Bunch of stuff happening but I’m going to try to keep this short. Couple days ago, on May 11, Musk & Co. (NASA) ‘launched’ another one; this was supposed to be a geosynchronous satellite for the country of Bangladesh. No big deal. I mean who cares about cell phone reception in Bangladesh? Who cares, especially if no satellite was actually placed in orbit, geosynchronous or otherwise?

Funny, the Falcon 9 (almost as big as the Shuttle) is blowing up but look closely and there it still is!
I was already sure about the fakery but in the new launch Spacex out-did itself. Remember the ‘Tess’ launch, how I pointed out that there was no ‘boostback burn,’ even though they explained how important it was to steer Stage One on a trajectory to land on the drone ship? No boostback burn meant that upon ‘stage separation’ Stage One would keep going east in the vacuum of space until gravity eased it down into the atmosphere, leaving the drone ship, the SS ‘Of Course I Still Love You’ far to the west, just off the Florida coast.
Get a load of this: this new launch, they didn’t even mention a boostback burn. Sure, one less lie to trip them up (as with ‘Tess’), but still, it’s… I mean a complete insult to our intelligence that they don’t even pretend that the laws of physics apply to their launches.
You can watch the ‘launch’ and the ridiculous ‘landing’ (in which the camera cut out at all the important moments) on the drone, but I suggest you save your vid time for my new one, below.
If you’ll remember, my last two videos show that they’ve faking their ‘failures’ – however they’re faking the ‘important’ launches (like the Falcon Heavy), they’ve been pulling the same fakery all along, right from the get-go, which is further evidence that an even more major deception is afoot. I mean why go to all the trouble to fake crashes and explosions unless a detailed (and important) ‘script’ is being followed?
Slightly different subject: This guy who calls himself ‘Live Astronomy’ has been all over my videos calling me names and so forth, right? Well, in one of his comments he refers me to his video of one of the launches that I showed had faked its mid-air explosion. His title is ‘Incredible Close Up Footage of Falcon 9 CRS-7 Explosion.’ (At least no exclamation mark at the end.) The guy is one of those serious amateur astronomers (and likely also a Musk/NASA shill but who cares?)… wait, I shouldn’t make fun of him for his astronomy… except that guys like that (even non-shills) usually have an attitude problem, in terms of believing ‘official stories.’ Anyway, he filmed the same launch as I used in my video, which is great, in theory, since comparing different angles of a scene is a good way to catch fakery – the old ‘continuity’ problem. Something doesn’t match, boom, you nailed them.
In this case, though, what he did was show in better detail that I’m right about the faked explosion, and, further, upon close examination of his video I decided that the fakery was important enough to warrant a more carefully crafted video of my own. So thank you ‘Live Astronomy’! (A link to his video is above. Remember that you can watch frame by frame by using the comma and period keys on your computer.)
If you’re wondering why they would go to the trouble to fake a ‘failure,’ again, keep in mind that someone (likely a committee) is writing the Musk Space Fraud script and, to keep it believable, it needed ups and downs. Narrative rhythm. Keep ‘em on the edge of their seats! Will the eccentric billionaire boy wonder succeed in his… Mars colony… or whatever? Hang in for the Musk Mini-series!

Big bugger. Keep how big it is in mind while you watch the vid. The bulb on top ejected safely, they say. Did you see it in the vid?
An excellent proof-of-fakery is the in the color and manner of the Falcon 9 explosion, which does not come close to matching the many (about 100) historical clips I watched. Almost all the old and new rockets, including Musk’s, use RP-1 fuel. Here, from Wiki:
RP-1 (alternately, Rocket Propellant-1 or Refined Petroleum-1) is a highly refined form of kerosene outwardly similar to jet fuel, used as rocket fuel. RP-1 has a lower specific impulse than liquid hydrogen (LH2), but is cheaper, stable at room temperature, far less of an explosion hazard, and far denser.
The Falcon 9 explosion was of course colorless, which does not match any rocket crash/explosion on record anywhere I could find. (Ditto plane crashes: Jet-A is likewise kerosene.) A pretty dead solid bust, IMO.

All kerosene (rocket fuel) fires. Notice the color. What color do you see in my video? Answer: ColorLESS.
Interestingly, I found a Wiki quote on the explosion that is of interest to anyone who can actually see. In the three angles I have of the Falcon 9 August, 2015 ‘event’, nothing bigger than a car door came out of the explosion intact – and even these little pieces ‘evaporated’ before exiting the frame. Yet:
The Dragon CRS-7 capsule was ejected from the exploding launch vehicle and continued transmitting data until it impacted with the ocean. SpaceX officials stated that it could have been recovered if the parachutes had deployed, but the software in the capsule did not include any provisions for parachute deployment in this situation.[6] It is assumed that the capsule crumpled and broke up on impact.
This makes no sense even if you don’t believe your own eyes and accept the lie that the Dragon Capsule survived the blast. There was over 4,000 pounds of valuable cargo in that capsule and – according to the above – they didn’t even look for it! This is mighty strange, especially since the capsule ‘continued transmitting data until it impacted with the ocean.’ So they would have known exactly where to look.
Someone might ask Elon about this, given his mania for recovering anything that ‘goes up.’
One last thing. I’m concerned over my apparently diminishing subscribership, plus the paltry view of most of my videos (they get ‘stuck’ at about 500). Since I’m the only non-flat earther exposing the Musk Space Fraud it’s possible that the PTB, especially my blog provider and Youtube may be faking my numbers, or, with Youtube, are doing all they can to keep my videos unseen. So pu-lease, if you find my posts and videos of value, do spread them around.