More on the Occult

I know Tucker Carlson is MS Media, and is not to be trusted to inform us of deep events — yes, limited hangout/controlled opposition is the correct description — but he does occasionally put together important stories. Like this one; I wouldn’t have known all this otherwise. 

It’s of course much worse than that.

I’ve been telling you for years that the PTB are into the occult, i.e., satanism and so forth. Here’s a detailed overview of what I mean. Scroll down to the ‘Exposure of Freemasonry’ video. It’s overly, annoyingly long; I almost bailed about 10 minutes in, but was glad I stuck it out. My only problem with it is it’s ‘Jesus will save us’ trop. You can ignore that. Or not. (Be prepared to do some scrolling to get to his points; it is useful, however, to view all the scum celebrities shown, for how it slams home the message.)

The above webpage is very strange. I went there to listen to the Joe Atwill podcast, which is good and worthwhile. Thing is, Atwill is persuasive in his argument that Christianity was/is a Roman invention used to control the Messianic Jews. This doesn’t jibe very well with the above video telling us that Jesus is not only real, but our savior. In fact, it makes no sense at all that the two videos are on the same page.

Addendum: Here’s Joe Atwill’s film on ‘The Invention’ of Jesus. It’s very persuasive and worth a look for the overall history it depicts.

Not only that, but the whole webpage is full of anti-Masonic screeds. Yet Randal Carlson — who is very involved in the very same website and sells his DVDs on it — is not only an admitted Freemason, but denies most if not all the stuff said on linked videos. (As the first video will tell you, according to their own ‘bible’, all Freemasons other than the few 33 degree-ers, are lied to by their own fraternity, and referred to as ‘cattle’ and so forth.)

I tried to email with them via their contact form but it’s inoperable. Point is that notwithstanding that I’m recommending the info on the page, there appears to be some gaslighting going on here.

See what you guys think.


I have to tell you that I’m a little disappointed that my last two posts didn’t stir up more of a reaction, especially the evolution critique. Am I indeed losing subscribers, as good old Mary Louise tells me? (I have gotten two more monthly donators, which I appreciate. ($6.50 a month in total isn’t much but it’s the thought that pleases me. I’m up to about $2 or so an hour for my trouble.)

One last thing. Once you know, really know, how deeply the PTB are into the occult, you also know that our friend ‘Miles Mathis’ is working for them, for the way he continually tells us that mentioning the occult is ‘misdirection.’



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