Most of you are not old enough to recall the books of Roald Dahl, but some were made into films that might sound familiar, like Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’ with Gene Wilder (1971). Dahl was a British war hero (fighter ace) and then, along with his buddy Ian Fleming, was a spook for MI6. Quite a life.
But here’s my point, and I have to thank good old Miles Mathis for the link to this article (I have to remind myself at least once a month to see what he’s up to):
“The wonderful words of Roald Dahl can transport you to different worlds and introduce you to the most marvellous characters. This book was written many years ago, and so we regularly review the language to ensure that it can continue to be enjoyed by all today,” publisher Puffin Books says of the changes — in other words, it is regularly rewriting those “wonderful works” to suit modish sensibilities, much as ‘Minitrue’ (the Ministry of Truth) continuously rewrote books and other records to suit the narrative of the powers that be in George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.
Click here to read the whole thing over at Breitbart but here’s another chunk that’s worth a groan:
Paleness, meanwhile, is in itself also considered controversial, as is the lack of it: references to being “White in the face”, “white as paper”, and “turning white” are changed to avoid the word “white” or removed altogether, while a simple description of two machines in Fantastic Mister Fox as “black” is excised.
Countless references to ugliness and fatness are also removed — “fat little brown mouse” becoming “little brown mouse” and Mrs Twit no longer being “ugly” — along with references to females being “pretty”.
References to a “Mrs Silver” becoming “Mrs Hoppy” are also removed, so the poor woman does not have to take her husband’s surname.
Here’s what ‘Miles’ has to say and I couldn’t agree more:
There are actually national and international laws preventing the destruction, desecration, or defacing of works of art, and it has nothing to do with the artist being alive or the family owning copyright. So under normal circumstances this would be flagrantly illegal, as well as immoral and unconscionable. Rewriting famous books is so far beyond the pale it is hard to believe even Intelligence would do it. It just shows how tone deaf and drunk on power they are right now. It reeks of Orwellianism.
The problem with the MM piece is that as usual he quickly descends into a ‘Jew’ harangue.
Referring to the photo, MM writes, ‘Doesn’t look very Japanese, does he? How about that long nose? You aren’t supposed to notice that.’
I remember as a kid how the anti-semitism in grade school usually went something like this: ‘You know why Jews have such big noses? Because the air is free.’ But like any competent limited hangout psy op notice how MM starts off so reasonably, getting us all outraged over an issue almost anyone would agree with, i.e., the re-writing of classic literature for a political agenda.
Before some of you fire up an irate comment: Yes, showbiz and the publishing businesses are mostly run by Jews and so forth, but when you go the extent as does a psy op like MM, you know there is some misdirection in the wind. Anyway, this is not my point.
Addendum: By the way, the title of the MM post just after this one is: NEW PAPER, added 2/20/23, Was Beethoven Jewish? Yep.
At the risk of pummeling a deceased equine, these research-heavy essays are each several thousand words and are only two days apart, i.e., they are the product of a team.

Team Miles Mathis’s output this month. And don’t forget he’s a dedicated artist and physicist too! Holy shit!
The rewriting of classic (or any) books is an especially sore subject with me; I am after all a writer with books that seem to have lasted, so far, anyway (no I don’t think any will stand the real test of time). And you can be sure MM has not and never will mention the apparent Bible changes (mentioned last time). MM repeats as often as possible that his bosses do not believe in the occult.
I then went down to MM’s post titled ‘The Beatles and Mind Control’ and got a good laugh, for how he tears apart Jay Weidner, with whom I have had some ‘conflicts’ (do a site search here for more), especially re the faked moon landings. (Jay was at the Secret Space Program meet in Texas wherein the Q&A was cancelled when they got wind of the queries I had lined up.)
Addendum: Miles claims he turns down interview requests (there have been scads) so he isn’t ‘misrepresented,’ somehow forgetting he could do them live. The real reason is ‘he’ isn’t the guy pictured on the site, plus most of ‘him’ have British accents. Plus, each team member has a different specialty, I suspect, so what if a question comes up that the ‘Miles’ on camera isn’t an expert on? No, MM will not be gracing your YT screen, not in this Branch of Reality.
February has been quite a month for Miles. I count 14 essays (I have subtracted the ‘quest’ one) since the beginning of the month. All on wildly different subjects, all research-heavy, all more than a couple thousand words. That ‘Miles’ continues to pull this bizarre and impossible shit after I have repeatedly busted him on it (in retaliation, and in keeping with the Jews-big-noses mentality, he calls me ‘Wiespecker) is beyond me. All he need do is have more ‘quest’ writers.
But ‘The Beatles and Mind Control’ essay is worth a look for a glimpse at how these people work. Now I am not sure that Weidner is one of them; he looks about my age and maybe (like me) he’s just getting senile, but the crapola he comes up with is in another realm of garbahhhhge (‘garbage’ with a French accent).
If I were a betting guy, I’d put money down on the idea that the current Weidner/Miles Mathis bust up is a way to get you to pick sides, either one being okay with them. They can’t both be PTB assets, right? Sure they can!
This Miles/Jay stuff is actually worth more words, plus I have more news (nothing huge) on the Alex Webb issue, but I have to be on the road today and need to break camp and be off. Give me a few days to get back to you. Meanwhile, have fun in the comments (please keep to my few rules).
Hey, thanks to those who have surfaced with donations. Makes my day to know you are out there, somewhere…
Hey, Tucker hit the nail again. I’m not saying he’s not one of them, but…
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