Mostly an Essay From William Engdahl

Click it and read it. This is just a hint.

Sorry for the silence, folks, but I’ve been busy with technical and travel matters; I’ve also been immersed in several  books (of COVID note). Also, Logan arrived a few days ago and we’ve been planning on where to hunker down for the fall and winter (it’s too elevated here); we’ll end up somewhere in the Arizona desert, it looks like. We want a place that’s remote but not too remote and which has some sort of wild water (lake or stream) nearby in case worse comes to the worst and there’s no other way to get water. As I’ve recommended you all do, we have food for several months, plus other supplies.

Addendum: If you get nothing else from this blog… please see that you and your family are stocked up for at least four months. Make a list, and assume you will not be able to go into a town or to a store.

I have a list of stuff to go over, too long to include here (it’s coming!), although I can and do recommend a book that’s been blowing my mind (not quite done yet). It’s called The Invisible Rainbow (great title) by Arthur Firstenberg. It will likely change your view of… a lot of things… but mainly about the causes of disease. A hint: The Invisible Rainbow  connects perfectly with Electric Universe…. (I’ll imbed a couple pages that will give you an idea.)

Think about the idea of sunspots (electric fields) being causally related to Influenza… and how could a ship full of sailors at sea for weeks somehow come down simultaneously with the disease? (Firstenberg’s data is as robust as it comes.)

Ditto. You can still (for now, before they burn it) get it on Amazon, via Kindle or hard copy.

Re this COVID black op, the information in this book changes everything.

I also highly recommend this interview with Dr. Thomas Cowan.


The rest of this post is via William Engdahl, with whom Logan and I have been in close touch. He sent us the following, which is now also on his website. This is a very personal, very illuminating take on the polio ‘epidemic’ and the vaccines subjected to many of us of a certain age (like me).


Vaccines that cause polio

The vaccine industry loves to cite development of vaccines in the 1950s as solely responsible for eradicating what was a severe paralytic illness that reached a peak in the USA after World War II and as well, in England, Germany and other European countries. Now, despite the fact that no new cases of “wild polio” virus have been detected in all Africa since 2016, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their allies in the WHO proclaimed that Gates’ $4 billion ten-year African vaccination campaign using an oral polio vaccine had finally eliminated the dreaded polio. That was at the end of August.

One week later on September 2, WHO was forced to backtrack and admit that new polio outbreaks in Sudan were linked to an ongoing series of new polio cases in Chad and Cameroon. According to the WHO, further polio cases have been registered in more than a dozen African countries including Angola, Congo, Nigeria and Zambia. But the shocking thing is that the outbreaks are all reportedly caused by the Gates-backed oral polio vaccine.

In a revealing comment, a CDC virologist involved with WHO and Gates Foundation in the Africa mass polio vaccination campaign, part of something called the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, admits the vaccine is creating significantly more cases of polio paralysis than the deceptively named “wild polio” disease. “We have now created more new emergences of the virus than we have stopped,” virologist Mark Pallansch of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention admitted. The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is a combined effort of the WHO, UNICEF, the U.S. CDC, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International.

The rest of the images are some of the books and issues from F. William Engdahl. The man is a ‘truth treasure,’ IMO.

Bill Gates was reportedly responsible for driving the campaign to develop the liquid oral polio vaccine and massively administer it to the populations of Africa and Asia despite the near absence of any cases of “wild polio.” According to one of the partners in the Gates polio initiative, from Rotary International, “Gates personally drove the development of a new polio vaccine that is now in the final stages of testing. When the idea was put forward, about the time of the last case of polio to happen in India, many were thinking the vaccine would play no important role in eradication, but Gates insisted.” When someone asked him, why polio, which had all but vanished worldwide, Gates replied, “Polio is a terrible disease.”

That reply seems curious, as there are far more pervasive deadly diseases out there including malaria or chronic diarrhoea due to unsafe water, and poor sanitation across Africa that causes death by dehydration, poor absorption of nutrients or infectious complications. I would argue that both those are also “terrible.” In 2016 chronic diarrhoea was listed by the WHO as the second leading cause of death in children below five worldwide. In Africa it was cause of almost 653,000 deaths, yet Mr. Gates and friends seem to be interested in other things.

The insistence of Gates on pushing massive vaccination of a new oral polio vaccine his foundation backed at a time polio even in poor countries of Asia and Africa is virtually non-existent, should ring alarm bells loudly. If his goal is to help more African children lead healthy lives, simple water treatment projects would save far more lives. Or is there something in the polio vaccine we are not being told of? Is there aluminum as adjuvant that is documented to be a central nervous system paralytic? Or other toxins?

The Gates Foundation spent almost $ 4 billion to develop and administer the oral polio vaccine throughout the poorest countries in the world as of 2018. This despite that WHO stated that the cases of polio in Pakistan and Afghanistan went from about 350,000 per year to 33 in 2018. There hasn’t been a case in the Americas or Western Europe since before the Gates polio project was launched years ago.

Define it away?

Here it gets into some very suspicious linguistic games on the part of WHO, Gates and company. They are trying to cover their deeds by claiming that most of the polio cases are actually something they decided to call acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). That is a debilitating condition with a clinical picture virtually identical to polio. But it keeps the “polio” numbers down. According to the US CDC, there were over 31,500 documented cases of acute flaccid paralysis from just 18 countries in 2017. This is in addition to what they call vaccine-associated polio paralysis (VAPP). Yet from the point of clinical symptoms, vaccine-derived polio, wild polio and acute flaccid paralysis are identical, as is acute flaccid myelitis (AFM), a subtype of AFP. With this proliferation of serious medical-sounding names to describe what produces the same medical symptoms, we have huge ground for manipulation.

A paper written by Neetu Vashishi and Jacob Puliyel published in the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics in 2012 wrote about the Gates-CDC-WHO mass oral polio vaccine effort there: “… while India has been polio-free for a year, there has been a huge increase in non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In 2011, there were an extra 47,500 new cases of NPAFP. Clinically indistinguishable from polio paralysis but twice as deadly, the incidence of NPAFP was directly proportional to doses of oral polio received. Though this data was collected within the polio surveillance system, it was not investigated…”

The 1950s

Defining away cases of poliomyelitis or Infantile Paralysis as it was called during the epidemic in the USA after World War II, went back to the 1950s, and to since-suppressed deadly scandals involving the first purported polio vaccine developed by Jonas Salk. Regarded today as a medical hero, the truth of Salk was anything but heroic.

The upsurge in cases of what were then labelled poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis in the United States began to literally explode around 1946. Relevant to note is that a highly dangerous cumulative toxin, a now-banned insecticide known as DDT, was being promoted by the US government as a “safe” control of mosquitoes and flies said to be the “carriers” of polio virus. What has since been all but erased from the government record is the precise match of the number of cases of children with symptoms of acute polio with the degree of acute DDT spraying, and the equally precise mirrored decline of human polio cases from the late 1940s into the 1950s, after a sharp decline in DDT use. In 1953, Connecticut physician, Morton S. Biskind argued in public that, “the most obvious explanation for the polio epidemic: central nervous system diseases… such as polio are actually the physiological and symptomatic manifestations of the ongoing government- and industry-sponsored inundation of the world’s populace with central nervous system poisons.”

The Salk polio vaccine was first deployed in 1955, that is two years after the dramatic decline in registered polio cases. That fact was conveniently forgotten as the narrative was promoted that the new vaccine alone was eradicating the feared polio.

Serious evidence was presented by doctors and others to the US Congress that there was a clear connection between the summer polio epidemics to summer-used heavy metal pesticides such as DDT. They were ignored. The promotion of DDT as a harmless insecticide was so pervasive that kids followed behind trucks spraying the streets and swimming pools were sprayed with DDT, believing it harmless. Highly emotional advertising campaigns proclaimed that deadly polio was mysteriously transmitted by insects and that DDT would protect. Farmers were told to repeatedly spray their dairy cows with DDT to ward of the dangerous insects. DDT thus contaminated the milk supply. Use of DDT exploded by the end of the 1940s across the USA. As one person described it, “Concerned parents went further to protect their children. They feared the invisible virus as if it were hunting their children. They turned their homes into sterile zones by constantly spraying insecticides and washing down the walls with disinfectants.” That sounds familiar.

Salk and Rockefeller

The vaccine research of Jonas Salk as well as of his rival, Albert Sabin, was funded by the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, later known as the March of Dimes. Salk convinced the US health authorities in 1954 that his polio vaccine contained only inactive virus (IPV), and was absolutely safe. He was able to convince the regulatory authorities that the “expensive and difficult procedures which had been suggested for the detection of possible residual live virus” in his vaccine should be dispensed with. Field trials of the Salk vaccine in 1954 were exposed by the Journal of the American Statistical Association: “…59 per cent of the trial was worthless because of the lack of adequate controls…” That report was ignored by the US Department of Health and the National Foundation proclaimed the Salk vaccine ready to mass distribute in spring of 1955.

Already in 1955 alarming results from the Salk vaccine had emerged. His vaccine, manufactured by Cutter Laboratories, was administered to over four hundred thousand people, mostly school children. Within days, reports of paralysis began surfacing. Within a month, the mass vaccination program against polio had to be suspended. In June of 1956, polio cases began to increase sharply in Chicago in children who had received the Salk vaccine. The National Foundation sent an urgent letter to its members urging them to, “give reassurance that the present Salk vaccine is safe and effective to patients, parents and others in your community who still needlessly doubt it…”

Salk’s vaccine had caused seventy thousand cases of muscle weakness, one hundred and sixty-four cases of severe paralysis and ten deaths. Three fourths of the victims remained permanently paralyzed. Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare stepped down and the director of the NIH, resigned. The Cutter incident was quickly downplayed by the Government and vaccinations resumed after 21 days pause, using vaccines from Wyeth Labs. Those too produced cases of paralysis.

Between 1923 and 1953, before the Salk vaccine’s introduction, the polio death rate in the US had declined on its own by 47 percent; England had observed a similar pattern. Following the use of Salk’s vaccine between 1955 and 1963, cases of polio in the US increased—by 50 percent from 1957 to 1958, and by 80 percent between 1958 and 1959. This was concealed by a US Government change in defining polio, much as the WHO and CDC do today in Africa. Diseases that had previously been grouped together under the umbrella of “polio” began to be reported as separate diseases. One of these was aseptic or viral meningitis, an infectious disease that is difficult to distinguish from poliovirus, or transverse myelitis—a rare spinal cord inflammation, or the Guillain-Barré syndrome. Were all these a result of widespread toxins used in the vaccine? The Government and vaccine industry was not interested in knowing or telling.

Finally in 1963 the US Government replaced Salk’s IPV vaccine with an attenuated oral polio vaccine (OPV) developed by Albert Sabin. As a live virus vaccine, it, too, was and is capable of giving its recipients polio or polio symptoms. Salk testified before a Senate subcommittee in 1977 that the Sabin oral polio vaccine had caused most of the polio cases in the US since the early 1960s.

Rockefeller eugenics?

The National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, which funded both Salk and his rival Sabin in development of polio vaccines in the 1950’s, was run by two doctors from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research– Dr. Henry Kumm who had spent 23 years with the Rockefeller Institute, and Dr. Thomas Rivers.

Henry Kumm went over to the National Foundation in 1951 at the peak of the polio epidemic. In May 1953, Kumm became Director of Polio Research at NFIP. Notably, during World War II Kumm had served as civilian consultant to the Surgeon General of the US Army in Italy, directing field studies for the use of DDT against malarial mosquitoes.

Thomas Rivers was from 1922 head of the infectious disease ward at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, becoming the institute’s director in 1937. As chairman of committees on research and vaccine advisory for the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, he oversaw the clinical trials of Jonas Salk’s vaccine by Dr Kumm’s group. It could be said that the National Foundation was a mask for a massive Rockefeller polio vaccine project.

Polio researcher David Oshisky stated, “In truth, polio was never the raging epidemic portrayed in the media, not even at its height in the 1940s and 1950s. Ten times as many children would die in accidents in those years, and three times as many would die of cancer. Polio’s special status was due, in large part, to the efforts of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, better known as the March of Dimes, which employed the latest techniques in advertising, fund raising and motivational research to turn a horrific but relatively uncommon disease in to the most feared affliction of its time. The genius of the National Polio Foundation lay in its ability to single out polio for special attention, making it seem more ominous than other diseases.” That National Foundation was run by Rockefeller doctors. This is very much what the Gates Foundation is doing with its turbo-charged oral polio vaccine in Africa where polio had almost vanished before the mass vaccine campaign of WHO and Gates.

Here the bond of dedication to eugenics and to dangerous vaccines seems to unite both the Rockefellers and Bill Gates, who in many ways is merely the heir and continuation of the deadly eugenics work of the Rockefellers. All this should give pause before regarding the pronouncements of Bill Gates on coronavirus and his favored vaccines as the scientific good truth.

  1. William Engdahl is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.


I strongly recommend you go to William’s website and sign up for his free newsletter. His books are on Amazon; they are likewise highly recommended. Also consider contributing to his efforts. Go here and click Support.


Just a few minutes ago.

Logan and I are going to try to do some videos, with Logan doing most of the talking, me behind the cameras.








  23 comments for “Mostly an Essay From William Engdahl

  1. Terence
    September 30, 2020 at 11:13 pm

    There was a very good article in The Ecologist magazine (since merged with Resurgence) back possibly in early 2000s on the Polio Vaccine and it also suggested the link with DDT and this is what they were covering up as suggested above. It also pointed out that the vaccine was incubated I think in monkey livers and the vaccine contained the SV40 (simian) virus which is cancer causing. And it was contaminated with many other animal viruses. The more you look into vaccines the more one realizes that they have zero effect, are not safe and kill and maim a lot of initially healthy people. It must be one of the biggest medical scandals of all time.

    You might be able to find it in the archives but you need to register though

    And some proof that deaths for various diseases were falling steadily years before vaccines were introduced for them can be found on this graph
    Note: Pertusis vaccine is supposedly to immunize for whopping cough

    • Lofcaudio
      October 1, 2020 at 7:29 pm

      Terence, absolutely true. Vaccine technology is obsolete. Turns out, vaccines are actually interfering with our own bodies’ more advanced and BETTER immune system with dealing with harmful pathogens. Scientists have learned so much about our immune system over the last 20 years, but the science behind vaccines has stayed the same (and isn’t all that different from borrowing diseased cow pus and rubbing it into open sores as the very first smallpox vaccines were administered).

      I just stumbled across this very encouraging article in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. Some truth…will it get heard?

    • October 2, 2020 at 12:14 am

      Yes, the SV40 in the vaccines from back then (which I got) is likely the cause of the soft tissue cancer epidemic of the past half century.

  2. Larry C
    September 30, 2020 at 6:41 pm

    I was scanning the above photos of Engdahl’s book titles, and – unbidden – a string of profanities fell from my lips.

    Apparently, my feelings are closer to the surface these days…

    • September 30, 2020 at 10:07 pm

      Unclear what you mean.

      • Larry C
        September 30, 2020 at 10:35 pm

        Sorry for the lack of clarification… what I meant was that my contempt for what I think of as the Official Narrative (brought to us on a nightly basis by a Corporate-Owned Mainstream Media), knows no bounds….the way I see it, almost EVERYTHING we are told, regardless of venue, is pretty much a lie. This will sound a bit presumptive, but I’m pretty sure I know where the author’s sympathies lie, and I come down squarely in his camp.

        The titles of Engdahl’s books triggered those feelings, reflexively, even though I have yet to read them. …a situation I hope to remedy in the near future…

  3. Cat
    September 30, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    This is kind of a curve ball
    Conspiracy show
    but relevant about PTB, ET,
    Crooked FED banking with a
    97 year old and still brilliant.

  4. Viva Hoffmann
    September 30, 2020 at 6:14 pm

    For a comprehensible account of all vaccine history including MMR DTP, Gardisil, etc. including polio and current “trials” of “covid19” vaccine mishaps etc. go to Bobby Kennedy Junior’s Children’s Health Defense.

  5. Jean-Francois Aubry
    September 30, 2020 at 4:20 pm

    I’m a son of a military radio operator wich become a air traffic controller. So since i’m kid im familiar with radio frequency and radar. Now as a adult I begun to analyse my RF environment with thing like Hack RF and other USB RF dongle. What I found is my environment is fill with RF on so many frequencies. Not just the Wifi range 2.4 or 5 Ghz but many other band i dont have a clue their source their purpose and their effect. I also created a Android apps wich can geolocate WiFi router (Scan Net by Boolrun). And in a suburban aera let me tell you it is just amazing the number of WiFi device spreading their signal…AMAZING. The thing is some agencies are fully aware of the purpose of those signal other than normal like WiFi, cops, weather, and who knows what they are doing with it. Dont know if those frequencies are use to trigger some body reaction. And for now the device to scan higher 5G frequencies are expansive and mostly not avalaible to the public….so again who knows what they are doing. BTW i found this very unusual its a frequency with the nickname of “The Buzzer” most of the time it broadcasts a annoying buzz sound but sometime it broadcasts a crypted message in russian:

  6. Todd
    September 30, 2020 at 3:40 pm

    Wow – The interview with Dr. Thomas Cowan was incredible – one I’ve not seen – and is was in April – 5 months ago!

    It fills in many of the missing pieces of this complex puzzle of viruses, the terrain theory vs. germ theory. I’ve had the Rainbow book on my read list, so I just bought it.

    Cowan recommends in this interview and others a few more books too to which I’ll accelerate my reading of them, especially the structured water, heart books and the ones by Price (Nutrition and Physical Degeneration) and Steiner (On Epidemics).

    So where does this leave us with the billions of dollars being spent on ‘bio weapons’ or what? Because, as I’ve said before, perhaps the funding is meant for toxins in the needle to get around our bodies’ self-defense mechanisms.

    Looking forward to more of your posts on this topic.

    • Todd
      September 30, 2020 at 4:03 pm

      I was, however, disappointed with Luke’s interview with Dr. Cowan not going deep enough into the geoengineering (Chemtrails) aspects Luke brought up towards the end.

      Luke only touches on that for a brief bit to which Cowan didn’t want to go there per say and would keep his opinions on the matter and similar conspiratorial stuff to himself.

      Based on this new information, the nefarious connection between spraying us with metals and 5G is even stronger. Very disturbing.

    • September 30, 2020 at 8:39 pm

      Here is an interview with Dr. Cowan from August. He covers some of the same ground, but hits on some additional topics. The interviewer is pretty good.

    • October 1, 2020 at 5:21 pm

      Here’s his take on how the heart actually works.

  7. Azzy
    September 30, 2020 at 2:48 pm

    Well, if those two bumbling jackasses ‘debating’ each other hasn’t convinced ya’ll that America is sans leadership in the run up to the chaos (sentience sorting events) then nothing will.
    The real power elite aren’t even hiding their hand, anymore.
    It’s just kabuki theatre played out for their entertainment. And yours, if it wasn’t so deadly serious.
    Trust the plan, right?
    There’s a plan, alright. And ya’ll arent in on it.
    Neither is crazy old joe and the Tangerine in Chief, it seems.
    Allan, wise move. And hope you’re thinking also about your security, if you know what I mean. And know how to use it if it comes to that.

    • Jean-Francois Aubry
      September 30, 2020 at 4:37 pm

      Exactly kabuki theatre…Here in Canada Trudeau was a drama teacher…no kidding . It make me laugh when people thing Trump fight the Deep State or trust pedo Joe…lol. …thank but no thank…Good job CIA, what a good dog

      • Azzy
        September 30, 2020 at 8:15 pm

        JFA, CIA is pretty much in the hands of privatized contractors ever since 911. As is the NSA.
        When 911 went down, as the military was stood down– apart from the airwing which downed the airliner over PA as it was headed for G*d knows where, the Capitol, I’ve been informed, is a good guess–it became clear that US defensive capabilities had been decapitated and have been in the hands of the, ehhhh, let’s just call it the Octopus, ever since.
        Here’s an interesting take on COVID. 90% accuracy.
        Ad this ain’t from James Metallicman Bond neither, Brett!
        Take it or leave it. That’s my tuppence for this latest humdinger of a post.
        BTW. The 5G angle slis a red herring, ya’ll. Read Ben frikking Fulford at yizzer peril.
        He’s a fruitcake.

  8. Lofcaudio
    September 30, 2020 at 2:15 pm

    Engdahl’s exposé on the the polio vaccinations, both now and in the Salk/Sabin days, is right on the money. Please remember that polio (and its “successful” vaccine) are the primary propaganda piece for why children need to be vaccinated at such an alarming rate these days. However, it is more than likely that the poliovirus is a complete red herring as it is ubiquitous. What was causing poliomyelitus (and other polio-like paralyzations) was more a combination of toxic intake at vulnerable points in a child’s development to where the spinal chord was vulnerable both at the top and bottom of the spinal column (for example, young children who had tonsillectomies were much more likely to get polio). Once the spinal column was fully developed, the risk of polio basically vanished.

    There are some really interesting books to read on both polio and the vaccine. I highly recommend:

    The Moth in the Iron Lung (Maready)
    The Virus and the Vaccine (Bookchin)
    Dr. Mary’s Monkey (Haslam)

  9. frank
    September 30, 2020 at 10:47 am

    It is a known “conspiracy theory” that the Gates foundation vaccinations are hidden sterilisations. The sham polio add-on might have side effects, though.
    If I remember correctly, Gates is wanted in India for that crime.

  10. Larry C
    September 29, 2020 at 10:32 pm

    “Bill Gates was reportedly responsible for driving the campaign to develop the liquid oral polio vaccine and massively administer it to the populations of Africa and Asia despite the near absence of any cases of “wild polio.”

    That’s *Dr.* Bill Gates, s’il vous plaît!

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