Prez FX

As a few of you know, most of what we see and hear via the media (including most of the alt media) is fraudulent, or even nonexistent/imaginery. One way or another, it’s bullshit, all of it. Well, we now have evidence that our current president may not even be… real… 

Joe leans in…

What am I talking about?… I will try not to wax… existentialistic (my Mac is telling me that ‘extentialistic’ is not an actual word, which… fits) but the two embedded images of Joe Biden, if you examine them carefully, imply that we are being hoodwinked — at least in the case of his recent tete a tete with ‘the press’ — regarding his actual physical existence on planet earth. (I suggest you view the link now.)

Notice that in the first image Old Joe is approaching a gaggle of off-screen press (we see them as a group later in the clip), evident via the two microphones sticking into frame. Joe is a couple feet away, approaching, and leaning in, right?… Now, look at the second image…

Joe’s hand is now over and in front of the microphone, having passed THROUGH it… 

…suddenly, without taking a step, old Joe, or at least his hand, has magically moved through the gray microphone and is now in front of it, meaning closer to the camera… Examine the video and you will see the magic moment when space and time are suspended… or bent… or warped… or something… and our president performs a seemingly impossible maneuver… a magic(k) trick…

…it’s reassuring to know that our leader can suspend the laws of physics, isn’t it? Making mundane problems like pandemics and economic crashes… child’s play, right?

On the other hand, if he can do that, suspend Newton’s laws, rigging an election would likewise have been child’s play…

It’s over half a century since we supposedly landed on the moon and they are making a big deal out of a 10k altitude flight then a belly flop back to earth.

But seriously, folks, also take a good gander at the microphone and you will notice a sort of border around it, giving away the game of how this was done. In fact, our president was physically there (wherever that was) at this moment, and was told by his handlers to walk over to a spot on the pavement, lean forward and read from a placard off-camera. There were, of course, no reporters there at all, and no microphones. They were imbeded afterwards, in the editing bay.  

The remarkable aspect of this is that the handlers felt it was necessary at all. Would it not have been easier to have a few reporters, faux or not, actually toss Joe the softball question posed? I don’t get it.

But think about it: They need special effects for Biden to answer one question!

This is the ‘hover’ maneuver. Picture the difficulty of balancing a broom in your palm… yet the engine here doesn’t move back and forth at all.

The other, possibly related, aspect that might worry a less sanguinary person  than myself, is the poor execution. I mean, there are Youtube tutorials that explain how to make an illusion like this believable, even with mickey mouse software like iMovie, i.e., make sure your actor doesn’t move past ‘the line’ beyond which the embedded images will be inserted. It’s not that difficult.

I guess the way they figure it, the few people who would notice this breach of reality and point it out will be mocked as nutcases, conspiracy theorists, and (somehow) racists. Also, I believe the PTB are gently eeeaaaasing us into the mental state wherein reality and perception become one and the same, as long as it’s presented by them. 

As I’ve tried to point out before, the real humdinger example of all this is good old Spacex, with its continual breakage of the known physical/aerodynamic laws. Seems like every week they throw another one in our faces. If you’re not tired of me harping on this, give the new ‘mission’ a look.

I love this one. Supposed free fall, wherein the rocket doesn’t spin or tumble, and with no aerodynamic foils or power. Fucking ridiculous. Where are the engineers and so forth blowing the whistle?

Notice at about 6 minutes in they cut to another angle just before the ‘flip maneuver’ that somehow brings the craft to an upright position, after its long, controlled fall from 10ks altitude.  And then it somehow hits the launch pad without having to maneuver at all, from 10ks up, with winds and other random forces acting on it.

The other ‘flip maneuver’ wherein it goes from flat free fall to erect. They have to cut to disguise the impossibility of it.

Absent airfoil surfaces and rocket thrusters up at the pointy end of the booster, that flip maneuver is utterly impossible. And the thing is, you don’t have to be a physicist to know this. Just a bit of common sense will do it. And yet we hear not a word from the academic community — you know, where most of the physicists are.

But what’s… entertaining  about videos like this is the comment section. Peruse it and you will find some folks like me, loudmouths who are aware of the fraud, and are (often) comically outraged. Mixed in we find the usual rocket fanboys (and girls, but mostly boys), the latter blabbing crapola like…


I guarantee the spooks who fake Spacex get a kick out of the similarity to Flash Gordon’s 1931 special effects.

And so forth. With these folks no manner or preponderance of evidence of logic will have any effect. Although they would deny it up and down, It’s a matter of faith. 

As I’ve mentioned before, though, the mystery to me is how they pull off these frauds, given that rocket launches are such public events, in theory visible from many miles away. I’ve theorized that it might be advanced holography, coupled with post-production CGI. But in some cases I’m not so sure. If there were witnesses there should be private Youtube videos of the launches, and with some, there are. In the case of these Texas (Boca Chica) Spacex launches, however, I was unable to find even one.

The ‘lights’ returned two nights after my last post. Speaking of ‘space programs,’ this may be the real thing. Look at the 180 turns.

Anyway, we should not be surprised that we have a CGI-ed president, given that, well… everything else is fraudulent. But an important point: If your favorite alt media figure hasn’t mentioned the Spacex fraud or the presidential outright fx fakery, ask yourself why not? 
There can only be one answer, if you rule out utter stupidity.









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