
Note: In the original version of this post I dealt with how the recent UFO ‘disclosures’ conflate with the subject of the origins of man. After a couple viewings of Steven Greer’s Unacknowledged, I changed the drift. Here’s how it turned out, for now. I’ll get back to the original subject soon…

One of the comments from the last post:

# IMG_2535 copy use ufo

These first two images are from a video that is hard to explain via conventional aircraft.

UFOs??? Aliens??? What nonsense! Do you have any idea how far it is just to the nearest star??? There’s NO WAY the aliens could get here in their covered wagons!!!

I didn’t think there would be anyone still on this blog who would react to the issue this way, but if there is one, there probably are more (no, not like cockroaches!). I can tell by the tone that Larry C is not going to understand the difference between ‘UFO’s and ‘aliens’ no matter how well I define it; that he automatically conflates the two and assumes that relativistic physics is the law of the universe is further evidence that I might as well just move on. (Larry, you once offered to send me a book, which was nice of you. I’m now curious about the book. What’s the title? Was it meant to ‘straighten me out’?)

# IMG_2820 copy ufoA worthwhile book for UFO ‘beginners’ and/or ‘skeptics’ like Larry C is Dolan’s UFOs For the Twentieth Century Mind, which sums up the most inarguable evidence for the existence of ‘a UFO phenomenon.’ And although – as you’ll see below — I have severe doubts about Steven Greer, his film/book Unacknowledged should put to rest ‘covered wagons’ nonsense. )

Whether UFOs are indeed beings from another planet (or even galaxy) or are controlled by advanced human technology (back engineered or not) or are ‘not from here’ in some other sense (time or trans-dimensional travel), their existence is not arguable, not to me, anyway.

Here’s a video from a while back. Looking at it again, I’m not so sure it was lens flare: the movement of the orb doesn’t fit with ‘flare.’ Plus I have several more video images like this one.

# nov 20 UFO copy use

This one I truly cannot explain. I was inside with the camera on time lapse so I didn’t see it live. 10 second exposure time. Whatever it was, it started from many miles away.

Aside from the mountains of evidence exposed by folks like Dolan and Greer, I myself have seen aerial-objects behave in a way that is difficult to explain, and seen many more crafts that were improperly lit (unlikely to be conventional aircraft); and there are so many other witnesses, most of which have no reason to lie – and too many to blame it on PTB stooges – that we really have a genuine conundrum here, worthy of some deep contemplation.

Given the over all drift of this blog, I’d prefer if those skeptical of the ‘existence of UFOs’ please back off: If you really feel this way, you cannot have done your homework. Let the rest of us deal with the implications un-harassed by the wrong sort of doubt. (Yes, Dolan, Greer and the whole SSP crew are likely LHs, but the sheer volume of eyewitnesses, declassified reports/documents, visual imagery, plus logic of the issue, make the idea that UFOs are a complete hoax highly unlikely.)

And if you need recent evidence (if not outright proof) that someone is ignoring relativity and doing aeronautical maneuvers Albert claims they ain’t allowed to, just take in the recent ‘tic tac’ incident (see my previous post), and combine it with, say, the thousands who witnessed the ‘Phoenix Lights’ back in the 1990s (including the governor of the state): Included in this mass-sighting were eye-witnesses plus radar returns of an object the size and basic shape (i.e., non-aerodynamic) of an aircraft carrier hovering silently then taking off and disappearing at mach-whatever, in theory creating G-forces that would turn solid matter to jelly… in other words, Einstein’s gravity went bye-bye.

This is from the credit sequence. This imagery of astronaut White has been shown to be a fraud.

This is from the credit sequence. This imagery of astronaut White has been shown to be a fraud.

Last night I watched Greer’s Unacknowledged once more, this time to concentrate on aspects of the subject that a state LH or mole would definitely not want to expose. There was a lot. Which is confusing. Why?

Greer not only blithely and often backs up the official Apollo story but brags that his uncle was on the Grumman team who built the lunar excursion module (LM or LEM).

Family ties to a state mole or LH is possibly the most common way of becoming one, both logically and in practice. But the thought that Greer’s film is a fraud, or even a LH, is difficult to accept, if one thinks about it.

Let’s do that, i.e., think about it. (But first, if you haven’t viewed my radio interview-plus imagery on Apollo 13, please do so.

Those of you who still think we went to the moon on the Apollo missions, please explain all of my points from this radio interview. (Since my argument is cumulative, any one of my points is enough to expose the fraud. Cherry picking is fallacious reasoning.) Please pay special attention to my proofs that the LM could not possibly have done what they claim. (‘You could poke your finger through the hull’ and so forth, said by multiple NASA big wigs.)

Credit sequence. A few frames of the Manson girls: Why pick an image giving us the 'eye'? Just sayin'...

Credit sequence. A few frames of the Manson girls: Why pick an image giving us the ‘eye’? Just sayin’…

Back to Steven Green, MD. A big part of his movement (‘The Disclosure Project’) involves the Secret Space Program (SSP) that has been going on at least since WW2, possibly before that. Greer (plus the whole SSP crew, which I have dealt with in past posts) is telling us that black project anti-grav crafts have been zipping around the solar system since no later than the 1950s. Although he avoids saying it, the implication is that these crafts have been to the moon.

Got that? This is what the man says, and he has the evidence to back up the claim (watch his movie!). Yet – and this is always in the context of other issues – he tells us that when we ‘went to the moon,’ we did it on board the Apollo chemical rocket system. (And he will usually add about his uncle and the LM.)

Please tell me you understand that this makes no sense. Not that there is a small problem here, but that it is literal nonsense, especially given the amount of independent evidence of fraud.

greer 3 trumanSteven Greer’s uncle helped design and build a ‘spacecraft’ that you could poke your finger through, but which three astronauts lived aboard for three days (Apollo 13, returning from the moon), with no climate control aside from a tiny fan. (Please do take in my Apollo 13 radio interview.)

There are some number of moles keeping an eye on this blog, as we’ve seen. I would ask them to please debunk my Apollo 13 video. Start by explaining how three humans could survive in space for three days with nothing but a three-ply Reynolds Wrap ‘room’ protecting them from the vacuum/radio activity of space.

If this cannot be explained, then Steve Greer, MD must be a state operative. Or are we to believe that a man – an obviously brilliant man — who has done his degree of research into space travel would not understand that Apollo was a fraud?

# IMG_6226

Where I am now. No. Yesterday…

And again, yes, this goes for Richard Dolan, plus the whole SSP crew, all of which also (usually casually) tell us that Apollo was as advertised.

And yes, I’ve said this before. The reason it bears repeating here is the context of the ‘disclosure’ we’ve recently been subjected to via the mainstream and alt media. And also because it’s just so flat important. As important (and true) as the Greer information is (via his movie), we have to assume he (and of course the mainstream media) is working under orders.

What is going on here? Can we expect a fake false flag alien invasion? Or is something else in the works? Unacknowledged came out in 2017, within months of the New York Times UFO article, plus the media storm that followed. Was this a coincidence? In the film (and elsewhere) people claim they were afraid for their lives if they spoke out. Now the lid seems to have come off the subject. Why? Why now?

Please view the film and think about these questions, plus any others that come to mind. Let ‘er rip in the comments section. (Inspire me to think out of the box!)


Oh, here’s some imagery from my campsites in the first week of October:


Yeah, a bit sloppy. I’m trying to think of a story to hang my imagery on.

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