Most Of You Can Skip This One

A warning up front: Many of you will have little or no interest in this post. I suggest you scan its contents and maybe immediately move on. (I’m not including photos in this one. Don’t want to waste good imagery on this drivel.)

Addendum: The one useful aspect of this post is that it may enlighten someone (even one person would be good) to the truth about Richard Grove. As far as Grove’s T&H content goes: As I’ve said several times, alt media moles have to impart useful information, to gain our trust. (James Corbett is a good example of this.) 

I occasionally get hostile emails/comments — comes with the territory — but once in a while I get one that lifts me up and tells me I must be doing something right. Aside from a couple (likely) shill comments on Youtube, no one has come forward to defend Richard Grove/Lisa Arbecheski until now. (The Grove emails I reproduced are really all anyone needs to understand he’s either flat out dirty or a liar/hypocrite of monumental proportions.) I’m going to post this guy’s comment (which is also on The Matter of Richard Grove) because… because I can… and it pleases me to expose a moron for what he is. That this is the best a personal friend of Grove can do should tell you I’m on the money with my outing of him.

Regulars on this blog will immediately see this asshole for what he is with no input from me, but for any newbees I’ll put my observations in bold. (I’ll leave his bad grammar/syntax/misspellings as is.)

I am the person that introduced you to Richard Grove’s podcast and the tragedy and hope platform. At that time you were hanging out in Costa Rica (I believe), surfing, and kicking around beach bars – blowing tourist and ex-pats mind with all your conspiracy knowledge. You had disavowed American and promised to never return…we corresponded a few times and you and Rich started communicating independently for quite a while. Fast forward a bit – months at least- and you had a change of heart and decided to come back to the States….why?


Anyway, you even came over to my house for dinner when you where in town visiting Rich/Lisa. You brought a bottle of rum, we grilled , it was a good time. Since then you have been spending years (literally) rehashing your same accusations and calling everyone a shill – you alone seem to be the only purely motivated individual. But in reality you’re just a grouchy bachelor whose only company that you seem to be able to keep is your dog… and seeing as how you had her on a pretty short leash at my house – even that may be debatable.

How pitiful is this? Over a hundred words into his screed and the best he can do is ad hominems like ‘grouchy’ and a non sequitur about my dog. And I only out shills when the evidence merits it. As you will notice, there are no actual arguments here. None whatsoever. He doesn’t even deny that Grove/Arbecheski are dirty.

You wrote an entire book about your inability to be able to maintain a solid relationship/friendship and yet no one can see that maybe all of these shills you are uprooting might actually just be the fact that your a crank? If that’s all it was about, why did he like it so much? (See his emails.)  As I say, no arguments whatsoever. Seeing as how you’re knowledge of Rich and Lisa is gleaned from a weeks stay with them and some email correspondence I don’t consider you to have some sort of informed opinion.

So this is the problem. He implies (but doesn’t state) Rich and Lisa are honest and have your best interests at heart. Yet still no actual defense against my accusations/observations. 

“But, he grabbed the $100 bill off the table so fast… I should of known better!!” – hahah, fuck, I have really enjoyed your fiction/loose nonfiction writings, that you consider this as some sort of tell tale sign of something afoot is hilarious. The fact that you’d actually write it down as evidence is comical. What would of been the proper etiquette when someone puts a $100 bill down on a table in front of you? Watch it for a few seconds?

I’ve learned to notice ‘tells’. Like Corbett’s NLP (which he fails to mention).

Grove should have filed the money or at least made a note of the contribution, given me a receipt – or offered one: Contributions go towards being a ‘Member’ of his ‘Community,’ for which you get access to links, etc.; not only did Grove not refund my money but he denied the access I PAID FOR. How could this asshole not notice that?. 

Ponder what you could buy with it? Who fucking cares!! Seems to me like you have a serious case of buyers remorse. After “DONATING” $1000 bucks to tragedy and hope and giving them a GoPro camera you want a refund? That’s not really how donating works bro! “All about the money”??

Anyone reading my communication with those two can see they were gaslighting me in their ‘defense’ of Corbett — answering the repetition of.’Fl 77 hit the Pentagon’ with ‘James doesn’t know what hit the Pentagon’ is as far from critical thinking and ‘intellectual self defense’ as you can get. Which is why neither Grove nor Arbecheski has ever defended their own actions. They just want this matter to ‘go away.’ And then there’s Grove’s court case, ably summed up here. A great read. I wonder why Colin didn’t bring that up. 

And THEY offered to refund the money and camera. Then did not do it. Where is your judgement on that? And go back and read what I wrote and tell me where I’m wrong. Can you do that?  Grove lies about everything. His 9/11 story is pure bullshit. His ‘murdered’ WTC ‘colleagues’ – with one possible exception – are fictitious. 

The dude produces hundreds of hours of content and gives them away FOR FREE!! God forbid he tries and sell some T-shirt’s to generate some funding. I cant believe that he would have the gall to try to offset his costs when he works basically for free… and has a wife and kids to support… the nerve!!

None of this of course has anything to do with me, except Grove’s refusal to refund my money after offering to. And if you listen to his ‘Casual Cafe’ interview with me, you will hear me stating that if I need the camera back he’ll have to give it up. It was a loan. No wonder Jan Irvin called him a thief.

Look at the list of people you’ve alienated – each and every one is a shill? Or COULD it be possible they don’t have time for your mind game bullshit and your harassing emails? In my opinion you don’t really seem to be contributing much to the truth movement (like – basically nothing – all opinions/no data-research-facts), you just seem to be sowing seeds of discord in efforts of self aggrandization.

Self aggrandization? That’s not even a word, you asshole. How am I making money from anything? My contributor’s don’t even cover my WordPress monthly bill. 

If anyone is doing the work of a shill it’s YOU! You’re not offering solutions to problems, nor doing the serious research leg work needed to actually produce original content.

Outing people like Corbett and Grove isn’t original content? Outing Spacex? Outing weepy Bob McIlvaine, who had no son Bobby who died on 9/11? That’s not original? Just from the court transcript, he can’t see that Grove lies about everything?  

You’re shitting on everyone that you’ve ever had a disagreement with and calling them all spooks. Like, dude, YOU’RE the ex drug smuggler/Hollywood writer/author…. who doesn’t seemed to have ever had his past transgressions catch up with him In any sort of legal framing. You’ve just spent the past decades floating around carefree, living in your RV or some Montauk bungalow all off your savings from miami vice?…surfing waves and eating pineapples off your tropical property…. are you some sort of NARC plant? Are you being sent government checks from your CIA handlers?

Now it’s getting truly hilarious. By the way, Colin McNamara (his name) says I have no original content, yet he seemed to feel differently in 2011, regarding my short-book length essay on 9/11, referred to several times in his emails. You can go to it here.

I don’t know, and I don’t care. Your sphere of influence is SMALL, and getting SMALLER.

The reason my subscribership is small is because – unlike Grove — I don’t make money from it, so I don’t try to promote it. Understand the difference, asshole?

I do know I enjoyed your fiction but you seem like grouchy geezer who is clutching at a fistful if thin straws and hoping you’re audience goes with the flow.

Wow, my age is an issue. 

Surfs up! Here’s an idea for you… instead of shitting on everyone you disagree with in the truth community you actually promote the people who you do agree with and think are presenting valid arguments .

The ‘alt media’ is a creation of the Deep State — I have amassed a lot of evidence that this is the case, the matter of Richard Grove being part of that.. Can you imagine a more important piece of ‘content’?

This seems like divide and conquer to me, squabble amongst yourself while the power structure continues. Wish you the best, hang loose mongoose!

I’m putting Colin’s semi-literate emails below for context. They are all from 2011. I’m putting in bold where he most obviously reveals his hypocrisy. 


ive been cued into things for quite some time and have a good friend who runs his own independant media company ( an endeavor that he and his fiancee decided to undertake after losing multiple friends in the attacks on the towers as well as uncovering a great deal of fraud before that date. he’s gone from a wealthy young professional (who worked in the WTC)  to a starving artist living in CT but has managed to keep things in prespective knowing that what he is doing now, although it isnt in the least bit profitable, it is the right thing to do. i wonder if maybe youd like to give some of his work a listen through podcast form …all of his material can be accessed on his podcast, peace revolution, is a great mix of education/historical/and political topics. his former venue, a podcast called 9/11 synchronicity delves deep into the contextual history of that day as well as addressing what lead up to that event and spotlights key players. anyway, i want to thank you for your books and writings and let you know that ill be keeping your site on my radar. ive been toying with the idea of a motorcycle trip to south america in the future and you never know, maybe our paths will cross down south. keep up the good work, wishing you good surf and starry nights.

Suprised to hear from you so quickly! I dig on Corbett’s Reports…part of it has to be his nerdy voice and methodical deliver…it definitely gives his words a certain weight. to bad he’s gone MIA in his correspondence . Ive gotten half way through your essay, so far so good. The info presented is logical and spoken about with fervor, peppered with some of your own stream of consciousness flare it makes for a good read. Its hard to believe how many people just shut down and go glassy eyed when they hear or read anything regarding the subject of the mysteries of 9/11. you dont need to be a sherlock to digest this info but it baffles me how many people (that i know personally) who dont seem to be able to even chew on it for anymore time than the length of our conversation. if someone i knew for years came and told me “hey bro, there is this crazy shit going on that they arent telling you on the news, its got huge ramifications for our future as a country, you should check it out. ” Id be sleuthing the subject ASAP, but you cant get to hot under the collar dealing with these schlubs because they are just a victim of their own irrationality thats been drilled into them from grade K-12. just have to keep dropping clues and talking about a variety of subjects so they dont get burnt out on 9/11.  a doublespeak synchronicity occured when i tuned into the school sucks podcast on to discover that it deals with the topic of doublespeak in 3 parts. ( . . . parts 102/103/104 ) . ive mentioned you to rich (of tragedy and hope) last night while i was over his place for a visit, he hadnt heard of you but was interested in the topics hashed out in cosmic banditios. we’ll see how it all pans out and i’ll finish that essay shortly. good shit!


been busy as hell up here in CT. spent the last 10 days prepping for the mystic art festival (my first ever) that happened this past weekend. got rained upon heavily on sunday, wasnt what i had hoped it to be but there is a learning curve to these things and im sure future shows will prove more profitable. anyway, i did finish your essay last week and have been meaning to write you. its a well written op-ed piece with a lot of good info in it. maybe jones or corbett didnt warm up to it because they have moved past the topics covered or that they think it jumps to to many conclusions? (“oh yeah, john is a great guy”). not to say john oneill is dead because i wouldnt doubt he faked it with the help of his cronies but to say he is most certainly alive is a conclusion that is based more on speculation than on fact. regardless, its neither here nor there, if he is alive he has most likely drastically altered his face, or been killed off by some other gov. spook. If he is dead then he is dead. im glad to see you reporting on CD Jackson and his CIA connections as well as his position at Life mag. he is a crucial person overlooked in the dissemination of bullshit information throughout our country in the last 60 years. his involvement in the promotion of the jewish holocaust as well as the coverup in the JFK assassination being prime examples.
my own disgust with america…or rather, its media and peoples blind allegiance to it comes in waves. and with the tenth anniversary of 9/11 approaching with most people still as ignorant as ever ive really not been feeling to great about our countries future. who knows what will happen, presidential election campaigns have already started and the stock market is so heavily manipulated that i dont have much faith that we will be able to pull ourselves out of this mess without a very serious wake up call (depression or another false flag attack)…but i have no idea what that would even look like. we are really teetering on a brave new world. combine that with the fact that there are loads of movies as well as news articles coming out on the regular prediciting a melding of man with machine (i consider this predictive programming) and is a scary future to envision.
on the positive side of things, i have been a witness to people all over the country commenting on a general distrust of the governments actions post 9/11 as well as the role the news plays in the propagation of the the official story…people do smell fish, but not as strongly as you or I.  hopefully more an more people will start seeking out answers the worse the shit gets up here.

totally shifting gears, after the mystic art fest i went to newport to visit some friends and picked up a couple of wax buddies (a tool my buddy helped develope for applying an removing wax from your board – they have got your name of them if you are so inclined, just give an address where i can mail them an ill ship them south.


How goes it with you? For me its been busy usual. Bought my dream bike a couple of weeks ago (suzuki v-strom, the bike ive been talking about riding to south america for the last 5 years). Now just working like a dog to pay it off and safe up some loot. alright…let me get into the meat of this letter. As you know CD Jackson, as well as being an operative for the OSS in the psy-war dept, was also the editor at Life magazine post war (1960s). He used this postition to mold public opinion and direct peoples thoughts/and emotions..especially in post WWII against the evil Nazis. Demonizing them as the most evil men to walk the earth. Life was instrumental to promoting the Holocaust and all its associated myths/half truths. I believe Jews were imprisoned in force labor camps and that many of them died of disease/ and starvation as the war strained germany’s resources. i also believe quite a few of them may of been executed but I dont think the numbers (6+ million) match up with the infrastructure of the actual camps. just like the mysteries of 9/11 are great so are the mysteries surrounding the holocaust story. (YouTube: Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil  OR YouTube : ONE THIRD of the HOLOCAUST )

As far as Corbett and Jones go in regards to WTC7 I, not following what youre saying…because  Ive heard them both talk about the controlled demolition of WT7 /Thermite Evidence/NIST Report falsifications. As far as i know they are both firm believers in the controlled demo. of WTC7 . Corbett talks about the NIST ommisions inEpisode 144 – 9/11 Truth is Still the Issue .
When i say they moved on i mean that there is so, so, so much information/topics to deal with that have to continue searching an uprooting new areas of debate – not just focusing singularly on one buildings demolition.

The speculations that i was referring to with ONeill have nothing to do with his start date but that he may still be alive based on his buddy saying (“oh, johns a great guy”). I agree 100% that its incredibly fishy that he is the expert on OBL and just happens to be
killed in the attacks…then his remains ID’ed by jerome hauer….sounds like horseshit to me.

When it comes to changing peoples minds Ive found that it is difficult but i have had success with quite a few people in opening there eyes up the whats going on. Ive had my own mind changed on a bunch of topics through doing some research and seeing who is behind the issues. Its not a lost cause, just one that requires patience and a lot of gentle coaching.

I checked into the zapruder film and thats some wild stuff. i havent believed the official story since is saw JFK when i was in my teens…magic bullet my ass. still need to look into Judy Wood and Dave Gahary. Maybe he is still a spook or maybe not. does it really matter? if he wants to interview you for his show than go ahead, the basis of your opinions can be read by all in you Deep State essay and its not as if you hold some super top secret state secrets that they want your life for, just a healthy amount of speculation and curiosity.

Keep up the movie work, looking forward to it!
Ill be in touch after i check out a couple of Gahary interviews.


Point being: This is the best a personal friend of Richard Grove can do in repairing the ‘damage’ done by my outing of Grove/Arbecheski as the moles/hypocrites the evidence demonstrates they are. 

A screen grab from Shack's outing of Grove. That Shack suddenly gives up is evidence that he's dirty too.

A screen grab from Shack’s outing of Grove. That Shack suddenly ceases his expose is evidence that he’s dirty too.

Addendum: I’m reproducing a page from Simon Shack’s outing of Grove’s 9/11 lie. Anyone who still believes Richard Grove’s ‘harrowing’ 9/11 tale should go to this page. I myself did background checks on the five ‘victims’ Grove claims were murdered on 9/11 and could find no evidence that four of them were real people. Only Gary Lasko showed up in any birth/death/address/etc. records — but via government records, he is very much alive. The spouses I checked don’t even exist. Yes, I went that far. (Hey Colin, between this and McIlvaine’s nonexistent son, how’s that for original content?)  And the photo of ‘Bruehert’ sure does look like Grove! 

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