Nope, It Won’t Stop

‘It just won’t stop…’

This is my brief summation of the email ‘conversation’ I had yesterday with Barbara Honegger. Many of you know how it goes with me when I contact an alt media or ‘Truth Movement’ ‘name’ or outlet. I ask a question they don’t want to answer and Boom! I’m on someone else’s shit list. (Most have learned not to reply to me.) But I have to tell you, Barbara outdid most of them. She really did. If you think it was a bit odd that she didn’t want me to quote her but had no problem with my describing in detail her words… well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

The last photo I did of our Oregon niche before moving on.

The last photo I did of our Oregon niche before moving on.

Be advised that I don’t think that Barbara Honeggar is one of ‘them,’ i.e., a shill or plant, although she is up to her eyeballs in a major psy op. I could be wrong but I don’t think she’s in on it, not consciously. When I get where I’m going in a couple days I’ll explain what happened and ask for your opinion. One of the very good things that’s come from enabling comments here is that I now know for sure that many smart people are out there, listening, and thinking. Critical thinking.

Whatever is going on with Barbara Honegger, it has interesting implications.

Also be advised that what I’m saying here is not meant to put you off her Pentagon presentation. Most if not all the revelations are correct. It’s still worth a look. But if you don’t have the time for the whole three hours, I ask you to go to the end — this is in preparation for my upcoming post — and listen carefully to what she says. It’s at about 2:58:30, her answer to the questioner with an accent. (I don’t know how to provide a link to the exact spot in a video…help?)

Gus dug out her own niche in the jetty rocks.

Gus dug out her own niche in the jetty rocks.

Watch her demeanor because I believe it’s key to what I’ll point out about her. Her words are important, too, but based on the… very strange… statements she made to me, I’m thinking something important is going on, and will be revealed.


Oh and hey: The commenter called ‘Hank’ is a gov’t troll. Same one who’s been trolling me via email for years, under a slightly different name. Also, as Todd pointed out, he didn’t answer a question I asked that would give his game away: Why the media fabricated images (a la Walter vid). Any answer would be torn apart by you guys so he shut up, like so many alt media types do when I ask a question they ‘can’t’ answer.

Please don’t try to engage him. Remember in Silence of the Lambs when Clarice was warned not to ‘talk to’ Lecter? Well, it’s not that bad, but he is trained… you will just be wasting your very precious time. Everyone’s.



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