Note: The title is from CYGAWA (for the acronym-challenged, it’s my book in the sidebar!), and refers to my imaginary Variety headline when it was rumored that Brad Pitt and Penn were both going to be in the movie version of In Search of Captain Zero, playing either me or my old pal. (Need I point out that it didn’t work out that way?)
The last few days have seen several big one-time donations come in, plus a super-generous monthly deal. (What does ‘several’ mean? Why not just say three? I dunno. But three, plus the monthly.) I’ll be the black this month! Holy shit. But I mention it because I can’t figure out what’s going on with the Unsubscribes. On average (and this month) I get four Unsubscribes for every Subscribe, and this has been going on for like five years. I mean doesn’t one of the Laws of Thermodynamics kick in at some point?
Addendum: There is a ‘Zero-eth Law of Thermodynamics, which someone added (and it caught on) to the three Regular Laws. So maybe I could add a Fourth, having to do with getting into negative numbers in my Subscriber List while donations somehow increase. No, wait… It’s not another Law of Thermodynamics… it’s another Effect! An inherently self-contradictory… lemme think about it…
This bull shit also reminds me of the sad and nonsensical current state of physics, which I’ll try to circle back to.
I’ve got a morning rhythm going. Put on the coffee, move stuff around that needs moving (stuff unique to RV living, like putting my 20 little solar lights outside to recharge), then I collect the sky-lapse camera chips and commence transferring to Final Cut, which takes a while, although the Mac does the work. During this wait, I’ll take Gus for a walk. Gus sleeps inside, in the passenger’s seat; the whole front is her little night-area, except during thunder storms (or fireworks); on those nights she jumps into my bed and vibrates in fear. I’ll give her an ear message and talk to her in a soothing voice and soon enough she goes back to her nest up front. (To those who are thinking ‘Who the fuck cares,’ I can only say, Yeah, I know, but some folks like the ‘life’ details. I’ll keep them to a minimum.)

Go to the link wherein Dr. R, the Sky Scholar, explains that the ‘photograph’ of the black hole is another fraud.
I’m posting a video about the UFO (unidentified flying object, which it was, no matter what it was) from the last post. I think the imagery is important enough to warrant a video, if only to put the sighting on the YT record. Although you guys didn’t jump up and down about it in the comments, I suspect that some of you realize that the object pictured was almost certainly either a secret craft (piloted by humans) or it was from… as I say, somewhere else.
Which reminds me. Last time in my list of stuff that might be somehow linked I had the Mandela Effect (ME!), the Simulation Hypothesis (SH and which deserves capitalization), Intelligent design (which maybe does not), and UFOs. Three things/concepts/whatever. I forgot about ‘star visibility’ (it’s a pain figuring what deserves capitals or scare quotes or whatever with this stuff). Which makes four.
Mandela Effect
Simulation Theory
Intelligent design
Star visibility (Sometimes they are visible from space, sometimes not: A glitch in the ‘matrix’?)
Addendum (from Saturday, Jan 11): Jesus, I’m having another senior moment. I didn’t add ‘star visibility to the list of four, which should be five. So I’m adding it now.
I may be wrong, i.e., maybe they all don’t ‘go together’ but corralling them all into one mental pen, so to speak, does no harm to critical thinking, .
Fuck. The ‘pen’ above reminds me of something I already put in a comment, but I think deserves another mention. Someone pointed me to a collection of Ricky Gervais Golden Globe monologs — I forget why — but during the 2011 one, Ricky brings up ‘Sex in the City 2’, which he pronounced just like that, with ‘in’ not ‘and.’ Thing is, though, the Closed Captioning’ had it with ‘and.’ Don’t quite know what to make of that. (Please, please don’t comment that he did say ‘and’ and I am hearing it wrong. I pray we are past that.)
But what does that have to do with ‘pen’ reminding me of something? Nothing. But in the same compilation, Gervais makes a lame joke about going into hiding, where ‘even Sean Penn won’t find me.’ This was referring to Penn having had a clandestine rendezvous with El Chapo, the Mexican drug lord. Penn then penned (sic) an interminably pretentious essay on his adventure, which was published in Rolling Stone magazine, with, I promise you, not a word changed by the RS ‘editor.’
If I were going to be fearful of Penn (since he really does hate me), it would be this — the fact that no one at Rolling Stone told him his piece was unreadable — that would put the fear into my sorry ass. But since he didn’t have me whacked for writing this, I may be all right. We’ll see. (If you go to that link, do a word search for ‘Penn.’ Wait. Don’t bother. I’m excerpting it below anyway.)
But what’s my point? After delivering the above Penn-punchline, Gervais takes a sip of his beer, looks into the camera and says ‘Snitch’, which got some chuckles. Whoa, I was thinking, that can only be referring to the fact that soon after Penn’s visit El Chapo was busted and jailed, where he even now sits.
This is one of those deals that I notice, for whatever reason, and critical think my way into the implications, step by logical step. Listen: They even cut to a close up after Gervais sips and puts down his drink, which gives the aspersion more pizzaz: ‘Snitch.’ And his tone is sort of steely. (Go here and listen to the opening bit if you want to verify.)
Thing is, a joke doesn’t work unless at least some people understand the reference. So it must be ‘common knowledge’ amongst the H-wood ‘in’ people that Penn is a spook. (Unless the joke writers were thinking, ‘Allan will love this one!”)
Addendum: I went back and looked at the blog post wherein I vented about Penn. It’s pretty long-winded and may aggravate those who either have already read it or have no interest in the spookery in good old H-wood. So feel free to skip down to the end, where I wrap a few things up. This begins sort of in the middle of something…
…Penn had two entries into the U.S. after his meeting with El Chapo. Yet these border crossings – at which immigration and customs and Homeland Security and probably TSA officials looked him in the face, swiped his passport – are not mentioned in his 10,000 word extravaganza [the piece in Rolling Stone]. His flatulence is worth our attention, apparently, plus his worry about the state of attachment of his penis, but not these theoretically enlightening confrontations. I don’t know about you, but when I enter my home country (these days) from abroad, there is a moment, usually at the immigration window, when my heart can’t help skipping a beat, when that possibly cranky official checks the various database Lists and looks me in the eye. Know what I mean?
Here’s a guy who has just located and picked the brain of the most wanted fugitive on the planet, and yet he makes no mention of this private moment (two of them) we are all familiar with.
Although Penn openly refers to a private jet as means of travel south, he (given the state of his prose, I’ll abjure adding ‘deftly’) avoids mentioning how he and del Castillo [a Mexican actress] returned to the U.S. after their sojourn with El Chapo; doing so might conjure the image of his personal confrontation with immigration and its implications. (Penn whispers to his ‘brother-in-arms’ in ‘secret code’ but doesn’t worry that travel by private jet might be a red flag?)
But let’s think about this. No matter how it went, the scene deserves description, no? If they grabbed and grilled him, that would certainly be worth a few words. But come to think of it, if nothing happened, if ‘Welcome home, Mister Penn’ was the reaction of officialdom… by god, that’s interesting too, isn’t it? I mean given Penn’s assurance that he and del Castillo were under intense spook surveillance…
If he was grilled – if not at immigration, maybe sometime during the three months between his adventure and El Chapo’s capture — surely he would have reveled in describing the scene: It’s… well, almost cinematic in its potential drama.
Picture Penn – or, rather, one of his cinema-characters, eyes blazing, yelling ‘Fuck you!’ at his interrogators. ‘Cut!’ You get the picture. He might’ve gone on for another 10,000 words describing that scene. Obviously, though, it didn’t happen. If it didn’t happen: either no one was actually shadowing him (according to Penn, unthinkable), or… or he had an ‘arrangement’ with TPTB, i.e., he was on a mission. [Hence the ‘snitch’ zinger from Gervais]
Likewise with Mexican law enforcement, which claims that Penn is ‘under investigation’ for the El Chapo meet, yet they let Penn into and out of Mexico after the meet, without grabbing him for a talk. And apparently Penn was unconcerned about the possibility, notwithstanding Mexico’s rep for ‘disappearing’ enemies of the state. (If Mexican laws are anything like ours, Penn committed a felony in that country by keeping his knowledge of El Chapo’s whereabouts to himself. Yet, again, he appears to have been unconcerned. Smacks of foreknowledge that he was safe on Mexican soil.)
So. Is Penn a spook a la Chuck Barris in Confessions…?
Here’s a red flag list I suspect you’ll agree with:
Multi-generational showbiz. His dad, Leo Penn, was an actor/director, and his brother Chris, was an actor. Was? Yes, recall that Chris died an early death (in 2006). This is of theoretical interest so I checked cause of death: ‘nonspecific cardiomyopathy’ (you gotta love the ‘nonspecific’ part of the description).
An odd factoid: There is conflicting information about Chris Penn’s age at time of death, i.e., his date of birth, with some obituaries giving 1962.[ Yet Penn’s mother told Richard Kelly (for Kelly’s book) that Chris’s date of birth was October 10, 1965. Mmmm. MKULTRA kids are often ‘assigned’ to their ‘parents’… from… well, that’s the point. From where?
Those who have done their homework re MKULTRA, and especially its trauma-based mind control sub-program(s), will understand the (admittedly speculative implication) here. When a subject isn’t ‘working out’ or possibly as a warning to a more important subject… early deaths are not uncommon. (Don’t expect Britney Spears to make it anywhere near her big four-oh.)
Sean’s marriage to Madonna – perhaps the poster girl (literally) for the Elite’s Monarch Program – is also a red flag.
My implication: Maybe their marriage was related to the common factor of how both their careers were guided/enabled by TPTB. Were they ‘introduced’ at anEyes Wide Shut kinda bash?
Penn’s world-wide ‘activism’ and outspoken criticisms of the neo-cons is exactly what one would expect were he to be set up to ‘get in a room’ with America’s ‘enemies.’
Anyway, I have a half dozen other tells that Sean is another Chuck Barris. And hey, I haven’t yet delved into the travel logistics/timing issues, but he might have dosed Hugo Chavez with a cancer virus a la Jack Ruby. A stretch, yes, but a rough scenario: after Sean refused the mission, they offed Chris as ‘motivation’… so in the late-2000s Sean finally got it done (a new and improved delivery method now, it only being necessary to get in the same room with the victim). According to the London Telegraph, Penn had had face time with Chavez by 2007, so the timing works. And keep in mind that Chavez’s demise was at the very top of the spook to-do list in the 2000s….
…Moving on: According to his article, our boy meets with the supposed #1 fugitive then 4 days later is off to a Word Bank panel discussion. World Bank? (NWO anyone?) A guy who… says this…
[From Penn’s article] But unlike bin Laden, who had posed the ludicrous premise that a country’s entire population is defined by – and therefore complicit in – its leadership’s policies, with the world’s most wanted drug lord, are we, the American public, not indeed complicit in what we demonize? [By the way, is this sentence even coherent?]
…a guy who considers bin Laden the leader of a country is given a spot in World Bank panel discussion? (That is what Penn is saying, isn’t it?) Would a ‘friend’ of Hugo Chavez (Penn’s claim) be welcome at the World Bank?
A related ‘tell’ is implied in the question of whether Jann Wenner would publish (in his flagship mag) this absurd ‘historical’ gaffe, absent a ‘detail’ we’re not getting.
But let’s don our critical thinking Esoteric Hollywood hats on this one. Another question: Who is theoretically higher in the Elite Food Chain, Sean Penn or Jann Wenner? I mean assuming Penn is as advertised, i.e., an actor. A-list or no, Jann Wenner is way above anyone in that category.
It’s obvious that Penn’s piece was not touched. Not a word changed. (Aside from the fractured syntax, muddled and pretentious voice, plus doozies like bin Laden-as-country-leader, there’s a misplaced apostrophe that a high school yearbook editor would have caught in the first edit.)
Why didn’t Jann call Penn and tell him the truth?: ‘Your article is publishable at 4,000 words and if you sit down with an actual writer and start over.’
Of the dozen or so major publication pieces I’ve read, supposedly reviewing ‘El Chapo Speaks’, try to find one that even mentions that it’s basically unreadable. Why?
The answer to that question is the answer to the big one: Penn is not to be fucked with. Even by Jann Wenner. Even by… anyone else, meaning any of the press that might review his piece.
(Again, the most fun I have in this is in dealing with Penn’s writing – the basic problem stemming from the oft repeated line I got from his colleagues when I was going through my movie-book deal fiasco with him: ‘Sean doesn’t read!’ Yeah, I have that multiple times from those who know him best. Find me a writer who doesn’t read…)
Since it’s all open source (plus a little Critical Thinking 101) and from Penn’s own words, we certainly can’t be accused of ‘trying to get Penn killed’ by pointing out all this. [And Christ, how about his buddy Gervais’s fingering him as a snitch?!]
You get a chance, listen to Penn’s interview with Charlie Rose; notice the vibrato in his voice as he denies that he’s concerned about his personal safety… My view is that Penn’s anxiety is unwarranted. That El Chapo was recaptured and not offed (a la Pablo) tells me a couple things: not only is El Chapo not a danger to TPTB, but that he is merely the public face of the cartel, his peasant-to-kingpin legend meant to keep us from picturing the real power behind the cartel, i.e., as we all know, a consortium of international bankers. So a deal is likely afoot, with El Chapo as misdirection. Penn’s adventure is probably a way of pointing and yelling, ‘Look over here, folks!’ Unlikely that it was a way of finding him. But I’m still saying Penn was on a mission — again, one of misdirection.
Penn says he ‘feels naked’ without a pen and paper (to take notes). Does this not beg the question of Why he didn’t come equipped with the bare minimum journalist’s tool? Why not at least ask if he could record the talk?
Regarding El Chapo and how he got caught:
The guy does a video with a recognizable vehicle and a mountain range as backdrop and he then wonders how they found him? This is so fucking dumb… Even Fortune, who employed an expert in spookery to analyze El Chapo’s (lax) security measures, failed to point out this horrendous breach.
It might take half an hour for a tech-spook to match the mountain range with the road and habitations in the foreground and put an X on a Mexican map. (The way the video zooms in and out, it would be easy to calculate the distance of the road to the mountains via perspective changes, etc., etc. Even I could probably do it.)
How could no one (in the media or alt media) notice this? (You best believe the various agencies did.)
Perhaps the most revealing (and flat hilarious) tell comes when Charlie Rose asks Penn the quite reasonable question of Why he did it. Penn’s stumbling answer – that he thought his interview ‘could lead to a discussion on the war on drugs’ – is slightly belied by… the list is extensive but my favorite item is his answer to the question ‘What’s your image of after-life paradise?’ from a televised Actor’s Studio interview a few years ago. Penn’s answer: ‘Two hookers and an eight-ball.’ Got a great laugh. (Interestingly, for some reason, this interview – plus others that had drug references – has been deleted from Youtube. Mmmmm…)
My own testimony: Last time I was in a room with Sean Penn was at the Four Seasons Hotel in L.A. in the mid-2000s, when Penn was two hours late for a meeting, his excuse being ‘I had a pharmaceutical night.’ (I don’t consider the statement ‘private’ since a half dozen others were present, including the head of a studio.)
He might as well have said he had ‘An El Chapo night,’ if you get my drift.
Anyway, not one of his dumb-ass questions to the fugitive had anything to do with the efficacy of the war on drugs. This is after seven hours of face time with the man who (theoretically!) knows as much about the subject as any living human.
Penn waxes lyrical about ‘the brume’ of his ‘flatulence.’ Let’s fantasize what you or I might have come up with instead:
‘El Chapo, as everyone paying attention knows, the CIA (Western Intelligence in general) has been at the forefront of narcotics trafficking world-wide since World War Two, if not before. Tell us what you can about the arrangement between Mexican cartels and Western Intelligence.’
Or, perhaps cutting even closer to the bone:
‘El Chapo, as everyone paying attention knows – and given that it’s been in the mainstream press that Wachovia, Wells Fargo, Bank of America just to start – that the major US banks launder Mexican cartel proceeds by the hundreds of millions a year… what can you tell us about the arrangement between Mexican cartels and the US banking system?’
Still closer:
‘El Chapo, as everyone paying attention knows, a principal reason – if not the reason – that the United States invaded Afghanistan was to restart heroin production and exportation in that country (since the Taliban had banned and cut the opium harvest by 95%), what can you tell us about your cartel’s contribution to the world economic system?’
How about Fast and Furious?… As with Ed Snowden and Julian Assange, it’s the issues not mentioned that tell us who Penn really is, for whom he works… [Really folks, if Penn is for real, how could he not mention it?]
However, I have the most fun (in my essay) just pasting in Penn’s prose, letting it roll…
‘Beneath his smile, there is a doubtlessness to his facial expression. A question comes to mind as I observe his face. Both as he speaks as while he listens. What is it that removes all doubt from a man’s eyes? Is it power? Admirable clarity? Or soullessness? Soullessness…wasn’t it that my moral conditioning was obliged to recognize in him? Wasn’t it soullessness that I must perceive in him for myself to be perceived here as other than a Pollyanna? An apologist?’
Jesus. That made it into Rolling Stone. What more can I say?
Enough! Looks like I’ll not have space to circle back to the sad state of physics. What I will do is refer you to this excellent lecture by Wal Thornhill. Truly, pay attention to Wal and you will know waaaaay more about the cosmos than any Ph.d-ed pundit on YT. And this new one by The Sky Scholar, which blows the whistle on the ‘image’ of a black hole that all the PTB moles are raving over. Yes, it’s as fraudulent as Sagan’s Pale Blue Dot (see my comment under the video).
Oh, by the way, the above excerpt was also used in an email to ‘Esoteric Hollywood’ guru Jay Dyer. It’s a long story, but after Jay and I met he invited me to be on his show. Then he realize what a big mouth I have (the stuff I spill the beans about and so forth), he refused to even return my emails.
One would think the above would result in a Jay Dyer ‘Esoteric Hollywood’ podcast invite, wouldn’t you? But no. Which is why I titled the blog post ‘Dyer Straights for the Alt Media.’
32 comments for “Pitt Plus Penn Pugilize Pursuing Pal Pic Part!”