Coupla things first.
My initial enthusiasm about RFK, Jr’s run for President has cooled: That he would ‘lock up climate change deniers’ is more than a negative quirk; this is the sort of blurt that tells us how shallow his commitment to free speech really is (not to mention his ability to actually follow the evidence wherever it leads). It will be interesting to see how it goes with him, though. He is in a different league from the psychopaths we’ve been subjected to. (It’s also not great that he married someone who doesn’t support his views on vaccines — which views don’t go far enough to begin with — probably to placate her H-wood buddies/acting career… the more I think about it, the worse this feels… but as I say, he could change everything, if he can somehow avoid assassination.)
Tucker. Whoa. I may have been wrong about him being just another limited hangout, i.e., a conscious agent of the PTB. His firing of course could be just another part of the game they are playing but I doubt it. I believe he was fired simply because he consistently went too far with ‘the truth’ — that he never blurted anything truly damaging (to the PTB) — say, the non-existence of the COVID ‘virus’ — is at the root of the matter — ‘and the Big Boys said ‘enough’.
To quote a meme from Cosmic Banditos: It will be interesting to see what happens next.
I’m working on a post about Spacex, how it’s a fraud and so on and am worried you guys are tired of that subject. Me, I think it’s fascinating that no one, meaning no alt news outlet, is pointing out how transparent the fraud really is.
I can’t tell if your view is simply ‘What else is new?’ or if you figure I’m nuts and put up with it because I’m sometimes entertaining in other ways. Know what I mean?
The recent Spacex explosion/crash/whatever is interesting in that the damage done to the launch area and even to nearby houses, cars, and so on seems to be real, which begs several questions about How they fucking did it and so on, and I can understand that someone not really thinking about it might swallow the bull shit whole, but for me it really tweaks my curiosity further.
(Click the box for a question I asked ChatGPT about the booster landings.)
Anyway, let me know if you want me to drop the subject or give it a closer look. Meanwhile, I’ll embed more photos from my ‘Scenics’ file.
Click the ones you want to see full screen…
Okay, enough for now. Hey, I’d really like to work on the damn photo book….
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