I’ve moved again, am now in southern Utah on some elevated BLM land (Bureau of Land Management, not the other f-ing BLM) at about 4,000 feet, which means comfy temps, at least for now. Although I have a good cell signal up here, my Mac’s hotspot is very iffy, which means I sometimes cannot do posts or embed photos. I’m hoping I can stick some images in this before the signal craps out.
Interesting slew of comments on the last one, folks, which is encouraging, especially the handful of smart new commenters; I knew you guys were lurking. I pretty much guarantee that somewhere in those comments — a combo of ideas, I suspect — is the truth behind this Musk/Twitter business. But don’t hesitate to add to the chorus. We do seem to agree that Musk and everything he does is a fraud, so….
Full disclosure: My thoughts re Twitter are based mostly on practical ignorance, given that I have never used Twitter and have no real interest in it, aside from the motive(s) behind it. The PTB may feel the same way but I suspect their Super A.I. makes good use of all the blabbing. Which is why one of my suspicions is that they simply desire more ‘mis/disinformation’ (i.e., a semblance of truth) from actual critical thinkers.
To quote myself (Cosmic Banditos): It will be interesting to see what happens next.
Hey, have you all seen Biden’s new ‘Minister of Truth’ (his label, I think), a female (I think) loon who somehow propels Orwell into what I can only describe as high camp. If you haven’t already, see what you think of her rendition of ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ from Mary Poppins. Just when you thought things could not get more ridiculous. If Biden gets his demented way, this is the person who will decide what is true.
On the level of Uber-irony, you sorta gotta love that.
A slight change of subject (although still related to catastrophe): If you’re a Graham Hancock fan but have not delved into Robert Schoch, I strongly urge you to pick up his Forgotten Civilization; New Discoveries on the Solar Induced Dark Age.
As I’ve mentioned, although I like Hancock, have read all his works, and have learned a lot, I do not trust him. His failure to mention, even just mention, the plethora of DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) that criss-cross the U.S. (and the world) in the context of his prediction of the coming natural apocalypse, is too blatant an omission to let slide. (In case you missed it, check out my video exposing de Grasse Tyson’s blurt about ‘the bunker (he’s) going to run to.’)
Although Schoch gives short shrift to Electric Universe, at least he mentions it, and respectfully; Hancock ignores it totally. In a related matter, Shoch also makes good use of the work of renowned plasma scientist Anthony Peratt, whose work on the world-wide ancient petroglyph phenom screams out ‘Hey, Graham, what about this?’, while, again, Hancock ignores it. I suspect Hancock feared that a mention of Peratt would lead to Electric Universe.
One thing I’m pretty good at is spotting tells (red flags), and these are biggies. Still another Hancock problem is his current attitude toward Michael Cremo. Recently, on a Joe Rogan podcast, Hancock pretty much called Cremo a nutcase — which he definitely is not — in spite of the fact that Hancock wrote the Forward to Cremo’s condensation of Forbidden Archaeology; The Hidden History of the Human Race. Why the flip-flop, Graham?
Cremo’s book is a vital work for those interested in where we came from. Whether or not you agree with Cremo’s conclusions, he proves without doubt that the mainstream view is balderdash. QED.
Hancock also ignores the work of archaeologist Virginia Steen McIntyre, whose dig in Mexico would seem to be right up Hancoch’s alley. This is from Wiki:
Hueyatlaco is an archeological site in the Valsequillo Basin near the city of Puebla, Mexico. After excavations in the 1960s, the site became notorious due to geochronologists‘ analyses that indicated human habitation at Hueyatlaco was dated to ca. 250,000 years before the present (my emphasis).[1][2]
These controversial findings are orders of magnitude older than the scientific consensus for habitation of the New World (which generally traces widespread human migration to the New World to 13,000 to 16,000 ybp). The findings at Hueyatlaco are the subject of continued debate by the scientific community, and have seen only occasional discussion in the literature.[3]
This is McIntyre’s dig and her career was destroyed when three different means of dating put the site back a quarter million years; this would have in effect destroyed the mainstream view of human history. Why wouldn’t Hancock make a major issue out of this, especially considering the censorship aspect? Here’s the reason: It’s too close to Cremo (a McIntyre colleague), who is apparently now off limits to Graham Hancock.
But getting back to Schoch: In Forgotten Civilization he covers a lot of ground, including the very important issue of the cataclysm that ended the last ice age, approximately 12,000 B.P. (before the present). Although Schoch avoids mentioning Hancock outright, he shows (to my satisfaction) that it was almost certainly a solar eruption that did in the ice age mega-fauna (and almost all of our ancestors), and not a comet, which is Hancoch’s view.

I’m still doing my all night time lapses. Best recent one is this of a looooong meteor streak over Arizona. And who knows how far up it goes, out of frame.
Again: Schoch is almost certainly right, Hancock wrong. Read Schoch’s book if you’re interested in this. But be forewarned: Schoch doesn’t pull any punches about the coming cataclysm. He gives us multiple lines of evidence that mean it’s overdue.
Another book I read was Bart Sibrel’s ‘memoir’, Moon Man. (Sibrel’s flick Something Funny Happened on the Way to the Moon was an early moon-hoax work.) I’m not giving a link, mainly because the book is so poorly written, and so jammed full of transparent lies (hence the scare quotes). But what it did for me was to further prove that all the ‘moon hoax’ pundits are in some way agents of the PTB, since none, not a one, ever bring up the current frauds. This is classic limited hangout. More on this in a future post, if you guys are interested. Let me know in comments.
Since my last post I’ve emersed myself in Youtube, trying like hell to find something, anything, that is not complete garbage; it’s all usually outright disinformation. (Misinformation is of course a very different thing, from useful idiots as opposed to agents of the PTB.)
Addendum: One of the things that keeps me going (re ‘the media’) is when I come across a storytelling gem, like ‘Better Call Saul’ (the prequel to ‘Breaking Bad,’ as you likely know). Whether or not you took in and liked BB, I highly recommend BCS. I’ve even gotten a bit hung up on the BCS ‘subculture’ (maybe you can tell from my abbreviations), which includes some quite brilliant — and absurdly detailed — analyses of each and every episode, plus various subtextual dissections.
But holy shit would I have been a happy boy if my HBO ‘deal’ (nixed by my old buddy Sean) had been picked up by show runners the caliber of Gilligan/Gould…
Okay, I’m going to send this out and go into Youtube detail in a separate post.
One thing I really appreciate about your comments is the occasional really worthwhile link. So I ask you to keep it up with that.
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