This interview with Andrew Wakefield made it clear to me what the PTB will almost certainly do next in their COVID op.
First: My hitherto high regard for Wakefield has plummeted, based on the above. He and Mike Adams ‘The Health Ranger’ (whom I have never trusted) — whether they know it or not — are performing perfectly as limited hangout/disinformation agents, with their assurances that COVID is indeed a real virus, with not a word about the utter uselessness and manipulativity (to coin a term) of the PCR test.
There is no excuse for this, even given the dubious (at best) assumption that viruses cause disease, given the fact that the specific ‘coronavirus’ that is said to cause the COVID… syndrome (which may or may not be real) has not been isolated. (If you have a problem with this assertion, read Firstenberg’s The Invisible Rainbow and Cowan’s The Contagion Myth; Why Viruses (Including the Coronavirus) Are Not the Cause of Disease before you blab in comments.) Or go to Cowan’s YT channel and browse. (Also keep in mind that in spite of rigorous tries they were not able to show person-to-person contagion in the 1918 flu outbreak.)
Since the COVID bug hasn’t been isolated, there can be no useful test for it. Period.
In addition, here we have these two well known anti-vaxxers — among many others — predicting without qualification that the COVID vaccine will result in horrendous side effects. As they correctly tell us, the vaccines have undergone no safety testing (or certainly no proper testing, which would include long term studies with placebos and so forth)….
…Let me ask you something: Do you think the PTB are so stupid that they would subject millions to an unsafe vaccine, with, as was the case in 1976, more people dying of vaccine side effects than from the disease? Of course not.
What they will do is put out a first batch that is essentially a placebo and manipulate the case numbers to show ‘how effective’ their vaccine is. Boom, the anti-vax crowd is summarily debunked, with the result that folks who didn’t trust the vaccine and refused the first batch will be lining up for the next one.
Either that or they never intended to make a real vaccine in the first place, with the effects of the jab being an aspect of a whole other agenda, likely having to do with mind control, surveillance, or long term population reduction.
I’d be very surprised if the ‘vaccine’ has anything to do with the COVID syndrome. It will, however, be the next step forward in their plans for the Great Reset.
Interlude: (YEE-HAW!)
They are not stupid, but threatening the people could be the plot, Hegelian dialectic big time. This may be demolition work, like 911. This time other pillars, not buildings,
Things are so strange, I don’t think they really want and can run mass vaccinations, maybe the vaccination nudging just has jumped the shark. The veterinarian Wieler, no one less than the president of the RKI, made a statement about side effects and death regarding the vaccines in question. He said in these cases it would be necessary to consider the age and conditions of the patients, especially in elderly, when judging the safety of the vaccines. This is double think, they did not when it came to fuel the panic, every death counted. Medical doctors are shocked, seeing this guy naturally talking about death because of a cure nobody needs, it is against the fundamental principle of doing no harm.
One minute clip, German:
Someone mentioned how did they come up with the 95% effective for the vaccine. I just found this below (c+p the relevant part from): -not sure where he got the info. But sounds plausible and of course the sort of rubbish thing they would do. I bet they even used different number of PCR cycles on the vaccinated and placebo groups to get the different answers. Anyway I suppose the PTB have us all talking about vaccines why they in the meantime irreversibly destroy the economy in preparation for the Great Reset.
“We’re being assured by Pfizer and Moderna that their Covid vaccines are 95% effective and are safe enough to be injected into hundreds of millions of people. Before accepting these extremely consequential claims, let’s look at the actual testing process and results.
In the Pfizer trial, half of the 44,000 volunteers received the vaccine and the other half got a placebo shot. Then the researchers waited around to see how many of the volunteers randomly came down with Covid. Pfizer reported that out of 170 cases of Covid, 162 were in the placebo group and eight were in the vaccine group.
So a total of 0.386% of the 44,000 volunteers came down with Covid by means unknown, and this tiny sample is the foundation of grandiose claims of 95% effectiveness? Note the incredibly small sample size. If even 3% of the test group had contracted Covid, the sample size would be 1,320 people–still a small number but considerably more persuasive than 1/3rd of 1% (170). “
44,000 is a “tiny sample?”
It looks like they took 99.6% and rounded it down to 95% to me. That sounds modest, not grandiose. Keep this under your hat, you know, keep it modest. Also, do keep it quiet all those being discouraged from taking it if you have allergies. Wouldn’t want to unnecessarily discourage anyone, anaphylactic shock is probably not that big of a deal, but who knows?
6 people died during the pfizer trial. Only 2 had the vaccine, though, so you are more likely to die from placebo than vaccine by your logic.
Back in early October my girlfriend co-led a 5 day massage retreat/training in Holland of 30 some people of which all but 5 or 6 began getting sick the last day (Sunday) and Monday.
I had been back in the states all of September and flew in that Monday, gave my woman a big hug and kiss, and began feeling symptoms myself on Wednesday. Now, I am back and forth quite often and it is not unusual for me to get a cold when I fly West to East (but not the other way)… which is odd in itself, but this was no cold.
A nasty, narly ‘bug’ it was. Chest and heart stuff, fever and flu, delirium, and mind fucks for 3 days and then fatigue for about a month after. Unlike anything either of us has had prior and both feel there was a distinct artificiality to it… like it was uploading data onto our systems. In fact, it strikes me as odd that no one (to my knowledge) is talking about the possibility that the ‘bug’ itself is nanotech that is reprogramming us whether or not symptoms are felt.
Anyways, out of the 30, thirteen or so tested positive for a ‘highly virulent strain’. the only (-) was a woman who had it in May. Besides herself the others who remained healthy were smokers…
I get there are major issues with the PCR testing (not sure what they use here in NL) and do not pay much attention to those results but it is funny – I find myself agreeing with all the alternative narratives that there is NO bug or that it is NOT contagious when my own personal experience tells a different story.
Maybe the alternative media ‘program’ running unconsciously in me?
Or is there another explanation for my experience? If anyone has one, I’m all ears…
Try reading The Contagion Myth. If you want to understand what’s going on, that’s number one. Then The Invisible Rainbow. Frankly, I don’t even understand…
‘Maybe the alternative media ‘program’ running unconsciously in me?’
What does that mean?
With jobs and kids and a short walk in nature 2x a day to stay centered i dont have much time available these days Allan.
What that line means is the alt media itself is a program being run in umteenth which ways. Mind fuckery to the point in which i find myself in an unconscious moment agreeing with something that contradicts personal experience (or maybe my understanding thereof.)
Hey Andrew thanks, – and those exact symptoms you described up above there are what hit us all (and most everyone I knew) – back in 2018!.
The weird cloud of depression that came with it was something else, – all music sounded like shit, and all food tasted like crap.
And the scary part was, it was MOSTLY Colloidal Silver RESISTANT.
I mean, that amazing stuff kills most all bugs.
And the other scary part about it is, it has left a very long lasting off&on cough, and *ahum bug* – 2 plus years later and on going.
But they didn’t try on the ‘great reset’ with that in 2018, and it was barely reported in the news.
The “covid19” is an absolute nothing burger in comparison.
Hi Brett
I also suffered from those symptoms in 2018 and 9 months later in 2019. Miles Mathis writes about it in his solar minimum essays. I believe he is 100% correct. Fortunately we are at the end of that cycle starting this month.
Hey Sheena, I forgot to mention, the worst part of it (for me and some others I talked to) was the wicked mental depression brain fog.
I felt like I was going to die, – even though I was in good physical shape.
Same with my wife.
The hacking cough & mucus that hit most people hard (not me too much), was unbelievable, and the worst ever.
“Let me ask you something: Do you think the PTB are so stupid that they would subject millions to an unsafe vaccine, with, as was the case in 1976, more people dying of vaccine side effects than from the disease? Of course not.”…..
That is a very cheeky paragraph Alan
Why would the PTB. Knowingly put the general public in harm’s way???
There are 6 ways till Sunday why they (the PTB) would do such a thing and have done such a thing in the past- fear, control, money, power etc etc.
So saying that makes no sense unless your being cheeky.
Ok other fish to fry, logic here-
If viruses are not real then vaccines have no merit.
If viruses are real then the logic behind vaccines has merit.
I am more apt to believe that when resonance becomes dissonance because of natural or artificially (manmade) induced EMF pollution that all life forms suffer which are exposed to the radiation. There is merit and causal proof in the pudding so to speak.
If the universe is electric then when the planet is exposed to disruptive resonant energy albeit from our sun or distant suns super novae black hole gamma rays bursts etc etc those events could be causing the unhealthy outcomes which are called plagues die off mass extinction level events. And now man has that power to disrupt the Schumann Resonant files of planet earth with all sorts of radio waves, light waves, noise wave EMF pollution. A bomb blast puts out a shockwave that can kill cellular life, organs, organisms etc etc if a blast wave is powerful enough it disintegrates matter.
That is pure dissonance. And healthy life needs healthy resonance.
Where and what are the good frequencies? The ones that heal and transform? I know of a few, music, rainbows, laughter, singing …
My favorite waveforms are long period swell moving thru water and then hitting a tropical sand point and the magical tubular outcome of such analog natural waveforms coming to a marvelous end, I love that resonance……
The mystery is grand. The magicians are many.
Yes, but getting people sick from the vaccine will go against their agenda of 100% vaccinated.
Great thread; nice anti-toxin against the 24/7 gas lighting. I don’t think they’ll do the saline placebo trick, that would be too obvious; they’ll probably have some kind of spring loaded trick syringe. I could just see Obama saying, “Now for all the conspiracy theorists who think I’m taking a placebo, I will have the syringe loaded right here by Dr. Fauci,” or something like that. It’s a two-fer; make the anti-vax crowd look silly, and throw in a little Barnum and Bailey showmanship.
Regarding the steady two-step towards the totalitarianism of the Great Reset, I just wanted to recommend an excellent hour long film done by Truth Stream Media called “Is Now the Time to Do What We’re Told?” Quite unsettling and at times witty summation of what many of us, who have charted this slow motion catastrophe, have probably been feeling these days, and an attendant call to resist en masse. If enough of us say “No,” we can beat these bastards.
Just discovered this Dr. Charles Morgan West Point video from Jim Stone’s site; CCP has been working on DNA encryption for the past few years, and this is, I believe, the part of the new COVID vaccine that has not been tested. However, as this video explains, there are many possible uses for this (frankly Satanic) technology, including changing memories, or inserting a false memory.
Is this how the PTB plan to re-educate us “deplorables”? Once we have that vaccine, it will be like a minefield of behavioral modification goodies that they can trot out of your brain like clockwork (at least in my understanding of the information presented; please correct me if I am mistaken).
How about this angle. They line everybody up and give them this covid-19 vacination. Some say “no way, I’m not gonna do it, you can’t make me”. Thing is, this vacine is also good for the more deadly mutation they are going to release into the population next fall. Perfect way to get rid of all the non-compliant trouble makers that they cannot control.
lresonance……lets hope that is not the case. Looking back at other purges throughout history (Trotsky, Mao, Pol Pot, Leopold, Stern Gang Nakbah , opium wars, Indian wars, Tutsi Hutu etc etc too many to list) I have little faith that things will not be repeated again and possibly sooner than later considering the penchant for psychopaths wanting to rule the world.
I hope I am wrong.
Incredible reading here! Thanks, Alan.
Listen, my sister and her whole family were diagnosed last month with
Covid 19. They got
over it in a week. The son had no symptoms at all. My friend’s aunt and
cousin got it, were ok after a few days. My other friend had gallbladder
surgery, got a staph infection and died and his death certificate said
Death from complications of Covid-19. (ha!) The only people I know that
died outright were elderly, sick nursing home residents. I’ve had the
flu twice since Nov but got over it in 4 days without leaving the house
or going to the dr. But then, I get these symptoms at least every other
month for 4 yrs now. Fever and chills, dizziness, etc. Lyme has same
symptoms as Covid but worse. I know in my heart if I go to
the dr I will be “diagnosed” with Covid even though I don’t have it and
haven’t been anywhere or around anyone that could “give” it to me. This
is my personal experience with this Whatever It Is! But I will not be
taking that 2 part vaccine. I see too much to do that.
The new science-god has taken over in such a way it is and has gotten away with murder.
The new great elite talking heads talk over us with wishy-washy terms that they don’t even understand. The sheeple are mesmerized and convinced they’re not smart enough to think for themselves.
It’s all a ruse. Will the real imposter please stand up. WHOm do you trust? The new psychopath-science-god or the facts mam, just the facts.
Fear the commies. Fear the covid. Fear the racists. Fear the police. Fear everybody. Fear everything. Fear fear.
Print more money to appease everyone’s up and coming loss of property and freedom. What do you need that for? Science will fix everything. It will eventually figure everything out. Science will redo all of its bad mistakes and failing endeavors, created by playing with mother nature…
Fukushima anyone.
Japan is about to change life again. They say they finally have to dump the ‘waste’ radioactive water in the Pacific. I don’t know how many scientists will be left to figure that one out for an ongoing 10,000 years. Wow. Aren’t they swimmingly great?
It’s the old good vs evil deal whether you like it or believe it or not. What else? There are no reins on human behavior. Egos with self-will are not so good. If science is the answer, why all the lies and secret deceptions? How about the obvious supernaturals from the universes. Don’t you think they have a say in this quickening? Ya think? Or tank.
Yes, science has done good things but untethered to Difinity they’re idiots without decency. What is this covid that science-god contrived?
What is in the anti-covid that science-god claims it has so many of? In simple English, what the hell is it? In Latin or Greek or chemistry or physics or? Doesn’t any really smart doc know? Then how the hell does anybody know? How do we take a stab from that BS?
Maybe some new brainwashed Harvard or Stanford grad can help us out with that. LOL. Take back the schools. We can’t let the liars run the place. Pathetic. Remember you-twit-face? Socially corrupt. We need to send the WOKE crowd back to sleep and wake them back up with a slap of reality.
We’re at a paradigm shift of consciousness. Enquiring minds want to know. We are very capable of knowing. Let’s keep putting their feet to the fire.
We the people need to continue the power we inherited.
Fight back.
That’s a good thing.
actually , since IT doesnt exist, you could use your time a little more productively and physically help some vulnerable populations of fellow humans. Work at a soup kitchen instead of hiding out IN FEAR … propagating fear and bullshit…
You used to a be a somebody…
IN FEAR? I’m living my life exactly as I want to, THE SAME WAY as I did before COVID, as any idiot could see. But christ you are an asshole.
… and then some day , maybe after you recover , you’ll say Tom Cowan can’t be trusted and that you were wrong all along . In fact why don’t you just go to some redneck bar and hang out with no maskers for a few days and see what happens … you’re all good holed up in you camper out in the boonies. If nothings wrong why not prove it …. yeah you won’t
Why don’t you tell us specifically how Cowan is wrong?
‘In fact why don’t you just go to some redneck bar and hang out with no maskers for a few days and see what happens … ‘
Two days ago Logan and I were in just such a place, called ‘The Oasis’ out here in the middle of nowhere (aptly named). No one wearing masks to hide their humanity and broadcast their ignorance. How about you find even one (pre 2020) study that shows masks to be effective?
A comment like yours has the opposite of your intended effect with folks who are awake, like almost everyone here. They see the logical fallacies and are further assured that we’re being gaslit again.
yeah yeah viruses don’t exist lol
You are far more likely to get harmed by a hit & run by a toyota corona you loser.
I would bet you are another unemployed bum, being looked after by mom in the basement.
Technically, Cowan still hasn’t proven anything to disprove.
I hope you didn’t get fucking sick actually doing that. Effen Allan. And Logan. COVID-19 is no joke. Please don’t go to dumbshit redneck bars with a bunch of other unmasked people.
I agree with Dan. That is an excellent experiment. Hang out with a bunch of maskless people at a crowded bar for several days and see what happens. Let me get this straight, you are saying that history archives have been manipulated about contagious diseases since the beginning of history? Plagues, viruses, bacteria, polio, measles, typhoid , Cholera, yellow fever, TB, Diptheria, malaria, cold, flus, hepatitus, yatta yatta yatta…. Colds, flus, Dream on witless one…. You and Jenny McCarthy are public health enemies
Poking your nose out of your mole hole, eh, ‘Mary’?
What a now proven troll mole you are.
Have seen your dopey comments blighting Allan’s fine blog for years now.
I heard they pay entities like you n brother Dan about 6 bucks an hour, to buzz and annoy anyone who knows the truth, all over the net.
And at my end of the woods, we still don’t now a single person who has had your “covid19” all year.
yeah yeah “they’re” paying me !
Get some raw statistics on Mortality rates and causes. Get the codes from last year and this year. What were the code on the Death Certificates last year compared to this year?
I was amazed at all I read here. I’ve been ill, isolated and shut off from everything of late and yet “seeing” and “hearing” things about what is going on in the world and I come here
today to find confirmations of all I have been seeing and hearing on my own! Amazing!
BTW: there’s a new site called It’s great. But I tried to post a vid
by The Old man in the Chair from there to my google blogspot and got a message
saying Refused to post. Evidently Google is unhappy that it wasn’t from their controlled YT!!!
Can you believe that???!!!! lol
Obama has come out stating that if Fauci assures him that it is safe and effective, he will take the vaccine on TV. Allan and I spoke about that scenario and agreed it would be a shot of saline. Keep in mind that no vaccine, not one, has ever been proven safe nor effective with long term, true placebo controlled trials. The FDA literally catagorizes vaccines as “unavoidablly unsafe” products. Nor have there ever been any long term vaccinated vs. unvaccinated studies (which could easily be accomplished using unvaccinated populations such as the Amish). In the above mentioned video at the 43:30 mark Adams outright lies when he references some (says he won’t name names) “who claim viruses don’t exist”. Without question he is speaking of Drs Tom Cowan and Andrew Kaufman who clearly never made the claim that viruses don’t exist. They both asserted the fact that without an isolated and purified sample and an EM photograph of same, SARS CoV 2 has not been shown to exist. Further, they put forth a very compelling case that what are currently called viruses are identical to what are called exosomes, the later of which are generally agreed to be produced by human cells in the face of a toxic insult, including EM radiation. They are questioning the nature and function of what we have called viruses. Adams clearly understands this and internationally misleads his audience. I, like Allan, have thought highly of Wakefield and always questioned Adams. But when neither of them mentions the clearly useless (and fraudulent in the way it is being used) PCR test in diagnosing disease, that is all the tell I need.
Good summation. Gracias.
What do they use to determine effectiveness of this vaccine?
Death rate is too low to be useful.
They will use ‘test results’ which they can manipulate to show a decline in ‘positives.’ Just do the reverse of what they have been doing: In this case they just use fewer amplifications.
Thanks Allan.
It is getting more difficult to find raw statistics on all cause mortality, but when you can it reveals everything about this `”pandemic”. Nothing. Even Mercola keeps the Covid 19 thing alive …
The one problem for them in proclaiming that the first batch is “effective”, and showing us that cases/numbers are decreasing… is that if that is “true”, why should the rest of the “anti-vax” crowd, need to get the vax?
Things would be “getting better”, even with those evil, anti-vaxers not playing along.
They need things to look as bad as possible, in order to put more public pressure on those that don’t want to take the vaccine.
Either way, I still haven’t heard a good response from the mainstream to this…
If the vaccine works… those who take it should be protected from those who don’t.
If those who take it *aren’t* protected… than what’s the use of the vaccine?
Either it works, or it doesn’t. Let those who want to risk catching “covid”, risk catching it.
Let those who take it, be “protected”, and there should be no problems, theoretically.
You are aware, of course, that you are applying logic to evil scumbags. Almost never works.
Wouldn’t you want to apply logic to *everything?*. What kind of logic is it to not apply logic? Whether it is an evil scumbag or not. Using logic is literally always the logical thing to do.
‘If the vaccine works… those who take it should be protected from those who don’t.
If those who take it *aren’t* protected… than what’s the use of the vaccine?’
…is of course logical but so what? People have been saying this for decades with no response from the medical profession and so on.
You tell them that buildings damaged near the top don’t disintegrate into dust and they’ll still call you a nutcase. Same deal.
You are correct, of course.
That type of logical argument *can* be effective amongst family and peer groups, however.
I shut up some of my “friends” at work the other day, using the above argument.
But yes, big picture, I get your point.
To be clear, regarding vaccines, the PTB calls it ‘herd immunity’ (yes, just like the cattle they think we are). I’m sure they will apply herd immunity to this vaccine as well. As in we all must get it for the greater good of course to protect those who cannot protect themselves.
What are you talking about? Herd immunity is reached when a high enough percentage of people have developed immunity that it doesn’t spread out of control. The immunity can be obtained by catching it, or being immunized for it with a vaccine. Some people don’t mind finding out if they are one of the lucky ones with very little symptoms, or life threatening ones. Some people are terribly misinformed. Most people would prefer a far less dangerous vaccine.
Thanks Allan again.
You have really good instincts combined with intensive research. I do not trust Adams either.
He floats a lot of rumours without evidence. Never cites the source……instead uses his intel sources. I read the book by Engdahl years ago and he is right on. We are experiencing a huge psyops and the masses swallow it. They have been primed for years. It is horrendous.
Yes, interesting. I am definitely coming around to the idea the first vaccine will be basically sugar water and no side effects. You’re right, they ain’t that stupid or could they? Or at least you would think that is how they would plan it
I guess we will soon find out, although I do believe that even if there are severe side effects they will just blatantly ignore them so it may be hard to find out the actual truth with regard to reactions or not. Thus one could argue, they are just so damn arrogant with their level of media control, they define reality so they don’t care.
I just cannot see the logic (from their point of view) of putting anything obviously or potentially harmful in a COVID vaccine, given that there is no vaccine (that I am aware of) that works. I mean, why would this ‘outbreak’ be any different?
To me it is all a shell game designed to cause as much confusion as possible,
I don’t know how credible this guy is but what is happening now seems like this guys playbook.
Demoralization is based around removing the moral framework of the country you’re attacking. The easiest way to do this is to co-opt the education system. Bezmenov said that this took 15-20 years, but his number was low. First, the educational institutions needed to be captured. The people who train the teachers, the people who are the “guiding lights” in educational theory must buy into Marxism.
They are pushing the vax thing hard here in the UK, even the Queen is going to have a shot, that tells me all I need to know, apparently it won’t be compulsory here but I can tell there will be a “social(soviet) responsibility” angle.
Blaming the Russians for the state of affairs in the U.S. is a good example of misdirection. Pretty much like blaming Arabs for 9/11. But I think most people reading this already know that.
I was trying to point out a technique, not try to assign blame to anyone, or thing!
I am also pretty sure that the Russians, or any other culture/country did not subvert themselves
I was reacting to the link, not to you.