While working on my next post, the company that sends out my blog notices (MailChimp) sent me a notice that my system may not work until I make some technical changes. The bulk of this notification was completely incomprehensible to me. When I wrote back asking them to re-explain the problem pretending that I’m an a full blown, literal idiot, one who considers a computer as a typewriter with some added features, their notification was actually less comprehensible than the first. This is an excerpt of the third generation of emails, after I again told them I didn’t understand a word they were saying:
I am saying that it is likely that this will apply to you. When you have something setup by a developer or you use an outside integration other than MailChimp, there is not a way that we can see what is running or how changes effect your setup or integration. Just incase you needed more information on integrations, they are programs prebuilt by outside developers that work with your MailChimp account. Since this is not setup by MailChimp, it is not possible for us to be sure of how the changes will affect you.
Does this seem clear to you?
They also suggested I send out a blog post and see what happens, which I am now doing. So this isn’t a total loss of your time, I thought I’d include one of my “Postcards from the Road,’ this one from a while back. I’ve always thought it deserved a few more views than it got:
Anyway, it would be a help if some of you emailed me, letting me know you got this post. Use acwdownsouth at yahoo.com, although the Reply will work also.
All goes well, you’ll get a more important post in a couple or so days.
By the way, I’m not sure my PayPal button is working either, so if you have a moment maybe try sending me a bunch of money. I’ll let you know if I get it.
Wait. I’m kidding re the money-sending. But you knew that….