Unraveling the Illusion

Gus and I are ensconced in New Mexico canyon country and last night experienced some very serious wind. I’m talking earth-shaking, ear-popping, howl-to-shriek, Gus-bolting (from up front to under the covers with me in back) fucking wind, Jackson. The Venturi effect of the topography didn’t help (the narrowing of the canyon as if it were a rock-strewn jet engine); I talked to a Park Ranger a while ago who said around midnight they registered a gust of 98 mph at the station down the road.

Last night the wind gusted at 98 mph down the canyon.

Last night the wind gusted at 98 mph down the canyon.

The Ranger was an affable young guy with a country twang, although he didn’t get the joke when I changed the subject by pointing to the cartoon sign with a dog on a leash and a red line through it a few yards away at the Guadelupe Trailhead, with me opining that it was really nice of the park to reserve areas where dogs are free to run unfettered by leashes. (I pointed at the red line, which ran diagonally through the leash).

I was nodding uncertainly as the officer very patiently explained that the sign meant no dogs at all are allowed on the trail into the Guadelupe Mountains (as pristine an outback as you’ll find anywhere), me with narrowed eyes and feigned confusion. See, I have a thing about unwarranted rules and regulations, let alone utterly stupid ones, especially in wild places, and most especially fucking signs in wild places informing me of said stupid unwarranted rules and regulations, and I’ve found one way to express this displeasure is through reasoned debate as to the apparent meanings of the signs; this relegates my actual point to subtext, where important thoughts do their best work. ‘See, officer,’ says I, ‘I would think you’d have a sign depicting a dog without a human, let alone a leash, and a line through it if you mean No Dogs Whatsoever. The presence of the leash confuses the meaning of the sign, if you think about it.’

See how the red line crosses the leash? See my point?

See how the red line crosses the leash? See my point?

Had the officer been aware that he was in a battle of the wits, not the victim of some friendly irony he might’ve pointed out that a dog on his own is unlikely to understand the meaning of the sign I described (a dog on his own) and therefore the sign in question would have no effect on the dog’s behavior. (To which I might have replied: ‘Exactly my point! So why put up the sign anyway!’)

Who knows where the conversation might’ve gone from there, but as it was I raised my hand as if to redirect the drift of it and owned up to my theory that the reason there are so many unwarranted rules and regulations (like no dogs in the outback wilderness) in the good old U.S. of A. is to get the population conditioned to following orders, no matter the nonsensicalness of the orders. My tone was low and mellow, maybe with a touch of sadness: I knew I was skirting a fine line with this uniformed federal employee, sidearm equipped in case deadly force is called for, and a strapped-on two-way radio if back up is needed.

‘I mean can you tell me the point of not allowing dogs, on or off their leashes, on that beautiful trail?’ Here my tone was as mellow as I’m capable of mustering.

The Park Officer thought about it for a moment then actually said this: ‘Yeah, it’s a dumb rule.’

Victory. A small one, yes, but a victory still. A hundred million more like this and maybe we’ll get somewhere.


A couple of you have emailed wondering about my… ‘obsession’/’intense interest’ were words used… in what I refer to the Musk Space Fraud (MSF), especially given all the outright violence that’s been in the news of late. The shootings, staged, faked, whatever, plus the violence abroad, either instigated or outright perpetrated by forces claiming to be representatives of you and me.

'DITRH' (David Weiss) posted this video. (My point to come)

‘DITRH’ (David Weiss) posted this video. (My point to come)

As horrific as these events are, they are well covered elsewhere, if by those I refer to as possible/probable limited hangouts (LHs). Jim Fetzer is especially diligent at exposing these frauds, for example. As you well know by now, part of my interest in the MSF is based on two factors: It’s obviousness, and the fact that no one else is seems interested. As you also know, my theory is that any event or circumstance that the alt media keeps its trap shut about is likely to be of great, if not currently obvious, importance. One of my goals with this blog is to get you thinking about what’s behind this MSF.

Another reason I find the MSF worthy of my time is that it’s likely related (directly or indirectly) to the very meaning of reality. I cannot say that I know much about the true nature of the universe (real or simulated) that we seem to reside in, but I do know that most if not all we’ve been told is misleading at best. The two basic, deep tenets of science as we know it, evolution as told by the neo-Darwinists and the big bang/expanding space version of cosmology, are transparently false. The reverberations of this echo into every aspect of ‘human knowledge.’

More from Weiss...

More from Weiss…

One email that I found encouraging and even inspiring gently berated me for being tentative in my description of the FH launch as being a fraud. The writer correctly pointed out that which I’ve not stated strongly enough: It matters not how many people saw something or even filmed it. If it’s impossible, then it did not happen, not… really.

An indirect verification of this observation came in the form of a forwarded link that I hadn’t yet come across and which indeed acted as a sort of double-whammy verification of what I’ve been meaning to say with a bit more pizzazz. It was a video by flat earth asshole/deep state shill David Weiss, whom I exposed for what he is a while back. (Regarding Weiss, ‘asshole’ and ‘dumb ass’ are not ad hominem attacks; they are mere observations.)

The above video was posted by Weiss on April 1st and asserts that Musk’s Roadster launch was a hologram. April 1st was three days after I posted my video making the same accusation, and a full week since I’d made similar claims in this blog. Coincidence? Not a chance. Weiss has been keeping an eye on me since I outed him as a dumb ass and part of the flat earth psy op.

Yep, more from Weiss's April 1st video.

Yep, more from Weiss’s April 1st video.

Weiss even used some of the same footage I used in my ‘hologram’ video. As I’ve pointed out before, repeating ‘good info’ in the midst of the FE meme can have one of two results (depending on the observer’s reaction): It either discredits the link/video that actually tells the truth (like mine) or strengthens the FE psy op by damaging the ability to think critically. Take this to the bank: Somewhere, sometime, at some PTB meeting, someone said, ‘Get them to believe the earth is flat and there’s no limit to how dumbed down we can take them.’

Anyone exposed to both Weiss’s and my information is to some extent get ‘confused’; aside from dumbing us down, confusion is the main agenda of those who would do us psychological harm. There is only one defense against this:

Does this sound familiar?

Does this sound familiar?

You must be aware of what’s going on. Not just aware, but fully aware. Know not only what they are doing but why.

So I would ask you to think about this. Go ahead and watch Weiss’s video. It harbors an important truth (the MSF was done via visual trickery). But you must be aware that imparting to you actual truth is the last thing Weiss wants to accomplish. He’s a fucking psychopath but, luckily for us – and as is clearly shown my video about him — he’s also a dumb ass.

While we’re on the subject, some of the commenters on my hologram-related videos – and these are not necessarily shills – have pointed out that some of the holograms I show in my video require special glasses, as if this means the launch could not have been faked in this manner. Although the following points are made, they need to be hammered home: There are already commercially made holograms that do not require eyewear in the viewers. But more importantly, all technologies available or known to us ‘civilians,’ are decades behind those available to the PTB. This goes especially to those who witnessed Musk’s launch, and the ‘landings’ of the two side boosters. It’s no different in principle from watching a magic trick (say, by David Copperfield).

Here's Weiss's real message: Blackwash the hologram idea...

Here’s Weiss’s real message: Blackwash the hologram idea…

This, I suspect, is part of the reason the alt media has stayed away from the MSF: Once the illusion starts to unravel (the obviousness of the ‘car in space’ imagery), the unraveling of the ‘big illusion’ (the launch) may be close behind. And once people become aware that they can’t trust what they see, some of the power wielded against us is lost.

Several of you have emailed with concern that Dr. Judy Wood is on my list of suspected LHs. One of you pointed out that her not having replied to me or dealt with my evidence is not much said against her. I agree. I meant to explain the problems I have with Dr. Wood in this post but didn’t get around to it. Give me a day or so.


If you find this blog worthwhile and can afford the monthly (or one time) donation, be advised that aside from a ‘Yep’ in my subject box, a notification from PayPal that I got $3.25 in gas money also makes my heart soar like an eagle.

I ran this a while back, but maybe you missed it. Love them Talkin’ Heads: