Spacex Fraud Reminder

Spacex continues to be in the news so while I continue to work on my ‘primate chromosome number’ post, thought I’d remind you what a transparent fraud Spacex is. I found an old video and cut it down to just the ending, wherein you can clearly see that Musk’s CGI team hardly bothered to even try to make mama earth look real.

Although the view on the right side (the ‘Tess’ capsule stage) is also a piss-poor job of showing us the planet we supposedly live on, the ‘booster’ cam on the left — and which is supposed to be descending to the landing barge — shows a fuzzy, detail-less planet, all the way down until it’s a couple hundred feet off the ocean. I’m not sure how much more obvious fakery can get… oh, right, the ‘Tesla in space’ extravaganza was pretty close…

Any Spacex fanboys out there are welcome to explain the view-disparity, and why the earth looks so sickly. The sun is shining directly on the side of earth below us, so why does it look like that?

Enlarge for a better view. Last night. Typical.

Enlarge for a better view. Last night. Typical.

Speaking of frauds, here is a list of ‘alt media’ ‘names’ I sent my Spacex-fraud videos to (this video is one of about a dozen), and who refused to pass on the information via their websites/podcasts:

Marcus Allen, Joe Atwill, Dr. John Brandenburg, Alexandra Bruce, Jeranism, Greg Carlwood (the highersidechats), Michel Chossudovsky, James Corbett, Crrow777, Jay Dyer, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Jim Fetzer, Catherine Austin Fitts, Christopher Fontenot, Edward Griffin, Richard D. Hall, Linda M. Howe, Jan Irvin, Andrew Johnson, Daniel Liszt (‘The Dark Journalist’), Miles Mathis, David Percy, Olav Phillips, Jerry Russell, Simon Shack, Bart Sibrel, Sofia Smallstorm, Jay Weidner, Judy Wood


Oh and this is from last night and is evidence that my interest in star visibility is genuine.

  25 comments for “Spacex Fraud Reminder

  1. September 2, 2019 at 8:51 pm

    I was stunned by the number of angry “flat earthers” buzzing around your spacex fraud video.They were more interested in something they can’t seem to see in front of their own eyes.
    The cameras they are using on the spacex “rocket”, are like the same quality as a $2 black&white potatoe…for good reason of course.

    • September 2, 2019 at 9:39 pm

      Keep in mind that most FEers are paid to blackwash info on NASA/space frauds. There are several ways to do this, one being just connecting FE with space fraud exposes.

  2. Jean-François Aubry
    August 31, 2019 at 1:27 am

    Found this jewel at 1:39 while Chris Hadfield is watching for a beautifull frame of the Sahara but we as spectator of this “space hero” we just see a blury overexposed part of the earth…why the cameraman not just let us watch what Chris is watching at ??? And the video has two part in the first part we can see multiple tiny dot of colored light fill the copola…but those little dot of colored light disapear in the second part of the video starting at 1:39

    And again not a single star…Why Chris is not able to take some beautifull pic of star with this amazing piece of equipment ? Pathetic liar

    • August 31, 2019 at 4:10 pm

      Yeah, good link. Anyone seeing this and still believing the ISS is what they say it is… just the fact that he didn’t even mention the star field, let alone take photos of it is proof of fraud.

      • Jean-François Aubry
        September 1, 2019 at 1:58 am

        1984: A Space Odyssey

  3. Herman Gothe
    August 30, 2019 at 7:37 pm

    Dude you need to set up a debate with Ken Hovind!

  4. Stephen allenbaugh
    August 30, 2019 at 1:52 pm

    Haha did you watch Star hopper. What a joke. They really have utter disdain for the space junkies. Space and everything involved with. It is a complete scam. Like the green movement and global warming and just bought everything else.

    • Horst
      August 30, 2019 at 4:36 pm

      Get a flight controller from Hobbyking, use it to fly a big thing made of sheet metal, using of the shelf rocket motors, and don’t forget to wrap it up with shiny foil. Can only fly a tiny fraction of a space flight, but who cares in Idiocracy.

    • August 31, 2019 at 4:12 pm

      Still another truly frightening example of how dumb they think we are. Getting us used to accepting anything they put in front of us.

  5. Nigel
    August 30, 2019 at 9:49 am

    Seen some of the dark journalist’s vids….. very smart dude and goes deep esoteric but then constantly defends the current US government – Trump administration and talks deep state blah blah .

    Nice work .

  6. Horst
    August 30, 2019 at 5:21 am

    Why do they do it so cheap? My guess, a coming deception will be much more convincing. One day they will use what is possible today, and this is beyond what we get out of Hollywood today. People are prepared multiple ways.

    By the way, in their latest episode, the Crow7 crew announced they will be present at a flat Earth event.

    • August 31, 2019 at 4:13 pm

      Do you have a link re the Crow777 flat earth thing?

    • September 1, 2019 at 9:31 am

      Maybe Crow777 feels like a good old belly laugh, with an evening of free entertainment n grog

  7. August 29, 2019 at 8:54 pm

    You’ve blocked some important truths from your readers on your own website, too, Allan. The case can be made for you being a gatekeeper as well. I didn’t always think like this, but your dodgy behavior now leads me to ponder otherwise.

    But your big-ass ego, probably from your own Neanderthal DNA, stops you from seeing the hypocrite that you are.

    Now go ahead and say something stupid and dismissive, like you always do!

    Happy Thor’s Day!

    • CAPS
      August 29, 2019 at 9:20 pm

      Every human is a gatekeepers to protect the frame of reference which manifest the center we call ego. We are all liars and hypocrites in search for truth on this battlefield we call life. Blaming others for the things we do. In the end there is no thruth is thought. Everything is nothing more then a perspective, an illusion, a point of view we call our self.

      • CAPS
        August 29, 2019 at 9:30 pm

        [ next time I will check for typo’s before posting :P] Every human is a gatekeeper to protect the frame of reference which manifest a center we call ego. We are all liars and hypocrites in search for truth on this battlefield we call life. Blaming others for the things we do. In the end there is no thruth in thought. Everything in nothing more then a perspective, an illusion, a point of view we call our self.

        • Rob
          August 30, 2019 at 4:02 pm

          “In the end there is no thruth in thought.”

          You typed it twice and still f-ed up, lol.

    • August 29, 2019 at 9:31 pm

      Accusations like yours with no specifics shows how stupid and dismissive you are. I have no idea what your problem is but if you can’t describe it, then don’t leave comments on my blog. Go away.

    • Bill
      September 3, 2019 at 11:53 pm

      “You’ve blocked some important truths from your readers on your website, Allan…”

      So true, Arthur. Anyone who does not accept Allan Weisbecker’s conspiratorial nonsense gets censored from his blog. I provided a number of challenges to his view that all six (6) NASA moon missions were hoaxes, which strikes me as a real stretch of the imagination. Allan not only ignored the challenges, but mounted a series of irrational ad hominem attacks on me prior to deleting my posts.

      Allan purports to be a truth seeker, but he censors anyone who challenges his point of view. It’s called HYPOCRISY.

      We live in a post-truth Orwellian world and Allan Weisbecker is an example of it.

      • September 4, 2019 at 12:33 am

        Bill, Allan (and we) have talked that moonlanding Bullshit scam to death, and are sick and tired of the whole steaming pile of horseshit lies it is.
        Are you on the PTTTB pay roll??…just wondering what they pay Trolls to harass truth seekers?..

        • Bill
          September 5, 2019 at 12:44 am

          Brett, what a dipshit response.

          I am on no one’s fucking payroll. If you believe that nonsense, then you can kiss my ass. I am an independent thinker who is simply interested in the truth, and am sorry if “you can’t handle the truth.”

          I have asked this before to no avail. Please respond (if not you, then someone on the Weisbecker cult blog) to the five challenges I have provided.

          Your guru failed to do so other than to call me names and engage in disparaging ad hominem attacks, which is his forte’ when anyone challenges his point of view.

          I am hoping for a response from a rational thinking person on this blog to my valid challenges to the idea perpetrated by Weisbecker that all six (6) Apollo moon missions were faked.

          Watching and waiting…

          • September 5, 2019 at 5:15 am

            A typical Moron trouble maker, who comes back with the old insulting retorts.
            And you haven’t bothered to read hardly any of Allan’s thoughts on the blog about this subject, already well and truly done over the years.
            Body language was their main enemy that warned anyone with half a brain, that something was terribly wrong >

  8. CAPS
    August 29, 2019 at 8:51 pm

    “Unstable video connection [ of course I still love you ]”
    Hahahaha, They never can produce a stable video [ on crucial moments] , but they always produce a stable outcome.
    I truly start to love this show! This week I read an article that some lesbian astronaut had hacked a bank account from her ex … from space xD. This is better than saturday live!

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