33 pm

    I’ll be on the road today again, and I don’t know what kind of connection I’ll have when I get to where I’m going — trying to stay above 8,000 feet for the coolness — but I think I’ll do a post about our friend ‘berger des photons’ (if he’s trying for Spanish here, it’s not even close), who finally ‘came out’ with this comment:

    here are the responses to questions posed by Allan. He doesn’t seem to want to comment. They were written by a professional photographer. Why don’t you respond to that Allan?

    The one picture, with him .looking up, is clearly not printed on the same plane as the one looking across. Look at the angle of his knee. Also the one looking across can’t be made as large and you can’t see the eyes in detail Please stop wasting electrons on this stuff. Thanks.

    So the picture on the left is shot with a lens longer than wide angle and you are wondering why everything is not in focus in the background. Depth of field comes to mind.

    Any you want to know why the exposure for a light colored object that is up in the air in direct sunlight, which looks to be the underexposed surface of white rocket, which normally would be glowing, isn’t enough to make sidelit water, apparently approaching dusk, not enough to make the water as bright blue as in the pictures from space where it is hit with full sun.

    You did see where the bright engine fire came in that the auto exposure took the screen close to black to compensate. Do you think the water went blacker in that instant too?

    Again, irrelevant to my daily existence, but feel free to believe the guy if if makes you convinced of something. [end quote]

    The biggest problem by far that we have in a site like mine is govt/state moles, some of which are subtle, some not so much. You all may be thinking ‘Why bother?’ and that we should just ignore this type of scumbag. Me, I can’t. Has to do with the level of dishonesty and how my tax dollars are paying for it and so forth. (This is why I got a little cranky that I wasn’t getting help in outing this one.) I mean, people like this are stealing the most precious thing we have: time… plus the insult that goes along with the theft, i.e., the nature of the theft of our time.

    You may wonder how I really know this guy is dirty, etc. Well, to 100%, I don’t. But the above email is as much of a tell as we’re going to get with a trained misdirection agent. He slipped up, tho, with this comment. (Ask yourself this: if he’s going to say Spacex is legit after being on this blog for months… what excuse could he possibly have? If even one of my videos is correct… etc. And I don’t even know what his ‘brother’ is talking about in the 2nd paragraph.)

    Could he be a legit dummy who doesn’t get it about spacex? Maybe, but what is doing here then? He’s been around for a while, often making ‘neutral’ comments, etc. That’s the ‘set up,’ see? Maybe I’ll write about this later today. It’s important to me that when you real folks out there (and I know there are a few!) read misdirection, you know it’s misdirection.

    One more thing: his email is TheJoff@( Looks like he was running low on email addresses for his various social media misdirecting… would you call yourself a Jerk off in your email address?

  3. frank
    September 6, 2019 at 6:02 am

    Always enjoyed you articles.
    But reading through the comment section often feels like walking down a road with busy marketeers an pitchmen to the left and right.

    • September 7, 2019 at 6:33 pm

      I know. About half are shills. Whaddya we gonna do? They have to live with themselves, can’t get a better job…

      • le berger des photons
        September 9, 2019 at 9:09 pm

        but you don’t seem to be very clever about determining which half are shills.

  4. Cat
    September 6, 2019 at 12:54 am

    I enjoy what ever you write. I laugh out loud often with your word usage 😉
    Those must of been some definitely wild times way way back then.

  5. September 6, 2019 at 12:34 am

    “Who else of the alt media – name one – has said word one about the Space X fraud?”

    • September 6, 2019 at 12:56 am

      Allan is No1. Detective…
      But you will find at least 3 or more “Sole trader” Space X Fraud whistle blowers on youtube at least.
      You don’t have to be some sort of endorsed or recognised “alt media” to call out bullshit.

      If this guy doesn’t amuse you at 1:14 , you are already a dead robot >

      • September 7, 2019 at 6:13 pm

        Why subject us to that guy. His voice, no evidence, this is a shill. Can’t you see that? Are you really comparing this junk to my work?

        • September 7, 2019 at 9:29 pm

          Allan his voice is the same on all his videos.
          I don’t think he is a shill at all – what makes you say that??….and nope, no way am I comparing his work to yours. He is mostly making a nice movie, and pointing out the obvious to the “beginner” on the SpaceX Fraud, and he fucking hates it like we do.
          By the way, the guy has disappeared for the past 2 years….I hope he is OK, and hasn’t gone the way of Julian Assange – being tortured in jail right now, along with Alex Jones, who is being tortured and killed off with false litigation suits RIGHT NOW.

          • September 8, 2019 at 1:41 am

            Problem is the average person would look at him like a flat earther. The PTB have many, many guys like him (IMO) that say ‘Spacex is fake, blah blah’ but they dont show the evidence and they don’t come on believable. I could be wrong about him, no doubt, but where is the evidence? He just makes bald assertions with that voice. My videos show the reason I say it’s fake. If you don’t show evidence, you’re blowing smoke and average folks will assume that. The bastards are subtle. Look at the shills on this blog, how they start off positive, etc,. then they start in with ‘my brother’s a photographer’ crap. Stay on your toes!

          • Todd
            September 8, 2019 at 5:08 am

            Brett, wake up dude. As Allan pointed out, he does NOTHING as far as any real analysis of the SpaceX fraud. He’s there to make anyone who exposes the fraud look bad. That’s it – period.

        • September 8, 2019 at 11:30 am

          Yeah Allan and Tod, I had a few more strong coffees, and yes his videos are aimed at brain dead couch potatoes, worshiping the T.V news.
          I must say, I love this blog.

    • ea
      September 7, 2019 at 11:41 am

      This guy’s a Bible-shaped Earther, but does good work —

      • September 7, 2019 at 11:14 pm

        I dislike video’s where the comments are disabled, like that one.
        Like Bart Sibrel’s videos…onto it like a dog with a bone, but you aren’t allowed to say (or point out! ) ANYTHING.
        I like to read the comments, and I always learn more, and I am often pointed to more evidence and proof.

      • Todd
        September 8, 2019 at 5:17 am

        The video offers no critical analysis or anything close to what Allan exposes. Why did you link to it in your comment?

    • September 7, 2019 at 6:17 pm

      Did you even read it all? Why do I have point out the bullshit from people like you? Can’t someone else pitch in?

  6. Rex in St Louis
    September 5, 2019 at 10:38 pm

    I heard a theory several years ago that neandertal’s were just extremely old humans from the old days, like when Methuselah lived to nearly 1000 years old, Some bone features like the eyebrow ridge and some others continue to grow throughout life so if one was hundreds of years old the forehead would be pretty neandertal looking. Neandertal DNA might be just like ours with an extra pair.

    Long life might have been more common back in the day, before the DNA modification, before the banksters took over.

    • Todd
      September 8, 2019 at 5:09 am

      Rex, how is this helping the conversation? “I heard a theory…” Do some real research for a change.

  7. le berger des photons
    September 5, 2019 at 7:16 pm

    why didn’t you comment on my brother the photographer’s response to your spacex images? Do I need to post it here to get a response from you?

    • Bob
      September 6, 2019 at 5:59 am

      Post a link please.

    • le berger des photons
      September 7, 2019 at 8:07 am

      here are the responses to questions posed by Allan. He doesn’t seem to want to comment. They were written by a professional photographer. Why don’t you respond to that Allan?

      The one picture, with him .looking up, is clearly not printed on the same plane as the one looking across. Look at the angle of his knee. Also the one looking across can’t be made as large and you can’t see the eyes in detail Please stop wasting electrons on this stuff. Thanks.

      So the picture on the left is shot with a lens longer than wide angle and you are wondering why everything is not in focus in the background. Depth of field comes to mind.

      Any you want to know why the exposure for a light colored object that is up in the air in direct sunlight, which looks to be the underexposed surface of white rocket, which normally would be glowing, isn’t enough to make sidelit water, apparently approaching dusk, not enough to make the water as bright blue as in the pictures from space where it is hit with full sun.

      You did see where the bright engine fire came in that the auto exposure took the screen close to black to compensate. Do you think the water went blacker in that instant too?

      Again, irrelevant to my daily existence, but feel free to believe the guy if if makes you convinced of something.

      • September 7, 2019 at 6:19 pm

        I don’t seem to want to answer? You asshole, i SAID I don’t have a connection. And what the fuck are you even talking about? What pictures? Again: is there anyone out there paying attention to these shills? How about pitching in?

        • le berger des photons
          September 9, 2019 at 10:37 am

          damn, Allan, you’re a bit paranoid.

          I sent you an email on the first of september. You didn’t respond. On the eight of september, you said you don’t have a connection.

          Perhaps I made some references which were unclear for you. I will try again and I will ignore that you’ve called me an asshole and just attribute that to the stress you must be feeling to call an ally an asshole for so little perceived provocation.

          My brother responded to your piece on the sistine chapel from august, I haven’t taken the time to look up the date, I think you can remember.

          here’s his response, edited to remove the insulting part:

          The one picture, with him .looking up, is clearly not printed on the same plane as the one looking across. Look at the angle of his knee. Also the one looking across can’t be made as large and you can’t see the eyes in detail

          the next one, here, the link from your post:

          and here is my brother’s response:

          So the picture on the left is shot with a lens longer than wide angle and you are wondering why everything is not in focus in the background. Depth of field comes to mind.

          Any you want to know why the exposure for a light colored object that is up in the air in direct sunlight, which looks to be the underexposed surface of white rocket, which normally would be glowing, isn’t enough to make sidelit water, apparently approaching dusk, not enough to make the water as bright blue as in the pictures from space where it is hit with full sun.

          You did see where the bright engine fire came in that the auto exposure took the screen close to black to compensate. Do you think the water went blacker in that instant too?

          Now if this is only a call for name-calling or censorship or some other kind of curt response, I hope you’ll have the decency to explain to me what it is that has pissed you off.

          thank you.

          So the picture on the left is shot with a lens longer than wide angle and you are wondering why everything is not in focus in the background. Depth of field comes to mind.

          Any you want to know why the exposure for a light colored object that is up in the air in direct sunlight, which looks to be the underexposed surface of white rocket, which normally would be glowing, isn’t enough to make sidelit water, apparently approaching dusk, not enough to make the water as bright blue as in the pictures from space where it is hit with full sun.

          You did see where the bright engine fire came in that the auto exposure took the screen close to black to compensate. Do you think the water went blacker in that instant too?

          • Todd
            September 9, 2019 at 8:06 pm

            Pretty weak arguments and not completely coherent. And some of these paragraphs/responses came from a ‘professional photographer’.

          • Todd
            September 9, 2019 at 8:58 pm

            Also, please explain the backwards lighting in the video at 32s

            If the Sun is on the right (as you can tell by the light being reflected off the rocket ‘fins’), how come the earth (in the background) is brighter on the left side of the screen than the right side? Since the sun is towards the right (off screen) the earth’s reflection of light should be strongest (brighter) on the right than the left, debunking your brother’s theory about approaching dusk. It’s just the opposite of what he claims is what we visually see in the alleged video. And if you say it’s light from the moon, then you would also have to explain why the moon would be brighter than the sun at any moment in time when the sun is providing the lighting.

          • Todd
            September 9, 2019 at 9:08 pm

            To make this even more clear for you, all my comments above with respect to the lighting (because of the split screen), are only for the video on the LEFT.

      • September 7, 2019 at 6:42 pm

        what the fuck is this jerk talking about:

        The one picture, with him .looking up, is clearly not printed on the same plane as the one looking across. Look at the angle of his knee. Also the one looking across can’t be made as large and you can’t see the eyes in detail Please stop wasting electrons on this stuff. Thanks.

        Stop wasting electrons? what kind of sweat shop are you two working in?

        • le berger des photons
          September 9, 2019 at 10:42 am

          only noticed this post just now:

          Stop wasting electrons? what kind of sweat shop are you two working in?

          I”m in France, living a life of leisure brought about by being honest and reliable for many years. My brother is perhaps not as smart, he’s in texas and working as a lawyer for people who are generally getting fucked by our system and have been lucky enough to find him.

          You’re starting to strike me as a bit of a know-it-all to whom one can’t really make a point unless it’s to agree with you or anticipate what you were going to say next and say it first.

          Perhaps I’m mistaken, because according to you I’m an asshole working in a sweat shop.

          As I said earlier, I’m attributing this to stress that you’re feeling. Perhaps I’m wrong. I’m not angry about being called an asshole because I think it’s just a misunderstanding. I don’t want to lose contact with you, I’ve been working under the delusion that I’m trying to be honest with you.

          My brother is a professional photographer as well as an attorney and a scrupulously honest person. He’s also sarcastic and rude, nobody’s perfect.

          He found what he saw as faults in your analyses of these images and pointed them out. Surely one is allowed to disagree with you allan?

      • Todd
        September 8, 2019 at 5:11 am

        You make ZERO sense here. Why even post this crap? Put your thinking cap on (or your brain) before you put anything down in writing.

    • September 7, 2019 at 6:40 pm

      Hey asshole: I’ve been offline, LIKE I SAID. you’re brother is a photographer? what are you talking about? Anyone else notice that this guy is working for the other side?

      You want to repost your ‘brother’s’ bullshit, do it here. Let’s see what you got, asshole. You really are an asshole, you know that? Do you? le berger des photons? you do crack me up tho.

      • le berger des photons
        September 9, 2019 at 9:17 pm

        you’re just proving his point by attacking him instead of his argument.

        No need to be disagreeable, unless you have some need that isn’t obvious.

        The guy disagrees with you, you call him (and me) an asshole rather than respond to what he wrote?

        Is your skin that thin? Somebody disagrees with you so he’s an asshole?

        That’s a bit sad, Allan.

        Glad I “crack you up”, you only make me sad. I thought you were sincere until now.

  8. September 5, 2019 at 3:21 pm

    Haplo Group X2a………………………………….. aloha Allan

    • September 5, 2019 at 3:26 pm

      Haplo Group X2a can be traced all the way back to Canaan.
      Humans are a Hybrid species domesticated just like the cheetah.
      Aloha traveler

  9. Davido
    September 5, 2019 at 2:27 pm

    Link to article suggesting -Gene flow between Neanderthals and early modern humans may have been a one-way street,

  10. Davido
    September 5, 2019 at 2:11 pm

    Thanks for your thoughts Allan.

  11. GB
    September 5, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    Good analysis on the piece Allan – I came to the same conclusion pretty quickly too. In particular I never was a fan of the ‘out of Africa’ theory and any populist piece such as this, that is still clinging to that particular 90’s academic favourite – without applying any cautionary caveats about mounting evidence to the contrary – should be viewed with some skepticism.

  12. Mol
    September 5, 2019 at 4:04 am

    Thought maybe you’d read it already so didn’t want to waffle, also well aware of my limitations on this subject. Certainly noticed no Mt DNA mention & wondered what you’d make of it. Debunking not my aim, just thought it was in the field you’re studying. The emphasis on complexity seemed overdone but I do figure there’s a scarcity of evidence so far which means – maybe you are absolutely correct, perhaps there’s gaps you’re filling with conjecture. Now my ignorance is showing so I’ll leave it there.

  13. Todd
    September 4, 2019 at 7:47 pm

    I also observed the missing Mt DNA evidence in this article. It’s certainly difficult to correlate the purpose of the article’s timing to your your blog entry, but is quite possible it was published to coincide with your work as you stated.

    When people (like Mol) post links but don’t put their two cents into what they think the link means, it’s hard to judge if they are misdirecting or not – one would have to look at older posts to kinda make a judgement, which I did. But it’s still not clear the intent of Mol’s post.

    As for your Sikh video, it’s still there and I was able to play it on your YT channel.

    • Todd
      September 4, 2019 at 7:50 pm

      Forgot to mention this one – the Sikh was a ‘shooting event’, not a bombing, unless I’m getting it mixed up with something else.

    • September 4, 2019 at 8:56 pm

      Thanks for the link. When I did a search for ‘Sikh shooting was staged’ I did not see my video in the first 5 pages. I might have just missed it, although it should have been near or at the top, given the title and number of views.

      Re Mol, I’m hoping to hear from him on this. I don’t know why he wouldn’t add his view of the link in his comment, one way or the other.

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