The Gift of… Fox? (Photo #22)

I’ve been working on a post about A.I. but then last night stumbled upon a ‘Tucker Carlson Today’ episode that stunned me; I just had to immediately pass it along. It’s an interview with a guy called Gavin de Becker, who wrote a book I’m ordering titled The Gift of Fear; Survival Signals That Protect Us From Violence.

Photo # 22 An experiment in infrared.

First, the guy is fascinating and brilliant. Just trust me on that and you’ll see. What knocked me out (on several levels) came at the end, when de Becker talked about a book he wrote the Afterword for and which I have highly recommended in past posts, i.e., Cause Unknown; The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 – 2022, by Ed Dowd. Carlson and de Becker went deeply into the book, which proves beyond all doubt that the COVID jab is deadly and the PTB know it.

This is Fox telling the deepest truth about the COVID fraud/genocide. 

What does this mean? Limited hangouts do not spill these sorts of beans. 

View the thing and tell me what you think is going on at Fox/Tucker Carlson. Feels completely unnatural to me.

Addendum: I forgot there is a paywall for fox nation. All I can say is it’s worth it for the Grand Canyon series if nothing else and aside from the Carlson interview(s).


I don’t watch any Fox shows other than Carlson. If you do, feel free to bring them up if relevant. 

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