There is so much going on right now, most of it either frightening or dispiriting, that I’m… well… not in the mood. So I’ll show you the photographs I’ve done in the last couple or so weeks, one or two of which you might have already seen. I’m not in the mood to edit. I’ll just do it in reverse chronological order. If you see one that looks interesting go ahead and click it, get a full screen version. (With photographs, size does matter.)
I’m hoping to be in a better mood soon. I do have an interesting thought to lay on you about the likelihood that we humans were genetically engineered a real long time ago… if there’s anyone out there listening…
Oh, and Brett suggested I stick this in:
I got a one-timer of $30 this week. (Click here if you are in the mood to do this). Very encouraging. I may be on the verge of sentience.
If you want to send something via snail mail (doesn’t have to be money), here is my address: 41 West Highway 14, #253, Spearfish, SD 57783. Let me know via email if you send something so I can have it forwarded.
Good idea, Brett. What the hell.
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