Woodward the Spook

Coupla selfies reflecting my mood these days.

Either tomorrow or the next day I’ll post something complex I’ve been working on but I had to get this out now. I don’t know what is going on with Tucker Carlson and Fox (which  of course work for the PTB). Carlson has been telling us some fairly deep truths over the past few months but tonight he outdid himself. He spilled some beans that I would never in a million years expect to come out of a mainstream outlet.

He blew the whistle on Bob Woodward and Watergate. See, when Woodward helped take down Nixon he was working for the CIA, who wanted to get rid of Nixon; part of the reason for this was that Nixon threatened CIA by telling then Director Helms that he (Nixon) knew the truth about who killed JFK. (Carlson recently blurted what we all (should) know, i.e., CIA did it.) I’ve written about this before but hearing it from Carlson really blew me away.

Woodward was a spook working for CIA. From Tucker Carlson. Here it is, along with some other stuff.

Shot through my cracked windshield with cloud reflections and showing where my implants will go.

I’ll have more soon. I just hadda put this out there. I’d sure like to know what’s going on at Fox. Your theories are welcome.


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