Tyson and the National Science Foundation

Sorry about my last post but Colin Mcnamara’s public comment not only amused me (for its transparent ignorance) but, as lies always do, also aggravated me. A public response was warranted. Plus, as I mentioned, the possibility that one more person would come across the truth about Richard Grove made it worthwhile.

I don’t want to immediately move on from Neil deGrasse Tyson (and his ilk, which are many); there are still some who doubt that Tyson is a full-blown operative of the Deep State, whose job is to mislead, misdirect, and outright lie to us.

First, let’s talk about the National Science Foundation and see where that goes. The NSF is not only the ‘public voice’ of mainstream science, but the principle supplier of grant money for academia and private groups that delve into everything science-related from… well, you name it.

Our first question should be Who funds and oversees the NSF?

This 'Restricted' CIA document says it all. The NSF is an arm of the Agency.

Please enlarge and read: This ‘Restricted’ CIA document says it all. The NSF is an arm of the Agency.

Here’s a quote from the NSF’s website:

With an annual budget of $7.8 billion (FY 2018), we are the funding source for approximately 27 percent of the total federal budget for basic research conducted at U.S. colleges and universities. In many fields such as mathematics, computer science and the social sciences, NSF is the major source of federal backing. Note: The 7.8 billion is what they are admitting to, and does not count black budget ‘grants’ that run into the trillions. 

We fulfill our mission chiefly by issuing limited-term grants — currently about 12,000 new awards per year, with an average duration of three years — to fund specific research proposals that have been judged the most promising by a rigorous and objective merit-review system.  (My emphasis. Since we know that the NSF is an arm of the CIA, we can imagine how ‘rigorous and objective’ their standards are.)

Please read the highlighted passages at least, and notice the last line: 'Education' is Tyson's 'job'...

Please read the highlighted passages at least, and notice the last line: ‘Education’ is Tyson’s ‘job’…

Please take the time to give CIA Document RDP64-00658A000100190009-9 a read, and understand that it is the provenance of the NSF; this is how and where the National Science Foundation started. The CIA runs it. Let that sink in.

Now read the William Casey (CIA head under Reagan) quote (which you may be familiar with). I trust you understand the implications when you combine Document RDP64-00658A000100190009-9 with Casey’s statement of intent.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Now, how does this relate to Neil deGrasse Tyson? Let’s look at some other documents…

The screen grab at to the below left is a NSF grant directly to Neil deGrasse Tyson for a million and a half dollars.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

This quote is verbatim via Barbara Honneger, who was at the Reagan/Casey meeting.

Do you think there might be a quid pro quo for the 1.5 mil? The National Science Foundation is Tyson’s boss. In other words, the CI-FUCKING A. He is a CIA operative. A disinformation agent.

Would you trust anything that came out of the mouth of someone paid millions by the CIA? 

See Tyson's name all by itself? That means the money is HIS.

See Tyson’s name all by itself? That means the money is HIS. A million and a half dollars. Get the idea?

If you look into who the NSF gives its billions to (it’s really trillions), you’ll find the names of the other Gatekeepers on the list. Like Brian Greene, Lawrence Krause (yes, the other scumbag sexual predator), Michio Kaku, Max Tegmark… and these are only (some of) the physicists. Although many of the Neo-Darwinists are useful idiots, you can add the ‘public figures’ among them to the Gatekeeper list. Oh, and anyone working in academia is either an operative (like Tyson) or a Useful idiot.

Here's one of Brian Greene's grants. In his books he thanks the NSF and the Dept of Energy for his funding.

Here’s one of Brian Greene’s grants. In his books he thanks the NSF and the Dept of Energy for his funding.

Like Colin McNamara, some of you may be thinking that my list of alt media moles/shills is an exercise in paranoia. They can’t all be dirty kind of a thing.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Do you think for one second that they didn’t plan the alt media way ahead of time? Pu-lease. Look over my past posts at the evidence. Tell me where I’m wrong about anyone I name.

But back to the mainstream Gatekeepers. See, the truth is that evidence does not indicate that the universe is expanding; the implication of this one thing is that most of academic physics is bullshit . (There are no black holes or gravity waves or Higgs bosons or… and so forth.). Einstein’s relativity theories are severely flawed, if not outright false. Neo-Darwinism is a fraud.

It’s worth the millions (plus the bunker accesses) paid to the scum like Tyson to keep these basic truths from us.

Provision 'B' makes it clear that the NSF is RUN BY THE CIA.

Provision ‘B’ makes it clear that the NSF is RUN BY THE CIA.

If the truth of physics were known, there would be no ‘energy crisis’ (and so forth).  If the truth of mankind’s history were known, the PTB would be exposed for what they really are. And we would know who and what we really are. They can’t have that.

‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’

Anyone or any group that has anything to do with the National Science Foundation is part of the system of lies, whether they know it or not. Be advised!


For those who still doubt that Tyson’s ‘bunker’ comment was an accidental truth-blurt, I’ll add some stuff below.

Here’s part of an NPR ‘Fresh Air’ interview:

DAVIES: Are we safe? Is there a realistic possibility that terrible damage is out there waiting to hit us [as asteroid]?

TYSON: Oh, yeah. For example, just a few years ago – was it 2013? – an asteroid the size of a house exploded in midair above the Russian town of Chelyabinsk. And the reason why something would explode in midair is that it’s moving so fast from space that when it goes through Earth atmosphere, it’s going so fast it’s as though it hits a brick wall. And you could do this experiment. Go 60 miles an hour down the road, roll down your window and stick your hand out the window. You’ll see how hard it is to keep your hand rigid against that wind. Your hand gets pushed backwards just by 60-mile-an-hour wind.

All those NOVA shows you've seen on PBS or Youtube? CIA sponsored lies.

All those NOVA shows you’ve seen on PBS or Youtube? CIA sponsored lies.

Now imagine you’re going 10, 15, 20 miles per second, and then you hit Earth’s atmosphere. You’re not just gently passing through it. You – all of your kinetic energy gets stopped and pumped back into you, and the only way that can manifest by doing so is for you to explode. That happened over Chelyabinsk. It created a shock wave that shattered practically every window in the town. And people standing near the windows got laceration injuries. About a thousand people were injured.

(later he goes on) …And so the problem is, something as small as a house, you only discover it when it’s too late. So yeah, I’m very disappointed with civilization that we’ve got nothing going on this.

And of course an asteroid strike is only one possibility. I listed some others in my last post, and the fact that we’re already overdue for the next extinction event. If you were a psychopathic liar like Tyson — and if you knew the reality of the danger we are in — wouldn’t you make sure you were safe?

  47 comments for “Tyson and the National Science Foundation

  1. Krustysurfer
    January 15, 2019 at 5:06 pm

    “They can’t all be dirty kind of a thing……….
    ‘We’ll know our disinformation campaign is complete when everything the American Public believes is false.’”
    IMHO I will say almost ALL OF THEM because it takes time $$$ and resources= Agenda and the way the algorithms are skewed towards directing the gullible and like minded towards their websites YT and Social Media pages well it reeks of a giant False Flag/ Gas Lighting/Deep Sea Phishing operation! many levels many Players all fighting to be the most Adored and the most Sanctified……
    (please excuse me while i digress)
    Human Ego is predictable for the most part (save for a few who are born wired differently Indigenous, ADHD, and ASPYS spectrum children especially) so easily manipulated because of Indoctrination from birth. Those mentioned above do not do so well in this Babylon System always making trouble for the rulers/ controllers/ overseers/ gatekeepers……… there are pills and procedures for the Non compliant!
    God Bless The Parents who refused to Medicate and Indoctrinate their Children and turned them Loose into Nature to seek truth and balance -The Surf was a good Mother for a few of us huh Allan 🙂 problem comes when we open our mouths to share the conflicting Narrative that we observe of this Babylon system we are forced to dwell in….. The Waves the Mountain Peaks the wide open spaces and Ocean is where Solace exists and the still small voice can still be heard helping us navigate the Morass ….. Hopefully we can get a few souls to wake up and come along for this great cosmic adventure that we are on!
    Thank You again Allan for Exposing the Dooshbaagery ! Blessings Love and Aloha -T

  2. Fast freddy
    January 13, 2019 at 3:26 pm

    It is an absolutely preposterous construction that the CIA has anything to do with the NSF – that it would have a direct relationship with it -and in particular its funding – is absurd in every way immaginable.

    Yet, it does. The CIA controls the NSF.

    There is sufficient information available in the public record for anyone who is interested in knowing the indefensible, nefarious actions of the CIA.

  3. drud
    January 13, 2019 at 1:01 am

    Not much info but the thruster reference is here


    Seems thrusters would help if the rocket isn’t moving fast as the only resistance would be the rocket itself. What if the computers on the rocket are so dialed in that they account for this sideways movement and they place the rocket off target and the last move is to balance the rocket and place it on target?

    Here is a vectored engine landing or fake landing. start- 2:30


    You would need to know which way the wind is going blow in order to make a super realistic holographic landing/ take off as you couldn’t have the exhaust billows going in the wrong direction with astute people watching. Since you hang around campfires you know how fickle campfire smoke is.

    Here is what I wanna know. Are these reptilians real? I’m at 80% believable


    • January 13, 2019 at 10:26 pm

      Actually, the ‘wrong wind’ tell has shown up in several Spacex videos. I didn’t bother to mention them b/c other stuff was much more compelling. What you are talking about is continuity, or rather continuity errors. One of my videos shows this clearly. You can probably see that the wind doesn’t match either, if you look closely:

    • drud
      January 14, 2019 at 8:03 pm

      I’ve looked at the alien site in full. What seems fishy to me are the x ray pics of the ribs showing ‘o’ as if a cut bone in a side view of the creature and the square nature of the ribs which looks like a 90 degree bend. That and the implants that are peculiar. Not to mention the bullshitting for business world model.

      On the other hand if the creatures actually don’t have signs of assembly other than the implants what are the implications? Why are they so similar to the creature in ‘Close Encounters of Third Kind’ did Spielberg see one? Didn’t Ronnie Raygun mention how close Spielberg was to the real thing? Little serpent people offering wisdom? DNA? three fingered petroglyphs? Nazca lines? A bunch of coincidences here.


  4. Paul de Visser
    January 13, 2019 at 12:35 am

    Maybe I missed the subject/topic on this one, but it seems — reading all the comments — “we” are still arguing with each other about symptoms. Not the root of the issue.

    I would have hoped, reading Allan’s stuff and putting in the time ourselves to investigate whether his, or other, findings make sense (common sense) or not, would make it clear, at least, what it is Allan tries to achieve.

    Do the thinking for yourself. Independently. Can you truly do that?
    Use Logic. Even if it is to disprove Allan’s writings and conclusions.

    That being said. I ask you…
    If a Tyson is granted 1.5 million from a government subsidiary to do something… isn’t he in debt to those who granted the money? What if it were the Maffia instead of the government ?

    There is no difference.

    Who’s boss
    If and when the government wanted Tyson to be as free as a bird — without influence from them or any other underground parties, the government would have never used their (Pax Romana, the roman peace ideology) measure of debt against him (with the goal being: to secure their own position).

    But they did. Didn’t they?
    It is called a “grant.” They grant him an opportunity.
    and so. He’s indebted. Which means: not free. But obliged to do the will of his masters.
    a slave (with a grant, or license to act freely).

    Now this should be clear, already. no?

    Can we move on and look at the root of the mass deception (including Tyson) scheme and why it exists? Bunkers or not?

    I’d really love to talk about that.

    Why do they go at lengths to deceive us and try to keep us in a permanent state of — in lack of a better word — unrest, which is the very thing we all seek and crave for?

    • Paul de Visser
      January 13, 2019 at 12:39 am


      that should — of course be — unrest, which is the very opposite of the very thing we all seek and crave for. PEACE & QUIET (REST).

      • January 13, 2019 at 10:30 pm

        Yes, good point. If a criminal organization gives you 1.5 million dollars (and we know the CIA is that) it’s a good bet that you’ll have to do their bidding, and the bidding is apt to be …. illegal/immoral/whatever. Very simple and obviously true.

        That anyone would actually argue with this point (and not be under the employ of Tyson’s bosses) is incredible. But that’s just me.

  5. Gregory Oberman
    January 12, 2019 at 4:04 pm

    She maybe giving partial truths, but I find her credible. If this is possibe…than we can extend back into history….winners write the history…truth can often be a matter of perspective…
    Dr. Marcia Angell is the author of The Truth About the Drug Companies: How They Deceive Us and What to Do About It. “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of The New England Journal of Medicine.”

    As far as celebrity and helping with masking truths…would all artist/entertainers/athletesperformers be included…unwilling participants or willing…it’s all there to distract us and vacate us briefly from the ‘slave wage existence’ … to continue running on the wheel.

  6. Eric
    January 12, 2019 at 3:33 pm

    Allan, not necessarily related comment here, but I miss the SpaceX stuff! When I said s

    • Eric
      January 12, 2019 at 3:34 pm

      When I said hidden truths, THAT was some amazing research. Your SpaceX stuff blew me away.

    • January 12, 2019 at 4:14 pm

      As I commented recently, the Spacex fraud IS important, for its implications. I’ll repeat: this is a useful link:
      The test flights don’t bother with grid fins and thrusters, which makes proving the fraud simpler. It’s flat impossible to balance attitude and trajectory with thrust from the bottom. It’s a true sign of the times that no physicists have come forward to point this out. (Even our shill/useful idiot friend Sean won’t go near this subject.)

      I’ll also repeat a good Crothers link that likewise has important implications:
      You don’t have to use mathematical doubletalk (like Sean) to see how absurd the whole expanding space (Relativity) paradigm is. Without expanding space most of academic theoretical physics collapses. I keep repeating this b/c the implications are so staggering: for example, the tens of thousands of physics/cosmology youtube lectures (etc.) are all balderdash, when you come down to it. And they have shills/moles/useful idiots like Sean all over the place to re-enforce the lies. Ditto Neo-Darwinism, another beaut of a lie.

      By the way, I meant what I said to Sean — if he doesn’t deal with Crothers’s point on black holes, I’ll have to ban him. (Ditto if he misdirects, which I predict he’ll do.)

      • brian
        January 12, 2019 at 6:49 pm

        Hey Allan, those fins on the boosters only work while there is strong air flow moving over and threw them, like when they are moving threw the atmosphere at supersonic speeds. They didn’t have them on the early prototypes because they didn’t need them to go straight up and then straight down. The booster gimbles for the later part of the landing. I dont claim to know for sure that’s all true, but if I can come up with that, Im sure someone who know how to launch rockets could do better. I have seen a night landing, and the boosters only burn for a few seconds after separation, and then again for like ten seconds when touching down. You would not believe the speed its moving when the booster fires up for the touchdown. You really need to check it out in person.

        • January 13, 2019 at 4:44 am

          As I have said, the grid fins and thrusters are a distraction anyway — the lack of them in the tests just gets rid of that distraction. As you say, ‘The booster gimblles (sic) for the later part of the landing.’

          That is ALL they have to alter direction and keep the thing upright, and it cannot do both at the same time: The thrust gimbals one way to move laterally and it’s going to screw up the vertical attitude. And vice versa. You say, ‘if I can come up with that, Im sure someone who know how to launch rockets could do better.’ If you can come up with WHAT? Have you even tried lowering a broom to a spot on the ground while keeping it upright? Same principle. Same physics.

          And none of this even counts the absurdity of a 60 mile drop through unpredictable 200 mph jet stream layers with no airfoil surfaces to adjust trajectory.

          It seems you’re not paying attention to my observations at all. This is like the fourth time I’ve explained this, not to mention my videos.

          • drud
            January 13, 2019 at 8:52 pm

            So basically your theory is a hologram rocket leaving ground to space and back. And another hologram of exhaust billows on the ground dissipating and swirling around according to the winds of the day.

            That means there is a machine that calculates the wind and computes a pattern of exhaust form and displays the scene on the ground to full cloud dissipation that may occur for perhaps miles. At the same time this machine or another machine displays a rocket lifting off to space that also calculates the wind to make sure no one sees anything fishy like exhaust plumes doing anything unnatural. At the same time real rockets are built and real landing docks are built to uphold the illusion.

            This is so because it is impossible to land a rocket backwards do to the physics you understand and the plainly explained videos you have produced.

            Now I get it.

      • Doug
        January 13, 2019 at 6:15 am

        Allan. There are Physicists that believe Shamans are onto the key to our existence.

        There are others that claim everything is based on Holograms from Humans. We create reality in a way. Once a object is seen by a human it is changed. It goes back to if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to here is does it make any sound.

        It is quite incredible truly and it also states Einstein was wrong. Yet right but wrong if you follow. They claim that Einstein space is inside a section and then there is space outside it. I cannot explain this stuff but I can give you the names of the book. Great stuff. Yes it needs to be gone through to determine what it real etc.

        Very cool stuff though and they all believe we are much different than early Quantum Physics people went.

        Waves and Particles. Everything is waved and particles. The human psyche is the key to everything. Sorry as it’s so intense I get list. We make reality. The law of Attraction is as real as it gets. People are not even aware of the existence but many of us can look back at our lives and see events that occurred that are seemingly impossible. I know I have at least three instances where I am sure I created the reality I ended up in. That said I also believe it could not have happened any other way. Yet I cannot explain why I think that. It’s more of I believe it even though I have no evidence let’s say.

        Ervin Laszlo. What is Reality? THE NEW MAP OF COSMOS AND CONSCIOUSNESS.

        Do not skip this book. As difficult as it may be safe all your anologies until after reading it.

        Also very interesting is The Eagles Quest. By Fred Alan Wolf. This is also about the Holographic Universe and their research was with Shamans around the world who can see these links made by the human psyche.

        Wolf shows how we create everything.

        Great stuff IMO and certainly related to what you are trying to understand. Read those two books and similar stuff. Change your mind, change your life. Power of Attraction is not a tool as I see it. It is part of of existence. I know I made stuff happen that no ever could have if I did not know what I was doing would work.

        I know people that have had amazing events created by their belief of something they were planning. Not just belief though, it’s when they know it will happen and as long as other Humans are able to resonate with that bew reality it will be.

        I’m gonna ramble a bit. I know this is as close to how shit really works than I have ever been. Nothing else matters once you start to believe. It’s all a psyop to keep us busy chasing all this nonsense instead of learning to quiet the mind and find peace within ourselves. Being at peace with each other and Love to all is truly the answer. To go to that place while you feel you need to do something else is very difficult.

        I am 100% positive I do not understand how this all works. I am equally sure it’s so complex that I cannot understand while in EGO mode. The only possible way to find Love and peace is when you are your true self. A nobody. Just Being. Living in the moment with no cares and no thoughts of myself. Like a Yogi does I assume but I cannot be sure again. Eckhart Tolle I believe is a very good example of someone that seems to understand and gives good answers.

        Waves and particles. That all everything is. The vibration is what makes it all resonate somehow within each of us. It’s a giant moving field that has stronger and weaker bonds. Those that are strong and know their paths can change the direction possibly. When large groups get together they must all be on the same page and truly believe to the point of knowing.

        Their is no color in the REAL World. The eye is affecting by the waves and particles and the vibration and the brain creates to picture for you.

        But there is nothing there. It’s an illusion of sorts is my best guess. Everything is a Holographic representation. This is believe in my heart.

        Remember the 100 monkey theory. It’s how the world will wake up some day!

        Love the neighbor is the answer to everything. Love will always best these crazy people.

        • Doug
          January 13, 2019 at 6:34 am

          Sorry for all the typos. I will be more thoughtful in the future and correct my spelling b4 I post.


  7. Japers
    January 12, 2019 at 2:45 pm

    I wouldn’t get so worried about Sean peeps, he is clearly like so many who refuse to face the falseness of their reality and will defend it to the point of insanity, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. He is just an extreme case of cognitive dissonance, black will always be white to him. I think you can safely attribute the label “useful idiot” or “unwitting shill” as opposed to outright shill.
    Realising that everything you have believed to be true, and based your whole existence on, is in fact wrong can be too much to handle emotionally for some. Cut him some slack and cut him loose.

  8. Sean
    January 11, 2019 at 9:32 pm

    “My emphasis. Since we know that the NSF is an arm of the CIA, we can imagine how ‘rigorous and objective’ their standards are.”
    Anyone who has undergone undergrad senior year of mathematics could testify the level of rigor and objectiveness, for they are trained to understand what constitutes proof. Graduate studies are magnitude more difficult with intricate and beautiful details from nature and human philosophy.

    “when you combine Document RDP64-00658A000100190009-9 with Casey’s statement of intent.”
    – I would rather believe that the flat-earth movement and anti-science blogs like yours are part of the disinformation campaign than someone whose statements are constantly being scrutinized and occasionally criticized by talented people who hold professorship.

    “…mainstream Gatekeepers. See, the truth is that evidence does not indicate that the universe is expanding; the implication of this one thing is that 90% of academic physics is bullshit.”
    – My own experience tells me that ‘gatekeepers’ in the academia are tremendously more intelligent and knowledgeable in their teaching and research than any number of ‘alternative-science’ cranks.
    As for the ‘evidence’, Allan doesn’t have one bit of understanding regarding the mathematical formulation for or against the theory. And where does that ‘90%’ figure come from? Allan’s own vehicle with solar panels was designed and manufactured based on the accumulated know-how of classical and modern physics.

    “Einstein’s relativity theories are severely flawed, if not outright false. Neo-Darwinism is a fraud.”
    – Allan does not understand sophomore level linear algebra, most likely not even freshman year calculus or high school trigonometry. Yet here he is flunking 500 years of wisdom and knowledge of highly abstract nature that benefited society and enlightened generations of people.

    ‘It’s worth the millions (plus the bunker accesses) paid to the scum to keep these basic truths from us… ‘If the truth of physics were known, there would be no ‘energy crisis.’’
    – Granted there’re dark corners and short-sighted practice in various kinds of industry, medical insurance in particular. But it does not take much to fool a person who doesn’t own the intellectual rigor to undergo scientific training in the first place, let alone being taught the cutting-edge details. The false promise of ‘no energy crisis’ is just disgusting coming from a person who has contributed zero or less to society in that specific arena who’s now pretending to be an insightful vanguard of global policy making.

    • Timothy
      January 11, 2019 at 10:46 pm

      Please enough of the “intellectual rigor” BS. Another form of “appeal to authority” argumentation crap

      Look. Hundreds, if not Thousands, of people have seen very large, black triangle craft that emits no noise, can hover in place, and then take off at fantastic speeds. If “modern” physics is all on the up and up, then please explain how these craft are possible.

      Note: Even if these crafts are actually projected holograms, that itself shows that much of what we think is real is just an illusion.

      • Sean
        January 11, 2019 at 10:55 pm

        And how does any of the footage, real or faked, disprove any of the scientific curriculum?
        There’re millions of people going to magic shows annually and witness ‘phenomenons’ contradicting classical mechanics.

        ‘Authority crap’? Or you simply didn’t go to school? The very nature of mathematical training is rechecking reality.

    • January 11, 2019 at 11:16 pm

      For someone who claims he unsubscribed you’re pretty quick to devote time and energy with your ad hominems and red herrings. If you really want to make a point, let’s go one issue at a time. Relativity. Answer, point by point, Crothers in this presentation:


      Start with his interview about black holes and how they cannot exist in any of the big bang universes. If you don’t rise to this challenge I will have to assume you are a govt shill.

      • Sean
        January 11, 2019 at 11:29 pm

        I’m preparing for a sociological criminology study and your blog is of a specific kind of interest.
        I don’t need to stretch out here into mathematical arguments and reviews that will last 20 pages.
        Analogously a person claims himself to be a medical doctor but tells you that the heart is for digestion of food intake, would you spend more time checking on his surgical skills?

        Anyone here who understands college-level linear algebra I would show for him the sinister nature and fraudulent reasoning behind Crother’s ‘disprove’ of Special Relativity.
        Once a person understands the fundamental nature of Crother’s mistake, he can make a decision for himself regarding this figure in ‘alternative science’.

        That being said, I will do a point-by-point refutation of Crother’s papers in future. It needs to be done for the purpose of public service.

        • January 12, 2019 at 1:15 am

          Oh, you WILL do it, ‘in future,’ will you? I think that says it all.

        • Sean
          January 12, 2019 at 1:23 am

          Yes, I WILL. That means on my own schedule.
          Seems to me I’m so far the only one who actually have bothered to check Crother’s math line by line on one specific topic.

          Funny you dismissed 500+ years of science without understanding its fundamental language upon hearsay and now you demand that I look at every details of those frauds, which have produce no tangible products for society, and explain them to you.

          • January 12, 2019 at 1:31 am

            Crothers gives a score (or more) debunks of Relativity, any one of which is enough to shoot it down, and you claim to find ONE algebraic error… I’m tired of you… deal with the black hole/big bang inconsistency or you’re gone from this forum.

          • Sean
            January 12, 2019 at 1:35 am

            “Crothers gives a score (or more) debunks of Relativity.”

            That’s where Allan is wrong. Crother’s entire argument on Special Relativity is hinged on one effort: To derive a contradiction of non-clock synchronized stationary observer by Lorentz Transformation.

            And I know exactly where he fudged the math as commented under SkyScholar’s video.

          • January 12, 2019 at 6:34 pm

            Like I said, one thing at a time. Explain how black holes can co-exist with big bang universes (re the Crothers link I provided). As I predicted, you would misdirect. You have one more chance and that’s it.

        • WetWilly
          January 12, 2019 at 1:04 pm

          The heart IS for the digestion of food intake. It’s all about that. Turn the heart off and see how much digests going forward…

    • mellyrn
      January 11, 2019 at 11:27 pm

      It takes even less to fool a person who thinks that profound mathematical and/or scientific expertise is required to debunk sophisticated mathematical and/or scientific claims. When the great man in the white lab coat plainly contradicts himself, all his carefully-nuanced, cutting-edge, comprehensible-only-to-other-PhDs arguments are irrelevant.

      E.g., gravity: Einstein’s upgrade of Newton’s idea did not change the fact that, if gravity acts as described, then our conservation-of-energy principle is false — the theory of gravity requires sleight-of-hand with “energy” and “work” in order to reconcile the two.

      • Sean
        January 11, 2019 at 11:40 pm

        First paragraph is pure straw-man.

        Conversation of momentum is achieved in special relativity which does not much consider gravity or general acceleration. Even at this stage the theory is brilliant enough that it reconciles classical mechanics with Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory.

        General relativity generalizes the situation even more and has survived every experiment specifically designed to derive contradictions, which would nullify the validity of relativity theory in general, however difficult it is to completely master it.

        • January 12, 2019 at 1:22 am

          Is this your ‘future’ argument?

          You could not even deal with the simple idea that black holes and big bangs cannot co-exist, according to Relativists’ own premises. I assume that anyone reading this blog now understands that, and how utterly obvious is the fraud. I hope readers also see how easy it really is to expose… shills… pretentious fools? I don’t even know how to label you.

        • Sean
          January 12, 2019 at 1:32 am

          “You could not even deal with the simple idea that black holes and big bangs cannot co-exist”.

          Allan stated that the co-existing problem, if it exists, is ‘simple idea’. This speaks volume of his delusional mental state.

          Basically Allan is saying, ‘Come back to my blog when you’ve done your PhD in cosmology.’. Sorry Allan, I won’t bite that.
          For anyone who wants to independently pursue this route, I will explain special relativity to you – The rest at current stage please refer to:

          • jay
            January 12, 2019 at 2:43 pm

            disagreeable doofus,

            please answer this question: Is gravity action at a distance?

        • mellyrn
          January 12, 2019 at 12:20 pm

          First paragraph isn’t a “straw man” at all. A “straw man” is an argument. The first paragraph is an insult, in response to your own, followed by a truism.

          Allan, if Sean goes, I won’t miss him. Though he has been useful for this: I’d thought that the scientific community clung to their ideas out of the usual human inertia. But this Sean guy is making me start to wonder if They really are trying to make us swallow crap for some reason.

    • jay
      January 12, 2019 at 2:30 pm

      you are clearly an arrogant doofus.

      I”m pretty sure that Alan’s statements have a basis. Instead of being insulting, why don’t you just ask him to justify the statements you don’t like?

      I just watched 3 hours of Randall Carlson. He knows what he knows, not an expert in the field, if the word “expert” means being part of a system designed by bankers to keep all of the best info flowing toward them in a way where they’re the only ones who can get anything out of it.

      But he’s an expert for me. Why don’t you tell us about your qualifications?

      I see that you’re good at being arrogant and insulting. Did you follow a degree program in that?

      You have said nothing, really, but you’ve spoken volumes about your own lack of character.

    • Eric
      January 12, 2019 at 3:09 pm

      Allan might have exaggerated on the margins or thrown out a specific figure like 90% where there was no good reason to, but that doesn’t make the general points wrong. A whole lot of modern physics is basically the 30th branch down the tree of an idea that is actually a dead end. With flawed theory. Yet we continue funding studies to try to make the facts fit the theory, rather than the theory fit the facts.

      Your stated interest in this blog, something about your own sociological criminal academic interests, is very…creepy. Mostly I just want to tell you to fuck right off, and good luck in your career as a government agency flunky. You are the worst kind of dupe. My fear is that you came here to literally study conspiracy theory. Therefore, you are pre-programmed to consider it all crap with no truth whatsoever underlying. You even mentioned a connection to Flat Earth, which this particular blog is vehemently against.

      People like you are the worst kind of idiot. Study conspiracy theory as if it is some kind of brain disease, and so you don’t actually open your eyes to the world around you. You never stopped liking being spoon-fed food from your mother, so now you just get spoon-fed your truth by idiots like Neil Degrasse Tyson. Go watch some CNN. They will tell you what is true, and what is not, and who the crazy people are. You can write a paper about it and back them up. You just have bootlicker flunky written all over you.

      • drud
        January 12, 2019 at 6:05 pm

        The Grasshopper has cold gas thrusters near it’s base if what I read is true. The video shows white exhaust near the base that may be changing the rockets attitude if what I saw in the video was real. I do not know what the law is that makes what the rocket is doing in the video impossible.If I were a 500 ft giant I could perceivably balance that rocket from it’s base and land it safely as I can land a broom to the ground in the same manner now. What is the problem in rocketry, that can’t be overcome, in mimicking the forces of a giant’s hand to land a rocket vertically?

        • January 12, 2019 at 6:36 pm

          Simplified: Any action from the bottom meant to keep the booster erect is going to cause lateral movement that would take it off-target, yet the boosters always hit the bulls eye exactly. Impossible.

          • January 12, 2019 at 6:38 pm

            Oh, and vice versa. Thrust meant to aim at the target will upset the vertical attitude….

        • January 12, 2019 at 6:46 pm

          You say, ‘The Grasshopper has cold gas thrusters near it’s base if what I read is true.’ Where did you read that and why are thrusters absent in all the tests in the link I provided? (Not that the thrusters would work in thick atmosphere, but that’s a separate subject.)

      • January 12, 2019 at 6:49 pm

        This guy’s claim to be writing a paper or whatever on conspiracy theories is bullshit. He claims to be a mathematics graduate student, so what’s with that? He keeps lying, which implies he is a formal/paid shill. Still, good points.

      • Nigel
        January 13, 2019 at 2:07 am

        There IS a sinister side to all this Eric and there’s quite a few of these shills around the net now .Positivism is being peddling to the masses now as the only allowed methodology of inquiry and rejects other methods such as “a priori” . The issue is with positivism (Positivism is a philosophical system deeply rooted in science and mathematics. It’s based on the view that whatever exists can be verified through experiments, observation, and mathematical/logical proof. Everything else is nonexistent. In addition, positivists usually believe that scientific progress will eradicate, or at least sharply reduce, the problems facing mankind) especially in economics and the social sciences is that it’s totalitarianism in practice and progressive – socialist governments are by definition positivist.

        • January 13, 2019 at 4:23 pm

          Good comment. I’d recommend Rupert Sheldrake’s book (and lectures) on ‘The Science Delusion’ for a rebuttal re Positivism/materialism/whatever.

    • Richard
      January 12, 2019 at 11:19 pm

      Sean, thank you for almost the only atoms of truth (multiply verified experience) that appear in this blog.
      It is not worth your time to refute the arguments made.
      Don’t waste it.

      With regard to NSF, I have served on some of the panels that evaluate grant applications and there has never been an iota of input from the CIA or any other agency to bias the outcomes.

      As an admirer of Allan’s masterpiece “In Search of Captain Zero”, one of the more enjoyable travelogues I’ve read, I subscribed to his blog. For some time it was interesting, but has since degenerated into personal attacks and nonsense.

      • January 13, 2019 at 4:49 am

        This guys defends absurdities like the official story of 9/11 and the Apollo missions and every other mainstream lie and is meanwhile paid 1.5 million by an arm of the CIA, and you have a problem with me pointing this out? Okay.

        But let’s see your only point: ‘With regard to NSF, I have served on some of the panels that evaluate grant applications and there has never been an iota of input from the CIA or any other agency to bias the outcomes.’

        How do you think it would work, Richard? A spook comes in and says to someone like you, ‘I’m CIA and here’s how it’s going to go? Just how naive are you re compartmentalization? That’s the nonsense around here.

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