Note: I’ve taken Doctor Cowan’s name off my titles for reasons that should be obvious to most of you. However, since I wrote the following for Cowan’s benefit, I’ll leave it pretty much as is, I.e., as if written to him. If he comes across it, maybe it will stir up some guilt, or something.
I assume many of my subscribers are familiar with what follows, i.e., the sun/moon/earth numbers (from 2018), but even if so, the subject is of such profound implications that a bit of repetition is in order. What good is truth not properly imprinted? (I’ve read The Invisible Rainbow twice, and listened to it once; I’ve read your The Contagion Myth at least twice.)
Anyway, Doctor Cowan (and anyone reading this) if the following info doesn’t make you sit up and take notice, either you’re not really thinking, or I myself have my head up my ass (or both). The following is based on two posts from 2018, reworked, plus some new stuff.
In August of 2917 I my dog Gus and I made our way up the Oregon coast for the total eclipse that took place on the 21st. We got there a few days early and found a spot to camp right on the center line of totality.
The experience (of totality) wound up changing my way of seeing certain aspects of HTWRW. I’ll not try to explain this other than to say that at the moment when darkness fell — and it falls as if a cosmic light switch had been thrown — it was as if someone yelled in my face, ‘Look up here! Think about it!’
Which I did.
Chance & Necessity
Say you flip a coin and it comes up heads. That’s chance, right? (Although Newton’s Laws of Motion are involved, we’re dealing with probabilities here.)
Say you flip a coin ten times and it comes up heads each time. Could still be chance, right? Yes, but you’d be starting to wonder if something else was up.

A lunar eclipse I witnessed at the Grand Canyon in 2015. It didn’t have the profound effect of the solar of 2017.
Say you do it 100 times and it comes up heads each time. (Call this ‘the event.’) Now you know something’s up. You suspect that it’s either a two-headed coin or some other shenanigans are going on. And if so, you know there is an intelligent agent of some sort behind the event (100 heads in a row). To put it another way: If the outcome had been approximately 50 – 50 (heads/tails), you would assume the event occurred via the natural law of probability. This can be referred to as necessity. You could also say that this event (approx. 50 heads, 50 tails) was based on chance. What you would not suspect — no reason to — is that there is some sort of intelligent agent behind this event.
Any event will either be caused via natural laws (necessity) and/or via random chance. If neither is the case we have intelligence in the woodpile. Get it?
Think of something that isn’t either chance or necessity (or both) and you will always come up with an intelligent agent of some sort as the cause. (Keep in mind that with ‘the event’ we are not dealing with Newton’s Laws of Motion, but with Probability.)
I hope you agree here, because this is the crux of the matter I am espousing.
How We Got Here
You are likely aware that for complex life to exist on earth, a moon very much like the one we have is necessary. (You can look up the reasons.) And the unlikeliness the moon’s physical existence (due to its size, make up, plus the mechanics of its orbit) has been long argued by the scientific community. In fact, you may know that the moon’s existence is so unlikely that artificiality is not a new theory.
But let’s be way, way conservative and say that the moon’s existence is comparable to the above-mentioned 10 heads in a row. Unlikely but not impossible. This is in fact the mainstream science view. (Actually, the chances are probably more like one in a billion, but we’re giving the materialists all kinds of breaks.)
As you also know, it’s already a monumental coincidence that the moon is exactly the apparent size of the sun, making total eclipses like the one I saw possible – the moon being 400 times smaller in diameter yet 400 times closer to us than the sun.
This situation is comparable in probability to the 100 heads in a row, yet the mainstream view is still that chance is behind it. (This is certainly another one in a billion shot, but as I say… etc., etc, plus we now have two one in a billion chances to deal with, i.e., multiply by each other…)
Addendum: This is as if the astronauts in 2001; A Space Odyssey found the monolith on the moon and muttered, ‘Wow, what a wild coincidence that the natural laws of chemistry and geology created this thing! Now pass the artificial ham sandwich.’
Thing is, though, we haven’t even gotten started with the ‘coincidences,’ with the battle between chance & necessity and design.
There’s an excellent book called The Privileged Planet, by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay Richards (an astronomer and a philosopher, respectively), both being from the Discovery Institute (which espouses intelligent design), and their premise is indeed that the universe was created been by an intelligent designer, and part of their evidence is that we get full solar eclipses. Yes, I agree.
But an added coincidence — somehow not mentioned in the book — is the number itself, 400. A ‘round’ integer in base 10 arithmetic. What are the odds? Not only that but the ‘canon’ of the number ‘400’ is on its own significant: 400 is the number of kilometers the moon turns on its axis each earth day… 400 is the number of times the earth turns faster than the moon…40,000 is the number of Megalithic Yards in one Megalithic second of arc of the sun… 40,000 is also the number of kilometers the earth turns on its axis each day…
I know: Units of measurement are, in theory, arbitrary, i.e., human conventions, so cannot have ‘cosmic’ significance. Maybe, maybe not, though, since both the Megalithic Yard and the metric system are related to – and probably based upon — the circumference and the mass of the earth. This in spite of the fact that the Megalithic Yard was ‘invented’ (or ‘discovered’) around 6,000 BC, begging the question of how the hell anyone knew the earth’s dimensions 8,000 or so years ago. Were our ancestors ‘enlightened’ by… well, a higher power? More on this in a bit.
Oh and here’s still another reason ‘400’ is significant: the meter was geodetically defined as one forty-millionth (1/40,000,000th) of the earth’s polar circumference.
Do you believe that all these ‘400’-related numbers are coincidences? If not, then by definition you believe in some kind of ‘higher intelligence/power.’ This is not logically arguable.
Still more evidence: Here are just a few of the numbers involving the sun: 109.2 is the size ratio of the earth to the sun; 109.2 is also the number of earth diameters across the sun; and 10,920 is the size of the moon in kilometers. 27.322 are the sidereal days for one lunar orbit; 27.322 is also the percentage size, earth to moon.
As you can see, there is no physics-related reason whatsoever that these numbers should match (they do not match ‘by necessity’).
And anyone who would believe this is all coincidence, i.e., chance, is not a ‘philosopher’ in any true, ‘follow the evidence,’ sense of the word.
If it’s not chance or necessity, then ‘intelligence’ is at work. But more than intelligence, there is ‘interest,’ in us, our ‘progress,’ and our behavior. Not only interest, but meddling. How else to explain how ‘stone age’ builders knew the earth’s dimensions and mass?
(’Curiosity’ would certainly fit with a ‘simulation hypothesis’ (see Bostrom and others), since we should assume that the simulators share at least some intellectual properties with us. Another way to put it: Without curiosity about us, why run a simulation?)
One more example. Is the number 366 important, cosmologically? Sure it is. It’s the number of earth rotations in one solar year. But so what? Well, in relative size the earth is also 366 per cent larger than the moon. This, too, is an ‘unnecessary’ match, i.e., it is not due to necessity. And if you believe it’s due to chance… well, you are… not thinking clearly.
Therefore, we’re talking about design.
Also, take the number 100, divide it by 366 and you get… 27.322. Look familiar? It’s the number of sidereal days (rotation of the earth re the fixed stars) for one lunar orbit (see above)! Holy shit! As a capper: for every 10,000 days on earth, the moon makes 366 orbits around us! Does ‘coincidence’ cause these ‘landings’ on round base 10 numbers?
There is nothing ‘cosmic’ about base 10. But the perfection only works in it! How did ‘it’/‘they’ know we’d use it?
Well, we have 10 fingers and toes, right? Is base 10 a reaction to that? If so, did the higher power arrange it, evolutionarily?
Evolutionary biologists are at a loss as to how the Cambrian Explosion happened. How did all those body plans appear out of nowhere? Were they plopped down by the same higher power that slung a perfect moon in orbit around us?
Again (this is worth a repeat), the big question is How did the higher power know we’d use the metric system and Megalithic Yards? The only rational answer is this: It/he/she/they, the higher power, meddled with with our development to ensure that we would use these systems of measurement, as was done with base 10, starting with us having ten digits to count on (notice that a synonym for ‘finger’ is ‘digit’) .
Even a ‘second’ of time is not a convention but rather is tied to the earth’s gravity, as measured by a pendulum in conjunction with the movement of celestial bodies. (Fascinating stuff!)
For me – and given my research into biological evolution’s ‘impossible coincidences’ – what all this equals is that the nature of the ‘intelligent designer’ may not be so far afield from that of we humans. A scary thought!
The Problem of Organized Religion
What is wrong with the mainstream science (plus the authors of The Privileged Planet) that they mention none of these numbers, and their implications? The proof is right in front of them! Not only proof of a designer’s existence, but proof that he/she/it wants us to know of his/her/its existence!
But see, they’re either materialists (science) or Christians, the former ruling out design via their premise (their religion), the latter via the God of the Old Testament (their religion), who would not work that way. See, we’re supposed to believe in God via faith alone. They don’t need or want no stinkin’ proof!

Sacred Geometry should be enough to prove design but since it is purely mathematical, it’s paid little attention. I highly recommend Randall Carlson’s lecture on YT: A whole other angle on design.
Addendum: Anyone curious about the Megalithic Yard and what is so amazing about it can go to Butler and Knight’s Civilization One, plus their Who Built the Moon, although you will also have to put up with quite a bit of mainstream nonsense when they wander off the subject of metrics and the sun/moon/earth numbers, the worst of which can be summed up by their ‘reasoning’ in proof of the Apollo moon landing.
Given the subject matters at hand, that they completely ignore the UFO phenomenon is also an annoyance at best, as is their total acceptance of germ theory.
And don’t get me started on their climactic notion that the moon was built by time traveling humans from the far future.
Still, a reminder: If it ain’t Chance… And if it ain’t Necessity… It’s Intelligence!
Doctor Cowan, don’t the ‘the moon numbers’ prove (to any reasonable person) the existence of a real higher power? One that has monkeyed with our existence? And as I’ve said before about other subjects: Why isn’t this big news?
Addendum: A final thought on why this evidence is so much more profound than, say, Sacred Geometry, which is wholly based on mathematics. See, the moon/sun/earth relationship is physical, i.e., based on… on ‘miracles’ (impossibilities) involving physical matter. Wow.
And let’s remember the quote that got us started down this road:
‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is successful when everything the American public believes is wrong.’
William Casey (Director of Central Intelligence under Reagan)
One other thing: The Mandela Effect is… real (whatever that means). How to explain this, other than by design?
Just recalled that stars are disappearing and ‘scientists’ have no idea why. How about a cosmic version of the Mandela Effect? Click here and see if you have a better explanation.
But my point being: ‘They’ don’t want us to know anything.
One last thing. Here’s a short film I made about the lunar eclipse I witnessed at the Grand Canyon in 2015. It reflects the spookiness of any eclipse, although a total solar is in another realm.
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