This’ll be #15. Saw these kids on the street and had to photograph them. Think maybe they are related?
(Note: Make sure you read below my signature. It’s a gas.)
I hope it doesn’t seem a waste of your and my time that I am (temporarily) fixated on a photographer you may not have heard of, rather than world events, which seem to be spiraling out of control, like right now. We may be headed for another war, even a nuclear one (although I do have some doubts about nukes, whether they are what we’re told and so on), but the principles of the root problem are the same in either case, i.e., people don’t appear to notice deceit, or, if they do, don’t have an opinion on it, let alone do anything.

Spectators at a Caribbean cock fight.
I mean, hey, our country committed a horrendous act of full-blown eco-terrorism in blowing up the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline and (apart from Fox) none of the MS media even mentions it. Imagine if Russia did something like this to us. This is as in-your-face as the scene in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four wherein the State’s enemy changes during a rally and no one notices. This is the world we’re living in. (Right, little need to point this out to the regulars here.)
The reason this photo-alteration issue is worth a few posts has to do with the apparent dedication many if not most photographers (amateur and pro) claim to have; the evidence for this is implied by the traffic photo-oriented Youtube channels get and the passion and thirst for knowledge in the comments. I suspect it’s largely through these Youtube videos that photographers like Alex Webb garner their followings.

Diana, one of my past… you get the idea.
Yet, if you go to Graeme Williams’s in-depth analysis of one of Webb’s photos, you will now find him saying that the subject of obvious anomalies in a half dozen of Webb’s photos is ‘beyond (his) pay grade.’ What? Listen to some of that video and think about this statement. Not only is he smart and insightful, but he’s a wonderful photog. Why the lack of balls?
The roaring silence from the three channels I’ve alerted plus Webb himself might remind you of what happened when I challenged certain ‘alt media’ types of their bullshit. When they reply, trying to debunk my observations, they regret it. This may especially explain Webb’s silence (although it’s early yet).

Although someone else pressed the button, this is a self-portrait. Don’t argue. Long story.
James Cowman is a piece of work. (He’s the guy who analyzed 10 Webb photos, not noticing that 5 were likely frauds.) As mentioned, he emailed me with this: ‘I will not respond to anything you wrote.’ He also said he sent my stuff to Webb.
Not hearing from Webb, I emailed asking if he did indeed contact Webb. ‘Yup,’ he said, adding that I will probably be hearing from Webb’s lawyer. I got a grin out of this and answered:
Yeah, well ‘truth is the ultimate defense’ and I did send it to you in effect asking if I am incorrect about anything. Problem is I got back nothing, [you being] a supposed authority on Webb’s work. Had you responded showing me where I am wrong about everything I would have taken it all down. (Maybe he should sue you?)
Perhaps you will help as my expert defense witness. Maybe start with the first photo in your video and explain the shadows and scalling.
FYI, no one I sent my info to said I am wrong. Interestingly, all the ‘experts’ said nothing. Says a lot for ‘art’ of photography, no?
Cowman replies by demanding that I stop emailing him. Point being: He tells me I’m going to get sued and then doesn’t expect me to answer?

The distressing irony here is reflected by all the ‘serious’ photo analyst channels and websites all over the place. I previously went through a similar cluster fuck with several
other YT channels about a vaguely similar ‘touchy’ subject, which I describe in my up-coming photo book. Two of these were ‘The Art of Photography’ and ‘The Photographic Eye’ channels and although one appeared to reply, his answer was actually misdirection, i.e., a complete dodge of my question. Not worth going into these for now.
Herein there is a striking similarity to my observations on Musk’s Spacex frauds, starting from his ridiculous ‘Tesla in Space’ studio-creation and finishing up with his impossible-by-the-laws-of-physics, intelligence-insulting pinpoint landings of his booster sections. I’ll put links below to my videos showing the Whys/Hows of these fabrications.

Pineapple festival, Zihuatanejo, Mexico.
You have to picture all the physicists or just scientists out there in the world who have stayed silent on the Spacex travesty to understand the level of collective denial we are surrounded by.
I’ll give Alex Webb a few more days to reply then write an Open Letter to the Photo Community, with my observations on his imagery, and send a barrage of emails/comments to see what I can stir up. Might be fun.
Talk about denial: As I write I’m listening to an interview with a really popular YT physicist (the ‘Cool Worlds’ guy, David Kipping and Lex Fridman, who is controlled op all the way) and he’s going on and on about Big Bangs and Black Holes and nuke-powered stars and ‘The Pale Blue Dot’ photo and you name it, all of which is based on incorrect or even fraudulent data. Via my iPad I left a comment basically saying this, then, a few minutes later opened the video on my MacBook and the comment was gone.
Here’s the link if you want to see if my comment is there on your system. I dunno how far YT can go in censoring while making it look like it’s not (to the commenter).

Robert Capa’s most famous D-Day photo. Enlarge and examine the left side of his face (his right). See that thick line? The face was altered, maybe fabricated. The kicker is that the negative ‘somehow got lost’, says Life magazine. Talk about a red flag.
There is so much… strangeness! The goddamn Mandela Effect may be a hint or a wink that we don’t have a clue just how strange. A while back I ran into a busload of Amish on a beach vacation and managed to corner the grey-bearded head of the church and asked him if he was familiar with Isaiah 16;1 and said he was. When I asked if he would recite it he said, ‘The lion and the lamb will lie down together.’
I said he was wrong and that it was now ‘the wolf will dwell with the lamb.’ He shook his head at my ignorance/blasphemy and tried to walk away but I forced him to look at an actual Bible, which showed I was right. He was shaken but tried to hide it. Here’s that post, which is worth a look if you haven’t seen it.

Capa’s most famous photo was almost certainly staged. See link below.
There are several YT channels run by devout Christians who understand that the Bible is changing in a supernatural way and not in a good way. Believe it or not, I think they are right. The Bible now has men suckling babies, gay and even trans allusions, blatant spelling and grammar errors, plus emoticons, all kinds of inappropriate shit. You can say I’m nuts but how is this different from
the name of a TV show changing and everyone involved denying it.
Okay, some news. Just before publishing this I got a comment from James Cowman, the guy whose channel analyzed 10 of Webb’s photos, failing to notice that at least five had serious ‘alteration’ problems. Here is his comment, with my observations in bold:
I read over your blog this morning. Here is my official response. ‘Official’ response! Alert the media!
I have no interest in participating in your “fraud” campaign against Alex Webb. I have news: you are doing so right now. And your efforts to discredit others because they don’t want to take the time to prove or disprove your claims is unethical at best. I guess it never occurred to you that all the people you have reached out to (and those that didn’t respond) don’t want to end up on the end of a slander lawsuit.
No one is going to hear from any lawyers and you know it, or you are even stupider than your channel suggests. You don’t end up on the end of a slander suit (you meant ‘libel’ I assume) by analyzing where light is coming from and how shadows are formed.
More importantly and for the record. I have a tremendous amount of respect for Alex’s work, and you have not provided any solid evidence that persuades me to believe any of your claims are true. At least nothing that warrants me investing my time.
Really? How about you just explain how the first photo in your video, just the first, has suns coming from two directions, based on the shadows? Just that one. Or ask your buddy Alex (silent so far) to explain this. This should only take one simple paragraph and would ‘waste’ less time than what you put into this comment. Everyone here is waiting for you two-suns explanation…
I have no doubt that Alex Webbs’ images are authentic, and I stand by my compositional analysis of his work. However, even if his photographs were “fake” as you claim it takes nothing away from my expert opinion about the designs. It’s very obvious to me that you didn’t spend any time studying my research on composition. [my emphasis]
‘Even if’ his photos were fake, you say, you’re still a genius, huh?! Methinks this is the real motive for your comment. You scold me b/c I didn’t spend the time studying your research on composition! Anyone reading this — and especially if they listen to your pretentious bullshit (another lawsuit?) on photography — will see that this is all your ego, since you couldn’t even spot nonsensical lighting in the photos you analyze. That’s what this is about! What a jerk for making it so obvious.
I’m almost laughing too hard to type this quote: ‘You didn’t spend any time studying my research on composition.’ What a transparent crack up you are, James!
Moving forward, my advice to you is to spend more time trying to improve your own photographs rather than discrediting other photographers with actual skills. Additionally, you also might take the time to reach out to Magnum photographs. I’m sure they would be interested in your claims since they represent him.
I have news: As I show above, Robert Capa’s D-day photo is altered, and his ‘falling soldier’ has been shown to be staged (sound familiar?). Capa started Magnum. Maybe Webb learned from him. But why would I contact them? (Why no law suits about the accusation re Capa’s photo? Or this one, a video?)
With that said, as far as I’m concerned, this conversation is over. Please never reach out to me again. I merely exposed you for the dilettante you are. Having said that: What an idiot for writing the above and not expecting a reply!
James Cowman
I’ll even plug James; that’s the kind of guy I am.
Click here for James’s video, modestly titled ‘One of the Most Important Photography Videos I’ve Ever Created.’ I viewed as much as I could take and can only say that whatever he’s talking about has nothing to do with shooting a photograph. As I say in greater depth in my book, photography is about
lifestyle. To quote Jim Richardson: ‘
If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.’
If James is talking about anything, it’s cropping, and if you can’t see how to crop your photos, you either need to work harder or do something else. The time you spend drawing lines on your images and thinking about ‘dynamic symmetry’ would be better spent out in the world with a camera.
Okay, folks, enough for today. Got lively, didn’t it?
Note: As with Alex Webb’s body of work, I only have to be right once to prove fraud.
27 comments for “Photo #15 (Plus It Gets Lively)”