A reminder of what the Dragon looks like inside. There are four portholes, counting the one behind the camera.
Addendum: The photos are from today (March 8) after Spacex’s Dragon’s de-docking, re-entry, and supposedly splashing down in the Atlantic. The continuing continuity errors are obvious.
Since my last post I’ve been alerting all the usual alt media suspects of the NASA/Spacex fraud (as shown in my video) and so far nothing back but a roaring silence. Not a single ‘Good catch!’ or the like. Of course my theory being that any reply not debunking my video (which they can’t do) would mean they would sort of have to blow the whistle too. Right? My theory being that they are all on the payroll and under orders that Elon Musk/Spacex/NASA are off limits.
Here’s the list so far:

This was today as the Dragon un-docks prior to re-entry. As in my video, note that the portholes do not match the interior.
Max Tegmark, Catherine Austin Fitts, Joseph Farrell, Richard D. Hall, Linda Moulton Howe, The Dark Journalist, James Corbett, John Rappoport, David Percy (Aulis.com), Bart Sibrel, Marcus Allen, Randall Carlson, Jarrah White, Stephen Crothers, Wal Thornhill, Joe Rogan, Joe Atwill (plus his forum), Andrew Johnson, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Dr. John Brandenburg, Olav Phillips, and James Fetzer. (Jim is the one exception. He invited me to be interviewed on his radio show. We’ll see. I’m not saying all these people are dirty; most, but not all.)
Addendum: I just now (March 9, 2 PM) remembered Jay Dyer and sent him my alert. As of now I have heard back from only one: Joe Atwill. I’ll deal with his reply in my next post.
I’ve been pretty mellow in my emails to them, considering that I’ve pointed the ‘State operative!’ finger at a few. Here’s how some of my emails read:

After re-entry, the Dragon ‘splashes down,’ no one on board. (I suspect it was dumped out of a plane at high altitude.)
Hey Jay [Weidner],
I had to include you In my alert to the SSP [Secret Space Program] intelligentsia that NASA/Spacex has done it again: Spilled the official imagery beans that chemical rocketry is a complete fraud (the agenda being obvious). The recent ‘docking’ footage has at least three continuity errors that should jump out at anyone, let alone a filmmaker such as yourself. Here’s my ragged little video:
It appears that (so far) I’m the only one who’s noticed these doozies. What does this mean?
Over the last two days I’ve alerted just about everyone you know and, so far, a roaring silence. What does this mean?
With Jarrah White, I couldn’t help myself:
Jarrah: Debunk my latest:
Yeah, best you call your handler. Btw, have you asked why you don;t have a ticket to the underground, like Neil deGrasse? I mean, all the work u put in… (I added the link to deGrasse Tyson blowing his ‘bunker’ secret.)

Note the headline: This is somehow ‘historic’. (Except for all the times they did it when I was grammar school, half a century ago.)
To Marcus Allen of Nexus magazine:
I know I’ve proved many times over that Spacex isn’t launching anything anywhere but as a photog and filmmaker you should really appreciate their latest continuity errors (the ‘ISS docking’), they are so over the top.
Isn’t it time you came out about the Musk Space Fraud?
The only other possibility is that I’ve lost my mind. If this is the case, please let me know. I can take it.
Oh, speaking of mind-loss, the ‘Mandela Effect’ appears to be…somehow… ‘real’… holy shit, End Times may be upon us! 😉
With ‘Miles Mathis’ I couldn’t help but work in some questions/digs:
Hey ‘Miles’,

If you examine this Dragon, it does not match ANY other version. Not the interior, not in space, not in the demo photos on land, not the test flights. Elon has compartmentalized his special effects department; this is the result.
What are you going to do about the latest Spacex fraud? I assume you noticed the continuity errors in the official imagery. I sure did:
You are a real piece of work, my friend(s). Your stuff on the tides (I just got around to it)… Brilliant but what’s behind making this stuff public? Just more info for the A.I. algorithms, who’s noticing and so forth? Come to think of it, is that why they make so many continuity errors like in my video? See who is awake? Just between you and me….
I didn’t really want to put Wal Thornhill (of Electric Universe) on the spot; he’s taught me so much, but I did anyway:
I suspect you don’t want to hear this but it’s truth via evidence so I have to send it to you. The latest Spacex ‘mission’ is a fraud, based on the official imagery. Here is the evidence:
That there are implications vis a vis you and EU is obvious. What those implications actually are, is another matter.

Another view. Count the portholes, note their position, and compare. You want a smoking gun, we have a handful.
Richard Dolan… What can I say? What possible excuse could the number one UFO researcher on the planet have for ignoring fake space flight?
I’m a fan and sometime contributor. In case you’re not already aware of it, the recent Spacex ‘docking’ with the ISS is — based on the official imagery — a fraud. As a filmmaker and photographer the continuity errors jumped right off the screen at me. This is smoking gun proof of fakery:
I hope you’ll see fit to make this public.
Allan Weisbecker
My other Spacex videos indicate that ‘they’ are now capable of faking in real time, with eyewitnesses. See the list of videos in the description.
Max Tegmark is clearly a state gatekeeper, as are all the ‘name’ physicists. So I expected nothing back and that’s what I got:
Hi Max,
After reading Humanity 3.0 [his book] I left a comment on your forum set up for that, suggesting that you might have mentioned something about who is overseeing A.I. research, and I included a link to James Clapper’s perjury before congress re data collection; I suggested that Clapper and his ilk were no doubt in charge (of A.I. research), since Big Data and Big Money are key. And so forth.
You didn’t see fit to let my comment stand, notwithstanding my positive review of the book and the relevance of my observation.
But okay. Let’s move on. You are fairly close to Elon Musk, right? If so, you might alert him to the sad state of his special effects people. The recent Spacex ‘docking with the ISS’ imagery contains several doozy continuity errors. As a filmmaker and photographer they jumped off the screen at me, as I’m sure they will for you. Here’s my video:
Your other choice would be to alert the American people of the fraud. (I know: Not likely!).
Enough! If any of you are inspired to do what I’m doing – putting the LH/disinfo agents on the spot by emailing them with a link to the video – please do so!
Meanwhile, it’s only been a couple days since I sent these (and the rest). I’ll be in touch if anyone responds to my bulletin. (Sorry if I included too many examples!)
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