Putting It To Rest (Yeah, right!)

Rest stop. Barely two bars. Sloooow, but thought to be in touch. About half my screen time is now dealing with comments, which was my original reason for not enabling them. On the other hand, there are interesting messages floating in; interesting in one sense or another…

Take ‘Robin Adair’s, which I’ve pasted below…

Robin Adair

September 16, 2018 at 6:57 pm (edit)

One thing I’ve noticed Allan is that few 9/11 Researchers give any significance to Stewart AFB but it was directly in the flight paths of AA 11 and UA 175. See Northwoods about switching planes for drones.

Also it is only mention once on the News that UA 93 safely landed in Cleveland Ohio and the passengers were evacuated. However this is in the Documentary In Plane Sight


which leaves the question about 77 which flew over the Whitehouse (remember Cheney’s famous countdown reported by Minneta?) then headed to the Pentagon. In other words flew over the most secure and restricted air space in the world unmolested by SAMs then plunges into the Pentagon exactly where an audit was being conducted on the DOD’s missing Trillions.

How fortuitous!

Damn straight! That the “hijacked planes” were a distraction! It was a legend that had been build up for years with the Bojinka Plot followed off by Atta’s flying circus of flight school trainees.

They had an even more spectacular show planned but luckily the NYPD and state police were’t in on the act and busted the Israelis who had planned to blow up the tunnels and bridges that led to Manhattan.


IMG_1376.JPG gus yellow

Just a few random shots from my files for visual balance.

My first assumption was that Robin has merely been so overwhelmed over the years by various claims and theories about what ‘the planes’ did or did not do, that he just ‘forgot’ that the point of my post was that there were no planes. No planes AT ALL (as Barbara H. would put it).

But during my ‘wake up misery’ a few minutes ago, it occurred to me that Robin’s comment is more likely the same general sort of NLP that Corbett subjected us to in his documentary on ‘Wargames.’

What’s Robin doing, really? While looking like he’s agreeing with me, his underlying assumption (not stated!) is that ‘bogie’ planes (hijacked or not) were really flying around that day. That I don’t believe this could not be clearer, especially given my addendum. And Robin has had plenty of time (and has been corrected by some of you) to realize his error. Truly, either Robin is mentally challenged or he is a state disinfo operative.

I don’t have the time nor the inclination to go into details here but let me just lay the matter to rest, after which I’d ask to hear no more bull shit on this subject: There are no photos of any of the ‘bogie’ planes boarding, not one image of the hijackers or anyone else at security or the ticket counter or boarding gate. Given the airport/camera/security situations at all airports (even pre-9/11), how could this be? (Please read the previous sentence again and pretend it’s in CAPS.)

FYI, the Unsubscribes continue to roll in with each post.

FYI, the Unsubscribes continue to roll in with each post. I’m hoping they are trolls who just flat give up.

You know how, don’t you? Right: Since there were no planes at the end of the scenario (hitting the buildings), why the fuck would there be planes at the beginning? All they needed was a guy at the ‘blip injector’ screen, wherever the fuck he was, and another with a radio – maybe the same guy – that could be ‘switched’ to seem to be broadcasting from… wherever he wanted, the ‘bogie’ flights or even from other planes, or from the FAA or whomever. Someone suggested the Pilots For 9/11 Truth video. On it you will hear a tower asking a real flight to look out his window for Flight 11. The guy sees nothing. In a documentary made by the same propagandists who made the feature Flight 93, this happens again; this time Flight 11 was ‘right below you,’ says the tower. The guy looks down, rolls his plane to see better and guess what? No Flight 11.

A very quick google brings me to a couple links. This one seems well-researched and shows that Flights 11 and 77 did not exist on 9/11. The other two flights were faked in other ways, I presume. This one indicates that 175 was still an active blip after ‘hitting the tower.’ Seems the ‘blip injection’ guy was a bit slow in ‘erasing’ the flight from ‘reality.’

I don’t know specifically how the ‘Flights’ appeared on the tower radar screens at Boston, Newark, and Dulles, but I guarantee it was done at the will of the perps, via special software/equipment designed for that purpose. Maybe the blips appeared during a ‘hand off’ or something. Who’s going to argue or walk outside, look up, and say, ‘I don’t see no plane!’ Once a blip appears on a screen it is assumed (instinctively and quite rightly) to be a real plane.

the image is a 'plasma instability -- a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora -- seen in sky as 'the world ended'....

the image is a ‘plasma instability — a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora — seen in sky as ‘the world ended’….I’m headed for other ancient sites.

So, again, let’s put this to rest. if you were planning this op, wouldn’t you design it with the least possibilities for fuck ups? As soon as real aircraft are involved, all kinds of things could go wrong.

Addendum: Yes, the ‘Wargames’ were necessary misdirection for all sorts of reasons. One obvious one being this: It’s one thing for a real flight to be unable to visually ‘see’ a non-existent plane that’s supposed to be right out his windscreen — that can be pooh-poohed — but if an F-16 jock pulls up where a plane should be and sees nothing… well, we have a real problem, don’t we? Hence all the ‘fog of war’ horse shit, and all the misdirection of Corbett’s ‘Wargames.’ 

And Robin, I have my eye on you for (more?) NLP. If you just had a ‘dumbass moment’, fine. But do this for me: Admit that your comment was misleading in that you seemed to agree with me, while your subtext was quite the opposite. Maybe you only skimmed my post and didn’t understand it. Is this the case? If not, what happened?

Dr. Judy Wood has a point: Where did the towers go?

Dr. Judy Wood (psy op or no) has a point: Where did the towers go?

I’m going to try to get where I’m going then sit down and write my book reviews. It would be nice if the comments were kept to ‘reasonable,’ i.e., sans misdirection/disinformation/NLP. Please….






  101 comments for “Putting It To Rest (Yeah, right!)

  1. mellyrn
    September 21, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    Something to do —

    Once we humans get an idea, we really don’t like to let go of it. And yet we do, obviously, or we’d never be able to learn anything and we’d still be imagining a Ptolemaic cosmos.

    We can any of us do a “Walter”. And we can get over it.

    I grew up believing the moon landings were real. When I first looked into reasons why they weren’t, I found some interesting ideas . . . and then I found people who handily debunked those ideas, and I cheerfully went back to sleep, thinking I’d got *that* settled.

    A decade or more later I ran across even more interesting ideas that said the landings couldn’t have been real, and this time there was no debunking. There couldn’t be (e.g., there is no explaining away the lack of radiation fogging in *any* of the photography, nor why the Apollo crews came off 10+ days of weightlessness, no showers and no shaving, looking as fresh — and strong — as if they’d spent those 10+ days Earthside).

    It broke my heart but there was no way around it: I’d been lied to. IF (big if) any humans have set foot on the moon, it wasn’t via the Apollo missions.

    So I’m thinking that a useful line of discussion is, What happens when we do change our minds?

    I don’t want to NLP or otherwise persuade someone to share my views. Far from it, if you *can* poke holes in my reasoning or expand my knowledge gase, I very much want to know about it(!!) and I won’t get that if I somehow “make” you agree with me sans reason or knowledge.

    How about any of you? Have you ever changed your mind about anything? What was going on with you when that happened? Is there any way *that* experience can be shared?

    For myself, I identify as a very rational person. Waving my hands and wailing, “There must be *some* explanation!” violates that self-identity. I don’t (at the moment) see how I could get that to translate to someone else’s experience. I wonder if it would serve to walk them through a thought experiment where they are falsely charged with some horrific crime, and how much they would want people to follow the clues where they must lead (i.e., to exoneration, since we specified “falsely” accused)?

    As an addendum, I’d like to note that, when we do change our minds from view A to view B, **there is no going back**. We don’t “reconvert”. View B can still be wrong, but all the reasons that led us from A to B are still there; any change now is forward into some View C. Therefore, I like to look at trends. When people’s minds do change, in which direction is the trend? As in, I’ve met Creationists who saw the fallacy of Biblical literalism and accepted evolution as a description (not that the current version of evolution is The Final Word), but I’ve never met or heard of anyone who learned (really learned) evolution, incomplete as it necessarily is, who decided that the Bible made more sense. And I’ve never met or heard of anyone who thought Apollo was faked, who later decided, Oh, wait, no it must have been real.

    Any thoughts on, er, thoughts?

    • Mol
      September 26, 2018 at 9:47 pm

      Why is it that through 50 years since Apollo no Soviet debunking of the missions (& even now Putin’s scientists say Apollo moon samples match Soviet samples). Because the “cold war” was a hoax? & even now Russia’s antagonism is a hoax otherwise why miss such propaganda coups? I have looked at the evidence & admit the lunar lander looks like cardboard & tape in some shots & where was that lunar rover stashed? Up an astronaut’s ass? But we have UK, German, Australian telemetry & radar from the time plus amateur reports incl lunar transmissions, laser reflectors, orbiter photos of landing sites – US, Japanese & Chinese & not one witness or document indicating a hoaxed cold war, so the weight of evidence makes me think, yup space travel is real & so was the cold war despite some you-tubers flattening the earth etc.

    • Chris
      September 27, 2018 at 12:06 am


      No debunking wrt radiation fogging?

  2. Bluedog
    September 21, 2018 at 8:16 pm

    Enabling comments is like turning the lights off in a cockroach infested kitchen. It’s like a literary halloween party in here, LoL….that’s two fucking similes and a little self-promotion.

  3. jnan
    September 20, 2018 at 10:31 pm

    We’ve put out some theories on HOW it was done
    we’ve listed the names of the bad evil WHO
    gave multiple reasons explaining the WHY
    the question we now face . . . is what will WE DO ?

    Allan’s original question … how brain cells get lost
    we all know the answer PROTECTION cells say no matter the cost.

    • Duncan
      September 21, 2018 at 9:46 am

      Watching ‘Water Time’. It’s real, surreal, better than anything. If you don’t watch it, you have no right to lay down comments here. Only half-way through, too. Outa here. Bye.

    • mellyrn
      September 21, 2018 at 12:18 pm

      Before we “do” anything, in any physical sense, we should probably get clear on what we want to achieve. As in, when we have done [whatever it is], this is how things will be:

      1) . . .

      I’m not answering the question at this time ‘cos it’s only just occurred to me to even ask it. I’m’a go off and think deeply about it. I posted this in case anyone else already has, and in case anyone else hasn’t yet but would like to.

      And whether or not the end (whatever we choose) does or does not justify the means, it would be nice to know ahead of time whether or not the proposed means would **actually work**. I don’t think that specific question gets asked often enough.

  4. Martaine
    September 19, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    This is absolutely ridiculous that you guys are avoiding who are the culprits. You are all doing a JUDY WOOD. Either you are deceiving yourselves or you can’t go to the next step. When there is a CRIME, you don’t stop at the HOW, you try and find the perpetrator. And the investigators usually don’t start with GMO seeds. You are all in avoidance and denial and using the HOW as a excuse.

    There is as much material on WHO did it as there is on HOW it was done. JUDY WOOD has done a masterful job of controlling all of you. AW has rightfully denounced her for having no theory as to the perpetrators. AW has said he was interested in trying to understand how people could be like WALTER, understanding things for a few seconds then going back to where he was before, in total denial, when I wrote the first time that I don’t see anyone thinking about the perpetrators. He said, “the Israelis were up to this in their eyeballs” but “his intention was to try and understand how people could be like WALTER”. So he glossed over the perpetrators because he stated his intended goal was somewhat different. Then what happened: hundreds of comments about the HOW. It was all a total exercise in NLP.

    JUDY WOOD has ALL of you by the tail.

    • marsh collins
      September 19, 2018 at 8:12 pm

      Christopher Bollyn’s analysis and naming of the perps at the architectural level of planning made a lot of sense to me. At the level of compartmentalized involvement, commission of the crimes, cover-up, ongoing 20 year cover-up, you are talking about the guilt of an entire system, a (secret)societies’ within a society, tens of thousands if not millions of people aware of the crime and silent. Where exactly would you like to start and finish. Agent Judy just had access to the best pictures and evidence record. (I guess she is special so we bow down). She was the first to have access to the NYPD helicoptor Greg Semendinger photos. NYPD had copters in the air with HD photo equip running during the entire festivities. Nothing released until Judy got lucky. Then NBC News (the cia) launched a FOIA request to have the NYPD and FBI release the evidence. Amazingly they were successful and supposedly the photo evidence was released to the public. The public of course being the NBC (cia) who have since release a dozen or so pictures. A photo book “Above Hallowed Ground” by NYPD in 2002 but had no shots of interest to truthseekers or shots of the collapse in progress. It was great that Judy was so special, she got a couple of pictures of the buildings in collapse, but that is all that was ever released. NYPD and FBI releasing the photos to the NBC is the same a the FbI releasing the pictures to the CIA. Judy does not have us by the tail she is just special with good pictures. You seem to be twisting a lot of works their Martaine what up? Got an agenda? You think someone is going to arrest the perps if we figure it out?

      • Martaine
        September 19, 2018 at 8:50 pm

        JUDY WOOD is one of Them. Period.

        WOOD is an LH. She revealed the best take on what happened. So then everyone revolves around her. She then becomes the controller. You will get no further than JUDY WOOD because she is in place to see that you don’t.

        The fact that there will be no arrests has nothing to do with this. The thought here is, hey there won’t be any arrests so let’s just keep talking about the HOW. That’s defeatism that serves the purpose of avoidance. That’s a JUDY WOOD.

        Maybe people in the country are so gone they don’t even care who did it. That’s basically part of the WALTER issue. Let’s just go back to being WALTER.

        I am trying to get people to see that AW laid out some basic tools here. I read them, I knew some of them, I’m taking his lessons and applying them here as I understood them.

        If people came into your home and killed your family you wouldn’t say I’m interested in the HOW more than the WHO. We are being trained at this very moment by WOOD to concentrate on her great knowledge.

        If you learned anything from AW you’d know what that means.

        • marsh collins
          September 19, 2018 at 9:24 pm

          Judy has no great knowledge. She has pictures which I am sure she got because she is a LH/disinfo as you say. I am trying to figure out if you are really rallying the troops for revolt and citizen arrests , and if I join with you on your trip to jail are you still up for it. No one will be arrested until the sleeping masses awake. The level of corruption we have will not be fixed with citizen arrests, or hope in the corrupt courts who are part of it all, it will take the masses of people to see what is happening and each person speaking the truth is the only way that might happen.

        • marsh collins
          September 19, 2018 at 9:29 pm

          The mayor came to my house yesterday campaigning. I said I will not vote again until there is a candidate who passes my litmus test for honesty. Who is responsible for Sept 11th? He looked shocked, and mumbled and stumbled, and finally managed to mumble something about Osama Bin Laden. I looked at him with anger and asked him if he was stupid or a liar. I then told him to get off my property he was just another lying politician. What have you done?

      • Duncan
        September 19, 2018 at 10:48 pm

        “You seem to be twisting a lot of works their Martaine what up? Got an agenda? You think someone is going to arrest the perps if we figure it out?”

        Hi Marsh. Yes, ‘Martaine’ is paid. And ‘she’ is pretty good. Like ‘her’.

        Tried writing like ‘her’. It was the easiest thing in the world. Tried copying longhand, slowly, everything ‘she’ wrote. Got into ‘her’ mind. ‘She’ is laughing as ‘she’ writes.
        A psychopath. Paid. Forgive ‘her’. Love ‘her’. ‘She’ is a player. Have fun with ‘her’.
        Enjoy the day.

        Martaine? Sorry. Don’t stop. Remember, you’re good, up there with the best.

        Allan, no comments. Write!

    • marsh collins
      September 19, 2018 at 8:34 pm

      when the sleeping masses realize their precious national security and secrecy is really the perps and slavemasters, and overwhelming pressure from the wakened sheeple forces declassification of everything , all will be revealed and not until.

    • Duncan
      September 19, 2018 at 10:03 pm

      “This is absolutely ridiculous that you guys are avoiding who are the culprits. ”
      Martaine, well done.

      GMO is a dot, connect if you like. But not where you start, right, unless that’s your main interest.

      Time to fess up. This is who did it. I DID IT. For a few months. YOU DID IT. Millions, billions did it. 2010+1/8+1/10+1 (machine trolls don’t catch it) events were not about planes and buildings. Got that? It was an action of deception, and the people deceived are responsible for being deceived. (The old, “Fool me once, shame on you, but fool me twice, shame on me.”)
      If no one had believed the news, ‘they’ couldn’t have started wars, done lots of junk. No way.
      I’m real serious here. I DID IT. And there was the TESLA guy on the boob tube last night with some Asian schmuck gleeful about going for a space ride in 5 years, with Musk saying “”…but it’s dangerous, y’know..” (Hey, ‘they’ do have a sense of humor.). So, something’s afoot. What’s coming next?

      Bear with me here. Incident (exercise??). Remember the SARS nonsense? Some wealthy folks got it into their heads that they didn’t like the shenanigans. (But coulda bin it was ‘them’ exercising.) So someone up north of the border, out Toronto way, suddenly organizes a FREE Rolling Stones outdoor concert. SARS be damned. Hundreds of thousands streamed across the border – couldn’t give a friggin’ cowpie about any scum-suckin’ SARS – BRING ON THE STONES, ‘BRO! And that was the end of SARS. Poof.


      • Duncan
        September 19, 2018 at 10:09 pm

        Re: “I DID IT. YOU DID IT”

        Misdirection? Tangent? Yeah, sure, you could say that – and you wouldn’t be half-wrong.
        Call it an aspect. Something to keep in mind as you shave in the morning mirror. Look at yourself. Look at your own life.

        Allan, will you turn off these damned comments, and start writing again?

        • Duncan
          September 19, 2018 at 10:27 pm

          ‘I DID IT’ is my mantra. Tel Aviv is my city. All kinds of players here, dynamic, fun, beautiful. Don’t expect honesty. No, no, no. Enjoy the sport of life. Come, join in, all welcome, you wouldn’t believe how welcome. The center of the world right now. Stretch your mind into new shapes, wrap your head round new realities. Good stuff. Never been happier, never been with more intelligent, more active folk.

          Allan, comments off. Write. We love you here.

  5. Todd
    September 19, 2018 at 5:33 pm

    Loved the Gus in the field picture. Beautiful shot Allan and thank you for the nugget of truth from your second link to the website that archived live national TV news coverage showing flight 175 still in there air!

  6. mellyrn
    September 19, 2018 at 11:15 am

    Regarding the shills and trolls, since they are not going to go away:

    If and when they raise some point (as distinct from merely making fun of people), treat it as an opportunity to present an alternative. Over the years, thoughtful commenters have been a great source of additional information to me. In some cases they have even changed my mind — in ways the original trolls did not intend.

    And when they start repeating themselves, just skip it, by remembering that they aren’t who you’re writing for.

    Allan’s comments section has already progressed to where I skip straight to the replies to some posters here.

  7. Bluedog
    September 18, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    What does it mean that i clicked on this at exactly 11:11?

  8. Richard
    September 18, 2018 at 6:50 pm

    Hello Allan,
    Yes the E-4b and other named aircraft are military and it is their raison d’etre to manufacture the electronic “fog of war” and radar “ghosts” that would later require a visible CGI counterpart. It has been admitted that such ghosts are the wholesale cloth of the Gulf of Tonkin incident, there were no N.Vietnamese boats attacking, none. This is known. The media has been complicit at least since Apollo and the Cuban Missile crisis (See the documentary ” Eye in the sky-The story of aerial reconnaissance” specifically General George Keegan ,USAF minute 13:22 on-wards is very interesting listening).

  9. jnan
    September 18, 2018 at 5:38 pm

    Is the HOW ever gonna get us to WHO and to WHY
    I’d sure like those answers … or is that just more pie in the sky?

    • Duncan
      September 18, 2018 at 9:38 pm

      “Is the HOW ever gonna get us to WHO and to WHY
      I’d sure like those answers … or is that just more pie in the sky?”

      Hi jnan,
      I find that WHO, WHY, etc. answers are usually very simple (more so than HOW, and perhaps more important), don’t need the Internet, don’t need TV, video, lots of discussion, exchange. Mostly common sense, imagination, observation, and some worldly wisdom, experience in multiple cultures, business, activities. The 911 spectacle/show (what it was) was made easier in my case by dealing in construction trickery and being sick, wrestling with licensed medical psychos (kickbacks, margins, tenacity, imperfection, windows of opportunity, intentions, MOs, lot more). How about you?

    • Martaine
      September 19, 2018 at 6:18 am


      No, It will NEVER get us to the WHO or the WHY, which is the entire problem with Judy Wood and seems to be the entire problem with these comments, which are NOW completely obvious as a distraction and diversion from the heart of the matter.

      WHO DID IT.

      • frank
        September 19, 2018 at 8:44 am

        But the HOW gets us closer to the WHO. Simulated planes, complicity of the military and the MSM, and WTC-implanted explosives rule out certain suspects like central asian cave dwellers.
        In fact, VERY few suspects remain. And this, I think, petrifies most people, and gets them doing their best to repress the facts. Realizing you have been fooled for all your live is not a pleasant thought.

      • Todd
        September 19, 2018 at 8:48 pm

        Martain, it’s an open forum here, so please tell us who you think did it?

    • marsh collins
      September 19, 2018 at 10:57 am

      The Who is like uncovering the mystery of iniquity. Like exposing the devil and his minions. A society within a society. The dark force. The dark side of humanity. It is a thread that if truly pulled on and investigated would lead to millions. There is no need for an investigation. Every last detail is known and recorded and in control of the guilty. The Who will be answered when it is clear to the masses they are being lied to on an unimaginable scale. Exposing the truth about the fake planes and Sept 11th would be like a slap in the face with a 10 lb wet fish. It would wake people up to the absolute absurdity of the deception and false reality we live in and the power of the mind control machine that manipulates this reality. The opposition and sidelining of this part of the truth of Sept 11th is just evidence of the fear they have of this being widely known and exposed. Fear mongering about splitting the truth movement, undercutting the truth Sept 11 truth, it just more lies from the same people that are in control.

      • Duncan
        September 19, 2018 at 2:33 pm

        Well, let’s see. WHO? WHY? Everybody, give it a shot. Kim Jong-Um? Nope. He’s too young. Donny Trump? Nah, he’s an airhead. America doesn’t really exist anymore, and the top levels of American military are… compartmentalized and elsewhere, oblivious, taken out of use by their own command. The command must be by non-Americans.
        Um, getting warm. Zimbabwe? Uh-uh. How ’bout Belarus? Saddam lives there. So, maybe. WHY? Perhaps nothing, no reason in and of itself – but one small step in an agenda, a step in a flight of stairs. It was done to quickly change laws, bring the incarceration of inhabitants of North America closer. Coulda done something else,
        but wouldn’t have been as fast. And all the ‘wars’ since had multiple purposes. 1. to gut
        the US military, to make psycho its young personnel (yup, they’re either doped up or doing anal every day, stressed out t’ the max) 2. to, um, chop down palm trees in deserts, force GMO seeds on locals (and fewer locals) 3. and oh, lotsa stuff. Over to you guys and gals. WHO? WHY?

        • Duncan
          September 19, 2018 at 3:03 pm

          Ah, GMO seeds, maybe on to something. They wanna sell more GMO seeds there, the waskly wabbits. And who just bought the big breeder of GMO seeds, why, the same nice folks who gave us Aspirin, and who did they use to be? Ah, geez, can’t remember, darn, memory fading fast, look it up, but history is being erased everywhere. Who made this InterNetWeb thingy anyway? And why are the telephone companies now internetty companies, and who owns those telefunny companies, and, oh, man, can’t connect all these dots. Too many. Help, someone.

          • drud
            September 19, 2018 at 7:08 pm

            Maybe a whole mess of Neo’s, Zio’s, Cono’s, Obliviouso’s and not so Obliviouso’s ? Perhaps a good portion of the worlds people in total? Certainly the perpetrators count on the Obliviouso’s and the controlled not so Obliviouso’s as a pretty good sized wall of protection?

        • jnan
          September 19, 2018 at 9:19 pm

          It comes down to the journey we’re willing to take
          It’s through said journey some souls could awake
          don’t hold out much hope for an answer divine
          so let’s just get on it lest we run out of time.

          • Duncan
            September 19, 2018 at 11:18 pm

            Most say fight
            Others take flight
            Once in a long long long while there’s a moment of in-sight

            If this life is a game
            What is its name?
            Could it be 2 teams, 2 players, 2 sides, one ‘gainst the other?

            Is that all this is – like football, baseball, bowling and tennis?
            No, someone’s got us lookin’ up our anus

            Think what someone wants – synchronicity, duplicity, hickory-dickory
            Most of all – anonymity

            What’s the evaluation?
            What’s the name of the game?

            It’s REVELATION.
            You reveal yourself, ID yourself, get tracked, get your face on Facebook, book
            your life on Twitter, map your brain in the cloud, reveal, reveal.
            Then TERMINATION, ex-TERMINATION, lights out, the end.

            So blogs like this have comments open,
            Of their thoughts, idiots enter and give a token.

            You lose, idiots.

            Allan! Comments off!

    • mellyrn
      September 20, 2018 at 12:20 am

      Since you seem to be asking, here’s my take on it:

      Group 1: American wheelers & dealers who thought America should dominate the 21st century (and they in turn should run America) but who needed “another Pearl Harbor”;

      Group 2: American wheelers & dealers who invested heavily in arms manufacturers (likely a fair amount of overlap with Group 1);

      Group 3: American wheelers & dealers who wanted some of that prime real estate in Manhattan, just a shame there were these ginormous white elephants in the way;

      Group 4: People who play “Let’s You and Him Fight” (that’s a transactional-analysis “game”, as in _Games People Play_) and who have been trying since the USS Liberty to get You (America) to fight Him (Is ra el’s enemies).
      I can no longer find a copy of “A Clean Break” on line. I used to have one downloaded. It named the same seven countries that Gen. Clark mentions in that video clip.

      Names? The signatories to Project for a New American Century for group 1 (Cheney is in here); I’m pretty sure the Bushes and the Clintons can be found in group 2; Silverstein & cronies for group 3, with overlap into group 4.

      Why? Gold (Groups 2 & 3), Glory (Gr 1) and God (Gr 4).

      I ain’t out to persuade you or anyone that I’m right; I’m only saying, this is how it looks to me. Make of it what you will.

      • marsh collins
        September 20, 2018 at 1:39 am

        Signatories are Alvin Bernstein ; Stephen Cambone ; Eliot Cohen ; Devon Gafney Cross ; Thomas Donnelly ; David Epstein ; David Fautua ; Robert Kagan ; William Kristol ; Mark Lagon ; James Lasswell ; I. Lewis Libby ; Robert Marinage ; Phiul Meilinge ; Mackubin Owens ; Steve Rosen ; Gary Schmitt ; Abram Shulsky ; Michael Vickers ; Barry Watts ; paul Wofowitz ; Dov Zakheim ;

        • marsh collins
          September 20, 2018 at 1:43 am

          Roger Barnett
          U.S. Naval War College
          Alvin Bernstein
          National Defense University
          Stephen Cambone
          National Defense University
          Eliot Cohen
          Nitze School of Advanced International
          Studies, Johns Hopkins University
          Devon Gaffney Cross
          Donors’ Forum for International Affairs
          Thomas Donnelly
          Project for the New American Century
          David Epstein
          Office of Secretary of Defense,
          Net Assessment
          David Fautua
          Lt. Col., U.S. Army
          Dan Goure
          Center for Strategic and International Studies
          Donald Kagan
          Yale University
          Fred Kagan
          U. S. Military Academy at West Point
          Robert Kagan
          Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
          Robert Killebrew
          Col., USA (Ret.)
          William Kristol
          The Weekly Standard
          Mark Lagon
          Senate Foreign Relations Committee
          James Lasswell
          GAMA Corporation
          I. Lewis Libby
          Dechert Price & Rhoads
          Robert Martinage
          Center for Strategic and Budgetary
          Phil Meilinger
          U.S. Naval War College
          Mackubin Owens
          U.S. Naval War College
          Steve Rosen
          Harvard University
          Gary Schmitt
          Project for the New American Century
          Abram Shulsky
          The RAND Corporation
          Michael Vickers
          Center for Strategic and Budgetary
          Barry Watts
          Northrop Grumman Corporation
          Paul Wolfowitz
          Nitze School of Advanced International
          Studies, Johns Hopkins University
          Dov Zakheim
          System Planning Corporation

          The above list of individuals participated in at least one project meeting or contributed a paper for
          discussion. The report is a product solely of the Project for the New American Century and does not
          necessarily represent the views of the project participants or their affiliated institutions.

  10. ea
    September 18, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    The shills will never stop. It s like shoveling water. i take it basically you wanted to share your mail with us, which is big-hearted or anyway sporting, but if you’re not finding your comment section to be in the main 1. supportive / appreciative 2. informative / insightful then shut it down rather than give the wee fuckers yet another piece of cyberspace. You have bigger fish to fry, and we love seeing you do it.

    • Kimberlie
      September 18, 2018 at 8:58 pm


      I don’t want to accept what you’re saying is right. (However, that’s just what the PTB want – silence of the Truth). Allan, you DO have bigger fish to fry. Sifting through the Comments is consuming much of your valuable time, whereas before, without it, you had time to do whatever it was you were seeking in Truth and you could do it at your leisure, at your pace – without the pain in the ark trolls and shills muddying the waters and wasting your time and the time of those who are serious about what you’ve shared with them.

      If there is any way Allan can sift – perhaps by invitation only – who participates in his blog, I’m sure he’d be open for suggestions. I dunno. From my perspective, it just seems a shame to pull the plug on something this valuable. Allan knows what he’s up against – what we are all up against – the deceitful, wicked PTB. He’s deft at removing the curtain of Lies and laying out the facts. He’s NOT intimidated by the weak, sniveling shills and trolls either.

      Ugh. I just had an afterthought…. what if some of the s & t’s (shills and trolls) have another agenda and that is to see what is known out there (cyberspace) regarding 911 that Google hasn’t erased – to have it erased? We already know for a fact they’re doing it/have done it to much information….. just like the videos that are ‘no longer available’.

      This is a tough call: damned if ya do, damned if ya don’t …

      Very kind regards to all,

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