Note: Yes, I’m going to start skipping days but this one was easy and is ready to go…
I don’t follow Twitter (or even really know what it is) or InstaGram and I don’t know what a hash tag does and I keep away from Facebook (I regret having started a page) and anything that is trending. The list of things I stay away from is long; I can’t even name most of them. This is an attempt to cut down on the noise. (This does result in my missing stuff, like when I finally viewed CNN after four years and was shocked by what I saw. It’s a trade-off.)
But several of you have asked me about Qanon so I’ll give you my provisional take. I went to Youtube and viewed the Q-related video with the most hits right now (350,000), figuring the vid was probably either by Q or by those close to him/her/it (yes, Q might be an A.I. algorithm).
Being a filmmaker and confident that I can spot most ops via the ‘language’ used (words and images), I gave ‘Qanon; You Are Witnessing The Largest Mass Treason Event In History’ a careful look. It’s less than 5 minutes and worth it if you’re interested in Q.
I’ll share the notes I made while viewing, with explanations in [brackets]:
…this vid has better/slicker graphics than I’m capable of [I look for any signs of ‘professionalism’]… good ‘voice’ [high quality sound, the tenor effective, nice modulated echo, no stutters, etc. This is professionally written and edited audio]… obvious NLP in the mix of words and images [‘NLP’ can also mean ‘good at getting across the message’ like I hope I did in Water Time; this is a matter of judgment… are they trying to ‘slip in’ an agenda-driven message different from the obvious? This one has all the signs.]
…corrupt pols and celebs [I’m looking at] while the calming yet masculine voice tells me they are corrupt]… I’m waiting for actual new information… [At about 1:20 the voice over says, ‘…an NSA intelligence operation that we call Q’… Mmmm… is this a slip?… if not, talk about ‘revelation of the method’!]
… now he’s telling me that ‘patriots in the military took back power in 2016 with the election of Trump [is this true? At best it’s a ‘bald assertion’ and anyway, do we want a country led by the military? Not me. Then why is he telling me this? Is this NLP preparing me for martial law? Why should I trust the Military? Is this not a helluva good question?]… also notice that Trump’s two year ‘gutting’ op ‘was to include (my emphasis) the corrupt FBI, CIA, and Justice Department’… was to means it never happened, right?
… now telling me ‘they’ (Trump and his military allies?) got to work dismantling the ‘secret shadow deep state’ [nice string of buzz words but is it true? Look at who Trump appointed for chrissakes!!]… now it’s hitting on the MSM and how bad they are [tell me some news!]… yes, the MSM is bad but that doesn’t mean Q is any different, does it? The NLP here is to get us nodding in agreement. Might be harmless, but maybe not…
…look at all those folksy folks in Q t-shirts, right out of the old T-party… pastoral images after violence [more NLP but I’m not liking it and am asking myself ‘Where is some actual information?]
…now Trump directly associated with Q [an image at a rally]…
…okay, maybe some info now… telling me that Trump is responsible for ‘an unprecedented number of sealed indictments’… (45,000)…which are ‘in preparation for a mass arrest event’… [I seem to recall Obama was preparing to get us out of foreign wars]… my bullshit meter is near the red… I don’t want to know what Trump is preparing to do… and besides, why are the indictments sealed? If I was indicted would it be sealed?
Addendum: Are you aware of what it means when you hear what a president is going to do?
… now telling me it’s time to ‘research for yourself’ [Okay, but give me information]… then…okay, here it comes… ‘an unprecedented list of corrupt CEOs who have recently been removed from their posts’… a lot of unprecedented stuff… plus now an actual list of names on the screen… okay…
Here I paused and checked the vid’s description for a link to the list. Not there. (In fact, no links to any evidence.) The closest they came was a very quick flash of a URL; ‘’… let’s go there… it’s apparently an archive of all Q’s communications with us… talk about too much stuff! I don’t even know where to start. Is this the intention? But okay, I’m looking for the ‘List of corrupt CEOs that have been removed from their posts’ by Trump and his military cohorts. No such link.
The list of names in the video flashes by too quickly so I freeze frame and do a screen shot. I then start checking the names via web searches plus the company name given, to see if I’m being bullshitted.
Notice the phraseology the video uses: The corrupt CEOs ‘have been removed’, as in fired or forced to resign or retire. Well, for those with the patience, at the bottom of this post I’m pasting in the results of my hour or so checking the ‘corrupt CEOs that were removed’…
In brief, the list was indeed of recently retired or resigned officials (some CEOs but many were not), but most did not appear to have been removed, not at all, and many if not most were from companies that have nothing to do with government, the military, the media, and so forth (one guy ran a YMCA).
It appears that what the filmmaker did was compile a list of anyone of any importance in any big company that either resigned or retired recently. In the vast majority of cases no evidence is to be found that they were forced to do anything, let alone by the Trump Team. I’m not wild about accusations of corruption (naming names) with no evidence. And even less wild about lists with no citation re its provenance.

The list of ‘corrupt CEOs that Trump ‘forced out.’ Really? And how about some details? None to be found.
The video finishes up telling us that ‘There is hope’ (sound familiar as in ‘Hope & Change’?) while flashing more pastoral images, including one reminiscent of the shot at the end of Gladiator wherein Maximus drags his hand through the Wheat of Heaven (an iconic image and, as used in the video, NLP at its subtlest and most effective).
This was pretty much all I needed to know about this Q-pitch, at least for now. A slick, NLP-laden commercial that ended up providing me with bald assertions and misleading if not completely false information.
What do I think of Q? Provisionally, Q is another attempt at dividing/confusing/distracting us, plus muddying the waters. It is probably exactly what they say it is: ‘An NSA intelligence operation.’
Yes, I know the video is not Q, but it is a pitch for Q, much like you’d see around election time. All that was missing was a ‘I approved this message’ blurb from Q him/her/itself.
I hope this provides a hint as to how you might go about assessing the crapola you are bombarded with: find actual information in the crapola and check to see if it’s true. If not, or if there’s no information to check, you’ve probably found still another disinfo op.
If you’re going to disagree with me in Comments, fine, but try to provide verifiable information to back up your point. Also be advised that your comment may not appear immediately. I might be walking Gus or otherwise off-line and unable to approve it as fast as you’d like.
As usual, that Q is most likely a LH/disinfo op does not mean you should not pay attention to the information. I’m only saying you should really pay attention. (Or maybe burn your limited time on earth elsewhere.)
Below are the notes I made in my searches of ‘corrupt CEOs.’ Generally, I’d copy-paste the most relevant blurb from the most relevant link and make notes. I also scanned the google-pages for anything saying so-and-so was corrupt or forced to do something. I did not check everyone who flashed by on the screen; this is a representative sampling:
. Gary Starr, left, and Dr. Andrew Bachman have both left LeafLine Labs, one of two Minnesota companies chosen to grow and process medical marijuana. Starr, the chief medical officer at LeafLine, resigned last fall. Bachman departed as of this week, the company said Thursday, May 10, 2018. (Pioneer Press: Scott Takushi)
Kellogg Company CEO John Bryant will step down next week after seven years at the helm of the cereal and snack maker.
Marni Walden, Verizon’s executive vp and president of global media, says that she made the decision to depart the company once it became clear that she was not in the running to replace CEO Lowell McAdam.
naples ymca paul thein
lmi aerospace dan korte — buy out
Lotter’s departure marks the latest staff shake-up for Pence, who has avoided much of the infighting and leaking that has plagued the White House. Pence recently replaced his chief of staff, Josh Pitcock, with longtime political aide Nick Ayers.
For five months, Seattle Mayor Ed Murray rejected calls for his resignation amid allegations he sexually abused teens decades before entering politics. [Did Trump and co. finger him? apparently not.)
Phil Veal, the chief executive of Rangatira Investments, which owns two of the country’s most iconic attractions, has resigned and will leave his role in November.
Rangatira owns Auckland’s Rainbow’s End and Rotorua’s Polynesian Spa. It is the second high profile resignation in six weeks from the group with Rainbow’s End chief executive Chris Deere stepping down in August.
Sasser, who had led the company as CEO for 13 years, will move to executive chairman of the board. Sasser started at Dollar Tree in 1999 and was promoted to president and operating chief in 2001. In 2004, he assumed the CEO role.
EDINBURGH — KPMG South Africa CEO Trevor Hoolehas consistently refused to answer questions about the role of KPMG in state capture. When he does, he poin
Following the conclusion of the search for a suitable foreign strategic partner for Proton Holdings Bhd., DRB-HICOM Berhad (DRB-HICOM) and Zhejiang Geely Holding Group (Geely Holding) are working towards completion of this corporate transaction which is expected to materialise very soon. At the same time, DRB-HICOM announced the departure of Dato’ Ahmad Fuaad Kenali as the Chief Executive Officer of PHB effective 30 September 2017.
PLAINFIELD – Plainfield Fire Chief Ralph Wells, the father of a department captain charged with sexually assaulting a 17-year-old cadet, stepped down from his position on Wednesday, officials said.
Laureate Education CEO Douglas Becker, who founded the Baltimore company in 1999, will step down in Jan. 1 as part of an executive transition plan.
Becker, who has been Laureate’s only CEO, will remain non-executive chairman of the for-profit network of colleges. He will also step down as president.
On the last day of the VELUX Group’s strategy conference, held every four years, Chairman Søren Bjerre-Nielsen announced to the 120 members of the company’s global management that, after 17 years as CEO for VELUX A/S, Jørgen Tang-Jensen is to retire at the end of 2017. He will be succeeded by 52-year-old David Briggs from the UK, who has worked in the Group since 1991.
Macquarie Infrastructure Corp director James Hooke and fellow board members have survived a protest vote by a minority of shareholders at a tense annual company meeting in New York.
Michael Morrell, former deputy director (and acting director) of the Central Intelligence Service, on Thursday resigned as a non-resident senior fellow at the Belfer Center of the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University for its hiring of Chelsea Manning, the controversial former U.S. Army soldier who was convicted by court martial in 2013 for disclosing classified information to WikiLeaks.
Sport–Tech Construction is the premier construction and maintenance firm in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey for any type of athletic field and sports court …
Missing: penrose | Must include: penrose
Skanska’s President and CEO Johan Karlström has notified the Skanska AB Board of Directors that he wishes to step down. He will remain President and CEO until Skanska’s Annual General Meeting, April 13 2018, when he will also step down from the Board of Skanska AB. He will serve as Senior advisor until January 2019. construction
Mike Foley, who has served as CEO of Zurich North America since 2008, joined Zurich in 2006 as North America’s Chief Operating Officer. During his tenure leading Zurich’s largest business unit, Mr. Foley successfully drove the transformation of the region’s technical capabilities, refined its performance management processes, built its predictive analytics capabilities and streamlined its operating model. Many of the initiatives he led became best practices for Zurich’s global operations. Building on this impressive record, Mr. Foley is expected to focus his extensive industry knowledge, operational expertise and strategic leadership skills on the rapidly evolving insuretech market. Zurich will remain connected to Mr. Foley through his participation on several of Zurich’s U.S. boards, as well as possible collaboration in his future ventures.
After nearly 15 years at the helm of Catholic Health, Joe McDonald, the health system’s longest tenured president & CEO, has announced plans to retire. While an exact timetable has not been set, McDonald plans to remain with the system to help transition his successor, which is expected during the first quarter of 2018. A committee, including representatives of Catholic Health’s Corporate Members, Sponsors, Board of Directors and Medical Staff, is leading the search process for a new president & CEO.
Washington state CIO Michael Cockrill will depart government service on Oct. 20 to take a position in the private sector, Gov. Jay Inslee has announced in a press release.
Dudley-Eshbach “will serve as a special advisor to the University during a sabbatical year which begins July 1, 2018” as per an agreement between the University System of Maryland chancellor and regents, and herself, according to a press release.
Atlantic Petroleum’s Ben Arabo has tendered his resignation as CEO of Atlantic Petroleum, the company said on Sept. 29. Arabo will leave the company to take up a Faroe Islands based post, but will remain in place as CEO until Dec. 1.
I scanned maybe 20 more without notating or pasting. Enough is enough. Qanon is deception.
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