Trump Verdict (Final)

It appears that I was wrong in predicting Trump would get very sick and maybe die from his COVID ‘infection’ (a nasty NLP word they always use). 

What does this mean? Let’s think about it.

If you were running this black op would you have Trump make an instant recovery from COVID? Wouldn’t you have had him deathly ill at least? To really scare us? You would, unless Trump is and always has been a vital part of the op. You don’t kill your main player until the op is done. Besides, getting him actually sick would not have been part of the deal he made way back when.

Is there any other explanation for his quick recovery? Let me know if you come up with one.

How’s that for grey in your beard? (‘WTFU’ means ‘wake the fuck up.’)

The election itself is either already fixed or it doesn’t matter. Having said that, I’ll go out on still another limb (I know I’ve already broken one) and predict this about the election: It’s been set up to be very close and, further, the results will be unclear for some period of time, and by design (via agents provocateur and A.I. run cyber crapola) there will be rioting and so forth that will make BLM/etc. look like a day at the beach. This will still further divide us, plus discredit the very office of the presidency. It may even lead to de facto civil war/martial law.)

It’s with this in mind that I now look at Trump’s ‘COVID’ case: It will have no appreciable effect on the election itself. If you doubt me on this, try to find someone who changed his/her vote because of it. (Via confirmation bias it only re-enforced existing views.) Plus, the few that were affected will pretty much balance out, i.e., some will see it as a plus for Trump, about the same number as a minus. 

For me, the important aspect of Trump’s COVID outcome is that it is the final straw in my view of Trump. He is as much a part of the PTB agenda as Biden, Fauci, or anyone else. Total puppet and from the get-go. Forget about any lingering thought you may have had that Trump is for real. (Yes, I was also wrong in branding Trump ‘less manageable’ than Biden.)

From the beginning the whole Trump imbroglio was theater, including the media’s bizarre, over the top partisonship.

As Logan suggested to me, the dead on, final proof of this will come after the election, especially if Trump wins. As with JFK and exiting Vietnam, after the election Trump will have no excuse not to tell the truth (or some truths) about COVID. (It’s on the record that JFK was waiting until after the 1964 election to pull everyone out of Nam.)

Yeah, I’m still shooting the skies every night.

The above doesn’t even take into account that germ theory is almost certainly another crock, but take masks for example. Can anyone come up with an excuse for Trump not spilling the beans about all the peer reviewed studies showing that masks do more harm than good? Really, think about it. Why wouldn’t he do that? With his bully pulpit and with the truth on his side this information could only do him good, and a lot of it. (Although there is a lot of truth of COVID that he isn’t telling us, this detail is the most blatantly obvious, and harped on by the media.)

Addendum: How about if Trump responded to a reporter’s reference to the 1918 epidemic with a question of his own: ‘Did you know that that outbreak was never shown to be contagious?’

In any event, if after the election he sticks to his mask and vaccine and so forth bullshit, doesn’t fire Fauci and the rest of the lying psychopaths, and so on and so forth — let alone his total failure in ‘draining the f-ing swamp’ — we will know what he is. (If someone apparently has nothing to lose by telling the truth yet does not, can’t we assume he’s working from a secret agenda?)

Although I have been slightly on the fence on this issue, I’ve always leaned heavily in this direction, but go ahead and say you told me so if it makes you feel smart. But consider it done: In ACW’s view, Donald Trump is a full blown agent of the PTB. You can quote me on that.


Another thing The Donald could mention but doesn’t: According to the CDC his chances of dying (as an infected person) were about 1 in 5,000. If you are half his age, say, the chances are statistically ZERO.

My only excuse for not screaming the above from the rooftops as guaranteed from day one (before the 2014 election) is simply that I too have been taken in by the media’s unrelenting hostility toward The Donald. Hey, if the media hates him he must be okay kind of thing. In spite of the obviousness of the truth.

One more thing: If Trump suddenly drops dead, ignore this post.




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