This All Started In 1963

A few days ago, before I moved up to 8.000 feet.

A question: If you were among the PTB would you risk a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia? A war that would very likely escalate to a full-blown holocaust that would destroy the planet, and necessitate your living in a DUMB for a couple or more years (maybe a decade), while the earth recovers?

I don’t think so. I don’t think that’s their plan.

But what’s my point? This: One explanation for the ‘confrontation’ between the U.S. and Russia is to bring us to the brink, then, at the last minute, and possibly after one or two bogus ‘nuclear exchanges’ (using specially developed ‘conventional’ weapons and with the cooperation of the media), a ‘One World Government’ would be installed, to ‘save humanity.’ Something like that.

Last night.

Point being re our discussion on the ‘reality’ of nuke weapons, I’m thinking that the behavior of PTB tells us that nukes are in fact not real. 

Seriously, if they were real, and you were one of them, would you be pressing for a Russia/U.S. hot war? If you were Pelosi/Schiff, would you be promising that ‘we’ll’ fight until Putin is out and ‘Ukraine is free’? 

Why is the media (the PTB) bragging about the U.S. shooting down a troop-carrying plane, sinking a Russian ship, and killing Russian Generals? Wouldn’t this braggadocio make a hot war with Russia — that would certainly escalate — that much more likely?

Would you do that? I mean if nukes were real? Or would you be thinking about all ‘the stuff’ you own that would be radioactive for decades after a full-blown nuke exchange? Would you do these things?

I don’t think so. 

Why would the PTB prod the Russians with shit like this?

And regarding my thought that too many ‘scientists’ would know the truth (about fake nukes), the reason why no one spills the beans  is this: Like the fact that Spacex is a fraud, the truth is just too ‘crazy.’ You’d be risking your career!


Tucker Carlson is right, or rather half right, in his listing of the catastrophes since Biden came into office. Being the limited hangout that he is, his fingering of Biden and the Dems as the wellspring of catastrophe we are living through (with way more to come) when (as any fool should know), it’s not the Dems or Biden that are pulling the strings in these matters. Remember the Bilderberg Group? The Club of Rome? The cocksuckers (literally) that meet every year at Bohemian Grove? And so on?

Why doesn’t Tucker have Ritter or Colonel Black on his show to tell the Russian side of the war? Or tell us that if a finger of blame is to be pointed, it would be at NATO/the U.S.? 

Why would this asshole tell the world that we are already at war with Russia? Does he want to live underground?

What is Tucker’s real job? To further goose the division that will lead to more civil disturbances and then martial law? (Meaning he is part of the plan as much as, say, Anderson Cooper.) Yeah, that’s it. 


When was the last time you listened to JFK’s American University ‘Peace Speech’ in June of 1963, a few months before he was gunned down by the PTB? 

Can you imagine, in your wildest dreams, a current/potential U.S. president (whomever!) saying these things, or anything even close? Do you see how November 22, 1963 was the beginning of the end?


Came across this one from 1996, my Captain Zero trip. Baja. Half hour exposure with the rocks lit by a flashlight.

Please do take a few minutes and listen to JFK’s speech. Think about the many implications. (If you still believe ‘Miles Mathis’ is real, remember he claims all the Kennedys faked their deaths so they could rule the world by phone.) 

Especially consider the speech in the context of Ukraine/Russia ‘war’ and what it could lead to. 

JFK was far from a perfect human, but…. if you doubt what I’m saying here — that the end began with his assassination — please read two books. JFK and the Unspeakable by James Douglas and Mary’s Mosaic by Peter Janney.

Addendum: Re the above, and assuming nukes are a fraud, I realize there is the issue of whether JFK knew this. I tend to think he would not have been in the know and believed every word he spoke about nuclear war/the Cold War. 

And one more time: If you owned the planet (as do the PTB plus their minions like Pelosi/Schiff/etc.), would you risk it being blown up then poisoned for decades? If your answer is no, explain how nukes could logically be real.

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