The Election, My Take

To cheer us up, a couple angles of a recent rainbow in the low desert.

‘Order from chaos,’ is what’s going on, politically and economically. In order accomplish the ‘Great Reset’ they have to destroy all semblance of order in the economy and the ‘democratic’ political system. COVID is doing the economic destruction, the ‘election’ the political aspect, the latter being the riddance of our ‘democratic system’, notwithstanding the fact that it’s been rigged for some time now, maybe from the very beginning.

What stands out recently is how obvious the vote fraud is. (Or, on the other hand, how easily the fraud is being retroactively created.) That the MS media is ignoring the evidence of fraud only makes the situation (the rising chaos) more outrageous to the fools who feel they have been cheated — as if it’s anything new (Christ, look at 2000 and 2004). I believe this is all well planned, of course; whether or not the participants (the dems and repubs) know it, although at the highest levels they almost certainly do.

No matter who ‘wins’ the other side can and will retaliate in violent outrage.

Someone asked my take on the election and this is it. The important aspect of the 2020 presidential election is the outing of the frauds that have always been there, and doing so in an emotionally super-charged situation, one that is sure to evoke violence.

Logan got this one with his phone.

Once we have outright civil war, combined with the ‘COVID crisis,’ the Great Reset will be more easily accepted, demanded even. Anything to bring us back to ‘normal.’ 

One more time: I hope you all have stocked up. And fastened your seat belts. It’s going to be a very bumpy ride.


I’ll soon try to show you how my list of five paradigms are connected and why they are so important.  

Biden, if he can, will subject us to a national mask mandate. Here is the truth about masks (in case you somehow still don’t know). Trump, in his silence about this truth, is no better, not in the long run. He’s part of the Great Reset too.

Oh, and hey, great comments. Interesting thoughts, good links. Keep ’em coming.

Addendum: I agree with Larry C and Jon Rappoport. (Even Jon R is calling for war! See what I mean?)

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