Some Double-Whammy Disinfo?

The downside to this ‘I’ll post every day’ deal is that I’m not going to be able to go into much depth in any one effort. I’m hoping that I can give you enough so you can decide whether further investigation is warranted. Please keep this in mind…

Okay, let’s take a glance at Michael Salla and his book, Antarctica’s Hidden History; Corporate Foundations of Secret Space Programs, which I mentioned as a subject of interest in my last post. IMG_3035

First: That Salla himself is a disinfo agent is obvious, for reasons I will keep brief, so we can move on. In his interview with Veritas Radio (based on its promo of flat earth, a disinfo op itself) Salla is asked why he accepts the bizarre claims of ‘whistleblower’ Corey Goode (Salla’s book is largely based on Goode’s story). His answer: Because his (Salla’s) contacts ‘at NATO and the Defense Intelligence Agency assured me that Corey is for real.’ It’s rare that someone can so succinctly out himself and everything he says as disinfo, but Salla manages to do exactly that with this dumb-ass claim. (That Veritas’s Mel Fabregas didn’t jump all over Salla here is further evidence that he cannot be trusted either.)

But it was this interview by Salla of a guy who claims to have been recruited into the ’20 and back’ Secret Space Program ‘warrior’ ranks that did it for me. It’s almost worth the time to listen to this guy; depending on your sense of humor, you may find yourself laughing your ass off. His description of fighting giant bugs with ray guns on Mars, adding that the air on Mars is breathable and the temperature is a comfortable 50F – is right out of Starship Troopers. And Salla as the interviewer just accepts the guy’s rambling without question. (Go about halfway into the YT interview for some real howlers.)antacrtica map nazis

But it was the utter obviousness that Salla is full of shit that forced me to rethink what sort of disinformation he may be spreading… 

Let’s back up. I assume you’re aware of at least some of the strange doings in Antarctica over the past couple years, like the fact that luminaries from politics, religion, the military (even Buzz Aldrin) and so forth have been down there for reasons that don’t hold up to the slightest scrutiny. I mean, John Kerry went down there on Election day (2016)? Newt Gingrich in Antarctica? The f-ing Pope sends an emissary?

But how do we know it’s not all an elaborate psy op? (Prepping us for a bogus alien invasion?) A really good question. Here’s how: Operation High Jump.

Even the Washington Post admits it...

Even the Washington Post admits it…

Here’s what we do know (or at least what I accept): In the austral summer of 1946-47, right after World War 2, the U.S. Navy sent Admiral Richard Byrd and an armada of warships (13 ships, including an aircraft carrier) to Antarctica based on intel that the Nazi’s had a base under the ice down there. (There is little doubt about the motive for the op.) The Navy limped back months early, missing ships, planes and men. Admiral Byrd was quoted in a Chilean newspaper saying, in effect, that his fleet was attacked by ‘aircrafts that can fly pole to pole at great speed.’ After that interview and upon arriving home he was told to shut up.

This much we know. Plus we also know that in the summer of 1952 Washington, D.C., the Capitol Building, was overflown by a squadron of UFOs, on two successive weekends. That the flyovers are related to the aftermath of High Jump is a distinct possibility; a way of saying, ‘Remember what happened when you fucked with us last time?’  

This Russian documentary is maybe the best single source alluding to the veracity of the ‘Nazi/UFO’ theory. The possibility that it’s a phony, i.e., part of the psy op, feels unlikely. Plus there is too much independent evidence to back up High Jump as a real piece of history. (That Wikipedia avoids completely the UFO/Nazi aspects tend to re-enforce the bizarre aspects.) This interview by Linda Moulten-Howe rings true and has implications…

Here’s Salla’s summation, which is probably accurate in its main points.

Yep, looks like a pyramid to me, too...

Yep, looks like a pyramid to me, too…

Alien bases, lost civilizations, Nazi supermen, time travelers, you name it and Antarctica has it. Add tens of thousands of slaves kidnapped for life (to do the physical work and as sexual objects for the inhabitants)… It keeps getting more and more ridiculous and Salla’s book (plus his alt media antics) takes it even further.

I don’t have the time (in this ‘daily blog’) to go into details, but here’s what could be going on, with Michael Salla, Corey Goode, David Wilcock and the rest of the disinfo agentry and their claims: They are trying to blackwash the fact that some amazing, even ‘supernormal’ shit is going on down there. In fact, I’d bet a valued possession on it.

Think of it this way: Once I heard Salla/Goode/Wilcock going on about the ’20 and back’ space soldier recruitment program (they spend 20 years ‘in space’ and down in Antarctica then they get ‘time traveled’ back to the age they started in and no one will notice they’ve been gone… something like that), I instantly wrote off anything about Antarctica, Nazis, and the Secret Space Programs. (If the Elite had access to making you 20 years younger, do you think David Rockefeller would have died looking like…. you get the idea.) Then I realized that’s exactly what was expected: They add ridiculous claims to incredible (but true) ones so we (the serious among us) will write off the whole deal, when the meat of it is true. (This is what I mean by ‘Double-Whammy Disinfo.)

'20 and back'? Nahhh.

’20 and back’? Would you look like this if you didn’t have to?

My ‘daily blog’ point is this: If you haven’t looked into the matter of What’s Going on in Antarctica, I suggest you do so. It could have implications that include every important issue we are facing right now.


I’m not including a bunch of links here because I haven’t had time to vet them. If you find something particularly interesting, I’m best contacted via  

Keep in mind that I am aware of the ‘Secret Space Program’ folks – Farrell, Moutlen-Howe, Fitts. Philipps, the fucking ‘Dark Journalist’, etc, etc. I’ve met them all, and corresponded with them. See my past posts for how this went and judge for yourself. 

A lot of their information is good, but I am working under the assumption that they are limited hangouts. All of them. I’m as sure as I can be about this, so take them with a grain…