Now that you have my ‘LH List,’ I owe you (and those accused) whatever evidence I have – other than their suspicious silence regarding the Musk Space Fraud (MSF) – that these folks are in some way in the employ of the PTB. (PTB being a loose term, given my strong suspicion that there are more than one faction.) I’m on the road these days with sometimes limited Net access and time, so I’ll be doing this in a semi-random manner; the order doesn’t count for much.

I can’t help but repeat this one: an object free-falls 50 miles to a bulls eye? Twice? Simultaneously?
A couple of you have alerted me to a podcast Jim Fetzer did on February 18th, wherein the subject of Musk’s Falcon Heavy (FH) space shot was brought up – significantly, by the host, not by Jim, whose response was over-the-top scorn: ‘Michael, it was a cartoon!!’ Jim went on to point out that the two boosters landing together was an especially obvious red flag. ‘It was a joke! An animation! None of that was real!’ He also opined that the ‘mission’ was a ‘gullibility test,’ to see if the American public will swallow anything.
I couldn’t have put it better myself, of course, but if you’re thinking this lets Jim off the LH hook, think again. In fact, quite the reverse, IMO. Here’s how it probably went: Jim’s in his late 70s now and getting absent-minded. He had been following the order to leave the MSF alone but after a long podcast (the subject comes up an hour in) Jim just… well, forgot. Think about it. Jim has lately been on another tear about the faked Apollo missions (as he does in the podcast) and given his utter scorn for the MSF – which was all over the media just 10 days beforehand — how could he not bring it up, given that not a day goes by when he isn’t all over the headlines exposing false flags and frauds? Yet he didn’t bring it up; someone else had to in order to set Jim off. And he has not (to my knowledge) broached the subject before or since his rant of February 18.
In fact, my last email from Jim Fetzer was on February 12th and was a quick answer to my question of what he thought about the FH launch (my query was in general terms). Here’s his reply:
Totally fake. A comic book with animation. Testing the gullibility of the American public. Unreal.
I hadn’t mentioned this in my last post because I didn’t consider it very relevant, but now that I think about it, it is relevant, in the same way his podcast blurt is so. Ask yourself why — if Fetzer considers the imagery to be false to the point of ‘a joke,’ — would he ignore my formal Youtube/blog proofs, given that his email and podcast assertions are of the ad hominem/ridicule variety, i.e., they prove nothing, as Jim, with his degrees in philosophy and science up the wazoo, knows very well? Since he already agrees with my argument, all he had to do was provide links to my videos. How tough is that? Too busy? Pu-lease. Plus, academically, Jim specialized in the history and philosophy of science. If the MSF isn’t about science, I don’t know what is. Jim is actually one of those on my list of Apollo hoax exposers who do the PTB the service of being a ‘trusted truther’ who leaves NASA alone in their continuing frauds. Try a Google search for ‘jim fetzer + NASA hoaxes’ and you come up with Apollo, and nothing more current, notwithstanding the copious evidence (he never even mentions the Mars rover hoax, ‘formally proved’ by Rich Hall).
So in the end, Jim’s blurts buttress my point about him. And I gotta say that this saddens me, given how long I’ve known Jim, notwithstanding our several fall outs…
Addendum: In fact, the more I think about it, the more significant this looms as evidence of a LH. Find someone who’s blown the whistle on Apollo but says squat about continuing space frauds and you’ve almost certainly found a limited hangout.
After nearly a week of disinterest in the view numbers/comments/thumbs up/down on my MSF videos I went and took a look. Can’t say that I was surprised but what I found is worth a few words, as it’s related (if indirectly) to an alt media figure on my list.
First: My three most viewed videos are the ones showing inarguable photographic anomalies. My initial one has 25k views, then 15k, then 6k. The 25k one is significant, not just because it got by far the most views, but because it’s the only of the three that has more thumbs down than up. Looking at the comments, the vast majority of the negative ones are short and not only logic-free but sloppy in every way, as if the commenter was in a hurry. Get it done and move on, kind of thing. Like this: ‘do you even physics bro?’ and ‘To then distract them away from the truth!’ and ‘Boii u really need to get a life or get laid lol’ and so forth. These are typical negatives. Most are one-sentence with misspellings and atrocious (if any) punctuation.
Then we have the flat earthers, which is a group with a slightly more complex agenda: ‘you’re on the right track space is fake next step is the Flat Earth’ and (really brief) ‘Its flat baby !’ Blah blah, they’re virtually all like this. (FE either discredits good info or ‘spoils’ someone’s critical thinking. Win-win.)
Of course most if not all of these are paid shills or even A.I. chat-bots. But scanning the moronic though nearly overwhelming swarm of attempts at blackwashing my information, I was reminded of an incident…
Here’s the story, and looking back I wish I’d taken notes right after the incident; I forget some of the details. I’ll only relate what I remember clearly:
I attended the Electric Universe Conference in Phoenix in 2015 and got friendly with a couple or so of the attendees, especially so with a fellow named Christopher Fontenot, who runs a little E.U.-related site through his Facebook page; most of the stuff on his site is overly technical so I’ll not comment on it.
I kept in touch with Chris after the conference and a few months later I was in his area and emailed him asking if I should drop by. Chris answered in CAPS and exclamation marks, saying I should come and could hook my RV up to his house and stay awhile.
So I showed up. Chris’s double-wide was on rural land and my parking spot was hardly in site of the domicile; I had hooked up to his 110 and settled in for a bit. We seemed to be getting along fine yet on the afternoon of the second day he hemmed and hawed and made it plain that I should leave. ‘I have people coming…’ he mumbled, eyes wandering, and although I should have just flat asked what the problem was, I didn’t. Knowing when I was not wanted, I just up and left the next morning. I should have been on the alert but slipped up and didn’t really think about it.
There was a guy at Chris’s the two days I was there, a young guy, mid-twenties, taciturn, and in retrospect I got the vibe he had something to do with whatever problem Chris had with my presence. I think the guy’s name was Jim but I could be getting him mixed up with another visitor who only stayed for an hour or so the first day. Still, I’ll call him Jim. Jim was a computer geek of great talent, Chris told me, and spent a lot of time tinkering with computer innards and running wires and installing stuff.
I was in the process of running a line from my rig to the house to hook into Chris’s Internet connection when Jim said something to Chris and my line was suddenly a no-no. A major no-no. It was a matter of hours later when I got the news that my presence was requested to be elsewhere.
But here’s my real point. The morning of the second day, just before Jim arrived and my line-running got called off, Chris was talking about Jim, his talent with IT and so forth. I was only halfway paying attention until Chris blurted, ‘He has 300 Facebook identities.’
This was one of the many moments in my life that I wish I had back; I really should have grilled Chris on this one, but I hadn’t really been looking into how deeply the mind control agenda has penetrated the social media. Knowing what I know now about how difficult it is, technically speaking, to have mult-(let alone 300) FB identities…
I don’t know what Chris is up to (he is not formally attached to Electric Universe) but I do know that ‘Jim’ (if I have his name right) was spending a lot of time at Chris’s and seemed to have control over certain aspects of his doings, including his subtle ejection of my sorry ass from his property. (Yes, the term ‘handler’ does come to mind.) It would have been easy for Jim to look into my interests (who knows how much access he has to Big Data), and see me as a threat. (Chris has not returned any of my emails since I left.)
My real point though is this: If I just happened to run into someone who has 300 FB identities, and given my assumptions about the interest and control of the PTB over the alt media, please just consider the effect 10,000 ‘Jim’s could have on those who spend a lot of their time online, especially on social media (especially on FB).
I hope you see why my brush with ‘Jim’ came to mind after taking a good look at the comments to my MSF videos…
Oh, so technically speaking and via circumstantial evidence, I can’t say for sure that C. Fontenot is a LH, but IMO something is up with him.
And since signing my name to this, I was notified of another ‘comment’ (the lack of punctuation may indicate some sort of bot is at work here):
(I wonder if ian callard1 is aware of the subtle but potentially thought-provoking catch-22 that lurks in his comment.)
Here’s another I’m fond of, and wonder about: Is the ‘1’ in the name a giveaway that it’s the same ‘entity’ as the other one? Plus they appeared within seconds of each other. Yes, there is a period at the end but the sentiments have such a similar ring….