I’ve been silent for quite a while now and am not sure why. Part of it is the too much stuff syndrome: the more I look into our current situation the more distressed and even paralytic I wax. The best example here being that the two people I best know personally and who are dedicated researchers, guys whose critical thinking abilities I rely on as much as my own… these two guys have polar opposite views on the medical aspects of COVID, i.e., what the COVID bug is and hence how it’s being used against us.
Joachim, whom you might remember via his podcast with Paul Cottrell back in February (Youtube deleted the video), but also via much of the information in my last post, which postulated that the there may be a ‘Trojan horse’ buried in the COVID pathogen; the ‘long term’ effects of the ‘pandemic’ may be our real worry.
This video sums up the possible problem. You might recall that after looking into the video I came to the conclusion that it’s coming from the PTB and therefore is suspect (to say the least). On the other hand (as I also postulated), the video may be essentially accurate and is a sort of beta test to analyze the public reaction. If this is the case, they are merely putting off the spilling of the information that COVID’s real dangers are still to come. In this way they can discredit anyone who disagrees with virtually anything they have claimed about COVID.
The bottom line of this view is that COVID is much, much more deadly than any of us have been thinking, although the real medical catastrophe is still to come. (COVID is an engineered viral bioweapon.)
Here is a link that deals with ‘Long COVID’ — I cannot vouch for its authenticity.
On the other hand, my friend Logan, whom you have heard from on this forum, has come around to believe that ‘germ theory’ is another fraud and that viruses are not what we’ve been told. They are, in fact, products of cellular life (in humans and all animals), whose function is to pass important information from cell to cell and from organism to organism. Viruses are good. I asked Logan for his single best link and he sent me this video, which I also recommend.
These views cannot both be true. I also suspect that the incorrect view is part of the black op we are now living under. After studying both paradigms, I cannot say which is correct, if either are so. At some point we will know, but by then it may be too late to take individual action. That two of the smartest people I know could come to opposite conclusions based on open source information is a great example of how efficient the PTB propaganda machine really is.
I would ask readers of this forum to look into both paradigms with an open mind. I know this request will be ignored, since no one changes his/her mind about anything. This latter truth, I realize, infers the question of why I bother with this blog at all, but let’s ignore that for now.
Please see if you can decide which of these paradigms is correct then persuade me of it. Do I even have to tell you to stick with facts? If something is ‘obvious’ to you, I need to know why.
And I as told both Logan and Joachim: Yes, they lie about everything, but that doesn’t mean the earth is flat. Get my drift?
Addendum: I vaguely recall ‘another pandemic’, this one from my youth, in 1968 – 69. Take a look at the Wikipedia version. The ‘Hong Kong flu’ of those years resulted in no draconian measures (such as those we are enduring now) and the ’emergency’ resolved itself. Regarding ‘social distancing,’ this was the year of Woodstock… (Given the implications, this is still another example of Why are you only hearing this from me?)
One thing I do know is that Logan works for a great nonprofit organization, one that is especially after my own heart. He has just finished up many months of work for the group, and will be joining me on the road in a few days. Meanwhile, please consider donating to the Second Chances Wildlife Center. The links are below. Here’s Logan’s request:
As you can imagine, 2020 has been an incredibly tough year for our nonprofit community. i have spent the past 30+ years working and volunteering in the nonprofit world, and all are struggling to keep providing services. Most of you know I have been volunteering my time with Second Chances Wildlife Center (SCWC) since 2016. We have had to cancel almost all of our public and school-based education programs this year, as well as our special fundraising events. On September 17th our community will hold its annual GIVE FOR GOOD day…a 24 hour period to celebrate and donate to our local nonprofits. It is always an important day, but never more critical than this year. Many of you were kind enough to support SCWC in 2019. I know times are very challenging for all of us, but please consider helping this year. There is no other organization in our region that does what we do.
This year we are trying to more than double our very successful 2019 effort. Our goal is to raise $30,000 and we have some exciting news to share. One of our very generous supporters has offered a $15,000 CHALLENGE GRANT as an incentive to reach our ambitious goal. So if we can raise $30,000 we’ll earn an additional $15,000! To put that in perspective $45,000 would fund 5 months of our lean and mean operating budget.
So please mark your calendars for September 17th. Donations that day can help us earn additional funds via incentives and contests throughout the 24 hour period. I’ll be in touch again in the days leading up to GIVE FOR GOOD. In the meantime I am inserting links below to our website, our Facebook page and one of my favorite videos from our YouTube channel. If you need a little pick me up, visit our YT channel and check out some of our 100+ short videos. They are guaranteed to put a smile on your face. Thanks in advance for your support!
My best to you and yours,
The more you research, the crazier you sound to ignorant people…
Unfortunately, I forgot about the September 17 deadline, which means that if you are reading this on September 18… you can still help these precious little critters via a donation. So please dig into your pockets and send them a few bucks. I just did so. Use this link if you are reading this on September 18 or later.
Did you know one adult female Opossum may eat as many 4,000 ticks is a single week? Most of you know how I feel about ticks…so I am a huge fan of Opossums! This short video shows what your donation to Second Chances Wildlife Center helps us accomplish. We also teach future generations why all wildlife matters. Please help us with any donation by midnight tonight. Last year we earned bonus money due to the large number of donors who helped during the 24 hours of Give For Good. We also have the chance to earn a $15,000 challenge grant from a very generous donor. Just use the link below the video link. Thanks in advance for your help!
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