Putting It To Rest (Yeah, right!)

Rest stop. Barely two bars. Sloooow, but thought to be in touch. About half my screen time is now dealing with comments, which was my original reason for not enabling them. On the other hand, there are interesting messages floating in; interesting in one sense or another…

Take ‘Robin Adair’s, which I’ve pasted below…

Robin Adair

September 16, 2018 at 6:57 pm (edit)

One thing I’ve noticed Allan is that few 9/11 Researchers give any significance to Stewart AFB but it was directly in the flight paths of AA 11 and UA 175. See Northwoods about switching planes for drones.

Also it is only mention once on the News that UA 93 safely landed in Cleveland Ohio and the passengers were evacuated. However this is in the Documentary In Plane Sight


which leaves the question about 77 which flew over the Whitehouse (remember Cheney’s famous countdown reported by Minneta?) then headed to the Pentagon. In other words flew over the most secure and restricted air space in the world unmolested by SAMs then plunges into the Pentagon exactly where an audit was being conducted on the DOD’s missing Trillions.

How fortuitous!

Damn straight! That the “hijacked planes” were a distraction! It was a legend that had been build up for years with the Bojinka Plot followed off by Atta’s flying circus of flight school trainees.

They had an even more spectacular show planned but luckily the NYPD and state police were’t in on the act and busted the Israelis who had planned to blow up the tunnels and bridges that led to Manhattan.


IMG_1376.JPG gus yellow

Just a few random shots from my files for visual balance.

My first assumption was that Robin has merely been so overwhelmed over the years by various claims and theories about what ‘the planes’ did or did not do, that he just ‘forgot’ that the point of my post was that there were no planes. No planes AT ALL (as Barbara H. would put it).

But during my ‘wake up misery’ a few minutes ago, it occurred to me that Robin’s comment is more likely the same general sort of NLP that Corbett subjected us to in his documentary on ‘Wargames.’

What’s Robin doing, really? While looking like he’s agreeing with me, his underlying assumption (not stated!) is that ‘bogie’ planes (hijacked or not) were really flying around that day. That I don’t believe this could not be clearer, especially given my addendum. And Robin has had plenty of time (and has been corrected by some of you) to realize his error. Truly, either Robin is mentally challenged or he is a state disinfo operative.

I don’t have the time nor the inclination to go into details here but let me just lay the matter to rest, after which I’d ask to hear no more bull shit on this subject: There are no photos of any of the ‘bogie’ planes boarding, not one image of the hijackers or anyone else at security or the ticket counter or boarding gate. Given the airport/camera/security situations at all airports (even pre-9/11), how could this be? (Please read the previous sentence again and pretend it’s in CAPS.)

FYI, the Unsubscribes continue to roll in with each post.

FYI, the Unsubscribes continue to roll in with each post. I’m hoping they are trolls who just flat give up.

You know how, don’t you? Right: Since there were no planes at the end of the scenario (hitting the buildings), why the fuck would there be planes at the beginning? All they needed was a guy at the ‘blip injector’ screen, wherever the fuck he was, and another with a radio – maybe the same guy – that could be ‘switched’ to seem to be broadcasting from… wherever he wanted, the ‘bogie’ flights or even from other planes, or from the FAA or whomever. Someone suggested the Pilots For 9/11 Truth video. On it you will hear a tower asking a real flight to look out his window for Flight 11. The guy sees nothing. In a documentary made by the same propagandists who made the feature Flight 93, this happens again; this time Flight 11 was ‘right below you,’ says the tower. The guy looks down, rolls his plane to see better and guess what? No Flight 11.

A very quick google brings me to a couple links. This one seems well-researched and shows that Flights 11 and 77 did not exist on 9/11. The other two flights were faked in other ways, I presume. This one indicates that 175 was still an active blip after ‘hitting the tower.’ Seems the ‘blip injection’ guy was a bit slow in ‘erasing’ the flight from ‘reality.’

I don’t know specifically how the ‘Flights’ appeared on the tower radar screens at Boston, Newark, and Dulles, but I guarantee it was done at the will of the perps, via special software/equipment designed for that purpose. Maybe the blips appeared during a ‘hand off’ or something. Who’s going to argue or walk outside, look up, and say, ‘I don’t see no plane!’ Once a blip appears on a screen it is assumed (instinctively and quite rightly) to be a real plane.

the image is a 'plasma instability -- a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora -- seen in sky as 'the world ended'....

the image is a ‘plasma instability — a High-Current, Z-Pinch Aurora — seen in sky as ‘the world ended’….I’m headed for other ancient sites.

So, again, let’s put this to rest. if you were planning this op, wouldn’t you design it with the least possibilities for fuck ups? As soon as real aircraft are involved, all kinds of things could go wrong.

Addendum: Yes, the ‘Wargames’ were necessary misdirection for all sorts of reasons. One obvious one being this: It’s one thing for a real flight to be unable to visually ‘see’ a non-existent plane that’s supposed to be right out his windscreen — that can be pooh-poohed — but if an F-16 jock pulls up where a plane should be and sees nothing… well, we have a real problem, don’t we? Hence all the ‘fog of war’ horse shit, and all the misdirection of Corbett’s ‘Wargames.’ 

And Robin, I have my eye on you for (more?) NLP. If you just had a ‘dumbass moment’, fine. But do this for me: Admit that your comment was misleading in that you seemed to agree with me, while your subtext was quite the opposite. Maybe you only skimmed my post and didn’t understand it. Is this the case? If not, what happened?

Dr. Judy Wood has a point: Where did the towers go?

Dr. Judy Wood (psy op or no) has a point: Where did the towers go?

I’m going to try to get where I’m going then sit down and write my book reviews. It would be nice if the comments were kept to ‘reasonable,’ i.e., sans misdirection/disinformation/NLP. Please….






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