Too Obvious?

I took the time to actually watch the House impeachment remarks/vote (90% of it) and found myself shaking my head and repeating over and over ‘so now we know how it really works.’

What happened at the House session tells us that however bad we thought it would soon get, we weren’t even in the ball park.

I’m first going to say some obvious stuff, pretty much just to get them on the record, stuff that may result in your wondering what my point is, but bear with me, so my reaction to listening to these sacks of human refuse (including the two or three that seemed to stand up for democracy) is perfectly clear.

Not one of the scumfucks quoted the Trump speech at issue (as ‘inciting’ anything). No one even actually mentioned the ‘speech’). See, had they even uttered the words ‘Trump’s speech’ then the phrase ‘peaceful and patriotic’ (Trump’s main incitement) might come up. 

Only a small handful brought up the BLM/Antifa riots and looting from the summer, or mentioned that virtually all those voting to impeach had incited those actions, either outright or through silence. This is unbelievable, no?

Not a single republican mentioned any of the evidence of election fraud — including billions-to-one stats that directly proved fraud. Nor did they mention that the judges who ruled against Trump’s motions did so for reasons of ‘standing’, i.e., no evidence was considered by any judges. This is out of 62 cases (I think, but correct me if I’m off by one or two). 

Many used the excuse that a successful impeachment would rule out Trump’s running for office again, as if that was actually relevant to whether he committed a ‘high crime or misdemeanor’.

Problem is that none of them (including the repubs) want to give the electorate a choice on another Trump election. And they figure the next election would be a little harder to steal. A little bit. Or maybe not. In any event, no choice for us. (Not that I would vote under any circumstances.)

Not one scumfuck suggested a criminal trial after Trump leaves office in a few days, which, assuming a guilty verdict, would also disallow Trump from holding office, since he’d be a felon. This is significant.

I mean, why not? Wait for him to become a civilian then put the fucker in jail! Why did no one suggest this?

In fact, an actual jury trial is the most frightening eventuality any of these scumfucks (including the Repubs) could imagine. Why? Because all of Trump’s allegations re election fraud would be examined to see if he was actually lying in his speech. It would all go on the record so even the idiots from Eastern Long Island would notice. And they’d have to quote his ‘peaceful and patriotic’ ‘incitement’ verbatim, right in front of a jury. 

Addendum: I took the time to read the transcript of Trump’s speech and as most of you know, he mostly blabbed about his accomplishments and defined some of the election frauds. The closest he came to a call for action was the suggestion that his followers walk down to the Capitol and make their views known… right: ‘peacefully and patriotically.’

No wonder no one quoted his speech.

No. A trial will never happen. Never. 

And of course the likelihood (the guarantee, actually) that the ‘riot’ was a PTB set up, still another false flag event, never came up. 

Cui bono, anyone?


The censorship of our president (PTB clown that he is) and everyone else was hardly touched upon, but when it was, it was via the rhetoric that had me up and pacing, looking out at the wasteland for low flying black choppers/drones and camo-ed personnel carriers zero-ing in on my sorry ass…

…fuck… sorry… anyway, the rhetoric was enough to make Georgie O blush. Truly, the more vicious the assaults on civil liberties, the more phrases like…

‘…stand up for democracy’… ‘make democracy safe’… ‘the American way of life’… ‘the attack on our values’… ‘Trump’s terrorist supporters’… and on and on…

This is BLM. Get the point?

This was doublespeak at its most obvious. 

And, aside from the facts of the voter fraud,  one would think that someone would have brought up the Biden Family’s involvement with the Chicoms, the Ruskies, and the Ukrainians, how lunatic it is to believe that JoJo and Hunter ‘never discussed’ Hunter’s foreign business dealings, not on the plane rides back home nor around the dinner table. What?!

What the fuck is he doing ON THE PLANE to begin with?

Addendum: Simple questions: What was Hunter doing on Air Force Two on those trips? Why the photos of him waving with dad getting off the plane? (To impress his commie biz partners, of course.) How moronic would you have to be to believe they didn’t discuss the billions Hunter would take in?

And this doesn’t even count the actual evidence, the laptop, the testimony from Hunter’s associates, and so on.

The next President will literally be under the thumbs of these foreign powers. Blackmail. And the old fuck is almost certainly a pedophile. Talk about blackmail.

And he’s quite obviously in the early to mid stages of dementia. What? Yes. 

That no one brought any of this up is beyond nuts. It’s insane. 

And all of this goes double for the mainstream media. And the tech giants. And… (I know, this is all a given, you all know this stuff, but I have to put it on the record.)

But it was the formal niceties, the strict adherence to parliamentary  rules of order, as in ‘The chair recognizes the gentleman from blah blah’ and ‘The fucking gentlewoman from blah blah’ and ‘Please direct your remarks to the chair’ and so forth crapola that made me fucking nauseous.

As if formal niceties would distract us from the fact that these people are scumfuck traitors. Jesus. I can’t even write this without getting up and pacing around. Gus is giving me the doggy eyeball.

A riot? Compare it to BLM’s work.

Look, if you look at the predictions I made back in February/March, you’ll see that none of what’s happening should come as a surprise to me, but what I didn’t really take into consideration was how many… the brute number… of… people (?)… be they semi-insiders (like the scumfucks in Congress) or street goons or party hacks that would have to be involved, be they active agents or useful idiots. The numbers.

You really have to think about this. One example among many and which surfaced recently (I mean for me) was the Boston Marathon bombing back in 2013. If you haven’t you should read Dave McGowan’s treatise on this one; it’s a humdinger. If you do, while reading keep in mind the number of lowlife scumfucks that had to have been directly involved. More than dozens. Scores. And hundreds more must have been privy to the fraud. The same of course goes for any of the frauds, say, since and including 9/11. (Be quite a list, wouldn’t it? For another time.)

And of course if anyone came forward: How would we know?

Events are accelerating and what you all can do for our mutual benefit is to continue posting relevant links in the comments. I’ve come across at least a dozen important or instructive links in the past week but I’ve had more Mac trouble and was too distracted and outraged (at Apple) to make note of them. 

What is this lying sack of dung grinning about?

For example, I occasionally listen to the idiot mole Alex Jones, mostly to see what other controlled op/stooges he puts on, and came across Steve Pieczenik claiming that a military coup has already taken place and that hordes of swampers will soon be in custody, with Trump remaining prez. He assured Alex that if he is wrong about this he will never come on the show again. Whoppee!

But who knows. We’ll see. I have to admit, it’s interesting to be alive and awake right now.

I think I’ll stop here. One thing at a time. I’ll try to get to my view that Trump is as much a part of this massive psyop as Biden or any of them. This would explain everything. What Trump does or does not do in the next week or so will tell us the truth on this.

But hey: Was this all too obvious? Was it of any use?


If there is anyone from Montauk/East Hampton reading this, please contact me. Especially if you want me to have a stroke (in surprise). From what I can see, the whole end of the island is like Invasion of the Body Snatchers. The 1950s version: ‘You’re next!’

One last thing: A name jumped out at me in all this. Of the 10 repubs who voted for impeachment, Liz Cheney was one. Yes, the daughter of the ultimate scumfuck. What does that tell you about where the PTB are going, and how they plan on getting there.

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