Senor Ponzi

About a dozen years ago I figured out that the world economy is a Ponzi Scheme (a.k.a. a pyramid scheme, like a chain letter) — an illegal fraud if done by private parties, but no problem via governments — and was wondering what the PTB would do when it collapsed, as it had to eventually. Well, the Great Reset is what they are doing. It’s their solution to an inevitable, almost gravitational, process.

Yeah, i know it’s the desert but my situation could be a lot worse.

It’s really as simple as that.

Addendum: Regarding the various ‘national debts’, smart folks have asked — regarding, say, the U.S. national debt — ‘Well, who do we owe it to?’ And the various debtees would be named, i.e., China and other countries (their national banks), plus, believe it or not, the Fed itself. Then these various debtees would themselves have national debts and other countries would be named as the debtees. 

Yes, musical chairs comes to mind.

So the best, the only, route to take would be to start over, a clean slate for all, before the house of cards collapses. (This is a simplification, true as it is.)

Starting over is the Great Reset.

Plus, ‘while they are at it’ a necessary (for our own good) aspect of the Great Reset — and we will be told that this is a ‘no choice’ situation — the new world currency will be digital, with all the control ramifications it would entail. (To put it simply, if they don’t like your attitude they just ‘turn off’ your access to… everything… and a ‘bad attitude’ will no doubt include a failure to accept whatever vaccinations they mandate, plus mask wearing and so forth.)

I realize that most of you already know this, but sometimes a simple cause-and-effect summation is necessary, especially when we’re endlessly bombarded with confusing ‘news.’

A bulletin you won’t see on CNN/etc.

There’s an international lawyer who is attempting to launch a class action suit in behalf of the world population. Although I see his pursuit as quixotic at best (he’ll have to find an honest judge, which is laughable), this sort of move is probably our only hope, short of armed rebellion. 

Yes, they also want to cull the population and so forth, but at bottom, an economic ‘salvation’ is the reason for this lunatic psyop. 

Just thought I’d mention it.


As with 9/11, the main operational arm of the COVID/election/etc. psyop is the media. Remember this one? Same shit with COVID and the election.

Just a reminder: The 1968-1969 ‘Hong Kong Flu killed 100,000 Americans, equivalent to 175,000 today (with no numbers fixing as with COVID). No lockdowns, no masks, no one even heard about it unless they or a relative had it. Talk about social distancing! Woodstock! Does anyone get it?

A suggestion: Look up ‘Fractional Reserve Banking,’ which is the way the U.S. economy works. Compare it to ‘Ponzi Scheme.’ You’ll get the idea.

Just one more, for a little change of pace: This is from the Wildlife Center Logan was working for. (Justin Beaver’! I love it: Until recently I thought the famous guy’s name was Justin Beaver.)

You can still contribute to the Wildlife Center, via the link at the end of the video.

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