Photo #27 (Plus Hitchhiker’s Guide Free)

Have you seen the latest Spacex joke? If not, click here, it’s hilarious. After spinning out of control for way longer than it would if the footage were real, the thing blows up and the Spacex clowns (scores watching in Texas) erupt in wild applause. We’re two decades after the advancements NASA itself predicted via Kubrick’s 2001; A Space Odyssey, and ‘clearing the tower is all that was hoped for’ in this fiasco (to quote Elon’s idiot).

And the explosion. Thousands of tons of titanium turn to vapor in a couple seconds, with hardly anything left to fall to earth. 

Here’s a video I made a while back that includes what real rocket explosions actually look like. Compare it to the poof! we get in this insult to our intellects.

I hope you all (or some of you) understand the implications of this stupendous fraud. I actually don’t understand all of what it means, and especially what it means that no one else is pointing out how obvious is the hoax itself, not to mention the implications thereof.


I’m about halfway across Oregon, headed for the coast and thought I’d add some photos here: Aside from the above, there is too much to say about the current state of things for me to even try right (while driving), so the past will have to do for now.





I picked the folder labeled ‘Scenics’ and pretty much just started at the top, trying to avoid repeats. Scroll down and click the ones you want to really see.





















By the way, as of now Youtube is offering Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy free. Funny movie (plus more accurate re the laws of physics than the above from Spacex)! 


I’ll try to come up with a serious post once I get to the coast.

  41 comments for “Photo #27 (Plus Hitchhiker’s Guide Free)

  1. Cat
    April 27, 2023 at 11:22 pm

    Great photos Allan…

  2. Cat
    April 27, 2023 at 11:21 pm

    Got this quick video because I’ve owned a VW camper for years. Wild and crazy. Great photos Allan…

  3. Flux Capacitor
    April 27, 2023 at 7:25 pm

    Has anybody seen the destruction of the launch facility?
    Was that all CGI?
    What about a satellite image?
    What about seismographs?
    What about eyewitnesses not at the launch site?
    What about security cameras in nearby locations?
    Obviously, it would be a simple matter to ascertain if there was a launch or not.

    As with Apollo, the images that scream of an obvious fake, are released and promoted by Never A Straight Answer. Might the same be done with Space X? If they CGI the whole thing, then why would they put such a fake incredulous video of the explosion?

    Could these be traps for adept discerning people to be written off as Conspiracy Nuts to the general audience, and causing divide and discord in the alternative research community?

    This seems to be in the job description of a spook.
    Spook X anyone?

    • Flux Capacitor
      April 27, 2023 at 7:52 pm

      For the sake of argument, assuming the launch was real, and the explosion imagery faked, then they either planned for the self destruction with a cgi fake to supplant the real thing, or they had multiple cgi fake explosions(different stages/altitudes) on hand for IF she blew up.
      All just to €#[% with us.
      What would T Townsend Brown be saying about all this in 2023?

    • April 27, 2023 at 11:27 pm

      Good point re the destruction. I’m working on a post about this. I don’t know how they are doing these bullshit launches but — in this case — the supposed destruction of the thing is the giveaway. Nothing apparently comes down, which makes no sense at all, since you cannot vaporize 120 tons of stainless in a quick explosion. Impossible.

      • Flux Capacitor
        April 28, 2023 at 12:38 am

        How do we really know nothing came down, that the “explosion” was a hoax?
        Only by their crafted video?
        There should be independent people videoing this “explosion”. There is doplar radar, FAA radar, etc…
        How about a FOIA request for the raw radar data of that region, including seismographs?
        Shouldn’t someone be able to get within telescope range and see the destroyed launchpad? Purchase a sat image?
        To put it country simple, it’s easy to prove/disprove that Elon’s shiny robot schlong lifted off. If it did, then it must go somewhere, right?
        Could this be a hybrid of MH370 and Philadelphia experiment?
        Did the real black budget DARPA SPACE XXX
        open a wormhole/activate warp drive and project the hologram for all us plebs to drink bud light too?
        Aren’t we all here to advance our pay grade?

      • April 28, 2023 at 12:57 am

        Yep, 120 tons of Stainless going bang in flames, would normally be an incredible spectacle for your camera!.
        Their “mishaps & destructions” take the pressure off their fake ‘get it to Mars’ schedule.
        The last time I looked at their stainless rocket in broad daylight, well it looked like it was built by chimps and sparrows on a Friday. Shockingly bad WTF workmanship :-O
        Ever checked this guy out? (Hilarious!! :-D!) >

  4. April 27, 2023 at 11:44 am

    “Blackrock” is trending on Twitter. People are seeing that Blackrock owns both Dominion and Fox News–so it sued itself? Miles Mathis, who had written about Tucker Carlson this year as well as Dominion and often adds to his papers, stays silent and writes about Oscar Wilde.

  5. April 26, 2023 at 8:21 am

    What happened to the comment about Richard Branson? I wanted to mention that he tried to chat up the 14yo daughter of a former colleague of mine, who noticed what was going on and went over to put him straight, telling Branson how young she was. Shortly afterwards, he caught Branson at it again. It’s no surprise a) his brand is “Virgin”, and b) he was a friend of Epstein 😞

    • April 26, 2023 at 2:56 pm

      P.S. Forgot to mention the excellent photos!

    • allan weisbecker
      April 26, 2023 at 3:26 pm

      Dunno what you mean What happened to the comment, but I am having trouble with new ones. I can’t moderate b/c I get like 500 a day spams that I have to open to check and don’t have the patience. New commenters should first send to allan at bb dot come.

  6. allan weisbecker
    April 25, 2023 at 1:48 am

    Arrived at the Pacific earlier today and will try to fill in the blanks re the Spacex fraud soon. It nags on me to no end that no one else is pointing out the absurdity of these… ‘launches.’

    • Saverio
      April 25, 2023 at 11:02 am

      Those launches are nothing but smoking mirrors in a way…rather simple to get: a complete fool is wasting a great deal of money to come up with useless tools just to give some sort of show just like the Romans did with gladiators. In the past it was fighters against lions and today it’s time for expensive super tech fireworks.
      Generally speaking you won’t get that many people being critical when it comes to technology and I mean a robust critique knowing exactly what it is that you are ranting against. Are you familiar with Dr. David Skrbina? I had a chat with him last year and have it published on a web journal. Very smart guy with great scientific background plus an opposer of blind tech progress.

      Take care Allan and enjoy the Pacific.

      • April 25, 2023 at 8:46 pm

        Yep, – they are shiny smoking fag end mirrors – that go NOWHERE!.
        Years ago, my kids and I got sick of it all, and made a scale model drawing of a section of the earths surface – 1mm = 1klm scale.
        Thus, we had a nice drawing of a fraction of a 12.750 metre ball (nearly 13 metres – a huge scale model). We also got to play with a tiny model Mt Everest – 8.85mm tall, on the curve of the monster 12.75M diameter ball, and looked at the WAFER THIN ocean, at an average of only 4mm deep.
        Low earth orbit is only at about 250mm up – that is where they run out of fuel.
        Musk’s latest fizzer popped at about only 39mm up!!.
        By the way, all the people on earth easily fit on a 70mm DOT.
        Nothing is going anywhere, till they trot out the suppressed Anti-Gravity craft.

  7. April 24, 2023 at 4:30 pm

    BREAKING OT: Tucker Carlson is gone from Fox News. Just yesterday , AOC was saying that people like Tucker Carlson should be jailed. The censorship is just starting, but it’s just going to total China levels. Tucker wasn’t great–he buys everything about 9/11, for example–but he was the least awful person on television. Once the CBDCs come. they will have total control….Great video on SpaceX. Yes, everything seems to be fake, both the successes and the failures. Great photos. ..Can’t anything be real and honest and true? Can that be allowed to exist?

    • Cat
      April 24, 2023 at 6:24 pm

      Control of gold controls the propagandas…
      nonhuman controls PTB,
      Weird huh … But, maybe helping to delay man ‘kind’ suicidal annihilation
      Out of sheer egomaniacal stupidity…

    • April 24, 2023 at 9:34 pm

      Tucker didn’t want to be murdered, for exposing the 9/11 lies. And today any dumb bastard knows that 9/11 is dripping in Sinister lies.

      I tell you what – AI is going through the world rapidly, like a freight train, with jobs gone and going, and endless threats to most (All?) other jobs. If not real soon, in the too near future.
      I mean, my jobs are quite physical (engineering), and I give them at least 500 – 1000 years to go yet. If robots take over, I will just play and make stuff for myself!.
      This has got to be seen to be believed ->

    • allan weisbecker
      April 25, 2023 at 1:38 am

      I agree re tucker yes the least worst. Be interesting to find out what happened. this may be good news. maybe he will really wake up….

      • Patrick
        April 26, 2023 at 6:36 am

        So now the Fox/Tucker strategy is fully revealed:

        1. Have your guy reveal the truth about the vote stealing. (And other issues, Ukraine/Vaxx etc)
        2. Payout a huge settlement fee to publicly admit the terms of that settlement. (Maybe FOX couldn’t afford a good lawyer)
        3. Fire the guy, who you had reveal the truth, thereby admitting what he said could not be stood over.

        Result: Now the truth has been admitted by FOX, there was no vote steal, just to be sure there is no doubt Tucker, admits all of this in text messages also.

        Rationale: Tucker has gone off the Reservation of the Right Thinking and must fired for his dangerous pandering to the lunatic fringe.

        A well orchestrated controlled opposition operation. Tucker played his part beautifully, Oscar worthy performance, Sasha Baron Cohen eat your heart out. You know what they sat “Enjoy your job and you will never work a day in you life”.

        • philipski
          April 27, 2023 at 5:09 am

          Tucker most likely got the axe, ultimately, for talking about Fed Agent Ray Epps (outside the Capitol on 1/5 and 1/6/21, and in sob story interview session aired on 60 minutes the day before Tucker’s firing, potential lawsuit yada-yada). You could say Carlson defines “limited hangout” in one sense, but I disagree that he’s an actor like Musk.

  8. lamont cranston
    April 24, 2023 at 4:15 pm

    Musk = Limited Hangout CIA

    • allan
      April 25, 2023 at 1:41 am


    • allan weisbecker
      April 25, 2023 at 4:02 pm

      Musk is the most ambitious of all the psy ops run against us. Absolutely.

  9. brian
    April 24, 2023 at 1:26 pm

    Allan, have you ever seen a space launch in person? Are they all fake? SpaceX launches look the same as the expendable rocket launches, except for the broomstick part at the end.

    • allan weisbecker
      April 25, 2023 at 1:41 am

      NO, and I don’t know.

  10. Denis Oven
    April 24, 2023 at 12:50 am

    I was thinking, the other day, that, after Adams arrived in heaven, God seems to have deligated the script to him.

  11. Opinionist
    April 23, 2023 at 9:10 pm

    The photos are beautiful! Each one better than the one before, if that’s even possible. Thanks very much!!

  12. April 23, 2023 at 7:35 pm

    Hi Allan – awesome photo’s.
    Did you change your mind about going to the Grand Canyon?.
    I will tell you another Billionaire who has had monster fails, one after the other – Richard Branson. But he is Real, and trying his hardest with all the low earth orbit stuff at least, but it’s all blown up, and turned to poop.
    They reckon he is on the rocks, and most of his money has gone up in puffs of experiments smoke.

    • allan weisbecker
      April 25, 2023 at 1:44 am

      Good memory! I did change my mind about the canyon. Just arrived on the coast and will try to write a coherent post soon…

  13. KevinW La
    April 23, 2023 at 6:10 pm

    Just remember Wonko the Sane from the book. It puts today’s world in perspective.

    • allan
      April 25, 2023 at 1:46 am

      Wonko didn’t make it into the movie but it’s still funny as hell. Adams was a classic…. A Cosmic Bandito in the flesh.

  14. Paul
    April 23, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    Enjoy the coast! Going back to Gold Beach?

    • allan weisbecker
      April 23, 2023 at 3:30 pm

      yes, but mainly Winchester Bay…

  15. Saverio
    April 23, 2023 at 12:20 pm

    Always thought Musk is full of money and crap. He stands where he stands just to represent the current tech billionare many others crave to be in this so-called reality.

    Douglas Adams sure knew a lot more about physics than Musk will ever be able to achieve.

    Outstanding pictures by the way.

    Take care.

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