I haven’t got back my Ir converted camera yet so this was with a filter and a long (10 sec) exposure. You can tell by the blurry flags.
Sorry for the silence but it’s been one thing or another here in the desert, distractions galore. I’ve been trying to combine a chapter from the book with a slightly different variation for a post here and it’s not working out well. Has to do with a ‘street photographer’ whose become quite well known and highly respected but whom I believe is a major fraud, and I’ve been trying to connect with Web people who have been extolling the hell out of the guy; they somehow are not able to see him for the fraud I believe he is.
I contacted two ‘Youtube analysts’ whose photo-analyses I usually agree with and respect — both of whom have see this fraud as a semi-genius — and both not only did not want to hear it (my evidence) but actually deleted my comments.
Not wanting to see evidence is not a good sign, IMO.
A separate issue: But am I wrong? This has occurred to me, sort of in the same way I perceive Elon Musk and his Spacex ‘frauds.’ Should I believe my own eyes or everyone else’s? (Technically I am ‘believing’ everyone else’s silence, if not their inability to see.) Be it a question of age or of some other etiology of insanity, is it me? I have to repeat that thought.
And regarding this (fraudulent?) photographer — it does take a bit of analysis and therefore wordage to make a non-photog understand what I’m getting at — would you even care?
I dunno. I think I’ll give it a shot. But first I want to see if my latest try at ‘reason’ with one of these Youtubers bears fruit or is again deleted. Meanwhile, here’s another try at infrared, a self-portrait from yesterday (or was it the day before?).
13 comments for “Photo #12 (Plus Some Insecurity)”