Going to try something different here with just images. Problem is I can’t always recall whether you’ve seen them before, like on Facebook, which I never should have gone near. Instead of doing a slide show, here you can pick the ones you may like, click ’em, and get a better look. They are randomly set up — unstuck in time, like Billy Pilgrim — going as far back as the late 1980s up until yesterday, as I write:
(Click to see them full page)
Yeah, you’ve seen some of these. I’m hoping you forget.
I’m thinking of doing this differently in the future. Keep to one subject on each post. Like the dogs. And ‘People Other Than Myself’, as above, which I like. I’m just walking down the street at Winchester Bay, OR and see these kids and the statue and persuaded them to stand in front of it. After this one shot, the elder girl got weird and said ‘No more!’ and led the brood away at a fast clip.
Shit, I think you’ve seen some of these…
I’ve written over 50,000 words to go with the imagery. What to do now?
I haven’t figured how to adjust these, move them around and so on.
Don’t forget to click to see them large!
Exposing lies isn’t that much fun, especially when so few of you want to hear it. So let me know if you’d just rather see photographs… it’s okay with me either way.
Many of these really don’t need a caption. Whatever you think you wanted to know, you really didn’t care. Take my word for it. You either liked the image or not.
Enough! These are not even my favorites.
This random theory isn’t working.
I think it was inspired by my re-reading Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five. I suspect Kurt V was a better writer than I am a photographer.)
See, Billy pilgrim, the hero of the book, gets unstuck in time, which is what I’m doing here. It just doesn’t work with imagery, though. Maybe it’s me.
A few have compared my writing to Hunter S. Thompson but it was Vonnegut that inspired me, way back in the 1960s.
He made me realize that you can do anything in storytelling, break all the rules and so on, put your characters through all kinds of unwarranted hell, as long as long as you express a deep… empathy…
And so it goes.
I already have over 50,000 words to go with the imagery, I just don’t know how to do the layout.
I am willing to do a 50-50 split for help with the layout.
I’m going to create the book I have in mind right here on the blog, juxtapose excerpts with imagery.
Then use the eBook to get a print deal.
Some of the ‘captions’ will be 10,000 words. Some will be one word, but subtext-laden.
If anyone knows how to do this — or knows someone who does — please be in touch.
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