Hi guys/gals,
The following was written back in Oregon about three weeks ago, got lost, got found, then lost again (due to a dumb-ass file name), then… I’ve had a tough time lately, with computers, mechanical devises, people and in general – even including physics, the old Newtonian sort, i.e., a slight fender-bender, my fault (I hate that)…
Since I’m not sure how interested you all are in this matter of Stephen Hawking, I’m starting off with an interesting Postcard…

This Postcard knocks me out, but not for anything I did. The ‘special effects’ are completely natural (and accidental). Condensation formed on the lens at exactly the right time, then, for some reason, dissolved at exactly the right time. I was asleep in the rig…
Okay, here’s the essay. I want to get it to you before it disappears again. If the subject is not of interest, scroll down to my other Postcard.
Since mentioning Stephen Hawking’s possible status as a literal BS (Bullshit Science) puppet in my last post (as a half joke), several of you contacted me with some very interesting links and info; in fact, as a result I’ve done a flip-flop in my odds-making. It’s no longer 10% that the current Hawking is a doppelganger-puppet, 90% not. I’m now 90% – 10% the other way. (Note from the future: I’ve slid back to my original odds but never mind that for now.)
A blogger by the name of Miles Mathis convinced me that the Hawking we have been subjected to for about the past three decades is a ‘replacement’ Hawking (my previous assumption was that Hawking was a plant from the get-go, which admittedly felt unlikely); Mathis really makes a helluva good case. At some point please give ‘Stephen Hawking Died And Has Been Replaced’ a good look. If you have the time and are so inclined, dig deeper your-own-self. This sort of stunt creates echoes that cannot be completely snuffed; maybe you know someone who knows something or the like…
I haven’t scoured Mathis’s essay for errors, nor gone back and checked his sources/citations but the photographs he provides pretty much say it all: Sometime in mid-1980s there was a Hawking-switcheroo.
Also, that ‘Hawking’ has survived for half a century with a disease that on average kills you in four years is more than a red flag. It’s flat out ridiculous. If Hawking is indeed Hawking, ALS is obviously in complete remission, for the first time in medical history. Why haven’t they done an in-depth analysis on what’s different about his biological functions that has kept him alive? They haven’t because Hawking isn’t Hawking. The guy in the wheelchair does not have ALS.
From Mathis’s essay:
…the reason for all this weirdness is the reason for all the other weirdnesses in the Modern world: money. Physics has become a giant cash cow, milked straight from the various national treasuries by the usual suspects. Hundreds of billions of dollars are siphoned from the people of Europe, China, Russia, and the Americas via these fake programs. And Hawking was an important PR personality in the early 1980’s, one they didn’t want to lose. He was a top salesman of their various boondoggles, and he became an even better salesman once he was replaced by an impostor.
Well put, but in my view there’s way more to it than money. Hang in for more on motives below; there’s a couple other bits you have to see first. Literally an hour or so after finishing Mathis’s Hawking essay, someone else sent me this Hawking-doozy:

First they make a big deal of Hawking’s warning that incoming aliens would kick our collective worldwide asses big time and we better keep our traps shut so as not to paint a bulls eye on Mother Earth….
“If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn’t turn out well for the Native Americans,” Hawking has said in a forthcoming documentary made for the Discovery Channel. He argues that, instead of trying to find and communicate with life in the cosmos, humans would be better off doing everything they can to avoid contact.
…then he’s involved in a $100 million project that does just that? Mmmm.
If you google ‘Hawking hunts aliens’ or the like you’ll find that virtually all major media outlet ran the story big. The (almost too) obvious connection is with ‘Project Bluebeam’ – a rumored or ‘leaked’ fake alien invasion psy-op that’s been around the Net for a while. (There is no documentation or even reliable second hand witnesses that Project Bluebeam exists or ever existed. Thing is, though, if the rumor itself a psy-op, it’s still significant, and in some sense for the same reason. Why are they planting in the zeitgeist the idea of an alien invasion?)
It’s all out there in black and white folks, in various white papers, memos, reports (The Report from Iron Mountain being my fave), and even books listing the forms and the order in which our fabricated ‘enemies’ will show up, post-World War II: the Soviets (The Cold War) then terrorism then various environmental catastrophes (global warming, ozone depletion, etc., all based on ‘too many useless eaters’) then an alien invasion. (Ronald Reagan’s infamous ‘space menace’ speech to the U.N. comes to mind, as does the following passage from Iron Mountain (pps 80-81), which deals with concocted threats, like terrorism, climate change, etc.:
‘Experiments have been proposed to test the credibility of an out-of-our-world invasion threat; it is possible that some of the difficult to explain ‘flying saucer’ incidents of recent years were in fact early experiments of this kind.’ Keep in mind that the Report was from the early 1960s, before revolutionary advances in special effects, holograms in particular.)
Hawkings’ warnings of the alien menace, and now his ballyhooed search for the little buggers should be taken in context of the above quote (one of many of similar ilk).
That Hawking is pushing the idea that we get off the planet and ‘find a new home’ ‘somewhere’ else in the cosmos is likewise interesting, but not for the reason Mathis gives:
…Hawking has a plan. He doesn’t want to face the future without a plan. He doesn’t want to just accept the current situation. No, he wants us to “get off the Earth.” That’s right, this is all about space exploration. That’s another big red flag, though many of you won’t see it. Why is it a big red flag? Well, what could be more anti-environmentalist than admitting defeat? Hawking says, Our only chance of long-term survival is not to remain lurking on planet Earth, but to spread out into space.
That Hawking actually means what ‘he’ says here is an error on Mathis’s part. ‘Giving up’ on saving Earth before we destroy it has nothing to do with environmentalism or actually leaving earth for some new home. This is one of those ideas that sounds reasonable — if you don’t think about what it really means for even one fucking second.
Do me a favor. If you happen to be in the studio or on location the next time ‘the smartest man in the world’ says we ought to colonize other planets, ask him this simple question: ‘Which planet would that be, Stephen?’
This may seem like an innocent question but where it leads is not. There is not a planet in this solar system to which we would not have to bring everything, including the air we’d breathe. As soon as it’s admitted that our new home wouldnot be in this solar system, that’d pretty much be that. If you want a glimpse at how flat ridiculous the notion is of finding a ‘home’ in another star system, take a look at the recent movie, Interstellar. In fact, Interstellar is a dead giveaway to a slew of the BS they’re hoping we’ll somehow swallow – the fact that ‘science’ fantasies like black holes, neutron stars, and the big bang have entered the popular culture is a sure sign of how far science has fallen; it is likewise an indication of the hard road real science like Electric Universe has ahead.
But the idea that the smartest man in the world is pitching this utter nonsense is a clue to who he really is – or isn’t – and maaaybe a clue to what the TPTB are up to; a hint here is that ‘Hawking’ is conflating interstellar colonization with global warming, which the dumb-ass movie does too. (That Hawking is hawking the global warming/climate change transparent fraud is another dead giveaway that he’s being fed his lines, literally.)
To show you how ludicrous the interstellar meme really is, check out this recent NASA video — wherein they (in effect) admit that we’ve never left low earth orbit (and probably will not in the foreseeable future).

Then there was the BBC series from 2011 titled… are you ready?… titled Brave New World with Stephen Hawking. Here’s a sample of it:
‘We are creating machines that are like us, that are better than us…’ Then he tells us how wonderful science is… this is dark stuff, my friends…
Also see Mathis’s essay on this subject but my way of summing up the absurdity of the title is to point out that Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World was not meant to be an instruction manual!
Notwithstanding the likelihood that Huxley wrote his novel as ‘predictive programming’ (with the motive of getting us ‘used to’ his ‘vision’) rather than as a warning, meaning that, as with the Hawking doppelganger, Huxley is not on our side.

The rig just outside the Burning Man extravaganza. I had failed to buy a ticket in advance, so this is as close as I got…
While it’s true that in some sick sense I enjoy coming across deceit doozies (‘Doubledees,’ or DDs) like… let’s call it the THS, The Hawking Switcheroo… I can assure you that I don’t assume deceit, just for the twisted pleasure of finding another, deeper branch in the rabbit warren. I gotta know via the principals of critical thinking. I need a tipping point and it has to be pretty airtight. This one is pretty close: It really does appear that one way or another there have been two different ‘Stephen Hawkings,’ and the one we have now is an imposter. (As I joked in my last post, there might actually be a ‘vacuum’ in his head.) If you don’t see that, please be in touch and explain the facial, dental, and age discrepancies.
Still, I’m calling 90% on this one; more research is needed with THS. Perhaps, with Hawking there were several biological ‘miracles,’ permitting his miraculous longevity. Or perhaps it’s Miles Mathis (sound like a pseudonym?) that’s one of ‘them’ and the photos and so forth are part of a reverse-whammy psy-op of some sort. But I doubt it. Mathis’s past blogs are of interest, by the way, especially the science stuff, although, as with many truly out-of-the-box thinkers (Simon Shack comes to mind), he occasionally slips over the line, making connections and seeing implications that may not be there (his assumptions re Jim Fetzer, for example, are incorrect). See what you think; be in touch. You all continue to be a great source of added wisdom, plus humor. You guys are part of what keeps me going out here on the road!
This goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: THS could not have been executed (and continued for decades) without media complicity. In fact (as with 9/11 and many other black ops), the complicity had to be active. Separating TPTB (The Powers That Be) from the media is probably a fool’s mission anyway: When it comes to issues of importance, i.e., ‘deep events,’ the media is of a one; it — the various corporations and outlets — are not competitors; it is not in business to enlighten us,and, most obvious of all, it is not on our side.
If you’re still subscribed to this blog you likely already know this. Proofs of the media as unified disinformation block are legion, absurdly so, but it may be worth the words/your time to point out examples that I believeI uncovered myself. Also, for what it’s worth, the following are two lessons in critical thinking. I suspect you’ll see the connection to the matter at hand:
My video exposing the Sikh temple shooting is one.

…To sum up the media aspect (if you just viewed it or not): I meander a bit so let’s see how simple the issue really is: None of the media reported on the shooter’s car being at the scene, which means it in fact was not at the scene, which means someone drove him there, which means he had accomplices, which means he wasn’t a ‘lone nut’ (as was reported by everyone, parroting the FBI), which means all the media got their marching orders from the same source, since a ‘mistake’ like failing to mention how the shooter got to the scene cannot have been made independently by a dozen or so outlets. Not possible.
A more recent example of ‘unified disinformation’ is the shoot down of MH Flight 17 over the Ukraine. For the first 48 hours – according to every media report, without exception – all anyone knew was that the aircraft blew up at cruising altitude (around 35,000 feet). That’s it, period. All they knew for two days. Yet it was referred to as a shoot down from that first ‘breaking news’ report to this day. No one thought to mention that it might have been a bomb on board.
This may not seem like much (and indeed, no one else, not even of the alt media, has brought this up) but it’s a dead giveaway of two things:
As with the Sikh temple shooting (and every other big news event), all the media got their orders on how to tell the story from the same source and ahead of time. I hope you’re ahead of me here, but every flight that has exploded at high altitude has done so via an explosion on board; a bomb with Pan Am 103, which exploded over Lockerbie, Scotland in 1988; and a ‘fuel tank spark’ with TWA 800 (that this is a transparent lie is not the point here), plus many others. The reason a bomb was never even mentioned in the MH 17 reportswas that a forensic analysis would have taken weeks or months (as it did with TWA 800, say).
They wanted to blame the Russians immediately. Which they did. This is why the bomb possibility was not mentioned.
So: MH 17 was shot down by western intelligence, almost certainly NATO. The relevant higher ups in the media knew it was coming and had the story prepped. Had they not had foreknowledge someone might have blurted the bomb likelihood in the breaking news broadcast, which would have been disastrous. (Think about it: a plane blows up at 35,000 feet and you immediately say it was ‘shot down’? Does that make any sense at all?)
What bothers me most about the above two events and their coverage is that it really does appear that I’m the only one who saw the events as involving direct media complicity, and why this was obvious. Which indeed begs the question: What sort of alt media do we have that no one noticed the implications of these anomalies? (If you or someone you know noticed, please be in touch. Likewise, if you have a different – possibly ‘innocent’ – explanation for either events’ coverage, fire away; but, please, if your comeback is that these are not actual ‘mistakes’ or anomalies, I’d rather not hear it. Again, you have to explain how they all made the same ‘mistake,’ told the same lie by omission.)
In the case of THS, of course, there were a few folks way ahead of me. Good for them!
But moving on: Why? Why do they so desperately need a Stephen Hawking to sling their BS? No, it cannot be just ‘for the money.’ Why TPTB of this world (or whatever force it is that directs them) do what they do is an intensely complex question; in the sense of our future it is the question. Insofar as the current matter can be separated from some mega-agenda(s), we will attempt to do so. So, aside from ‘the money,’ I believe there are two over-riding agendas regarding BS (THS being just one aspect of overall BS, Bullshit Science); why it’s so important that we believe it:
1) We are not allowed to know the true history – evolutionary, cultural, historical – of our species. Our continuing ignorance is in part an aspect of what we might call TPTB’s ‘occult agenda’ – ‘occult’ here meaning more than just ‘hidden,’ but truly occult, in the dark, supernatural sense. Anyone who doubts that the people who run the planet are pagan/satanic lunatics need only look into where they take their summer vacations, i.e., northern California’s Bohemian Grove, and how their ‘Cremation of Care’ initial ceremony goes. (For a truly horrifying illustration of the occult agenda pick up The Most Dangerous Book in the World; 9/11 As Mass Ritual. Read this Amazon Reader Review for a vibe…
2) There likely is a breakaway technology supporting whatever Breakaway Civilization (Richard Dolan’s apt terminology) TPTB are working on. Whether this technology (especially ‘free energy’ and non-chemical propulsion) has been developed via the standard model principals of physics (unlikely) or not (and/or back-engineered from alien devices) is less important than their obsession with keeping it from the rest of us. For an overview of this ‘Breakaway Civilization’ check out the videos from the recent ‘Secret Space Program Conference’.
But back to the Hawking switcheroo (THS).
Finding (or in some sense, ‘creating’) a replacement could not have been easy, and is a clear indication of how important the BS is. I mean: did they locate some poor sap that looked like Hawking then, after however many months of mind control, physically debilitate him, i.e., fuck him up?
Probably not. It’s more likely that the Hawking we see sitting in the wheelchair staring out at us while a voice (an American accented one, which is interesting) tells us we better pay taxes on the air we breathe (global warming) and meanwhile beware of little gray hostile men (not to mention spin fantasies about collapsing stars and expanding universes) is a professional, an actor, possibly with mime training. (Remember Daniel Day-Lewis’s amazing performance in My Left Foot? Or even good old Leo DeCaprio in What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?)
The old switcheroo has been a Matrix mainstay for centuries, if not millennia. Lately, look into who we really put on trial and then hung in Iraq; it certainly wasn’t the Saddam we put in power back in the 1970s. (Again, the teeth were the giveaway, as was his wife, who left screaming ‘Where’s my husband?’ when they let her visit the prisoner during the trial.) Sandy Hook, the town itself, was so loaded with role players and actors, truly bad actors, most of them, by the way, that SAG (Screen Actors Guild) probably considered opening a local branch. Ditto the Boston Marathon extravaganza. Not to mention Paul McCartney’s likely switcheroo in 1966… the list goes on and on.
I don’t mind burning words on the THS issue, given how closely connected it is with Electric Universe, which is my real interest lately. THS is an indication how important BS is in TPTB’s long-run agenda (whatever it is or will evolve into). And likewise they are desperate to keep E.U. marginalized. I did my best to warn Dave Talbott and Wallace Thornhill of this via email and in person at the conference but I suspect they perceive me as part of the fringe of E.U. supporters. What they don’t realize is the extent to which TPTB will go to keep us in ignorance. Brilliant as these folks are, they don’t have a clue on this vital subject. Evidence of this is that Michael Shermer – the most blatant government shill of all of them – was invited to speak and participate in the panel discussion.
The cancellation of my talk at the conference was my doing, by the way. I realized that E.U. is still of the mind that mainstream science will ‘come around’ if E.U. just keeps ‘being right.’ A lot of what I wanted to say was either stuff they either don’t want to hear or at least don’t want publicly associated with E.U.
(A discouraging sign is my recent conflict with the moderator at the Electric Universe Forum: I had a thread frozen because I’d referred to the Apollo moon landing fraud; just mentioned it in passing in a post that dealt with a different issue. ‘We don’t allow conspiracy theories,’ I was told. More to come on this…)
But it’s the E.U. being right part that I hope you’re currently most concerned with. I mean with all the BS (and regular bs) out there, the search for genuine truth, truth about our history and the history of the shebang, gives us a reason for getting up in the morning.
As usual I’m running long on this post – although I hope you’re keeping in mind the trucker/mountain story, and, natch, the dinosaur/gravity problem.
As mentioned, the above was written a few weeks back. Truth is, I’m just not sure about THS issue (other than the fact that Hawking’s physics is balderdash). Feedback welcome. Meanwhile, here’s another Postcard…