El Polvo’s comment to my last post reminded me of a Youtube video I happened across recently, although it’s been posted for a long time. It’s one of the podcasts I did with Fetzer before I got disgusted and quit dealing with him. Here it is:
Most of you are familiar with my post on ‘The Matter of Richard A. Grove’ plus my Open Letter to James Corbett; the above podcast covers the same evidence that Corbett and Grove are dirty. So maybe no need to listen to the thing. What is of interest (at the moment) is the number of thumbs ups and downs, plus the comments. I look at the 114 to 44 ratio of thumbs downs to ups and read the drift of the comments and I have to ask myself what the fuck is the point?
Another example is my outing of David Weiss’s blurt that he has Flat Earth ‘controllers.’ I think I did a pretty good job of exposing FE for the psy op it so obviously is, and meanwhile showed how obvious it is that we live on a sphere, and what do I get? 120 thumbs down to 91 ups. And the comments… and yes I am aware that a lot of this shit is from other paid shills; but a lot is not.
If you read my response to El Polvo (scroll down) you might be thinking I was a bit hard on him; after all, he was just giving his honest opinion, and doing so respectfully. Thing is, his respectfulness and ‘reasonableness’ only makes it worse. See, I have to assume he not only read my post on Tyson’s blurt but saw the video I took the trouble to make also. That he (El Polvo) could listen to that scumfuck piece of garbage and not see the truth behind his blurt is truly beyond me.
Or – and I have to ask – is it me? I’m not as smart as I was a few years ago; I know that and am worried about it. I’ve told you this. And I’m honestly not sure which is more disheartening: That it’s me or (most of) the rest of the world. There are times I feel like I see things very clearly. And I’ve put some of those times on this blog. The Tyson blurt is one of those times.
Seriously, if you’re interested in human nature and what the odds are that our species will survive… itself… go to those two linked videos — the Fetzer one and the Weiss-blurt one — and read the comments. It’s really a revelation. Remember: aside from the paid shills (which are obvious), these are ‘the best’ of us; people who consider themselves awake. These are the… 3% or 5% or whatever that claim to ‘follow the evidence wherever it leads.’
I don’t know why I feel like it’s my duty to warn whoever will listen just how serious the situation is here on earth.
An hour later. Had to move the rig. See, I’m on the beach where I am but the town limits you to three nights; I’ve been here 12 days. What I do is spend the days at the ‘Day Use’ areas, where the cops aren’t looking out for rubber tramps trying to spend one night too many in their jurisdiction. Then just at sunset I move to a location different from last night’s. Works well. It’s a very long beach and there are just enough RVs: Not so many that the cops get cranky but enough so one rig doesn’t stand out.
As I was organizing Gus and so forth, I mean for the move, this guy comes over and asks if I’d like to join his family for some burgers, just down the beach. He had a wife and two young kids and was firing up the coals.
Having just written what you’ve read, I wasn’t in a great mood but this gesture from a stranger turned it around.
Human nature. This is the problem I feel I have to deal with.
As I was driving away, to where I am now a few miles down the beach I was reminded of the last bit I wrote in Can’t You Get Along… ‘Mom Goes to the Beach.’ This was my attempt at saving the book from being insufferable. A couple pages. Out of like 400 or some such.
You can read it via the pdf in the sidebar, and I’ve linked to it in the paragraph before this one. Just go to the end. The last couple pages. Or don’t.
45 comments for “The Point? Where is it?”