Have you seen the latest Spacex joke? If not, click here, it’s hilarious. After spinning out of control for way longer than it would if the footage were real, the thing blows up and the Spacex clowns (scores watching in Texas) erupt in wild applause. We’re two decades after the advancements NASA itself predicted via Kubrick’s 2001; A Space Odyssey, and ‘clearing the tower is all that was hoped for’ in this fiasco (to quote Elon’s idiot).
And the explosion. Thousands of tons of titanium turn to vapor in a couple seconds, with hardly anything left to fall to earth.
Here’s a video I made a while back that includes what real rocket explosions actually look like. Compare it to the poof! we get in this insult to our intellects.
I hope you all (or some of you) understand the implications of this stupendous fraud. I actually don’t understand all of what it means, and especially what it means that no one else is pointing out how obvious is the hoax itself, not to mention the implications thereof.
I’m about halfway across Oregon, headed for the coast and thought I’d add some photos here: Aside from the above, there is too much to say about the current state of things for me to even try right (while driving), so the past will have to do for now.
I picked the folder labeled ‘Scenics’ and pretty much just started at the top, trying to avoid repeats. Scroll down and click the ones you want to really see.
By the way, as of now Youtube is offering Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy free. Funny movie (plus more accurate re the laws of physics than the above from Spacex)!
I’ll try to come up with a serious post once I get to the coast.
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