Tyson and the National Science Foundation

Sorry about my last post but Colin Mcnamara’s public comment not only amused me (for its transparent ignorance) but, as lies always do, also aggravated me. A public response was warranted. Plus, as I mentioned, the possibility that one more person would come across the truth about Richard Grove made it worthwhile.

I don’t want to immediately move on from Neil deGrasse Tyson (and his ilk, which are many); there are still some who doubt that Tyson is a full-blown operative of the Deep State, whose job is to mislead, misdirect, and outright lie to us.

First, let’s talk about the National Science Foundation and see where that goes. The NSF is not only the ‘public voice’ of mainstream science, but the principle supplier of grant money for academia and private groups that delve into everything science-related from… well, you name it.

Our first question should be Who funds and oversees the NSF?

This 'Restricted' CIA document says it all. The NSF is an arm of the Agency.

Please enlarge and read: This ‘Restricted’ CIA document says it all. The NSF is an arm of the Agency.

Here’s a quote from the NSF’s website:

With an annual budget of $7.8 billion (FY 2018), we are the funding source for approximately 27 percent of the total federal budget for basic research conducted at U.S. colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. Note: The 7.8 billion is what they are admitting to, and does not count black budget ‘grants’ that run into the trillions. 

We fulfill our mission chiefly by issuing limited-term grants — currently about 12,000 new awards per year, with an average duration of three years — to fund specific research proposals that have been judged the most promising by a rigorous and objective merit-review system.  (My emphasis. Since we know that the NSF is an arm of the CIA, we can imagine how ‘rigorous and objective’ their standards are.)

Please read the highlighted passages at least, and notice the last line: 'Education' is Tyson's 'job'...

Please read the highlighted passages at least, and notice the last line: ‘Education’ is Tyson’s ‘job’…

Please take the time to give CIA Document RDP64-00658A000100190009-9 a read, and understand that it is the provenance of the NSF; this is how and where the National Science Foundation started. The CIA runs it. Let that sink in.

Now read the William Casey (CIA head under Reagan) quote (which you may be familiar with). I trust you understand the implications when you combine Document RDP64-00658A000100190009-9 with Casey’s statement of intent.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Now, how does this relate to Neil deGrasse Tyson? Let’s look at some other documents…

The screen grab at to the below left is a NSF grant directly to Neil deGrasse Tyson for a million and a half dollars.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

Do you think there might be a quid pro quo for the 1.5 mil? The National Science Foundation is Tyson’s boss. In other words, the CI-FUCKING A. He is a CIA operative. A disinformation agent.

Would you trust anything that came out of the mouth of someone paid millions by the CIA? 

See Tyson's name all by itself? That means the money is HIS.

See Tyson’s name all by itself? That means the money is HIS. A million and a half dollars. Get the idea?

If you look into who the NSF gives its billions to (it’s really trillions), you’ll find the names of the other Gatekeepers on the list. Like Brian Greene, Lawrence Krause (yes, the other scumbag sexual predator), Michio Kaku, Max Tegmark… and these are only (some of) the physicists. Although many of the Neo-Darwinists are useful idiots, you can add the ‘public figures’ among them to the Gatekeeper list. Oh, and anyone working in academia is either an operative (like Tyson) or a Useful idiot.

Here's one of Brian Greene's grants. In his books he thanks the NSF and the Dept of Energy for his funding.

Here’s one of Brian Greene’s grants. In his books he thanks the NSF and the Dept of Energy for his funding.

Like Colin McNamara, some of you may be thinking that my list of alt media moles/shills is an exercise in paranoia. They can’t all be dirty kind of a thing.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Do you think for one second that they didn’t plan the alt media way ahead of time? Pu-lease. Look over my past posts at the evidence. Tell me where I’m wrong about anyone I name.

But back to the mainstream Gatekeepers. See, the truth is that evidence does not indicate that the universe is expanding; the implication of this one thing is that most of academic physics is bullshit . (There are no black holes or gravity waves or Higgs bosons or… and so forth.). Einstein’s relativity theories are severely flawed, if not outright false. Neo-Darwinism is a fraud.

It’s worth the millions (plus the bunker accesses) paid to the scum like Tyson to keep these basic truths from us.

Provision 'B' makes it clear that the NSF is RUN BY THE CIA.

Provision ‘B’ makes it clear that the NSF is RUN BY THE CIA.

If the truth of physics were known, there would be no ‘energy crisis’ (and so forth).  If the truth of mankind’s history were known, the PTB would be exposed for what they really are. And we would know who and what we really are. They can’t have that.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Anyone or any group that has anything to do with the National Science Foundation is part of the system of lies, whether they know it or not. Be advised!


For those who still doubt that Tyson’s ‘bunker’ comment was an accidental truth-blurt, I’ll add some stuff below.

Here’s part of an NPR ‘Fresh Air’ interview:

DAVIES: Are we safe? Is there a realistic possibility that terrible damage is out there waiting to hit us [as asteroid]?

TYSON: Oh, yeah. For example, just a few years ago – was it 2013? – an asteroid the size of a house exploded in midair above the Russian town of Chelyabinsk. And the reason why something would explode in midair is that it’s moving so fast from space that when it goes through Earth atmosphere, it’s going so fast it’s as though it hits a brick wall. And you could do this experiment. Go 60 miles an hour down the road, roll down your window and stick your hand out the window. You’ll see how hard it is to keep your hand rigid against that wind. Your hand gets pushed backwards just by 60-mile-an-hour wind.

All those NOVA shows you've seen on PBS or Youtube? CIA sponsored lies.

All those NOVA shows you’ve seen on PBS or Youtube? CIA sponsored lies.

Now imagine you’re going 10, 15, 20 miles per second, and then you hit Earth’s atmosphere. You’re not just gently passing through it. You – all of your kinetic energy gets stopped and pumped back into you, and the only way that can manifest by doing so is for you to explode. That happened over Chelyabinsk. It created a shock wave that shattered practically every window in the town. And people standing near the windows got laceration injuries. About a thousand people were injured.

(later he goes on) …And so the problem is, something as small as a house, you only discover it when it’s too late. So yeah, I’m very disappointed with civilization that we’ve got nothing going on this.

And of course an asteroid strike is only one possibility. I listed some others in my last post, and the fact that we’re already overdue for the next extinction event. If you were a psychopathic liar like Tyson — and if you knew the reality of the danger we are in — wouldn’t you make sure you were safe?

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