Hi folks,

Click to see that this camera had not been cleaned. No reply when I emailed these to Spencer’s pointing out they did not do the work for my money.
Pardon today’s detour but I promised Spencer’s Camera that I would do this if I didn’t get a return on the $400 they charged me for ‘work’ on two cameras. Below is the comment I am putting on photo-oriented YT channels. The first two photos are from the cameras whose sensors were supposed to have been cleaned. Click and see for yourself how dirty they still are. The last photo is my Photo #24.
My Comment: A warning to photographers needing conversions (to infra-red, astro, etc.) or camera repair: Stay away from Spencer’s Camera in Utah, which bills itself as doing work for NASA; they have photographers recommending them on YT videos and so on. The are outright crooks; no other way to put it.
Back in February I sent them two Canon T6s, both for sensor cleaning, one for conversion to Infra-red. I made it clear I needed it done quickly as I am on the road in my RV, etc. They said no problem, about $375. Okay.
It took more than 6 weeks, with no answer on their phone (filled up voice mail) about the delay. They finally returned my emails saying everyone was ‘at a workshop’ in Canada. Aggravating.
The eventual package was so poorly wrapped that one T6 was sticking out of a ragged hole. There was no invoice or receipt or even an indication of which T6 was converted, which was merely cleaned. I went online to my bank to see that they ‘rounded up’ to $400.00 on my cc. No invoice indeed. Would have been iffy to round up. But the real reason was only one camera was actually worked on, the conversion. I assume they didn’t want to put a lie on paper since both cameras still had filthy sensors and are useless.
My two emails (with the above photos attached) went unanswered. This is a well-known company (NASA, etc) but they obviously do not care (in the extreme) about us peons. I have posted the first photos out of my cameras on my blog if you want to see what they… didn’t do and over-charged me for it after being 4 weeks late. I’m a well thought-of writer (3 books, many TV/feature scripts) named Allan Weisbecker; I have worked professionally as a photographer (including covers) for magazines like Smithsonian, Men’s Journal, Popular Photography, and so on. Google me and do a search for my blog if you want to verify what I’m saying (and see the dirty pics). ‘Allan C Weisbecker + blog’. Look for the title ‘Spencer’s Cameras Are Crooks’.

Photo $24. At my age, with self-portraits you go the other way from trying to look ‘good’. You just want to look real.
Again, my apologies to my subscribers. I’ll be pasting the above into the comments in photo channels on Youtube. There are hundreds and I figure to paste 5 a day (to avoid problems with YT) from now until they refund my money.
Please feel free to email Spencer’s to get their side or comment on the dirty photos. In fact, I’d appreciate it. Email: info@spencerscamera.com.

Since they send no invoice, here is proof of what they charged me. Now look at the dirty sensor pics above.
By the way, I guess I over-estimated the impact yesterday’s post would have. Sorry if it bored anyone.
One last thing: If you contact Spencer’s ask them to send their response to any of my complaints, because they didn’t respond. Ask for their excuse for not responding to a customer…
13 comments for “Spencer’s Camera Are Thieves”