I’ve been at work on a complex post while on the road but came across some interesting and possibly humorous information this morning, in the form of a notice that bolides have been striking the earth at a greatly increased rate for the past few years.
Of interest is the fact that good old Wikipedia doesn’t devote much space/info to ‘bolide’; they define it simply as a meteor that is very bright and tends to ‘explode.’ You’d think they’d have more to say. They don’t even mention the Tunguska Event of 1908 — which laid waste to a huge chuck of Siberia and was estimated to have packed the punch of 1,000 Hiroshima H-bombs — as a bolide, possibly because mainstream science is unsure of why some meteors blow up and others don’t.
The folks at Electric Universe know that bolide airbursts – which leave no crater, by the way — are caused by the difference in electric charge. The meteor (or asteroid) tries to adjust to the change in its electrostatic environment but cannot do so fast enough (due to its high speed) and explodes. Mainstream science, especially astronomy/cosmology doesn’t like to mention electricity, since, according to their worldview, it ‘doesn’t do anything’ in spite of the huge body of evidence that proves otherwise.
Anyway, I came across this video describing another Russian bolide explosion over Russia yesterday — why Russia seems to get a lot of strikes is likely a matter of coincidence (Russia is a big country, after all). The video went on to warn that planet earth is overdue for a major tectonic event, then they zeroed in on the most likely ground zero, which was exactly where I am right now — the Pacific Northwest, coastal Oregon to be exact.
‘Not if, but when the disaster strikes, the devastation will be catastrophic,’ I was told, then was subjected to a cartoon image of a 700 foot tsunami bearing down on me, my rig, and Gus. What I immediately noticed, however, was that the video failed to make a connection between bolide strikes and my imminent violent, tectonic-related demise. No segue.
Likewise, there was no segue as the video went on to predict dire consequences from the Antarctic ice melt that’s apparently in full swing, followed by another warning to coastal communities, this of catastrophic sea level rise. I’m of two minds regarding these sorts of warnings; as is mainstream science, by the way. I’ll try to explain, and this, I suspect, will be the point of this post (I’m just now realizing this).
According to the Gatekeepers of Science, the history of our planet, and of our Solar System is one of Gradualism. Nothing much has happened for millions upon millions of years. Part of the reason for this is to give Darwinian Evolution plenty of time to work its… magic. On the other hand, they want to keep us in a state of fear, and what better way than to predict that the planet itself will turn on us?
But the two — gradualism and the coming catastrophe – don’t jibe. What they’re hoping is that you’ll continue to believe in Neo-Darwinism (which needs gradualism) while worrying that the opposite is true.
Regarding the Big Melt in Antarctica, and, for that matter, the threat of rising sea levels due to Climate Change, all you need to understand the truth is one of the government’s websites that they never tell you about, i.e., NOAA’s ‘Sea Level Trends’, which puts the lie to Global Warming/Climate Change. Take a good look at this one sometime. Notice that in general sea levels are rising, but really, really slowly.
What I looked for are the stations that have tracked sea level for a hundred years or more. What they tell you is that human generated carbon dioxide cannot possibly be having a noticeable affect on sea level. (Click the ‘Linear Trend’ links and you will see that sea level change has been utterly consistent for the last century, not changing a whit as we dump mega-tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.)
If you’ve never seen this NOAA site before, you should be asking yourself Why? It really, really does put the lie to AGW (anthropogenic global warming). Boom. Q.E.D.: It’s a lie.

See how flat the sea level trend has been for 100 years? Proving CO2 has no affect on sea level! Get it?
Anyway, what I meant to with this post is to show you is where I am while I work on a serious post. This is my third time here; the videos below were shot a couple years ago, when I first found this perfect place. I’m headed north to Winchester Bay, Oregon. My road buddies Logan and Randy are far to the east but I’ll likely meet up with them (or maybe just Logan) later in the summer in the Rockies. By the way, a friend of mine whose site I’ve recommended (The New World Order Reporter), has hit the road – making her another road buddy – partially due to my influence. She’s somewhere on the Gulf Coast; I’ll meet up with her down the road a bit, I suspect.
Looking north from the above spot (where I am now), you see the following:
So that’s it for now. Just wanted to touch base while I sweat over a real post…