Note: Please pay attention to the images I embedded.
Before I forget: I saw an important movie last night, called Third Eye Spies, about the history of the Remote Viewing Program done by the CIA over the decades. You can see it via Amazon and you’ll have to pay, but it’s worth it. Why? Not because Remote Viewing is a new issue, but because of how it’s now a matter of public record. Why is this important? Because it blows out of the water the whole materialist/scientism paradigm. Watch the movie and you will see what I mean. It may even offer indirect perspective on the Mandela Effect…

A question: Am I the only person on earth who noticed (publicly) all the Spacex continuity errors? Note #1 here.
This Spacex thing, my volley of ‘alerts’ to the alt media on my list from my last post. What’s up? I heard back from two on the list (Jay Dyer having been added a few minutes ago, so he’s in limbo for now). Joe Atwill wrote:
Hey Allan,
Totally fake. Shows that the ‘media’ is 100% controlled.
Public are autistic.
Right. He agrees with me! It’s fake!
But Joe now has a problem. See, what the others (on my list) have learned is that if they reply at all they get in trouble. Since my ‘continuity error’ evidence is inarguable, they can’t disagree. If they agree, then they have to deal with the implications of the fakery, which are… staggering.
One implication being this question (a reminder): If the space stuff is faked, why assume that the launch was real? Then they have to look at my past video evidence that the launches were faked, notwithstanding the eyewitnesses. Which means they can now fake ‘live’ events. Joe hit the send button before considering this stuff.
Anyway, I replied:
Are you going to go public with this? Maybe you have done so already?
Can I take you off my list of alt media moles? (see
I dunno if you care, but you have to go public with Musk-as-fraud to prove to me your cleanliness.
This was yesterday. No answer yet.
For me, when you send someone evidence that could shatter their paradigm or a part of it (like my evidence that NASA/Elon Musk are a fraud and may now be able to fake stuff ‘live’), they have two choices:
Show you where you are wrong or…
Own up to the evidence and its implications and do so publicly, if it’s important (which this certainly is)…
If the person does not respond at all, it’s an admission that the evidence/conclusions/implications are correct, but for some reason they don’t want to spread this paradigm-busting truth. What could that reason possibly be?
They are under orders to keep this stuff quiet.
The other reply came from Olav Phillips, who wrote:
You know I’m probably the only open minded one. Well a couple of things… The module looked like a 3D model, and I see the porthole thing. I want to do a little more research on that. The robotic arm might be an angle thing I need to look into that but yeah the porthole thing looks legit. I mean I can see the second one (right side) but its covered but then its not covered when they unlock the door? VERY strange. I totally agree
So I replied:
I’ve been saying (and making videos) that Spacex is a total fraud since the ‘car in space’ absurdity. What i want to know is WHY have none of the SSP people said anything? When I show them evidence they either do not respond or get hostile.
Are they all limited hangouts? you know them.
I really put Olav on the spot, didn’t I? Think maybe he’s regretting his first email? No, I haven’t heard back. If I do,
I promise it will be misdirection.
I’ll wait until tonight before I send this out. Give Joe, Olav, and the rest more time to think things over.
Regarding the images: What more proof do we need that Youtube is cooperating big time in keeping the Musk Space Fraud quiet? I mean, I have videos with 40k views and have ‘Spacex + Fraud’ in the title.
By the way, I guess I didn’t make it clear enough that I’m not saying all those on my ‘alert list’ are dirty. I too like Jon Rappoport and, especially, Wal Thornhill and Stephen Crothers. I have a ways to go but for now I’m just following the evidence…
Another addendum: Speaking of Joe Atwill, if you guys can stomach it you should check out Joe’s partner Jerry’s forum, wherein (yesterday) I brought up these matters. You want to see classic, unadulterated misdirection from an alt media mole, see if you can plow through the crapola. It’s all to avoid my one simple question up top. Depending on your sensibilities… hilarious. (My final post said it all: How much would you have to be paid to pound out that bullshit?)
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