I’m wondering how many of you guys are familiar with the web/net persona of ‘Simon Shack.’ Simon (I forget his actual ‘legal’ name) and I go back a long ways (for a ‘net friend’), more than a couple or so years. Simon is best known as the auteur filmmaker of September Clues, which – no matter what else you might say about it – is up there with Loose Change as a breakthrough ‘9/11 truth’ Youtube hit.
The film blew me away to the extent that I reached out to Simon and did what I almost never do – lead off (my email) with my cv, the ‘impress someone’ version (‘Sean Penn and John Cusack both bought my books so they could play me…’ is an attention-getter, it must be admitted, no matter that it’s also a nauseating statement, no matter the reasoning behind it.)
We blabbed and, as a sort of capper, I sent Simon a copy of Cosmic Banditos (to his lair in Italy, no less), which he said he loved; I joined his blog/forum, ‘Clues Forum,’ which is a hoot; sort of the Marianas Trench of the ‘truther’ bunny hole, if you get my drift. I learned a few things from Simon, aside from the amazing degree of video fakery that we all remember as ‘9/11.’ (One of my favorite works along these lines is my interview with famed sports photog Walter Iooss, an old Montauk buddy, notwithstanding that Walter will not speak to me anymore.)
Give you an example of Simon’s truth-digging panache. Remember immediately after the day of 9/11 people were plasting up photos of their lost loved ones? There even was a special wall to do this; there were hundreds and hundreds, all candle lit at night, and so forth. Well, old Simon points out how absurd this is; it was part of the psy op, he says. Jesus, I remember thinking, he’s fucking right! Who would do that? Then Simon asks a helluva question: How did they get in alphabetical order, which in most photos they were? So I did some of my own research and found that many of the ‘casualties’ on 9/11 were… right… fraudulent. Is this starting to sound familiar?
Anyway, I gotta get to the point of this: Simon Shack, I am 95% sure, is a limited hang out (LH) operation; an agent working for the other side. There’s a long story behind how I know this to be true (95%, anyway) which I won’t go into now, but you should know that Simon is on my list of ‘alt media names’ who are clamming up about the Musk fraud, and are likely doing so, IMO, ‘under orders.’
After sending Simon my evidence – several email blasts with my video links, to twenty-some odd alt media biggies – he was one of the few that replied, claiming he didn’t expose the Musk fraud because it was of no more importance than ‘the fraudulence of pro wrestling.’
I know, I know, but that’s what he said. When I emailed back asking who exactly he’s really working for, how he’s paid and how his orders are transmitted, Simon didn’t reply but did retaliate, by using my ‘To’ email list (all twenty something of them) as a spam reservoir. Boom, so everyone is even more pissed off at me (as if calling them LHs isn’t enough).
I’m serious. Try to find an alt media biggie or semi-biggie that’ll say something nice about good old ACW. Good luck. Thing is, of course, I don’t give a flying fuck. I’m between 80 and 95% sure (depending on the name) that none of them are clean. (As I’ve said before, I’m not saying don’t listen to them. But remember this: It doesn’t matter how deep a truth they might seem to reveal; they are holding back the most important. Their main job is misdirection.
I’ll be dealing with many of them individually in future posts, as I have sort of done here with Simon Shack. I got few replies to my Musk-fraud proofs, but the replies I did get… some were doozies (even better than ‘Musk is no more important than pro wrestling.’).
Here’s probably my final video dealing with Elon Musk directly. It’s titled Musk vs. ‘The Martian’ (which is a bigger, steamier load of horse…). I’ll try to embed it below too….
But goddammit I need some help here in spreading the word on the Musk fraud. Please send my links to your alt media favorites. Be mellow and ask them what they think. Let’s see how they react! I suspect they are under orders to support or shut up about the Musk fraud. If so, we should know: If so, it means the Musk fraud is leading up to something major. Do you not see that my last video could mean that the launch itself was a fake, which means they have the technology to fake anything.
![YouTube Preview Image](http://img.youtube.com/vi/RIqKeHP2YfE/0.jpg)