NOTE: Most of what follows was written on Saturday, February 22 (2020). I lost several days while trying to find acknowledged cases of a pathogen ‘accidentally released’ from a Level 3 or 4 bio-lab. I was unable to find even one. This is vital, as you will see. (I realize that Lyme Disease, AIDS, Ebola, and others originated in biowarfare labs, but they were not accidentally released.)
In thinking about Corvid 19 (‘The Bug’) I would urge you all to keep in mind the context of the situation, of current history. By that I mean, simply, that given the magnitude of the lies we’ve constantly been bombarded with — aside from the acts of horrendous violence inextricably tied to these lies — by what we have come to call ‘the PTB’… given the magnitude, we had better accept the fact that there is no limit, no line in the sand, no boundary of human decency, that will not be crossed in those powers getting what they want.
Sometimes, in the midst of a situation like that of the The Bug, we might actively recall some of the events we for sure know were perpetrated by those currently controlling the world’s science and technology, and the source of the official stories (the lies) about such, i.e., the mainstream media, plus most of the ‘alt’ or ‘independent’ media.
Before I get to the real point of this post, let’s just think for a moment about a couple (relatively) recent Biggies, and their immediate repercussions. I’m going to pick the obvious two, and please don’t sigh and mutter that you already know that stuff… I’m trying to force you to not only know but to remember, so you will understand the present-day implications.
JFK… once past the false histories, this coup (the violent overthrow of a legitimate government) directly resulted in 2 – 4 million deaths (that the known number is so vague is a great example of how unimportant are individual human lives), via the Viet Nam war. The branching repercussions (in terms of lives devastated or ended) are impossible to calculate. But the aggregate evil behind the event and the lies tied to it are in arguable.
Although in my view there was another Biggie — the false Apollo moon landing — between JFK and the more recent Biggie, the false flag terrorist attack we call 9/11, plus its many repercussions, let’s stick to the two that caused the most human misery/devastation. Regarding 9/11, the falling dominos just in the area of human fatalities equal a number we also have to calculate to be in the millions (and, again, officialdom has not bothered to do a real count).
Point being that we know that the powers behind the loosing of The Bug have no problem telling gargantuan lies and killing millions of humans. (And I could add that for sheer chutzpah-rife balls in the lying department, nothing tops the moon hoax. But, again, there were only four known deaths as a direct result, so we’ll let it slide…)
Addendum: the four deaths were the burnt-to-death astronauts of Apollo 1 (murdered), plus the NASA researcher, Thomas Baron, who was trying to spill the beans on cause of death. His car was hit by a train.
(If you have serious issues with what I’ve said so far, best you click some goddamn button on your keypad and move the fuck on.)
Now that I’ve got you to actively recall the last couple Biggies, if only for a moment, allow me to
remind you that the most recent went down nearly two decades ago, and since then most of the atrocities (by no means all) more or less can be viewed as a continuing cascade of dominos; the recent wars and genocides can be seen as extensions of that event. Not much really new. Nothing Big.
Almost 20 years. ‘Time to move on’ is most likely the mood of the day in PTB-land, and I believe we can assume that the next Biggie will be of a different sort than the physical destruction of a few buildings in order to ignite endless foreign wars, and to begin the tyrannical takeover at home. No, 9/11 was not small potatoes, but there are still bigger fish to fry, to shamelessly mix my metaphors.
Be advised that the 9/11-triggered conflicts will continue on indefinitely, branching in various directions as opportunities present themselves (wars so easily roll on once started), no doubt about that, but again, the next move will be of an altogether more subtle genre (no ‘booms’ this time), while managing even more human misery and cultural devastation (via assaults on our freedom) than last time. No, the psychopaths will not repeat themselves with more outright violence; if only to showcase their creativity they will hit us with something completely different.
What I’m saying is that it’s very likely that The Chinese Bug is that Biggie. (Who knows if it’s actually a ‘virus’ or if viruses are actually pathogens). It has all the earmarks, but I’ll start with the matter always seen as paramount: The matter of Who did it? Whether it’s a Lee Oswald or an Osama bin Laden, what comes first is the fingering of the patsy, and The Bug is no different.
And as with the cited past examples (Lee and Osama) we recall that their names were all over the media within hours if not minutes of the events. In the case of a pandemic, the immediacy of the fingering is not as urgent; it takes a few weeks to even know something godawful is amiss.
But when the time came, the bastards were prepared: The Weird Animal Market! The bat soup-slurping Chinese! And hey, if that didn’t work: ‘The Wuhan Level 4 Biolab!’, which was conveniently minutes away from the designated ground (or patient) zero, at the Market. (Talk about convenient! As is the coincidence that the outbreak occurred in the midst of the ultimate Chinese travel week, the Lunar New Year. Yes, the better to spread not only The Bug, but the panic; and to make sure both spread world-wide, via air travel.)
But blaming the bio-lab would be a fall-back position; ever the optimists, the real perps were hoping mother nature as patsy would hold water, at least for a few months. (The PTB science contingent no doubt warned the top dogs that bat shit-as-culprit would not work in the long run, not with their useless eater brethren-scientists, i.e., those few who could not be intimidated into
Thing is, as with my other two examples of Biggies, to those few ‘honest’ scientists, the truth of the matter, the identity of the real culprit was… if not obvious, directly implied — assuming one, simple logical connection. Given the corruption (and fear) in the West, the first whistle was blown way far away, over in India, although the paper was quickly taken down (before it was reviewed); not before it had made its way onto the good old Net, though, and was archived for all to see:
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
Prashant Pradhan , Ashutosh Kumar Pandey , Akhilesh Mishra , Parul Gupta , Praveen
1111 Kumar Tripathi , Manoj Balakrishnan Menon , James Gomes , Perumal Vivekanandan* and
Bishwajit Kundu*1
1Kusuma School of biological sciences, Indian institute of technology, New Delhi-110016, India. 2Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi, New Delhi-110019, India
$Equal contribution
We are currently witnessing a major epidemic caused by the 2019 novel coronavirus (2019- nCoV). The evolution of 2019-nCoV remains elusive. We found 4 insertions in the spike glycoprotein (S) which are unique to the 2019-nCoV and are not present in other coronaviruses. Importantly, amino acid residues in all the 4 inserts have identity or similarity to those in the HIV- 1 gp120 or HIV-1 Gag. Interestingly, despite the inserts being discontinuous on the primary amino acid sequence, 3D-modelling of the 2019-nCoV suggests that they converge to constitute the receptor binding site. The finding of 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV, all of which have identity /similarity to amino acid residues in key structural proteins of HIV-1 is unlikely to be fortuitous in nature. This work provides yet unknown insights on 2019-nCoV and sheds light on the evolution and pathogenicity of this virus with important implications for diagnosis of this virus. [my emphasis]
A question: Why didn’t Western scientists notice this?
Anyone who claims the above is not clear or hey you don’t know who these Indian scientists are, or some bull shit, be advised that these are legit scientists with Ph.Ds, yet the media has refused to deal with the findings, let alone debunk them. Think about that. A formal study saying that The Bug is a pedigreed bio-weapon — which is what the HIV gene means … and the media not only covers it up, but ridicules any theory that does not involve bat soup.
Monday, Febraury 24 (two days later): It was at about this point in the writing of this post that I took a break and did some online searches to see if the media was still evading the issue of the HIV gene and what it means. As far as I could see, they were — they were still blabbing that any theory but the ‘bat soup’ version is a ‘conspiracy theory’ — but in my search I stumbled upon the name
‘Francis Boyle’, an esteemed bio-weapons expert, who has written definitive books on the subject, plus authored the International Bio-terrorism Act of 1989, which the U.S. (along with everyone else) had signed. His cv is as impressive as it gets in the field of biowarfare.
Three weeks previous to this writing, Professor Boyle had fingered the The Bug as a bio-weapon, based upon the Indian study I cite above, and which he said was inarguable. A further search told me that Boyle had done another
interview just two days ago, (unfortunately) with Alex Jones. (‘Unfortunately’ because Jones is a buffoon and an embarrassment to serious people.) Turned out Jones hit the jackpot this time, although his constant dumb-ass interruptions drove me to distraction.
. (I’m having a formatting problem)

I urge you to put up with Jones and
listen to the whole interview, but to sum it up: A 2015 document Boyle unearthed fingers the Level 4 bio-lab (BSL 3) at the University of North Carolina as the U.S. participant in the engineering of the ‘COVID 19’ virus. Names are named, including the Chinese scientist from the Wuhan lab who bought and then transported the pathogen back to China. The deal was sponsored by the NIH (National Institute of Health) and the FDA (Federal Drug Administration), aside from the university bureaucrats. As Professor Boyle says, all involved should be prosecuted under the Bio-terrorism Act of 1989, which, again, Professor Boyle wrote.
Smoking guns don’t come any hotter than this.
An interesting observation was Boyle’s assurance that the official claim that bats were involved in the transmission to humans is ‘balderdash’, and that, given The Bug’s HIV gene envelope, animals of any sort are ruled out as spreaders. That the mainstream is outed on this provenance-related prevarication is extremely significant, for its implications. We obviously cannot trust them on any Bug-related matter.
My only bone to pick with Professor Boyle is his theory that the virus leaked from the Wuhan lab accidentally. I spent half the weekend looking into the protocols used by Level 3 and 4 labs and can assure you that an accident is no more likely here than in the Baxter scandal from 2009, which
I described in a recent post. (For those who want to check my facts on this, see the quotes and links in the end notes to this post. It
is quite important!)
Although Boyle is an exceptional man, one of the few amongst top level scientists, he doesn’t understand the long range plans of those in power, nor does he realize the lengths they have and will go to. Boyle has shown courage in airing his views before: From his position as professor of international law he spoke out against the war in Afghanistan, a risk to his job and maybe his safety after 9/11, so I tend to doubt he (in effect) would false-champion the official story on the outbreak. It could be that — like most of us — he just cannot imagine ‘colleagues’ letting loose such devastation upon the world. As I say, he has some smartening up to do.
See, the official story is slowly becoming ‘an accidental release’ from the Wuhan lab. This was inevitable, given the robustness of the evidence that it is a bio-weapon. (
Listen to the goddamn link!)

Professor Boyle’s theory that one of the scientists ‘somehow got infected’ while working on the virus and spread the virus after leaving the lab via ‘his normal life activities’ doesn’t stand up to minimal scrutiny, if one takes into account the story we’ve been fed since the outbreak was made public back in December.
What stands out is the lengths to which the Chinese have gone in persuading the world that ground zero was the wild animal market, which is described as being ‘near’ the lab. ‘Near’? Not too specific, given they are trying to tell us that The Bug flew the lab-coop and somehow made its way to the market. Turns out that the market is several miles from the lab (I’m looking for the accurate mileage, which, for some reason is not readily accessible… Hmmm). What did The Bug do, hail a taxi?
But you might ask of what importance is the market, its location or anything about it if they are going to admit the source was the Wuhan Level 4 lab? The problem for Chinese credibility… no wait.. the credibility problem is shared with the West in that, as we already know (or should), the West is partnered up with the East in this ongoing Biggie, as they always have done. Given that the State (Deep or otherwise) was in on the development of the new bug, we can safely assume they were aware of what would be done with it.
Addendum: One interesting repercussion of the outing of… The University of North Carolina?…. Wow, not MIT or Harvard or the spook-school Yale, but a little enclave in the… Deep South? Mmmm…
Anyway, the repercussion is that we can now dump the idea that the U.S. and China are somehow enemies. I mean, can’t we? Given that the NIH (National Institute of… Health… by god, talk about Orwell turning in his grave!) and FDA at the very least approved of the viral weaponization. (‘A gain of function for efficient spreading’ is right in the U of N. Carolina document)…
That’s the Feds, folks. Yes, get it into your thick sculls that on the highest level, the PTB are of one. This is why we refer to them as ‘The Powers-That-Be’: It’s tough to get a handle on exactly who they are, since they are, in a sense, everywhere.
But the market. Why is the market important in getting to the bottom here? See, one of the blurts the Chinese cannot ‘take back’ is grouping of the initial outbreak cases, which they say were at the market. So if they are going to switch to ‘accidental release from the lab,’ they still have to explain how the first cases came to be from the market. (You can bet they will try to ‘forget’ they ever said that.)
‘Tangled webs weaved’ or ‘hoist by their own petard’, call it what you will, but the Chinese can’t have

it both ways. They can’t say the bug surfaced at the market
and its original source was the lab. This is why I brought up a more exact distance between the two sites. How does a bug travel several miles? Are we to believe that a top notch scientist — one of the Chinese technocrat elites — had a thing for bat soup, and somehow infected himself then a half dozen peons in one of his slurp trips? Was he so elbow-to-elbow with the peasants in sharing the soup that he managed to infect a small mob?
Again, the initial cluster of cases was via the market. Ask yourself the question, How did The Bug get from the lab to the market, ‘several miles’ away? For many years The PTB have been harping on animals as the incubators and initial spreaders of pandemic disease, so the market would be believable as a ‘patsy.’ But now we learn (via Professor Boyle, the Indian paper, and others) that the market had nothing to do with the outbreak. (The Bug’s genetic makeup rules out animal involvement.) Doesn’t it sound like the perps used the market, physically initiated the outbreak from there? How likely is this? Very, no?
Plus there are some coincidences I’m suspicious of: It would have to be a coincidence that the outbreak happened at the worst possible time (for the spreading of a virus), the Chinese New Year celebration, when virtually all Chinese are going somewhere, including international travel. The odds that it would happen during this month are, well, one in twelve, which we can multiply by the one-in-a-million possibility of an accidental leak.
And how about the ‘
Event 201‘ coincidence, a ‘tabletop exercise’ on handling a pandemic identical to the one we’re looking at right now. In mid October, 2019, not even two months before the ‘first case’ showed up (on December 1), folks from all the U.N. and international ‘Health’ agencies (including the NIH and FDA, who approved the U of N. Carolina’s ‘beefing up’ of the SARS virus for China, in effect creating The Bug) got together to plan how to combat ‘fake news’ in an outbreak. (Yes, other subjects were discussed but,
watching the video, this stands out, including the suggestion that Internet be shut down to prevent ‘dangerous’ information from spreading — at which point the ringing in my ears reached a higher pitch.)

No. If the bug is a bio-weapon
and it certainly is, it was turned loose on the world as part of the PTB’s long range plan.
Addendum: In several hours of searches I was unable to find even one example — or even a rumor of one — of a pathogen leaking from a level 3 or 4 lab. The closest I got was this piece on a worker who became ill via a slip up in a Bio Level 2 lab. Again, see my end notes for the statistical impossibility of a Level 3 or 4 leak.
I put a lot of time into researching this subject because… it’s vital in knowing the real provenance of this outbreak, and how many powers are behind it. if we eliminate an accident, and given Professor Boyle’s testimony, we have to assume that the world is under attack by the people who run it.
But can’t I be more specific as to who did it? Okay: Throw a net over the next Bilderberg meeting and you’ve caught most of the bastards.
What’s interesting is how the PTB reason with us to make sure we’re… dumb & happy. They tell us that the Level 3 and 4 labs are safe, that they cannot leak — otherwise they could not rationalize the existence of such labs. But then, when it comes to the release of a modern plague that has been shown to be manmade, they tell us it must have leaked. It can’t but it did!

Location of ready-and-waiting FEMA Camps.
Chinese leader Xi Jinping said in a recent speech that lab biosafety should be treated as a national security issue, leading China’s Science and Technology Ministry to announce new safety regulations within laboratories that study viruses, according to reports by a state-run media outlet.
“Xi’s words, as well as the new regulations, indicate that biosecurity management in China is chaotic,” Tang Jingyuan, a U.S.-based China affairs commentator, said in an interview with The Epoch Times.
See how the above would be a way of eaaaasing into ‘maybe it was the lab’?
In any event, if they are going to claim a Wuhan lab leak, they should be able to trace the lab worker who contracted the disease… no wait… they would have ‘known about him/her’ by now, right?… Yet no a word about him/her. I predict that in the unlikely event that they do come up with a name, it will be sloppy, obviously ad hoc, and not verifiable. Plus, of course, the scientist will have died. See, the problem (for keeping their story straight) is that it is impossible that the virus leaked absent a human carrier. They will have to admit that. (Professor Boyle flat out assumed that, in his theory of ‘the accident’.) So if they are going to admit The Bug is from the Wuhan lab… they have to be able to name the scientist. (We’ll see, won’t we?)

Fancy spending a few months in one of these?
Let’s also see how it goes when Professor Boyle (or someone like him) is finally quoted by the mainstream media. When that cat is out of the bag, some (bat) shit is going to hit the fan, folks. (Sorry!)
But why should we care whether the bug was engineered and spread purposefully? I mean, a Bug is a bug, right?
Do I really have to tell you? Okay, because we can then predict what’s coming when stateside cases start popping up… then the full-blown pandemic…
As with Climate Change measures, what follows is ‘for our own good,’ of course. Loosely speaking, the scenario will start 2 – 6 weeks from today:
1. Voluntary isolation of the sick
2. Mandatory isolation of the sick (they will come and get you, as in China)
3. Voluntary quarantine (of not-sick people) in their homes, plus…
4. Curfews and spot checking (for symptoms) on the streets
4a. Travel bans are enacted, including street travel between cities and towns
5. Hoarding of food/water/supplies is outlawed (to make the populace dependent on the government)
6. Mandatory quarantines, first at home (you can’t leave the house) then…
7. Quarantine camps (which are now called Fema Camps and are ready and waiting)
8. Guns (They will come and get them, as with Katrina in New Orleans; no reason needed)
9. Vaccination (idiots will plea for it)
10. Mandatory vaccinations (in the camps and in order to procure food from the government)
11. ‘Fake News’ is banned (as
suggested at ‘Event 201), arrests made; in some areas the Internet is shut down — to prevent ‘a crisis in confidence’ (some measures will start early on)
12. Cash money is said to carry The Bug and is outlawed
13. The United Nations, at first via WHO, is gradually given jurisdiction, with some foreign troops on U.S. soil
14. One World (cashless) Economy and Government is eased in
.(Formal Martial Law is declared somewhere around measures 7 or 8)
15. At some point aerial spraying may be initiated, with some sort of bull shit reason given relating to fighting The Bug. God only knows what will be in these admitted chemtrails.
16. The Bug will serve as another reason for unlimited surveillance and the curtailing of personal freedoms in general. The excuse will be the ‘identification of people who refuse to be tested or vaccinated’, something like that.
Bingo! There is nothing about The Bug that is not perfect in terms of The Agenda. The most obvious perfection is the 14 – 42 day dormancy period, which was genetically implanted in The Bug at the U of North Carolina and maybe in Australia (listen to the Boyle link). People A-symptomatic (not sick) yet contagious for that long? A Bill Gates wet dream. (Another PTB feature of this designer bug is how it can go away — with the patient ‘recovering’ — then come roaring back, more potent and more contagious than the initial go-round.)
A reminder: Aside from the above evidence, the main reasons we should assume the outbreak is

To avoid mandatory vaccination you must be prepared with food/water/supplies for several months, minimum. They won’t give you food w/o vaccination.
engineered are cui bono and context. The PTB have made no secret of their long term goals — it’s even been on The Simpsons — and the context is that they have done all this before.
Although my research has been slowed by the writing of this post, As of today (Tuesday, the 25th), there are some 20 acknowledged cases in the U.S. Problem is, only three states have testing kits. Yes, if you want to avoid a plague, just don’t test for it! Cases will start appearing as soon as the kits are distributed. (I just heard that 8,000 Californians are ‘self-quarantining’ because they might have been exposed. What is that going to mean?)
I predict that between now and 4 – 6 weeks from now, cases will start popping up in the U.S., until… well, see the videos from China. Talk about predictive programming!
.As of a day after posting this I see a few folks who comment that The Bug is a hoax (more or less a la Jon Rappoport). If it is a hoax, Iran would have to be in on it, given that
their health minister was visibly sick at a news conference (saying ‘No problem with The Bug!’ in Iran). Iran says he then was tested positive. Think about this. If this were a hoax, wouldn’t Iran’s Intel know it and be screaming it from the spire-tops? (There are exceptions to the ‘PTB Union’.)
In this interview, Professor Boyle claims that there is already a vaccine and he is in possession of a copy of the patent. This of course makes sense, in that anyone loosing a pathogen would want to be able to protect himself.
Anyone wanting to bring up Occam’s Razor as an argument against what I’m saying, keep in mind how the adage actually goes: ‘The simplest explanation that takes into account all the known facts is most likely the truth.’

Do us all a favor and screen-capture this interview, in case they take it down. I’m low on Gigs on my Macbook.
Four hours after posting this: I’ve had time to scan the MSM Corvid newscasts and still have yet to find one that mentions Professor Boyle’s (plus others) observations (plus documents) that prove The Bug was engineered as a bio-weapon — including today’s WHO update.
By not dealing with the provenance of The Bug, they are ignoring the issue of its genetic makeup, (the smoking gun). Hence they are failing in their due diligence in defeating The Bug. There is no excuse for the silence on the subject. It’s either head in the sand shit at best, or at worst they know exactly what they’re doing. Logic and instinct point to the latter.
I would ask anyone who still has faith in the PTB to let this sink in. It truly is us against them.
Another thing. I first viewed the Boyle interview on Saturday, right? Then on Monday I had a hard time finding it again because a bunch of people had re-posted the link under their own Avatars. They had one interesting thing thing in common: They edited it to leave out the specific mention of the University of North Carolina and the names of the guilty scientists, including the Chinese delegate. Looks like an attempt to bury the real news.
.Hey, I hope I’m completely wrong. About everything. I hope my head is embedded way, way up there.
Could it have been an accident? Not according to my research…
The closest I came to unearthing a Level 3 or 4 leak was t
his Guardian piece, but it was at a Level 2 lab.
The following are from
this piece on bio-safety from a trade magazine…
On the wall near the entrance was a LCD panel showing the air pressure in each of the BSL-4 rooms. Negative pressure is maintained to ensure that air enters but does not leave each room. This makes it impossible for a bug to leak via air ducts or the like.
Also on the perimeter of the BSL-4 is the clothing room, where those heading for the BSL-4 select surgical scrubs, socks, and underwear. I was provided with a souvenir: a pair of disposable underwear. No personal clothing can be worn into the BSL-4. In the NEIDL I was allowed to wear my underwear only because I was on a tour; normally no personal clothing may be worn into the facility.
Entry into the RML BSL-4 is similar to that of the NEIDL: workers enter a locker room, change from street clothes to scrubs, and then pass into a second room where they don the sealed suits. They then pass through an airlock into the BSL-4. The outer door is opened by pushing a button on the door which releases the gaskets only if the second door is sealed. After entering the lock the door seals, and then a second sealed door is opened to enter the BSL-4. The same procedure is used to exit the lab except that a chemical shower is taken on the way out.
Entry into the RML BSL-4 is similar to that of the NEIDL: workers enter a locker room, change from street clothes to scrubs, and then pass into a second room where they don the sealed suits. They then pass through an airlock into the BSL-4. The outer door is opened by pushing a button on the door which releases the gaskets only if the second door is sealed. After entering the lock the door seals, and then a second sealed door is opened to enter the BSL-4. The same procedure is used to exit the lab except that a chemical shower is taken on the way out.
The first step was to change our clothing. We reached a room lined with doors behind which were small locker rooms. I had been assigned to room 16, locker 16B. We had been instructed to knock first to be sure that no one else was in the room. Inside I found a narrow room with 10 small lockers. I removed all of my clothes, including my ID, and placed them in the locker. The only item I was allowed to bring in was my glasses.
At one end of the room was a metal door sealed with a gasket. To release the gasket I pushed a large, black rubber switch on the wall. In a few seconds the heavy metal door could be pushed open. As the door swung shut after me the gasket automatically sealed. Then I pressed another switch to open the second door and passed into a second locker room. Here I found locker #16B filled with clothing that had been selected according to my measurements, which I had sent several weeks earlier. I donned underpants, a blue short sleeved shirt, white overalls, socks, sneakers, eye guard, and another ID card. Outside of this room I met my host who then lead me around the laboratory.
Another floor contained the ‘cook tanks’, where liquid waste from sinks and showers is autoclaved. I saw over a dozen tanks, far more than the three at the NEIDL (the 3 NEIDL cook tanks are each over 5600 liters in size, which permits the facility to have one in use (filling with liquid waste) while another is in sterilization mode, and keeping one in reserve). The engineering support for the AAHL facility is impressive – 70 full time engineers are needed to run the laboratory at a cost of $36 million per year.
The last third of the AAHL contains rooms to make people happy, such as an exercise room and a cafeteria. The latter has a very large glass window looking out onto a golf course. In the center of the room was a shelf full of plastic boxes labeled with last names, and containing mustard, ketchup, salt, pepper, and other things to put on your food. These can be brought in to the laboratory but cannot be brought out.
I had lunch with many of the scientists who work in the facility. One of them had been the first person to isolate Hendra virus in 1994. I told him about the rising concern of some in the US over the perceived lack of safety in biosecurity labs. He laughed and said that the labs are completely safe. Who would know better than someone who has spent their life working in one? [Had there ever been a leak, in levels 3 & 4 it would have been mentioned in this piece]
To leave the laboratory, I went back to the locker room area, removed all of the AAHL clothing, and put it back in the locker. Then I dipped my glasses in a glutaraldehyde solution for two minutes, followed by a rinse in tap water. I was assured that this treatment would not damage the plastic lenses. Next I passed through the air lock door into the shower. I turned on the shower which runs for two minutes, during which time the doors cannot be opened. This time period is indicated by a flashing yellow light, and I was told to use shampoo and soap. After the shower I punched the rubber switch and the sealed door opened into the next locker area, where towels and my clothing awaiting me. Then we left the secure area back into the office and administration area.
My visits to BSL4 laboratories enforce my belief that these are very safe places to work with very dangerous pathogens. Well defined procedures are in place for every operation, and there are many levels of redundancy built into the laboratories to deal with mechanical failures of any type. Most importantly, the workers are well trained and dedicated to carrying out their mission. I strongly believe that we must investigate organisms of both high and low pathogenicity, because no one knows where the next revelation will come from.
97 comments for “The Beginning of the Endgame?”