Spacex Fraud Reminder

Spacex continues to be in the news so while I continue to work on my ‘primate chromosome number’ post, thought I’d remind you what a transparent fraud Spacex is. I found an old video and cut it down to just the ending, wherein you can clearly see that Musk’s CGI team hardly bothered to even try to make mama earth look real.

Although the view on the right side (the ‘Tess’ capsule stage) is also a piss-poor job of showing us the planet we supposedly live on, the ‘booster’ cam on the left — and which is supposed to be descending to the landing barge — shows a fuzzy, detail-less planet, all the way down until it’s a couple hundred feet off the ocean. I’m not sure how much more obvious fakery can get… oh, right, the ‘Tesla in space’ extravaganza was pretty close…

Any Spacex fanboys out there are welcome to explain the view-disparity, and why the earth looks so sickly. The sun is shining directly on the side of earth below us, so why does it look like that?

Enlarge for a better view. Last night. Typical.

Enlarge for a better view. Last night. Typical.

Speaking of frauds, here is a list of ‘alt media’ ‘names’ I sent my Spacex-fraud videos to (this video is one of about a dozen), and who refused to pass on the information via their websites/podcasts:

Marcus Allen, Joe Atwill, Dr. John Brandenburg, Alexandra Bruce, Jeranism, Greg Carlwood (the highersidechats), Michel Chossudovsky, James Corbett, Crrow777, Jay Dyer, Dr. Joseph Farrell, Jim Fetzer, Catherine Austin Fitts, Christopher Fontenot, Edward Griffin, Richard D. Hall, Linda M. Howe, Jan Irvin, Andrew Johnson, Daniel Liszt (‘The Dark Journalist’), Miles Mathis, David Percy, Olav Phillips, Jerry Russell, Simon Shack, Bart Sibrel, Sofia Smallstorm, Jay Weidner, Judy Wood


Oh and this is from last night and is evidence that my interest in star visibility is genuine.

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