‘War’… or ‘More’ Games by Corbett

While working on my ‘book reviews’ (Most Dangerous Book and the Moon book), I thought I’d take a moment to do a short one inspired by one of your comments. ‘SUB’, earlier today, wrote, in part:1.

1. A one hour Youtube clip by NLP Master James Corbett:https://www.corbettreport.com/911wargames/– Worthwhile to watch with a fist of salt (LH)

Corbett often reminds us visually of what he's saying: 'Hijacked'... 'Real'...

Corbett often reminds us visually of what he’s saying: ‘Hijacked’… ‘Real’…

I gave the link a look, then another, armed with my trusty notebook – as SUB himself points out, Corbett is a master of NLP (subtle and roundabout misdirection/disinformation via use of language and imagery); he’s gotten better over the years since his Kuala Lumpur lecture in support of the Pentagon official fiction. The above ‘Wargames on 9/11’ really is an advance in technique. (If you haven’t seen my Open Letter to Corbett, here it is.)

After my initial viewing, I asked myself, ‘What’s the takeaway here?’ Or what would it be for most folks? If you have the time please give it a look. Click SUB’s link or right here.

Assuming you’ve seen it: No one is going to remember the details, are they? Something about Wargames being used by the perps to… to do what? Mmmmm. Something to do with planes, right?.

Yep, looks like a real plane to me!

Yep, looks like a real plane to me!

One point that is repeated has to do with simulated radar blips, which were part of the many Wargames Corbett tells us about (too many details but this comes through clearly). There were lots of fake planes ‘flying around’ that day.

With pen and paper in hand I kept track of Corbett’s use of language in the above one-hour documentary. (Remember how I counted his use of ‘Flight 77’ — also linked above – or versions thereof in his earlier lecture? Well, James has refined his methodology since then… I’d like to think partly because of me.) Here is a bit of what I came up with:

I quickly lost count of the number of times he used the word ‘real’ or versions thereof, but it was enough to scream out ‘NLP’! The word ‘hijack’ also appeared very frequently, usually ‘near’ his use of ‘real’ (although they were not always in the same sentence). The use of the word ‘real’ while telling us that dozens or more of the radar blips on various screens that day were fake… well, it threw me off a bit, as it was meant to. Anyway, the total repetitions of ‘hijack’ (words to the effect) were just south of one hundred.

Just ask yourself what you REMEMBER from his video...

Just ask yourself what you REMEMBER from his video…

‘Real’… ‘Hijack’… ‘Real’… ‘Hijack’… ‘Real’… ‘Hijack’… and on and on it went, all the while reminding us that many of the ‘radar’ planes didn’t really exist; they weren’t actually ‘flying around.’

For me, this was significant since I know the ‘ending’ of the story (remember how I’ve repeated that ‘endings are everything’?), which is this: no aircraft (let alone jumbos) crashed into the WTC or the Pentagon (or in Pennsylvania) that day. Since there were no planes, there were no hijackings either. (Yes, folks, those ’18 Arabs’ were not even patsies, not in the strictest sense. They were complete ‘misdirections.’)

Not only does Corbett not say or show us anything that would even hint in this direction, but his repetition of ‘hijack’ along with ‘real’ accomplishes the opposite, and quite clearly, albeit on a (barely) subliminal level. I mean: With all those fake planes flying around, did it never occur to Corbett that the ‘hijackings’ were just as fake as the radar blips? Again, from his documentary, quite the opposite. ‘Real’… ‘Hijack’… ‘Real’… ‘Hijack’… ‘Real’… ‘Hijack’…

All you need to know is right here: Plane crash sites, the 'patsies'...

All you need to know is right here: Plane crash site, ‘the (fake folks!) attack,’ the ‘patsies’…

By the way, no other pilots ‘saw’ any of the ‘flights’ en route – anywhere between ‘takeoffs’ and ‘crashes’ — even when asked by control towers to look out their windscreens to where the ‘hijacked planes’ were supposed to be. I know this from other films that play back the radio transmissions. It’s sort of amazing that no one points this out.

Everything about Corbett’s documentary implies or outright says that real planes that were really hijacked were flying around that day, in spite of the fact that not a single part of any ‘wreckage’ (meagre as it is) can be linked to any of the ‘planes.’

Corbett (with the help of his editing partner, Broc West) makes good use of imagery, too. He makes sure we get plenty of views of ‘real’ airplanes, mostly American and United, just to further implant the idea of real planes with real people inside them. Likewise he peppers his production with those horrific images we remember so well from that day: Those impossible images of airplanes slicing through steel facades (and even coming out on the other side!). You know, the images you’ve seen in my ‘Walter’ video. And more! I’d left out some impossible imagery, for attention span reasons in my 12 minute film. But James has an hour and he wastes little of it.

Addendum: After reading the initial comments I’m adding this: The Wargames had several purposes, all of which were misdirection, the most important being re-enforcing the false notion that airplanes caused the damage at the WTC/Pentagon/Shanksville. There is no actual evidence except radar blips that hijacked planes flew anywhere that day, and as Corbett’s video shows, radar blips on 9/11 were ‘injected’ onto radar ‘scopes’ at the will of the perps. Corbett just ‘forgot’ to mention this (along with the above observation that no one actually saw the planes en route to their targets).

Further, as is stated, radio transmissions were likewise easily faked, so none of the radio chatter by the hijackers means anything; the ‘cell phone calls’ from passengers has likewise been debunked as impossible. But the main ‘evidence’ that no planes were hijacked that day is simple logic: Would you put the success of a mission of this magnitude in the hands of a gang of dumbass, drunken arabs, given that – with the wizardry of electronic fakery – real planes were unnecessary

Point being; Corbett’s ‘Wargames’ video is still another steaming pile of misdirectional horse shit.

He works in his fave subject: the 'plane' that hit the Pentagon.

He works in his fave subject: the ‘plane’ that hit the Pentagon.

I want to get back to my ‘book reviews’ so I’ll stop here, although I could go on. A couple quick thoughts though: As is the case with Miles Mathis (and others), Corbett’s output is truly over the top-impossible. As a writer/filmmaker you can take my word on this. Or, better, do your own calculations.

Also and this one is inspired by the commentator who calls himself ‘X’: Recall how I made fun of him because – even with the massive and esoteric secrets he harbors — he couldn’t ‘wake up’ his wife? Well, Corbett’s like that too. In an interview he let slip that his Japanese wife ‘isn’t interested’ in ‘his work.’ In fact, he admitted, she won’t even help with translations.

Lots of images like this one, just to remind you.

Lots of images like this one, just to remind you.

Assuming you believe his output, Corbett must be in front of his Mac 20 hours a day… And he can’t even talk to his wife about his world-saving open source research?

What sort of household is that? X?….


I’m on the road for a couple days so expect a bit of a delay before my next post. Also, I may be unable to moderate comments so I’d ask that you use your judgment. Try to be on topic and maybe limit your number of comments a bit. I love it that I’m inspiring some of you and all but… too many makes it difficult to follow a thread…

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