Since I didn’t get anything yesterday: This photo is from back at my ‘home’ state of South Dakota, where on some days the sky can make you dizzy. Either that or I’m fucking with you.
While I’m here, check out this interview with Robert Schoch. I’m pretty sure he is correct and Graham Hancock is wrong about the cause of the coming catastrophe (not that it will matter much when it comes). Hancock goes on and on about comets, ignoring the work of Anthony Peratt and others, who understand that the sun is the real killer. That he never even mentions Schoch (regarding the Younger Dryas and so on) is a very bad sign.
Meanwhile, comets are actually asteroids with an extreme electro-magnetic charge — not ‘dirty snowballs’ — and Hancock is even ignorant of this.
He has also called Michael Cremo a nutcase (on Joe Rogan) after writing a Foreword to one of Cremo’s books. He now also ignores Virginia Steen-McIntyre after (years ago) touting her ground-breaking work in the Hueyatlaco, Mexico dig, which, via four dating methods, means mankind was in the New World 250,000 years ago; this would destroy the mainstream paradigm and Hancock is doing his best to worm his way into the mainstream. I’ve learned a lot from the guy — especially his book, Visionary — but I no longer really trust him.
For what it’s worth.
By the way, a matter of an hour after I spent some time putting my Derren Brown links below Derren Brown videos, I started getting new comments (that I had to moderate) saying stuff similar to tomkelly33. I didn’t okay them because there was no evidence in the content, just bald assertions and ad hominem BS. I must’ve touched a nerve. Be great if you all spread those posts around a bit. If nothing else you would help me feel like my time is not wasted.
A hint: Today’s photo sorta reminds me of how Derren Brown operates. (Although there is no Photoshop or radical color changes involved.)
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