My Old Friend Atwill…

I’m already wondering ‘What did I get myself into?’ with my ‘daily’ promise. I have a busy day coming up and will be on the road for the afternoon, so forgive my not answering emails today and for the brevity of this post. (I appreciate the emails!)

I'll add a few random photos from my files.

I’ll add a few random photos from my files for some visual balance.

First, I’m trying to suss out a guy named Clif High, or at least this interview with him. If you’re so inclined, the other two parts are worthwhile also, except for a chunk of Part Two wherein Clif rambles about ‘the Nemo.’ Two red flags so far: His name and the fact that he’s from a military family. He’s probably LH but much of his info on Antarctica checks out. Your opinion much appreciated, plus any background you come up with.

Here’s part of an email from this morning, plus my responses in bold:

#1.   I’d like to send some money, but I do not send revolving/monthly donations to anyone.   Is there a preferred alternate method to the PayPal on your site?

Don’t worry about money. The main reason I like people to do the PayPal thing (and in spite of the scumbags who run it) is that it’s a reminder that someone is out there. I appreciate emails like this one more than the bucks. canyon full moon 2 copy

#2.    I applaud and support your dissection of current claims using proven basic science.   I think you’ve done excellent work on Musk, but it appears he’s unraveling in multiple venues.   If you have the time and inclination I would appreciate your rating other truth seekers who you find credible.   I have a special favorite in TruthStream media (Aaron and Melissa Dykes)

I’ve pretty much been doing that (other ‘truth seekers) and am asking for help today with Clif High. If I find anyone or any group that I particularly like and trust I’ll get back to you. (I’m only vaguely familiar with the Dykes.) Keep in mind that re the limited hangouts (LH) I expose, I am not saying don’t listen to them; quite the contrary. As I often say, most have good info but hold back the important stuff; and keep an eye out for outright disinfo (as with Atwill below). So keep this in mind and don’t burn too much time with any one outlet. Part of their agenda is to waste your time.

#3.    I was reviewing your list.   Regarding Martin Luther King’s assassination.   According to Joe Atwill, who I see you label as a disinfo agent, MLK’s name is actually Michael,(as is his father).    Furthermore his father and apparently a whole cast of successful black men belong to the Prince Hall masonic lodges.   Atwill outlines MLK’s rapid rise to stardom and assassination as a psy-op to create a martyr for forced integration.   Atwill references Miles Mathis for much of his information.

eclipse 2 cams1 copyAll well and good, two disinfo agents tag teaming with one another.   Thing is that William Pepper was a guest on Corbett and described the rifle wound of MLK as to the face and not fatal.   He then describes that when MLK was in the ER, that a neurosurgeon from the Dixie mafia ran everyone out of the room and suffocated MLK with a pillow.   Photos on line of MLK’s funeral are open casket and show a pristine face.   Things not adding up.   Would appreciate your thoughts.

Good question/observations. I could do a detailed post on Atwill and might do so down the road. I see him as a very sophisticated LH/disinfo op who is worth listening to but with extreme care. For now I’ll point out that he was ‘partners’ with Jan Irvin for a long time, before they split up (I’d love to know why). This is a huge red flag. My view is that anyone who works with Irvin as a co-podcaster either has some sort of psychological problem or is doing so under orders. Also, Atwill’s partner in his website, Jerry Russell, is an obvious shill. I say this based on quite a bit of direct debating with him on their blog. You can access that bullshit by plugging my name into a word search on their site.  

Addendum: For those who don’t know, you can do a word search on any site like this (using Atwill’s site as an example): “Weisbecker” site:

Plug it into your browser window. This is a valuable tool. eclipse nite camp copy 2

I did a podcast debate with Atwill that I’m not real happy with but which contain examples of his methods of NLP (subtle deceit). I’m not a good debater and Atwill is probably formally trained in it, and it shows. I should have kicked his ass on the subject, which was his claim that Ken Kesey was a ‘lifetime actor’ for the state. In other words, a disinfo agent (yes, like I’m saying Atwill is). My point was not so much that Kesey is innocent, but that Atwill’s ‘evidence’ is bullshit, just as it is with Salinger and Catcher in the Rye. Atwill correctly points out the references to Freemasonry in Catcher but completely misses Salinger’s point: Every reference was in effect saying ‘Freemason’s are evil (or stupid or mean or whatever).’ Every one. Salinger’s hermitic lifestyle after Catcher tells me he turned the PTB down on something and feared retaliation (he was in the OSS during WW 2, which Atwill makes much of). The PTB’s use of Catcher as a ‘calling card’ at covert assassinations is almost certainly a way of upsetting Salinger (plus a display of power and twisted irony). Here’s Atwill’s essay on Salinger. What Atwill counts on is that the reader either never read the book or did so a long time ago and doesn’t remember it (this is especially true with his ‘analysis’ of Kesey’s Cuckoo’s Nest). If you have any doubt that Atwill’s essay is disinfo, get the book and read the passages he quotes in context. His view of the book as ‘cultural debasement’ and of Holden Caulfield as a ‘perverted alcoholic’ deserves more words-in-response than I have time for today. No, wait. I can do it: Ugly disinfo coming from a very low form of humanity: an agent of the state posing as a ‘truther.’

Atwill is extremely intelligent (and he may even be right about Christianity being a Roman psy op) and has to know better re Kesey, Salinger, and, especially, his long-time partner Jan Irvin. I don’t like it when good writers who are not around to defend themselves are blackwashed, with scant or nonexistent or bogus evidence.

fundy gus on mud flat copy 2#4    I enjoy listening to Tim Kelly’s podcast.   He frequently has Joe Atwill as a guest.   I would like to hear the basis of your labeling him a disinfo agent.   The info on MLK comes from a Tim Kelly/Joe Atwill discussion.

I’m not familiar with that podcast and will try to catch it soon. (So I have no opinion on Tim Kelly.) As far as the MLK issue goes, that Atwill quotes ‘Miles Mathis’ says it all. On the specifics of MLK’s funeral, I don’t know enough to judge but I have read two of Pepper’s books and consider him one of the few trustworthy ‘names’ in alt media.

That MM claims that MLK was a federal agent who faked his own death – given the weight of the evidence – should be enough on its own to prove that he’s as dirty as they come. Ditto Joe Atwill, who knows very well what MM is.

Hope this helps.

Okay. I’m really running late. See you tomorrow.
