Listen: I wrote the above word as the start to this post and decided to leave it even though the post itself is completely different from what I thought it would be when I wrote that word. Hang in for a minute so I can explain. In my last one I blabbed about ‘nonsense’ and how it can clue you that you’re being bullshitted, right? While thinking about that I went back and re-read my posts from a couple years ago describing the Secret Space Program Conference I attended in Texas. A bunch more nonsense came rushing back at me but that’s sort of besides the point. What I did do was put off writing this post so I could watch all the Youtube lectures from all the Secret Space Program Conferences since… I think 2011. A whole bunch of them. Lots of good info too, in those lectures. (Which is why I don’t mind LHs.) Especially from Richard Dolan. I think. I’d come to really like that guy. Except…
I’m getting ahead of myself. See, what I realized was that everyone involved in the Secret Space Program Conferences claims that the Apollo missions were legit. Sometimes it’s subtle – so-and-so saying as an aside that he ‘met Edgar Mitchell who walked on the moon’ — and sometimes you have to do some googling and listen/read at other links and so forth, but they all believe (or say they do) in this utter horse manure. The most profound lie ever told, in some sense. And space, especially space travel, is what they live for, intellectually.
Here’s why this is not only nonsense but profound nonsense: See, the premise of the SSP Conferences is that ‘a breakaway civilization’ (Doland’s term) has had access to wild-ass anti-gravity spaceships since no later than the 1950s. They’ve been zipping around the solar system (and maybe farther away than that) at will and maybe have a fucking golf course on Mars (it’d be underground) and so forth. (There’s a lot of evidence that some version of this is true.) I use parens for the last sentence because it doesn’t matter if you believe this or not; point is, they do.

Seeing them land simultaneously after falling through high winds for fifty miles was just too much for this boy. And that was just the opener.
Thing is, if you’re even reading this – meaning you’re on my site – odds are you know, I mean know, on the level that you know Osama didn’t do 9/11, that the Apollo missions, all of them, were complete frauds. It doesn’t even take that much research, due diligence, to know this. But even this isn’t what’s behind the profound nonsense.
I’ll pose it as a question: How could, say, Richard Dolan get up on a lectern and spout this breakaway civilization stuff while believing that NASA or anybody would send guys to the moon in the equivalent of a Model T, even if it was possible, when they have their spaceships in the garage at Groom Lake (or wherever)?
That make sense? No, it’s nonsense. (They cancelled the Q&A at the SSP thing I was at because they knew I was going to bring this up.)
And, again, over the past couple days I came to realize that this profound nonsense applies to every goddamn one of them. Everyone who lectures at SSP Conferences, plus a shitload of others.
If you look back at my posts from the spring of 2016 you’ll see that I pretty much already knew all this back then. But see, I hadn’t really dealt with it – for one thing, I didn’t realize that every one of the SSP bastards claims Apollo was legit. (If you have the time, start with this one then work in either direction from that post.)
Jim Marrs. I forgot to put him on my list (maybe because he croaked) but I met him at the SSP I was at, and yes, he thinks old Neil Armstrong really put his boot on lunar soil. (He turned and walked away when in a private conversation I said the words ‘Apollo hoax’.)
Some of you know this about me – I’ve gotten your emails – that I can’t stand it when I fuck up and don’t just follow the goddamn evidence. In this case: The only explanation for everyone involved with SSP Conferences blabbing about Apollo being legit is that they are — all of them, all of them — fucking spooks. Not just shills, but full-blown agents. Bad guys. On the other side. Either that or they are all mentally challenged. You pick. Really. It’s one or the other. (Not that they all have to be one or the other. Could be a mixed bag. I tend to doubt it, though.)
But it gets better. Or weirder. Yesterday I’m sitting here shaking my head over this, had a;ready written that first word, ‘nonsense,’ and meanwhile I have my other laptop playing in the background; another Spacex launch. Elon and the gang are putting up another satellite, they claim — this ‘Tess’ telescope that’s going to look for ‘life out there’ or some such crapola.
They’re at ‘stage separation’ and are about to do the ‘boostback burn,’ which turns Stage One around so it can go back and land on the drone ship. Complete horse shit, of course, as I’ve tried to point out. But I’m watching now, anyway.
There was no boost back burn. The narrator had said ‘Here comes the boost back burn’ or some such, then… no boost back burn. They must’ve… forgot.
Hence my giggling when Stage One landed on the drone ship anyway. Perfect bulls eye. ‘You can’t do that,’ I actually said aloud. ‘No boost back burn, no landing.’ This shit while I’m thinking about all the spooks at the SSP Conferences, including Richard Dolan, who I theoretically used to like. (I’ll tell you, some days are harder, or weirder, than others.)
The humor here is that the ‘boostback burn’ makes no sense to begin with; it’s a made up piece of business so they sound like they’re actually doing this stuff. So in a way, there’s logic that they skipped it. Hey, who’s gonna notice?
Who’s gonna notice? That’s really my point today. I’m an old surf dog, maybe with an eye for certain details, but no one special, and I noticed. Point being there must be tens of thousands of formally educated people – not just scientists, rocket or otherwise, but engineers and pilots and so forth — out there who cannot possibly buy these ridiculous Spacex frauds.
You can’t back a rocket down from fifty miles up onto an X on a heaving deck (or anywhere, for that matter). A fucking… I dunno… ten year old should know this.
How come no one has said anything?!
I know: I’ve said all this before. But I watched the launch again and saw a shitload of other impossibilities. You wanna hear about any of them, though, you have to tune in to the fucking Flat Earth Spooks Network. Or me.
Goddamn it. Anyway, me being me, I couldn’t help myself. I had to make another video pointing out all the impossible shit in the latest Spacex ‘launch.’ Here it is (if embedding works):
And you know what? I couldn’t fit all the lies into the video. It was getting ridiculous, to where even an intelligent person might say, ‘They can’t be bullshitting about that much stuff!’

What the fuck happened to Mama Earth? Seriously, isn’t THIS enough to tell you something is very wrong?
For example (this is in the video): Look at the photo just to the left. The left frame is supposed to be Stage 1, which is ‘making its way to the drone ship’ forty or so miles below.They are both in space (one on the right is a bit higher by now) with similar views of earth. There is no reason to think the camera equipment is different (both GoPros?) yet notice the difference in appearance of Mother Earth. How could earth be fuzzy flat gray like that? But that’s not the worst of it in terms of us getting mind-fucked, photographically.
This isn’t in the video: I noticed it on the Falcon Heavy/’car in space’ launch but didn’t bring it up then. Obvious as it actually is, it takes a bit of imagination to see what’s wrong. Consider this a pop quiz. See if you agree. (If I’m wrong, by all means fire away!)
There’s a good question here. Why? They actually went to some trouble to put nonsense in their imagery. I mean I assure you it was not a mistake. How could you even make this mistake? It takes thought to fuck up on this level.
It’s like they’re waving a sign at us, saying, ‘Can’t you assholes see it’s all fake!’ Part of their occult bullshit, maybe. Keeps them morally straight.
Seriously, look at these two images and tell me how it was done. I picked two wherein the sun is visible in both so we can’t figure it’s the other side of the earth… (If you turn one upside down, the engine comes from the wrong side of frame. I could not get past this.)
I even got my camera out and my globe and tried to take two shots that did this. Could not do it, not by rotating or flopping them in Photo Shop, or combinations.
Look. It’s completely possible that I’m having a major senior moment with this, so if anyone can reproduce the effect Spacex got, pu-lease let me know. My theory is that they knew it would drive me — AC Weisbecker of bull shit fame — up the wall. (Spooks are giggling somewhere right now.) But I still want to know how they did it. (I get any flat earth explanations, I’ll hunt you down. I swear.)